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Hello! New member introduction
Lauren Johnson Wrote:RE: reddit. Can you subscribe or be alerted when a particular user posts? Mind sending me an IM of people you like the best? Furthermore, invite some of your reddit pals to come on over if you like.

One disadvantage/advantage of DPF is that real names are required. A lot of people do not want to use real names, although pseudonyms are a possibility if requested and approved. We have many more guests than members reading the threads.

One thing that intrigues me is what it takes for a person to take the "red pill" so to speak. (I assume you have watched The Matrix.) It took me most of my life, and I am an exception here at DPF as far as I can tell.

I will be sure to talk about this forum and direct people here. Occasionally someone will link to a thread here and I always comment that the quality of discussion is very high and the information goes very deep. Regarding quality contributors, I think I can point you in the right direction, I will send you a message soon.

Thinking more about the 'red pill', I realize there was a long series of events leading to me waking up, zeitgeist movie, voting for Barack Obama only to see a very reactionary administration, watching some 9/11 documentaries. I remained a skeptic through that but it certainly provided the basis and context for taking the red pill later.

Also, yes! I remember that reddit thread. This particular comment ( , about apartheid in Jerusalem, was seen by over 100,000 people. That is one of the best parts of the community, being able to (occasionally) get significant exposure for these ideas.

Marlene Zenker Wrote:So glad to have you here, Timothy, we so need young people who are interested and aware. Welcome!

Thanks for the welcome, Marlene!

David Guyatt Wrote:I would also like to add my welcome too, Timothy.

And you too, David! I actually just finished reading some of your essays a couple days ago, such as Aum Shirinkyo. Very informative!

Messages In This Thread
Hello! New member introduction - by David Guyatt - 25-03-2014, 10:09 AM
Hello! New member introduction - by Timothy Silver - 25-03-2014, 02:42 PM
Hello! New member introduction - by David Guyatt - 25-03-2014, 03:17 PM

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