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More BS: an alternative to the NIST fairytale
Steam explosions (where water comes into contact with anything super hot) probably wouldn't have enough energy to seriously affect concrete reinforced steel columns. IMHO have at best extremely localized effects.

The kind of explosion where aluminum oxidizes quickly in the presence of water releases more energy (because it includes chemical energy) but would leave aluminum oxide residue everywhere. Anyone remember if the WTC dust contained a signifigant amount of aluminum oxide? Also IMHO you would basically need vaporized molten aluminum to interact quickly with the water, which certainly seems possible during a high energy collision but wouldn't stick around very long. Certainly not for an hour or so. The aluminum would quickly cool from a vaporized state.

Also, I'm guessing the fact that you can watch the molten whatever it is drip out of the building and fall thru the air (containing oxygen) without some sort of additional pyrotechnic display means that the molten metal isn't aluminum, or for whatever reason it isn't oxidizing quickly enough to do any real damage aside from the heat.
"All that is necessary for tyranny to succeed is for good men to do nothing." (unknown)

James Tracy: "There is sometimes an undue amount of paranoia among some conspiracy researchers that can contribute to flawed observations and analysis."

Gary Cornwell (Dept. Chief Counsel HSCA): "A fact merely marks the point at which we have agreed to let investigation cease."

Alan Ford: "Just because you believe it, that doesn't make it so."

Messages In This Thread
More BS: an alternative to the NIST fairytale - by Drew Phipps - 03-11-2014, 11:01 PM

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