31-05-2014, 01:17 AM
Drew Phipps Wrote:probably gonna take me a few edits to work through all this stuff. please be patient.
First, it appears that you hijacked your own thread. This was originally just about the gun. Now it looks like an omnibus sruvey of the evidence. I'll work my way throught it though. Your challende was not to "prove the state's case", it was to "offer a single authenticated bit of Warren Commission evidence that leads us toward Oswald's guilt"...which I did. As i cautioned earlier, I was merely answering your challenge.
About changing clothes: I never said "shirt." Oswald claimed to have changed his pants and also claimed to have changed his shirt and pants at 2 different times. You said authenticated. Since it is still an open question specifically about the shirt I didnt say shirt. It seems uncontested that he changed his pants and donned a jacket.
1) I make the comment to Bob that I realize the thread is off topic but no one seems to be challenging the SS identifying the rifle Kleins' worked with as a 36" M91TS rilfe and NOT the 40" FC.
2) What you offered I replied to... "state of mind" evidnece only works when the "facts" it is based upon can be proven... most of what you claim contributed to his "state of mind" is false, unproven and in fact proven to be freaudulent "evidence"... so no Drew, you accomplished no such illustration.
3) And once again, there is no original evidence of Oswald saying anything in his interviews... just what others wrote. That he did hcange his shirt and there are witnesses who claim to have seen the CHANGED shirt beforehand is very illuminating.
4) no contest... it's in the Inventory.
But hey, thanks for playing. I hope you can enjoy the direction the thread is going
Once in a while you get shown the light
in the strangest of places if you look at it right..... R. Hunter
in the strangest of places if you look at it right..... R. Hunter