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Motivation and being a LN'r.
I still have the one nagging unanswered question about the JFK assassination, and I have seen or read no suitable explanation of the answer WHY?, WHY would Oswald on his own do it.

When you look at recent high profile assassinations both successful and attempted and you look at the people responsible , both the John Lennon and Ronald Regan's assassins were without doubt mentally ill. The victims were not the object of the crime and the killers motives were not directly linked to their victim.The victims almost seemed to be an afterthought, a small cog in a larger demented picture.

So why would Oswald do it, he never had any axe to grind with Kennedy, he had no history of mental problems. In fact he seemed to be a good solid American citizen and totally fails to fit the profile of a LN'r. He joins the marines, he is not drafted. He goes to Japan where he works at a fairly high level in a top secret radar site and learns Russian. He returns to the USA leaves the marines and then defects to USSR where he stays for some years , gets married to a Russian girl , and then sees the error of his ways and returns with consummate ease to the USA. Goes to New Orleans and gets mixed up in some anti-castro stuff. Leaves and goes to Dallas where he eventually gets a minimum wage $60 a week job in the TSBD , despite having for that time you would think some marketable skills in Radar and Language, in time for his date with his destiny the 24th of November where Ruby shoots him.

Here is a man who seems through his life to be involved or in the sphere either directly or indirectly with a wide and weird collection of intelligence types and even has an alias, complete with paperwork. He buys two easily traceable mail order guns but no bullets , when he could have bought ,with less effort better quality weapons with no paper work in any Dallas gun shop or Pawn shop. He then is supposed to shoot JFK and some local policeman who bares a close resemblance to JFK. Then runs all round Dallas and gets caught for entering a cinema without paying 50c when he has enough money for a cab fare , by , is it 13 police cars worth of Dallas policemen. When the president is dead and you think they might have more important duties to attend to.

Oswald does not fit the LN profile so beloved by the WC apologists, he seems to have a huge history and an amazingly easy to follow profile throughout his life when LN'r are often anonymous, on the fringes of normal society until they commit their crime that they hope will propel them to prominence. So if Oswald is not a LN'r what is he , a patsy maybe.

Messages In This Thread
Motivation and being a LN'r. - by Alan Denholm - 31-03-2015, 09:05 PM
Motivation and being a LN'r. - by Albert Doyle - 31-03-2015, 09:10 PM
Motivation and being a LN'r. - by Tracy Riddle - 01-04-2015, 02:27 PM
Motivation and being a LN'r. - by Drew Phipps - 01-04-2015, 09:33 PM
Motivation and being a LN'r. - by Tracy Riddle - 02-04-2015, 02:58 PM
Motivation and being a LN'r. - by Albert Doyle - 02-04-2015, 03:19 PM

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