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Nazi Circular Vertical Takeoff Flying Vehicles - vis-a-vis "UFO's"
Kara Dellacioppa Wrote:Hi David,
Ive been reading many different books touching on the occult and politics, right now "Hammer of the Gods" about the Thule Society, "Turn off your Mind" by Gary Lachman" and still finishing the Sinister forces series. I have not read Ramseys book yet but I have it and its in my cue. Ive listened to many of his broadcasts and I am facebook friends with him. We all participate in the FB page for Maury Terry's THe Ultimate Evil about the Son of Sam murders, its coming out in a new edition next year. So I have gotten to know some of the people like Ramsey who are researching this kind of thing. I agree it difficult to separate out people who have an axe to grind with the occult (christians and even some extremist libertarians like Jan Irvin). I've listened to several of his (Ramseys interviews) and yeah usually the hosts have some christian right wing agenda or they are proto fascist like Red Ice Radio hosts. But I think Ramsey is a pretty solid researcher. ive been communicating off and on with Peter Levenda over the last months, he responds to me when I have a really well thought out question. One thing ive been playing around with is how the occult and its organizations are so intertwined with spycraft and statecraft, how people like Crowley and Annie Besant had important roles in maintaining the British Empire. Apparently Annie Besant of the Theosophical Society (i think) was instrumental in setting up the Indian Congress Party. I started thinking how much British culture expropriated land labor all over the world and they ALSO plundered spiritial ideas, brought back to England and developed them into another weapon of empire. I mean, there a differentiation that doesnt get made between the role of the OTO or the Theosophical society and Haitian Voodoo or Santeria or Native American Shamanism or just folk magic in general. And then of course the whole secret society angle, which I think becomes increasingly important as monarchies lose power and democracy is on the rise, where ordinary people start to get the idea in their head that maybe they should be able to rule, well secret societies are developed in part to prevent that from happening. Anyway I dont know where Im going with this but it sure is interesting. I think when dealing with this kind of material, its helpful to maintain a sociological perspective as well instead of getting too wrapped up in the good vs evil thing.. at least it helps me..

Hi Kara. In answer to one of your questions, my best guess would be that at the time the British Empire was at its height, a great many of the senior administrators, Army officer class and so on, would've have been practising Freemasons. The latter is deeply embedded in Cabalistic doctrine and Egyptian magical rites etc., and so there would've been, I think, many Brits in foreign service (as they liked to call it) absorbing foreign esoteric knowledge and practises and bringing them home when they returned. This practise of repatriation dates back to at least the Knights Templar - who were later absorbed and concealed inside Freemason lodges - who found and brought back lost arcane Arabic knowledge of alchemy from their years in the Holy Land, and this was, I understand, their entire purpose in going there in the first place anyway.

This would, I think, also generally account for the question how esoteric/occult knowledge became part of British spy craft, too and with British speciality in this being handed to US spies during WWII, also made it's way to the US also - not-with-standing Scottish Rite Freemasonry which became popular in the colonies via British regiments stationed in the US around the time of the War of Independence (her we can also note that the so called "French Rite" of Freemasonry was really the Scottish Rite anyway, and so there would've been a double stream into the colonies from both the British (Scottish) and French influences.

We also need to recall that back in Elizabethan times, many fine upstanding court figures were deeply embedded in occult studies, like John Dee, the spymaster and magus, plus many of his pupils and juniors in both disciplines; for example, Sir Francis Bacon, who founded the Invisible College that, in turn, gave rise to the Royal Society. Antagonism to the Catholic Church/Vatican control of human minds was deeply rooted in this movement also.

Lastly, Freemasonry was such a wide church, drawing in people from all professions and levels of life as members, that it fairly quickly spread to all parts of British life - from the highest to virtually the lowest.
The shadow is a moral problem that challenges the whole ego-personality, for no one can become conscious of the shadow without considerable moral effort. To become conscious of it involves recognizing the dark aspects of the personality as present and real. This act is the essential condition for any kind of self-knowledge.
Carl Jung - Aion (1951). CW 9, Part II: P.14

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Nazi Circular Vertical Takeoff Flying Vehicles - vis-a-vis "UFO's" - by David Guyatt - 09-12-2014, 10:32 AM

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