10-09-2014, 07:13 AM
A few minutes ago I was watching "Mother Angelica Classics" on EWTN which are replays of the late nuns "Sermons." Well she was taking about "Equal Rights for Women" and she said that it will NEVER be because God settled that ages ago in "The Garden of Eden." "Women should be subject to man", or wives must be under the man when it comes to household affairs. In others, words " The man is the Boss", so I guest those surveys that say that wives feel more appreciated when the husband helps in household chores are wrong, and of course the lady should never be consulted on Anything. I guess "God" wants women to feel unappreciated and treated as second class people, by following this "logic" ladies are no more than servants who should be tolerated, but not heard from, just meekly follow the males orders. Having a marriage of this sort will lead to more divorce and less "family values." OMG I just figured out what rightwing Christianity is all about. ::cuckoo:: Btw, "Mother" felt it necessary berate "liberals" at the end of her talk.