24-03-2014, 06:05 PM
Lauren Johnson Wrote:David and Greg (I don't recall you, Jim, at EF) having this "discussion" at Education Forum. The signal to noise ration was pretty low, IMO. Now it's moved over here at DPF. I am hoping that all of you can try to keep it civil before the Moderators and Magda and David start having discussions.
I honor your mutual passion for truth.
OK, my question. I am not a researcher. But for the sake of my enlightenment and that of any others who are out there puzzled, could you three try to clarify what is at stake for you all. Maybe you could include something about the some of the basics about what you DO agree on? Would this take too much work?
Lauren... I'm simply doing the job Charles would have done if someone began trolling the boards here as Parker is doing....
He appears to have some thorn in his paw over H&L... and yet, when given the opportunity to actually do something constructive, he uses evidence which has nothing to do with the questions at hand to make arguments that are easily refuted.
Yes, I dealt with him at EF... In the almost 2 years since I've increased my understanding and knowledge about the H&L evidence beyond anything he can comprehend...
I've seen where I made mistakes in coimprehension, and I've seen where there is much more evidence supporting this creation than he cares to acknowledge or even READ for that matter.
Do we at least see it as fair that he READ THE BOOK before he condemns it's conclusions and supporting evidence?
That he acquire the CD which has many of the documents and photos?
That he visit the Baylor site and look at the source materials?
Is my expecting others to do their homework before coming here to debate a topic they disagree with so out of line?
I'd urge you to go visit the links from his earlier post and get a flavor of the "open forum" with "unbiased moderators" he is so proud of sharing with us.
I am passionate about the subject - period.
I've done my homework and it is STILL complicated and difficult to grasp...
I'd think that by now the moderators here would be able to spot a troll and his tactics in a heartbeat...
As I do not see that yet happening with the posts Mr Parker offers, I provide the evidence and the questions to flush him even more out into the open...
"Let me straighten you out yet again." - GParker
Is not a discussion and debating tactic I am aware of... but one where a closed mind with nothing to back it begins spouting opinions as facts and expects no one to notice..
Well.. I notice.
He attacks John and Jim and I as if WE created the evidence fromwhich we defend out arguments...
He attacks the interviewee's memory, when ALL non-physical evidence is based on memory..
He attacks PEOPLE Lauren, not the evidence...
And I thought that was not allowed here.
Once in a while you get shown the light
in the strangest of places if you look at it right..... R. Hunter
in the strangest of places if you look at it right..... R. Hunter