26-05-2014, 04:42 AM
The current Mayor of Chicago Rahm Emanual was Obama's Chief of Staff before he was elected Mayor, a fact now regretted by a majority of Chicago voters, but he has, as of this date, at least $2million in his coffers and with no credible candidate emerging as a good alternative he likely will be relelected Mayor should he decide to run again. Mr. Emanual has been closing public schools and is a, IMO, a "charter school fanatic." When he was in charge of the Demcratic Congressional Campaign Committee he went out of his way to select "pro-business" nominees rather than progressives/liberals which made him a favorite of the Democratic Leadership Council a group that had Bill Clinton & Al Gore among its founders. The goal of the DLC was to rid the Democratic Party of economic liberalism, and it has surely succeeded even though the DLC no longer exists.