31-05-2014, 07:04 AM
Lauren Johnson Wrote:David Josephs Wrote:In Sept 1963 there are numerous sighting of LEE Oswald in the company of a woman and baby.
Not a pregnant woman, just a woman who looked alarmingly like Marina... as Judyth claims she did at the time.
During that summer in NOLA she claims to have been with Oswald and mistaken for Marina... when asked whether she was 6+ months pregnant at the time, same as Marina...
She offers no reply.
I realize this is speculation, yet as I read more and more about the Summer of 1963 and H&L... it becomes painfully obvious that if LEE needed a Marina traveling companion to place HARVEY in harm's way... Judyth might have been perfect for the job...
David, if I understand you correctly, JVB was hanging out with LEE, and since LEE and HARVEY are not identical twins, there is no way she was the girlfriend of HARVEY and could not have thought she was. Therefore, she is knowlingly a part of the deception regarding HARVEY and LEE?
Yes, that is what I am talking about... LEE was in NOLA on and off that summer. Oswald is seen with a non-pregnant Marina by a number of people and in a number of places he and "Marina" and traveled to....
In Aug/Sept 1963 Marina was very pregnant, giving birth in October.
From what I remember, the non-Harvey sightings do not include a pregnant Marina all throughout the summer while the one sighting with a pregnant non-English speaking woman with a baby was in July.. see Oswald in Aliceland:
On July 15, 1963, when Oswald was employed at the Reily Coffee Company in New Orleans, he was allegedly seen at Budreau's Music andAppliance Store in Rhinelander, Wisconsin.Margaret Budreau advised the FBI shortly after the assassination that shebelieved it was Oswald who had purchased a Motorola portable radio withbatteries for $47.33 and then left a woman (at least this one WAS pregnant) anda toddler sitting in a car in the store's parking lot for four or five hours onJuly 15 while he disappeared. This Oswald returned to the store shortly beforeclosing time to purchase an extra set of batteries. During the wife's briefappearance in the store earlier in the day to discuss the purchase of theradio, she spoke with her husband in a foreign language other than French orGerman. When asked for his name to record for warranty purposes, this Oswaldbecame indignant and said that his name was Homer Wyley, Jr., he was from Texas, and that was allhe was going to say. (29) Margaret Budreau now claims the FBI got the name shewas given wrong. She apparently told the FBI that the man said his name wasHomer Walker, Jr. (30) One researcher believes it is significant that thesurname given in Wisconsin(and subsequently changed by the FBI) matched that of General Edwin Walker,whom Oswald allegedly tried to shoot. (31) In any case, we are as certain as wecan be about these things that the real Oswald was NOT in in Rhinelander onJuly 15, since he also cashed a check at Martin's Restaurant in New Orleans onthe same day. (32)
Lauren, this actually just dawned on me today. With the people Judyth was connected to in the medical world, is it that far a stretch to give the theory some consideration...
We all feel confident that Ruth and Michael were connected, but it is very hard to prove directly...
Judyth, if that is Judyth, would have every reason to be scared... if she was involved with LEE and knew HARVEY didn't do anything but get killed... makes for a hell of a story... a story from that summer which appears impossible to prove... what exactly IS her evidence ?
Once in a while you get shown the light
in the strangest of places if you look at it right..... R. Hunter
in the strangest of places if you look at it right..... R. Hunter