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Stage management of the 50th at Dealy Plaza.
I do not "believe in" a JFK conspiracy any more than I "believe" that the sun rises in the east.

I KNOW that JFK was killed by individuals who, acting in consort, planned, carried out, and continue to cover up his assassination.

Those who proclaim that they "believe in" a JFK conspiracy imply that they harbor some degree of doubt regarding this matter.

And I know this: anyone with reasonable access to the evidence in the JFK case who does not conclude that, beyond all doubt and to the degree of metaphysical certitude, JFK was killed as the result of a conspiracy is cognitively impaired and/or complicit in the crime.
LR Trotter Wrote:
Greg Burnham Wrote:
Charles Drago Wrote:I do not believe in a JFK conspiracy.

Me either.

What about the JFK Assassination? There seems to be two major camps, Lone Gunman, and Conspiracy. Although the Conspiracy Camp is "somewhat divided", to put it mildly. Just curious.


There is the truth -- conspiracy.

And there is ignorance, impairment, and/or criminality -- LN.

When anyone implies that the conspiracy and LN positions are equally worthy of consideration and respect, he or she acts as an accessory after the fact to the murder of John Fitzgerald Kennedy.
[Begin QUOTES]

Originally Posted by Charles Drago
"I do not believe in a JFK conspiracy."

Originally Posted by Greg Burnham
"Me either."

Originally Posted by LR Trotter
"What about the JFK Assassination? There seems to be two major camps, Lone Gunman, and Conspiracy. Although the Conspiracy Camp is "somewhat divided", to put it mildly. Just curious."

Originally Posted by Charles Drago

There is the truth -- conspiracy.

And there is ignorance, impairment, and/or criminality -- LN.

When anyone implies that the conspiracy and LN positions are equally worthy of consideration and respect, he or she acts as an accessory after the fact to the murder of John Fitzgerald Kennedy.
Charles Drago"

This point of "equal consideration" for conspiracy and LN positions is vital. Maybe once upon a time long, long ago when the evidence was hidden and contrived (not that the evidence is not still hidden and contrived) it was a valid exercise in critical thinking to examine the assassination from all sides. However, that time has long since passed.

Ms. Sylvia Meagher demolished the Warren Commission using primarily only its own evidence, or its public evidence circa 1967. It was this work and Mr. Mark Lane's Rush to Judgment using the statements of various witnesses the Warren Commission ignored brought the topic to more common conversations.

The housewives from all over America started before most anybody else clipping articles from newspapers and pooling data for what some would now call peer review. Slowly the American people and people all over the world began asking the right questions. The questions the Warren Commission refused to address or even admit existed as more than "conspiracy nut" issues.

By controlling the verbiage, the promoters of the bogus WC endorsed LN "position", promoted a good/bad label on the whole discussion. Conspiracy believers = nuts and malcontents, while the true believers that still took the Government bowl of crap as reality = good honest citizens.

For a time because of the contrived and manufactured ignorance of the people, some valid reason to examine both ideas was possible. In the absence of the evidence and in the absence of the application of the "truth engine" that real jurisprudence must be, doubt could be. LN as a theory could be.

The lack of Justice led citizens to investigate on their own. All through the rest of the 1960s and all though the 1970s the independent researchers broke new ground developed new evidence and leads that should have been pursued in 1964. Leads and evidence that had the Warren Commission been honest would have been pursued in 1964. Citizens doing the job of the Government - imagine that!

It is my opinion that by the time of the House Select Committee on Assassinations of 1978-9, more than enough "new" evidence had been developed to condemn the LN position to the trash heap permanently. It was the contrast between what was freshly exposed (in the short burst of real investigation before Blakey replaced Sprague) and the Report that gave away the game. The HSCA was Warren Report 2.0 updated to account only for the new evidence the HSCA could NOT ignore. The Lying and the Cover-Up went on with USGovernment approval.

When the intervening years from 1980 to the present bring as much once covered up evidence there is no room for LN presumptions not based in evidence but mired in BS.

There is and always has been truth and it equals conspiracy at a very high level of power being a motive force behind the murder of Our President in the November Coup.

There is and has always been untruth and it equals the advocating of and/or promotion of any other explanation of the murder in the face the evidence.

Behind that untruth lies one of two conditions.
First the cognitively impaired that for whatever reason cannot perceive the paucity of evidence to support the LN "theory" and still cannot support anything other than "Oswald did it alone."
Second the asset that adopts the position of the LN supporter for another reason than cognitive impairment. For example to impair discussion of other researchers or to do other foul deeds done dirt-cheap.

I am not a theorist, to be a theorist about conspiracy would be an insult to my fellow researchers that have over the decades provided the evidence I needed to conclude the conspiracy as a fact amply supported.
Knowing those self same facts I cannot accept that coincidence (i.e. LN crap) played any role in the assassination but only as a tool of my enemies the engineers of the murder and the cover-up.


Allen Dulles was wrong some of WeThePeople read the damn thing.
Quote:Allen Dulles was wrong some of WeThePeople read the damn thing.

....and we moved it from our actual or figurative non-fiction bookshelves to the fiction side, where it belongs. Sadly, almost all libraries have it still on the non-fiction side. It was not only wrong in its gathering of selective information and conclusions - it was knowingly and designed to be wrong and then to promote those lies as the 'truth' the Sheeple would have to swallow.

LBJ's only comment upon receiving his full set, was something along the lines of 'it sure is big/heavy!'.....which is about all one can say about it in a 'positive' sense. Even has details about LHO's pubic hair.....they just left out the few minor details on the who, how, and why of the assassination conspiracy and coup conspiracy.....and cover-up, of which they knowingly and by design were a major part.
"Let me issue and control a nation's money and I care not who writes the laws. - Mayer Rothschild
"Civil disobedience is not our problem. Our problem is civil obedience! People are obedient in the face of poverty, starvation, stupidity, war, and cruelty. Our problem is that grand thieves are running the country. That's our problem!" - Howard Zinn
"If there is no struggle there is no progress. Power concedes nothing without a demand. It never did and never will" - Frederick Douglass
Charles Drago Wrote:
LR Trotter Wrote:
Greg Burnham Wrote:
Charles Drago Wrote:I do not believe in a JFK conspiracy.

Me either.

What about the JFK Assassination? There seems to be two major camps, Lone Gunman, and Conspiracy. Although the Conspiracy Camp is "somewhat divided", to put it mildly. Just curious.


There is the truth -- conspiracy.

And there is ignorance, impairment, and/or criminality -- LN.

When anyone implies that the conspiracy and LN positions are equally worthy of consideration and respect, he or she acts as an accessory after the fact to the murder of John Fitzgerald Kennedy.

No argument here Mr Drago. I just wanted a little clarification on your position as stated, and I now have that. Thank you.


Thanks Mr. Lemkin,

I think the act of asking the uncomfortable questions about the murders of Nov. 63 is a statement of what kind of people we are. Nationally and internationally.

Allen Dulles when he said "no one will read it..." [the WC Report and evidence] he demonstrated a sick world view. Holding a low opinion of people he thought WeThePeople were just Sheeple. WeThePeople lived to be made consumers and idiots incapable of independent thought living only to be fed to the ST Empire.

Twisted to be sure were the Dulles Brothers.

It is positive thing to be the opposite of Allen Dulles expressed view.

We read and do not surrender Thomas Jefferson's "freedom of the mind" to the BS. It is a demo of who we are and proof we are not just sheep to be herded by Mockingbird, the Mighty Wurlitzer and so forth.

We read, learn and endure the ops mounted against the people.
I think more INTERNATIONAL attention and [well earned] embarrassment over this orchestrated Potemkin Village Farce is needed - and might well have a salutatory effect. This is by no means to signal that ALL avenues in the U SS A should also be utilized...but personally, I'd not put much hope in most of the Congress....but a few might react to large constituent inputs. All branches of Government are, for the most part, totally owned subsidiaries of the Borg....there are some exceptions and holdouts...and they should be contacted, courted, and asked to help and to be present in Dallas speaking truth to False Power - Lying Power - Disinformation Power - Corrupt Power - Anti-Democratic Power - Power that seeks to bury the Truth of History and the Truth of 11/22/63 when our 35th President was murdered in a Conspiracy from the highest quarters, and our Nation was overthrown in a Coup [in who's grip it remains]. Break the Chains!

[size=12]Those that constructed this undemocratic and anti-TRUTH farce - from the Dallas pols, to the Dallas 'bigwigs' (w/small brains and hearts - zero morality), to the Pope of DP, to the intelligence/national security state creeps, to the fascist putsch volk, to the MSM, to the disinformation Mockingbirds - should all loose their jobs, their standing in civil society and hang their heads in shame after being fully exposed - some prosecuted; all in some way accessories, after the facts....a few much more directly guilty of the events and ongoing cover-up and lies...which maintain the coup and deprive us of our freedoms, as the Conspiracy [at the HIGHEST levels!] did of our beloved President and with him Constitutional Legality and Justice.

"Let me issue and control a nation's money and I care not who writes the laws. - Mayer Rothschild
"Civil disobedience is not our problem. Our problem is civil obedience! People are obedient in the face of poverty, starvation, stupidity, war, and cruelty. Our problem is that grand thieves are running the country. That's our problem!" - Howard Zinn
"If there is no struggle there is no progress. Power concedes nothing without a demand. It never did and never will" - Frederick Douglass
In 1998 on the Prouty forum a question was posed to be forwarded to Fletcher Prouty. It was from a man that became a friend of mine, for a short time we had telephone contact before he was taken from the community.

John Ritchson asked "Did Ed Lansdale have the command authority to stand down the 112th MIG?"

Just that question opened a door to the more Poly-Sci approach to the questions of the murder and aftermath for me. The "how" of the Coup and resultant empowerment of the ST took a new turn away from trajectory angles and the knoll. A turn into the "how" of how was the SService averted from sworn duty, how could the supplementary assistance of the military to the SS be so easily aborted and how could an intentionally deceptive post mortem be allowed to stand as "findings of fact".

And the odd events around the funny football. OK folks How the hell could that happen? WO who? Well I'll be .....

I know John Ritchson when he posed the question didn't realize the effect that question would have on my own thinking and others I am sure. I thanked him just for askin' the question.

Away from a bottom up idea towards a top down longer view encompassing more history than from inauguration to assassination. A deeper politics view.

I was rebooted in whole new directions, to Narlins for my own danged self, to comb thru odd circumstances around the subversion of Judge Jim Garrison's case and other historic events like the aborted HSCA investigation and the Iran-Contra hearings to identify the roaches when they scuttle away from the overturned rocks and so on.

Just being in the circle to hear the question was an opening to an unanticipated consequence, a positive one.

However, it is my considered opinion that these folks have no shame. None. They have killed the innocent and learned how to enjoy doing evil. How could they ever be shamed by their underlings the Untermenschen? If Otto Von Bolschwing can die at peace in bed in California there is no shame in the Empire nor in its minions.

Any change produced is gonna have to come in the hearts of others not taking a place in the Empire or willing to abandon the Empire. Isn't that what Martin King and Ghandi said? Jim Douglass and his work strikes again.

This is really disheartening about Ventura buying into Baker and her mythomania.

The guy is really the only high profile person we have out there. But someone gave him some bad advice.

Alex Jones at Dealey Plaza with his bullhorn?

Please, no.
Over at EF the question of who should be the FACE of the Research community was asked... after reading thru the thread and then seeing this one here I would like to repeat my post from EF...

WHAT are we selling?


I've spent my life creating, writing, managing and implementing Marketing strategy.
After reading this thread all I see is us talking about the package before we even know what the product is...

This is a MARKETING CAMPAIGN... and Fetzer knows it... which is why he is making sure all roads lead to him.
Doug Horne - ? Yes, he touched the evidence, interviewed those that blew the case open and has published the findings.
But how do you explain the casket fiasco without sounding ridiculous? Does it matter to today's skeptic who Ruby was? How many shots actually hit JFK (if the evidence is so bad, as we all agree, how can we prop up a conclusion on it?) Whether the Xrays say this or that?

So I am wondering aloud what kind of Marketing stategy and planning has gone into WHY we need a face at all.. or WHAT it is we want to accomplish

Who is our target market for this info? Those at the 50th are already part of the flock except for the disruptors... and we are not talking to them in this plan...
Are we trying to illuminate the situation for some ultimate action to be taken?
Why is this our target market? Are we "Meeting the needs of this market" with the information (product) we are preparing to deliver
What is it we are trying to get across? "Oswald was not a lone assassin?" "Oswald was innocent, completely?" "The entire thing was a conspiracy/conver-up wrapped in yet another one inside another one....?"
How are we positioning our "product" for the greatest consumption?
Describe the distribution channels to be used
What is the marketing mix of tools to be used to acheive our goals?
Who is going to manage this project and ensure the tasks are performed and the results are on track?

Which part of the evidence proving the obvious conclusion can escape DVP's (VB/Myers/Mack)'s twisted view of the case and their unsupportable objections?

I am asking... can ANYONE state our case so it is clearly understood?

In the real world marketing is: MEETING NEEDS PROFITABLY
What do the fence sitters and nay-sayers NEED to BUY our PRODUCT - Answer that question and THEN talk about the package


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