23-12-2014, 01:32 PM
Lauren Johnson Wrote:Actually, I don't know about John Alexander and his craft. Love to hear it.
Sure Lauren, here's a cursory synopsis:
Col. John B. Alexander - His friends and associates compose a veritable who's who list of the Intelligence world.
Mind control, non lethal weapons, (remote viewing).
Don't know if he still is, but he used to be a board member of Psi Tech. From my studies remote viewing and mind control go hand in hand, I think this part of their mission statement says it all:
Quote:Psi Tech's mission is to evolve human consciousness through the development and training of mind technologies.
Quote:We assert that all people are born with natural psychic or sixth sense abilities, however, in most, it lies dormant. By training our cutting edge Technical Remote Viewing® skills, this innate PSI ability or "PSI muscle" as we like to call it, becomes activated.
Awakening this dormant capability in the human race is PSI TECH's goal. Once human beings have installed this learned skill, not only will it expand an individual's potential but when enough people become activated, it will shift consciousness on a global scale.
Yes the "PSI muscle" does indeed become activated, and a "shift in global consciousness" is possible, but who's really at the wheel? This is getting down to the nitty gritty, and I find it chilling...
Lauren Johnson Wrote:Peter: my only point is that is there is something like a conjuring of a demon in all of this. All of as sudden, we have a war against the police and they have to defend themselves against ... what? Is it something that can be reduced to social science and crowd behavior? Is there something of the deep state mixed in? Maybe Fred has the best answer. Something sinister is happening.
Good points there, I like your thinking outside the box style. At the heart of all this is a pure evil, with conjuring being an instrumental player such as Jack Parsons endeavors which continue on to this day. So I would say it's both black magic, and social science/crowd behavior. I don't mean to come off as flippant due to the serious nature of this discussion, but the old Reese's jingle just sprang to mind writing that previous sentence. "You get two great tastes that taste great together".