23-03-2015, 03:38 AM
Drew Phipps Wrote:Apparently, the FBI's weapon testers for the Warren Commission, including Robert Frazier, claim to have loaded 4 cartridges in the clip, inserted it into the gun, and then worked the mechanism three times, to simulate the reported condition of the gun when it was located. If true, this would be proof that the clip on this particular recovered weapon did not require six shells to be used.There seems to be those that have purchased and fired a MC model similar to the one proposed to have been used in the assassination, speaking to those, how many shells need to be in a clip to load a MC?
Frazier, in his testimony WC V III pag 398, says that the clip can be used with 1,2,3,4,5, or 6 rounds.
However, I do not mean to imply that Frazier, or the FBI, or the Warren Commission, should be considered credible. I am merely repeating what they reported.
As I claimed before Drew, I have no first hand knowledge of this weapon, but have not been able to get a firm definition on the possibility of loading a short clip. It may be possible.