09-05-2014, 07:20 PM
Hi, David,
It's hard to fathom why the evidence for the Carcano and Hidell is so completely f.ed up. No doubt the plotters had to scramble for a murder weapon when Castro's friend and gun supplier Robert McKeown refused to sell a rifle to "Oswald" at the end of August '63. But the conspirators still had more than two and a half months to come up with something better than we ended up with. It's almost like they were sending a message that they had so much power they didn't even need to worry about the details.
It's hard to fathom why the evidence for the Carcano and Hidell is so completely f.ed up. No doubt the plotters had to scramble for a murder weapon when Castro's friend and gun supplier Robert McKeown refused to sell a rifle to "Oswald" at the end of August '63. But the conspirators still had more than two and a half months to come up with something better than we ended up with. It's almost like they were sending a message that they had so much power they didn't even need to worry about the details.