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Did Captain Westbrook Watch Tippit's Murder?
Captain W. R. Westbrook...
... hired Roscoe White just two months prior to the assassination.

... sent officers directly to the Book Depository, even though the earliest police dipatches reported gunshots from the grassy knoll area.

... told the WC he couldn't get a ride to the TSBD, so he walked there, thereby leaving nearly a half hour of his time unaccounted for.

... couldn't remember how he got from TSBD to 10th & Patton. (Sgt. Calvin Owens later said he drove Westbrook there.)

... couldn't remember the name of the officer who gave him the jacket allegedly found near the Texaco station.

... was never asked how he obtained the 10th and Patton wallet with Oswald and Hidell ID or why it immediately disappeared. Westbrook was the first and last person known to have held it.

... originally said FBI's Robert Barrett rode with him to from 10th and Patton to the theater, and later denied it. Barrett confirmed he drove himself there.

... ordered three cops at the Texas Theater to get the names of all patrons present. The list disappeared, but it was most likely given first to the man who ordered it--Westbrook, who told the WC, "I don't know who has the list," settling that issue!

... ordered officers to "cover his face" as Harvey Oswald was taken out of the theater. Was that because he had just helped escort Lee Oswald out the back of the theater, and the two men looked similar?

... eventually became a police adviser in Saigon, surely a position with U.S. intelligence ties.

Chief Justice Earl Warren: "Full disclosure was not possible for reasons of national security." – 1964
CIA accountant James B. Wilcott: Oswald received "a full-time salary for agent work for doing CIA operational work." – 1978
HSCA counsel Robert Tanenbaum: “Lee Harvey Oswald was a contract employee of the CIA and the FBI.” – 1996
Kittrick never said the second guy was impersonating Oswald or even using a similar name. The second guy would have had to used a name on an application to get to meet with her. She remembered so many other fine details about both of them, how is it that the most important detail would slip her mind?

It's barely worth repeating, but the real Oswald didn't have a twin brother. Go ask his real brother, Robert. He's alive and he lives in Dallas.

We need to find the guy that was using Oswald's name in Dallas in advance of the assassination, not just point a finger at the "entire intelligence community" and shrug.

This will be my last comment on this matter. I have stated my opinion. I am sure that time, and hopefully the 2017 document disclosure, will prove me right.
"All that is necessary for tyranny to succeed is for good men to do nothing." (unknown)

James Tracy: "There is sometimes an undue amount of paranoia among some conspiracy researchers that can contribute to flawed observations and analysis."

Gary Cornwell (Dept. Chief Counsel HSCA): "A fact merely marks the point at which we have agreed to let investigation cease."

Alan Ford: "Just because you believe it, that doesn't make it so."
I think it is pretty clear from the text that this bogus Oswald had represented himself as Oswald. Otherwise what reason would she have for saying he differed from Oswald but didn't want to say anything?
Drew Phipps Wrote:Kittrick never said the second guy was impersonating Oswald or even using a similar name. The second guy would have had to used a name on an application to get to meet with her. She remembered so many other fine details about both of them, how is it that the most important detail would slip her mind?

It's barely worth repeating, but the real Oswald didn't have a twin brother. Go ask his real brother, Robert. He's alive and he lives in Dallas.

We need to find the guy that was using Oswald's name in Dallas in advance of the assassination, not just point a finger at the "entire intelligence community" and shrug.

This will be my last comment on this matter. I have stated my opinion. I am sure that time, and hopefully the 2017 document disclosure, will prove me right.

Drew -

I can completely understand the skepticism. Lee and Harvey are not related... in fact, in close examination as you can see above, they don't really look like each other all that much, but as they run by after shooting someone they probably look very much the same... Except for the haircut Benavides describes which basically excludes Harvey from the Tippit scene.

There are literally hundreds of conflicts in the evidence which betrays the H&L scenario... That you choose to look elsewhere is fine... tell us what you find. There were indeed other "Oswalds" having nothing to do with Lee

After years of digging with John I can say that the man Ruby killed was not the large kid born in New Orleans with a southern accent... and Lee was not the articulate Marxist married to Marina...
Two completely different and distinct people with LEE basically falling off the planet after Gorsky tells us he departs from the Marines in March 1959, 6 months before Harvey.

If you can reconcile CE1961 and CE1962 - I would love to hear an explanation that makes sense.... Harvey is the one always talking politics and anger while Lee is gregarious and a "Marine" in the truest sense of the word
DJ is an interesting report of Raymond Carney who says he interviewed Oswald in May 1961 while Harvey was in Minsk...
It's just one example to add to the other Lee sightings in the US while Harvey was in Minsk. Anna Lewis puts him in NOLA in Feb 1962

"Fred Leemans, and his employees at Canal Street Baths, were witnesses to Lee Oswald's presence in New Orleans in 1961 and his friendship with Clay Shaw, aka Clay Bertrand."

"One evening D'Avy visited the Show Bar and noticed Lee Oswald sitting at one of the tables. He also looked across the room and saw Jim lvey ("Tiger Jim") talking to Clay Bertrand (Clay Shaw). Ivey, a former professional boxer who worked at the ElMorocco Bar in the French Quarter, confronted D'Avy and began punching him. A Cuban refugee named "Pepe" intervened and asked Ivey what had happened. lvey replied, "He (D'Avy ) knows about us."62 lvey was concerned that D'Avy had overheard a conversation between himself and his CIA contact, Clay Bertrand (Clay Shaw). The significance of Leander D'avy's testimony is that it places Lee Oswald in New Orleans in the summer of 1962 while Harvey Oswald was in Fort Worth."

"While Harvey Oswald was still living in Minsk with his wife and daughter, Lee Oswald apparently applied for work at the Texas Employment Commission in Fort Worth and was given a series of General Aptitude Test Batteries (GATB tests). NOTE: In October 1962 counselors at the TEC office in Dallas reviewed Lee Oswald's file from Fort Worth and wrote his GATB test scores from April 1962 under the heading "Test Results (Volume XIX, p. 399)." 62-03"

[Image: attachment.php?attachmentid=6879&stc=1]

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Once in a while you get shown the light
in the strangest of places if you look at it right.....
R. Hunter
David Josephs Wrote:
Jim Hargrove Wrote:
Drew Phipps Wrote:
Albert Doyle Wrote:Miss Kittrell clearly speaks as if the man represented himself as Oswald.

No, she does not.

Excuse me????

Reread the description of the HSCA interview: "She said that although she suspected the [second] fellow might not have been Oswald at the time, she wasn't sure and she didn't want to call him a liar and create a scene without being sure."

You aint gonna learn what you dont wanna know...

and so many simply do not want to know.

Really don't know how to make this any more direct.

Damn the torpedoes, DJ, and let's NEVER GIVE UP! Maybe this will get someone's attention:

[Image: attachment.php?attachmentid=6880&stc=1]

ATTN ADMIN: According to Yahoo, the images above of ladies in bikinis are "Public Domain, free to share and use."

For those unable to see images here, this is what the HSCA report about its interview with Laura Kittrell says:

That, she said, was when she began thinking back at how "different" Oswald looked the last time she saw him. She has concluded that the person she saw the last time wasn't really Oswald but perhaps someone he sent in his place in order to maintain his employment claim. "He looked the same," she said, "the same general outline and coloring and build, but there was something so different in his bearing. He was slouchy and he was kind of unkempt and very unmilitary looking. That was one thing about Mr. Oswald, he always looked very military, neat as a pin, and this fellow wasn't. And he had this peculiar way of laughing and talking so that people all over the room could hear him, and Mr. Oswald wasn't like that at all." She said that although she suspected the fellow might not have been Oswald at the time, she wasn't sure and she didn't want to call him a liar and create a scene without being sure.

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.jpg   Attention.jpg (Size: 143.15 KB / Downloads: 38)

Chief Justice Earl Warren: "Full disclosure was not possible for reasons of national security." – 1964
CIA accountant James B. Wilcott: Oswald received "a full-time salary for agent work for doing CIA operational work." – 1978
HSCA counsel Robert Tanenbaum: “Lee Harvey Oswald was a contract employee of the CIA and the FBI.” – 1996
I don't think I would have posted the porno.

The government should have shown more interest in these Oswald doubles than it did.

I don't think the images are pornographic. I just intended to draw attention to the document in a humorous way.

But since the issue of Larry Crafard was brought up, here is how John wrote about it on pp. 728-729 of H&L:

========================= QUOTE ON ========================

NOTE: After the assassination Laura learned that (Harvey)
Oswald began work at the TSBD on October 16. She could not
understand how (Harvey) Oswald, while workingat the Book
Depository, had time to visit the TEC Claims office at 2210 Main Street (1
mile from the TSBD) and her office at 1206 Ross Avenue (6 blocks from the TSBD). She
also wondered why (Harvey) Oswald would continue to file unemployment claims if he
was working.

After the Warren Commission issued its final Report, Laura studied the 26 vol-*
umes of testimony and evidence. She located two photographs in the Volumes that
reminded her of the "Teamster" and took the time to look up the man's name. She
learned the man in the photographs was Larry Crafard, a former employ ee of Jack Ruby,
and wondered if he was the "Teamster." After seeing Crafard's photograph, she searched
the TEC records for his name. She wrote, "I found it (Crafard's application with the
TEC) in the inactive file after my return to work that day." In her 90-page manuscript,
in which she memorialized her interviews with two Oswald's, Laura wrote, "I wish I
could settle this question in my mind (if Crafard was the Teamster), but I can't." But
why would Larry Crafard identify himself as Oswald? For what purpose?
A review of Warren Commission records appears to settle the question of
whether Crafard could have been the "Teamster" who visited the TEC offices pretend-
ing to be Oswald.

Jack Ruby met Larry Crafard when he (Crafard) was working at the Texas
State Fair (October 5-20). Crafard did not begin working for Ruby and living
at the Carousel club until November 1, two weeks after Laura Kittrell interviewed
the "Teamster."

Photographs of Crafard published in the 26 Volumes are very misleading as
they show him with a closed mouth and wearing a long sleeved jacket. W hen
these photographs were taken Larry Crafard's front teeth were missing en*
tirely and he had tattoos on both arms.If Laura Kittrell had known that Crafard
was missing his front teeth she would have realized that the "Teamster," who laughed
loud enough to be heard throughout the room, was not Crafard.

NOTE: Laura Kittrell never realized she was one of the few people who met both Harvey
and Lee Oswald face to face. She was also the only witness who recognized the subtle dif-
ferences between these two young intelligence operatives. Had Laura been given the op*-
portunity to interview two of Cuba s top intelligence agents, identical twin brothers An*
tonio and Patricio DeiLaGuardia, it is doubtful that she would have recognized any dif-*

========================== QUOTE OFF ======================

It's obviously difficult to believe a concept like "Two Oswalds." It's difficult for researchers today to accept it, and it was tough for Laura Kittrell back in the day. Her description of the differences between the two guys, however, was dead on.

I wish other researchers would study the evidence that Harvey Oswald did spent a brief period of his youth in the San Diego area, just like that school note indicated.

Chief Justice Earl Warren: "Full disclosure was not possible for reasons of national security." – 1964
CIA accountant James B. Wilcott: Oswald received "a full-time salary for agent work for doing CIA operational work." – 1978
HSCA counsel Robert Tanenbaum: “Lee Harvey Oswald was a contract employee of the CIA and the FBI.” – 1996
A pretty strong case. Sounds like Miss Kittrell was lucky to have not made the Hit List. Her guessing about Crafard may have saved her life.

I have a strong feeling this man was the same individual witnessed by Haire and Vinson.
Clearly the jobs were written by two different people.

"Rilly" Really? Reilly!

Why in creation would Oz or anybody else put "photography" in as a job description at "Rilly"?? Of course he DID do photography at Jaggers, but Jaggers isn't on the form......:Shrug:
Richard Coleman Wrote:Clearly the jobs were written by two different people.

"Rilly" Really? Reilly!

Why in creation would Oz or anybody else put "photography" in as a job description at "Rilly"?? Of course he DID do photography at Jaggers, but Jaggers isn't on the form......:Shrug:

Richard... Cunningham 1-A is for the Texas Employment Commission not for Reily Coffee. It is from October 1963 with records back to an April 1962 Test in Ft Worth (which is further proof that an Oswald was in the US when Harvey was in Minsk)

What is more suprising yet consistent with other forms where copies of copies and no originals are offered... they don't all match.

The tops or bottoms of forms either cut off the signature (Mexico visa) or simply do not match... as if one part of the form is one document and another part is from a different one...

In Cunninham #3 we are given a completely detached piece of paper to confirm the change of his PO Box

H&L p610-611McCluskey said that when he interviewed Lee Harvey Oswald aweek later, on
October 3, Oswald requested that McCluskey change hisaddress from P O Box 30061
in New Orleans to 2515 W. 5th Street in Irving, Texas on theInterstate Claims Card.
McCluskey remembered that Oswald also asked him to include apost office box number
on the card, which he handwrote on the top of the card.

NOTE: Oswald's TEC Interstate Claims Card would haveconfirmed his presence in
Dallas on September 25 or 26th, but would have conflictedwith Oswald bus trip in
Laredo on September 25 and his entering Mexico on September26. Jenner's memorandum
of his interview with McCluskey was never published in theWarren Volumes, nor
was McCluskey ever interviewed by the Warren Commission orFBI.

The Interstate Claims Card, to which McCluskey referred inhis letter to Chief
Justice Warren and his interview with Albert Jenner, wasnever published in it's entirety
by the Warren Volumes, but it did exist. The top horizontalportion of the card (perhaps
1 ") was cut from the original document and publishedat the bottom of page 403 in
Volume 19 (Cunningham Exhibit No.3). SEP,63-23This smallportion of the card shows
Oswald's machine printed name and address in New Orleans,and the handwritten changes
(Irving address and N.O. post office box) that were made byMcCluskey.

Whoever cut the horizontal portion from the originaldocument intended to cut
a straight line from the left to the right side of thedocument. However, a straight line
would have cut off the top of McCluskey's handwrittennotation "P.O." To avoid this
they cut up, over, and around the notation "P.O."and then continued cutting in a
straight line to the right side of the document. This smallhorizontal piece of Oswald's
original Interstate Claims Card can be seen on page 403 ofVolume 19 and is proof the
Interstate Claims Card existed.

The bottom portion of Oswald's original Interstate ClaimsCard was destroyed
because it would have confirmed Oswald's visit to the DallasTEC Claims Office on September
25 or 26th. This destruction of evidence occurred while theoriginal Interstate Claims
Card was in the custody of either the FBI or WarrenCommission.

[Image: attachment.php?attachmentid=6918&stc=1]

[Image: attachment.php?attachmentid=6919&stc=1]

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Once in a while you get shown the light
in the strangest of places if you look at it right.....
R. Hunter

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