20-03-2014, 07:35 PM
I was actually thinking of those car sales when I typed the last post but didn't mention it. Thanks to these websites and DiEugenio's Destiny Betrayed I've already read about that duplicitous nest of Oswald impersonation in New Orleans etc. CIA needed to get Garrison down fast for a reason. This kind of stuff is the reason. I've read Parker before over the years on the Education Forum and found him too skeptical to the point of my wondering about his motives. He's like Martin Hay, he goes too far with the Devil's Advocacy. While I haven't read Harvey & Lee I have seen it discussed enough to lean in its favor. The real evidence of Oswald impostors and doubles in Dallas should make most objective people realize the plausibility of an even greater doubles operation going on with Oswald. At minimum Banister's being associated with use of defector Lee Harvey Oswald's name for Cuban ops is evidence of intel knowledge and use of Oswald for operational purposes. Meaning, at minimum, Oswald was much more on intel radar than the Warren Report admitted (which we already know).