05-11-2014, 04:19 AM
- Why did J. Edgar Hoover's FBI dispatch agents a few hours after the assassination of JFK to confiscate all the work and education records of a teenager in 1956 named "Lee Harvey Oswald?"
- Was the same thing done for the alleged assassins of RFK and MLK?
- Why did J. Edgar Hoover do this before investigating whether others besides the Official Patsy were involved in the killing of JFK?
- Why did J. Edgar Hoover do this before investigating whether other U.S. officials were targeted for assassination on or about November 22, 1963?
- Why can't the U.S. Government introduce a single tax return for "Lee Harvey Oswald" showing any income at all from the U.S. Marine Corps?
- How long will this bs go on?
- The answers are here:
Comments would be most appreciated!!