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LHO: Please.... argue with this!!!!!

    John Armstrong's Documented History of the CIA's "Oswald Project"

    Website Created 3/9/99 and Last Updated 9/27/14 by Jim Hargrove
  • [TABLE="width: 900"]
    [TD="align: center"]Lee Harvey Oswald[/TD]
    [TD="align: center"]Lee Harvey Oswald[/TD]
    [TD="align: center"]Lee Harvey Oswald[/TD]
    [TD="align: center"]Lee Harvey Oswald[/TD]
    [TD="align: center"][Image: Lee-1958.jpg][/TD]
    [TD="align: center"][Image: Mex%20Cub.jpg][/TD]
    [TD="align: center"][Image: Mex%20Sov.jpg][/TD]
    [TD="align: center"][Image: Harvey%20at%20DPD.jpg][/TD]
    [TD="align: center"]photographed by his brother, Robert Oswald, in Texas in
    1958 and printed between pages 96-97 in Robert's bookLEE, A Portrait of Lee Harvey Oswald.
    [TD="align: center"]when he appeared at the Cuban Consulate in Mexico City in Sept. 1963. The Cuban Government provided this photo to the HSCA.[/TD]
    [TD="align: center"]when he visited the Russian Embassy in Mexico City in Sept. 1963. The CIA provided this photo of "Lee Harvey Oswald" to the FBI on 11/23/63.[/TD]
    [TD="align: center"] in Dallas Police custody two days after the assassination of JFK and officer Tippit. The accused assassin was shot dead by Jack Ruby, who formerly supplied guns to Cuba.[/TD]
According to the Warren Commission "Lee Harvey Oswald" acted alone in killing President Kennedy, wounding Texas Governor John Connally, and murdering Dallas police officer J.D. Tippit. But which Oswald?

In 1964 The New York Times quoted Chief Justice Earl Warren as saying, "Full disclosure was not possible for reasons of national security." But if "Lee Harvey Oswald" was the lone gunman and if he was not a government agent and if there was no conspiracy, then please tell us, Mr. Chief Justice, why cover up Oswald's background for reasons of National Security? Because full disclosure concerning the creation and use of multiple "Lee Harvey Oswalds" would expose the US government agency responsible for their creation.

In 1978 former CIA accountant James B. Wilcott swore under oath before the House Select Committee on Assassinations that Lee Harvey Oswald was a "regular employee" of the Central Intelligence Agency, and that Oswald received "a full-time salary for agent work for doing CIA operational work." He testified that he was told by other CIA employees that money he (Wilcott) had personally disbursed to an encrypted account was for "the Oswald project or for Oswald." Wilcott's testimony was kept secret for decades, but can now be read in full by clicking on this link.

In 1996 former Deputy Counsel for the House Select Committee on Assassinations Robert Tanenbaum testified at the ARRB hearing in Los Angeles by saying, "the Attorney General of Texas, Henry Wade the District Attorney and Leon Jaworsky counsel to the Attorney General, on the transcript spoke to the Chief Justice and said in substance, as I recall, that
they had information from unimpeachable sources that Lee Harvey Oswald was a contract employee of the CIA and the FBI." (Click here for full testimony.)


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LHO: Please.... argue with this!!!!! - by Jim Hargrove - 04-10-2014, 03:44 AM

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