10-06-2014, 06:42 PM
T Harry Evans Wrote:Tracy Riddle Wrote:I thought about creating something like this, but I could tell it wouldn't be long before it became impossible to read because of the millions of intersecting lines.
It might be better to create something like this:
[size=12]Names of Primary Associates
[size=12]Names of Secondary Associates
[/SIZE][size=12]Names of possible associates
[size=12]Lee Harvey Oswald
George deMohrenschildt
[size=12]Dave Ferrie
[/SIZE]David Atlee Phillips
Thanks Tracy, this is actually a really neat format you've proposed. I might use this if you don't mind?
Question: would the secondary associates have to be associates of the primary associates, or is it just for the Name at the top?
I am finding the intersecting lines are a problem and so I was considering leaving out the incidental associations and prioritising so that I'm left with only the associations completely relevant to the assassination.
Of course the importance/relevance is open to wide interpretation.
OMG! Yes, oh yes Tracy this is an incredible format now, all that needs to be done is attach every single person connected to Lee Oswald. That should be a short list, than connect every name with Phillips, should be even shorter, lol... Just kidding with you Tracy, no hard feelings eh? Only joking... Trying to help out THE who seems to think or puts words in my mouth by asking if what I'm really saying is that "Alpha 66 is not nearly as significant as I make it out to be", I suppose there are folks who do not read exactly what I'm saying.
I suppose some folks take it offensive when someone is trying to help, and I'm suppose to give my information away, Lord! I can only imagine what folks would do with it if they're not reading what I say correctly.