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Israeli Officials Confirm Blast at Iranian Nuclear Facility
Israeli Officials Confirm Blast at Iranian Nuclear Facility
By Yoel Goldman

Report cites intelligence sources who say Iran hasn't evacuated area around Fordo
plant; unclear if explosion was 'sabotage or accident' []

U.S. Could Strike Iran to Block Nuclear Progress: Ehud Barak
By The Daily Beast

If sanctions fail to halt Tehran's nuclear weapons development, the Pentagon has
plans for a 'surgical operation' to end the threat, the Israeli defense minister

Video: Interview of Ehud Barak 31:42 minutes long []

U.S. Could Strike Iran to Block Nuclear Progress: Ehud Barak

If sanctions fail to halt Tehran's nuclear weapons development, the Pentagon has plans for a surgical operation' to end the threat, the Israeli defense minister told The Daily Beast in a wide-ranging interview at Davos.

By The Daily Beast

January 27, 2013 "Daily Beast" -- In a televised interview at the World Economic Forum in Davos, Switzerland, on Thursday, Christopher Dickey of Newsweek and The Daily Beast noted the American administration's reluctance to involve itself in another Muslim world war and asked if there were any way Israel could go to war with Iran that did not drag in the United States.

"I don't see it as a binary kind of situation: either they [the Iranians] turn nuclear or we have a fully fledged war the size of the Iraqi war or even the war in Afghanistan," said Barak. "What we basically say is that if worse comes to worst, there should be a readiness and an ability to launch a surgical operation that will delay them by a significant time frame and probably convince them that it won't work because the world is determined to block them."

"We of course prefer that diplomacy will do," said Barak, "We of course prefer that some morning we wake up and see that the Arab Spring was translated into Farsi and jumped over the Gulf to the streets of Tehran, but you cannot build a plan on it. And we should be able to do it." That is, stage a surgical series of strikes.

Barak said he used to mock his American friends in the past. "I used to tell them, you know, when we are talking about surgical operations we think of a scalpel, you think of a chisel with a 10-pound hammer." But that's not the case with the Obama administration, Barak said. Under orders from the White House, he noted, "the Pentagon prepared quite sophisticated, fine, extremely fine, scalpels. So it is not an issue of a major war or a failure to block Iran. You could under a certain situation, if worse comes to worst, end up with a surgical operation."

The Obama administration has said flatly it will not allow Iran to become a nuclear weapons power, but diplomatic progress toward neutralizing the threat has been extremely slow, even as Iran's nuclear technology and supply of potential materials for weapons continues to grow.

Barak said much more draconian sanctions against Iran need to be applied, including a kind of "quarantine" on imports and exports, but he noted that getting such measures past the Russians and Chinese at the United Nations would be very difficult. Indeed, he said he does not expect the Iranians will bend.

Barak, who previously served as prime minister, still holds the defense and deputy prime minister portfolios in the lame duck Israeli government. Elections earlier this week surprised most analystsand Barak, he saidby making a new center-left party led by TV anchor Yair Lapid the second largest in the Knesset, and negotiations for a new Cabinet led by a weakened Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu are now under way. But Barak, for the moment, has ruled himself out of the action and plans to retire from politics, at least for several years. "In Israel it's never too late to come back," he half-joked. "In five years' time, I will still be 15 years younger than [Israeli President] Shimon Peres, and he will be only 95."

In the wide-ranging interview at the Davos summit, Barak said the rise of Lapid's Yesh Atid Party was a reflection of the weariness of the Israeli people with a government that has given too many exemptions to religious interests and has moved too slowly, if at all, in the effort to make peace with the Palestinians. There is a powerful need among many Israelis, said Barak, "to see something new or fresh" in politics.

Barak, who tried to strike a grand bargain with the Palestinians in 2000 and failed, nonetheless reiterated his strong support for a two-state solution as the only real way to meet the aspirations of both the Israeli and Palestinian people.

Commenting on what he has read about a controversial new documentary that features interviews with six former heads of the Israeli domestic intelligence and apparatus, the Shin Bet, and is fiercely critical of the Netanyahu government, Barak expressed some sympathy for the views of his former colleagues. They wanted to tell the Israeli public, he said, that "there is a price" for continuing to "reign" over the Palestinians.

Asked how Israeli defense plans have changed because of developments in the Arab world right on Israel's frontiersthe rise of jihadists, the civil war in Syria, the election of the Muslim Brotherhood in EgyptBarak said "it's like trying to make a priority between the plague and cholera." And in an interesting twist, he suggested that the failure of the international community to stop the slaughter in Syria could be a lesson to Israel that despite all assurances that the world will act when a certain threshold of atrocity is crossed, sometimes that just doesn't happen.

© 2013 The Newsweek/Daily Beast Company LLC

Who Spread Reports of an 'Explosion' at Iran's Fordow Nuclear Plant and Why?
By Anshel Pfeffer

Why have no satellite photos appeared of dozens of vehicles on the site involved
in rescue operations? And if there are 240 workers trapped underground, how come
no worried relatives have expressed concern on one of the social networks? []

Who Spread Reports of an 'Explosion' at Iran's Fordow Nuclear Plant and Why?

According to the report, the explosion in Fordow seriously damaged many of the centrifuges in the plant and trapped underground 240 employees who have yet to be rescued. But if this is true, why have the major news networks dismissed it?

By Anshel Pfeffer

January 29, 2013 "Haaretz" -- The Internet has been abuzz over the last couple of days with an uncorroborated report regarding a huge explosion in the underground uranium enrichment plant at Fordow in Iran. According to the report, the explosion seriously damaged many of the centrifuges in the plant and trapped underground 240 employees who have yet to be rescued.

If this is true, it will be the most serious sabotage caused yet to the Iranian nuclear program. If this is true.

The main problem with the report is that no supporting evidence has appeared so far from any reliable sources to corroborate it, nor have verifiable statements been released from an official source in Iran or any other country.

Most main Western news organizations with contacts and sources in the intelligence community have steered well away from the story. (In Israel, only the tabloid Yedioth Ahronoth, which splashed the story on the front page of its Sunday edition, took notice of the story.)

By Monday morning, a few respectable media organizations seemed to be taking the news more seriously than when it first emerged, but carried little information or details that could verify the report.

The Times of London reported that an "Israeli official" had acknowledged that there had been an incident at Fordow and that the Israeli government was still investigating the situation. The German daily Die Welt confirmed the report from a "source in the Iranian intelligence service." The U.S. media, meanwhile, quoted an administration source who doubted the credibility of the report, and the deputy chairman of Iran's nuclear energy commission on Sunday night also denied the report.

Perhaps it's the identity of the report's author which leads to the disbelief: Reza Kahlili, an Iranian exile with an interesting past who is well known to many reporters covering intelligence and Iranian affairs. He published the report on the explosion, which apparently took place on Monday, the eve of the Israeli elections, on World News Daily, a veteran website with close contacts to the far-right in the United States. Kahlili himself is a frequent speaker at events organized by right-wing organizations and those that support the right in Israel. It's not hard to realize why. In an interview he gave Haaretz two years ago, upon the publication of his book "A Time To Betray", Kalili set out a worldview on Iran that was surprisingly similar to that of Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu. He also compared the regime in Tehran to that of the Nazis, and called upon Israel to bomb Iran's nuclear installations.

Kahlili's book tells his story as a young Iranian man who studied in the United States and returned to his homeland following the Islamic revolution with the belief that Ayatollah Khomeini was a force for positive change. He joined the Revolutionary Guard, but after a few years lost faith. He volunteered to spy for the U.S. Central Intelligence Agency and for a few years collected information in Iran. In the late 1980s he was taken out of Iran along with his wife and has since lived in the United States.

In recent years, he has made a living writing and giving talks on Iran, claiming to still have an impressive network of sources in various government agencies. To this day, in his public appearances he will not reveal his face, for fear of retribution, and appears with a baseball cap, dark glasses and a surgical mask. (His employment by the CIA has been confirmed by Agency sources and an approving review of his book even appeared on the CIA website.) (Emphasis mine - AE)

Not for nothing have the major news organizations ignored Kahlili's Fordow report. Beyond his questionable credibility, there is no supporting evidence. If a large explosion did occur at Fordow a week ago, why have no satellite photos appeared of dozens of vehicles on the site involved in rescue operations? And if there are 240 workers trapped underground, how come no worried relatives have expressed concern on one of the social networks? Iran may have a repressive regime, but tens of millions of citizens are connected to the Internet and are experts at evading the regime's attempts to monitor and filter their communications. Something would have come out by now.

Even assuming one of the intelligence agencies engaged in the silent war against Iran - the CIA, Mossad, MI6 or any other - was capable of placing a large explosive device in the secure underground facility still under the supervision of the International Atomic Energy Agency, without leaving an incriminating trail, such an operation would have been the closest thing to declaring war. Would the governments of the west have taken such a risk while it they still believe that Iran can be convinced to stop enriching uranium through a combination of sanctions and diplomatic engagement.

In a phone-interview with Haaretz (Kahlili used a voice-distorting device), he insisted that his information was accurate and based on his "several sources in the Revolutionary Guards, government offices and [Supreme Leader] Khamenei's office." He admitted to frustration over the mainstream media's lack of reaction to this report and said: "I have revealed many facts about the regime and its secret work and months later major news networks picked it up."

Among his recent revelations that have not attracted attention are two new enrichment installations that he claims are being operated with Russian cooperation and use laser technology. He volunteered another scoop: following the Fordow explosion, he claims, meetings were held between Revolutionary Guard commanders and Hassan Nasrallah, in which Hezbollah was ordered to evacuate a number of villages in south Lebanon, to prepare for an attack on Israel.

He is totally convinced that in the coming weeks, additional information will emerge and the regime's retaliation will confirm his version.

IMO, Israel and the USA are planning a bombing/cover mission and this is to muddy the waters or test response mechanisms.
"Let me issue and control a nation's money and I care not who writes the laws. - Mayer Rothschild
"Civil disobedience is not our problem. Our problem is civil obedience! People are obedient in the face of poverty, starvation, stupidity, war, and cruelty. Our problem is that grand thieves are running the country. That's our problem!" - Howard Zinn
"If there is no struggle there is no progress. Power concedes nothing without a demand. It never did and never will" - Frederick Douglass

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