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Detailed discussion and analysis of the H&L evidence
Quote:Hah-hah! Is it STILL your contention that John Armstrong was either unaware of the Fain report or deliberately kept his readers in the dark about it? Perhaps you should scroll back up to the top of this page to refresh your memory. Where is your apology?

maybe you'd be good enough to point out where I said he was unaware of it? I said he was either unaware of the background TO the report, or was deliberately ignoring it.

Quote:The appropriate time to introduce any photographic evidence given to Fain by "Marguerite Oswald" into the official chain-of-custody for the proceedings would have during Fain's testimony. If the photo were still extant, Fain would have been shown it and asked, "Is this the photograph given to you by Marguerite Oswald?" Instead, we have this:

Mr. MCCLOY. Could you remember the photograph that Mrs. Oswald presented
to you of Lee Oswald?
Mr. FAIN. Yes, sir; I don't remember the details right now, but I believe
it was a photograph of him in the service.
Mr. M&Lox. So far as you can recollect it was in uniform?
Mr. FAIN. I just don't recall the facts.
Mr. MCCLOY. You don't recall that he was carrying any weapons?
Mr. FAIN. He was not. I am sure he was not carrying any weapons. I don't
believe, I am certain-I don't believe--he was in uniform at all. I think it was
a picture of him. The picture, as I recall it, was not a recent picture. It was
3 or 4 years old.
Mr. MCCLOY. All right.

If the photo still existed, it would have introduced it into evidence and looked at, instead of having the witness and examiner do all the guesswork above.

None of this proves that the photo was not a copy of one already known and in the records.

Quote:NOTE: When "Marguerite Oswald" testified before the Warren Commission in 1964 she
denied being interviewed by SA Fain or any FBI agent prior to the assassination. She
said, "I will state now emphatically that I have never been questioned by the FBI or the
Secret Service--never, gentlemen. "29 The FBI had interviewed "Marguerite" on April 28,
1960 (SA Fain), April 10 , 1961 (SA Fain) and October 13, 1961 (SA Jarrell Davis
in Vernon, TX.). 30 Without a doubt "Marguerite" lied to the Warren Commission, but

A prime example of why Armstrong is not to taken at his word without checking the evidence. Marguerite was denying having been interviewed by the FBI in the immediate aftermath of the assassination. Later in her testimony, she herself brings up her past dealings with Fain - as since posted by someone on YOUR side, Mr Hargroves.

Messages In This Thread
Detailed discussion and analysis of the H&L evidence - by Greg R Parker - 24-03-2014, 10:37 PM

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