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CounterIntelligence Operations Group: UK To Counter America Insurrection And Sedition
The Financial Times ( FT ) published 28JAN13 four ( 4 ) articles worthy of further in-depth review, however only one ( 1 ) - amongst the others - appeared to gain more recognition for me purely as a result of certain research I already conducted in related arenas.

I chose to submit the following, especially as awkward as it appears, for good reason.

1. "Shale Boom Fires Environment Fears As US Gas Flaring Is Visible From Space" ( see photo! plus article referencing 'environmental concerns and statistical percentages' ).

Research believes the world will see 'America national civil unrest' sparked over its already existent "National Emergency Act" relative to 'hazardous to health and safety' issues likely apable of endangering a good many souls.

Research envisions, 'America student youth leading violent protest movements' forward, spurring "Call-Up Duty" bringing a 'militarized law enforcement response by shootings resulting in certain tragedy.

Research proves sociological civilian responses will likely follow in furtherance led by 'adult reactionary growth'.

Research additionally sees certain trends that are believed to surprisingly see 'middle-age adult women playing leadership roles in reactionary undertakings' in support of furthering 'youth-led techno-savy cyber attacks'.

Research already envisions certain levels of social reaction problem sets for 'Homeland Security protection of national energy infrastructure' believed to reason its 'already having gone to ground' in evacuative fashioned 'continuity of government' ( COG ) command facilities according to one ( 1 ) 2012 official U.S. intelligence report ( See Link Further Below ).

Current research assessment indicates 'internal military acts of sedition' have been already underway against 'in-place positions' of 'current' but 'identified certain' U.S. federal government authorities and facilities.

There is now current research proving at-least one ( 1 ) identified ( un-named publicly ) of the current members of the U.S. Joint Chiefs of Staff ( JCS ) surrepticiously involved in privately supporting a 'national insurrection movement' against the United States of America.

Based on certain private research, it would not be surprising if the newly appointed JCS general of the NGB ( National Guard Bureau - NGB ) [ SEE FURTHER BELOW ] is removed from such position because of the rapid pace and depth by which a clandestinely led internal military revolt has progressed to-date, that for years a high-level secret discovery movement rising to its peak by 2004 has yet to be disassembled by the current U.S. government intelligence establishment in-place.

No single Administration can be faulted for having failed so miserably for nearly a decade to uncover something so serious yet so well hidden from purposeful prying eyes to bolster an already sistemicly cancer ridden government predicted for financial reduction to that of a Third World flounderingly dependent nation by 2010, according to a senior member leading a certain organization of Intetnational Studies that has been consistently wrong on its predictive analytics since its inception decades ago.

Upon publicly-evident 'national civil unrest imminence', the CIA is maintaining continuance of ushering-in a 'youth-driven' "anticyber war plan operations" team - expressly loaded with "coders" and "hackers" in its fleeting effort to combat 'global youth-driven cyberwar comradery network activities'.

Petsonally, short of an all-out national electricity grid disruption, research does not even envision a protective solution for redundant back-up electricity supply due to certain factors U.S. government decisionmakers still refuse to admit cannot be a 'catch-all' for its success being unfettered. Shame unto those stubborn.

Secret-Sensitive Compartmented Information 'threat perception analysis reports' became clearly evident of this 'new cyberintelligence recruitment and training' for 'certain identified cyberwarfare arenas'.

The nuts and bolts of which surround successfully penetrating 'social media network interactives' as the CIA only 'cyber warfare' involving 'both foreign and domestic graduating high school students'.

Public-Private Partnershiping intelligence programs are not limited to targeting 'universities' and 'other scholastic institutes' held by 'private-sector' entities.

Now, 'select intermediary scholastic sector schools' ( high schools ) have been 'initialized' and 'publicly advertised as such' ( to some degree around the world ) as being piloted only from within the United Kingdom ( UK ), however it is otherwise shared by a 'covert joint intelligence compact' between the UK-USA Intelligence Community ( IC ).

In the Colonies ( USA ) there has been a concerted effort underway by the U.S. military actively conducting so-called "training exercises" within many 'urban and metropolitan areas of cities all across America for the past 2-years ( 2011 - 2012 ).

Additionally, 'quiet meetings' between the U.S. military, U.S. Homeland Security and local constabular police forces have recently been conducted and are currently underway in many urban and metropolitan cities all across the United States of America where 'only certain local politicians' ( usually the city "Mayor" *) are 'notified in-advance' of 'certain joint exercises'.

In a few rare instances, either 'in the midst of' or 'subsequent thereto' such "joint training exercises" are small back-page newspaper briefs' mentioning such - not providing any details thereof however.

Why are these "training exercises" involving U.S. tax payer monies from U.S. citizens 'without public notification in-advance' remains a mystery - for only 'distracted members of the general public kept preoccupied everyday on otherwise socio-economic and sporting events.

Never before in the history of America's United States military or politics has there ever been a 'military general appointed a domestic action position' in the White House Joint Chiefs of Staff ( JCS ) by the
Executive "Office of the President of the United States "Never, that-is, until 'recently'!

The "National Guard Bureau" ( NGB ) was 'recently added' to work in concert with 'all U.S. military branch general Chiefs' of the U.S. Army, U.S. Air Force, U.S. Navy, and U.S. Marine Corps within the U.S. Joint Chiefs Of Staff ( JCS ) that the U.S. President
consults-with amidst any U.S. 'military war', 'foreign police action', or now as is the case of 'U.S. domestic police actions'.

This 'single movement', within the purview of White House Executive Office by the U.S. Commander-In-Chief ( President of the United States - POTUS ), met with absolutely 'no public mainstream media news
announcement' - even though the NGB advises the U.S. President on matters of U.S. domestic civil unrest and disobedience perceived occurring anywhere ( publicly or covertly ) within the domestic population of the United States of America ( USA ).

Intetestingly, there appears 'no governing oversight regulating NGB police actions violative of humanity' as might be seen either through the United Nations ( UN ) overseeing 'foreign nation intetnal disruptive activities' ( war or insurrection ), nor final oversight provios the International Court of Justice ( World Court ) in The Hague ( The Netherlands - Dutch ) should ajudicate in the best interests of humanity.

The U.S. National Guard Bureau ( NGB ) is 'military control over domestic unrest overweighing police control'.

The NGB is what U.S. population centers in urban and metropolitan cities need more watch over for its entire citizenry, which to-date all aforementioned "training exercises" has been kept secret from the public by both elected officials politicians ) in-addition to the so-called ( but 'not-so' ) American free press of its mainstream media news journalists, broadcasters and networks.

One classic example of 'night operations' occurred during 2012 inside and outside the City of Worchester, Massachusetts that was absolutely horrifying to the citizens there who at 10:00 p.m. were awakened to anti-aircraft artillery howitzer shells exploding just outside Worcester, MA and automatic weapons being fired in-addition to grenade explosions in downtown Worcester anear its Civic Center. As people were awakened from their sleep, police told them that although they too were unaware of what was going on, that they ( uniformed police officers ) were told to block-off city streets and tell people to remain indoors followed with "It's only a training exercise."

I have unedited video clips of black helicopters landing and taking off at night in downtown Worcester plus film footage of militarized teams exiting and entering these black helicopters in the middle of the Worcester, Massachusetts Civic Center.

There is text document mentions of this public disturbance ( see links immediately below ) evidenced by an incrediblly lengthy multi-page accounting online beginning with "Page 1" here:


But, these types of military and now 'militarized police' disturbances occurred in many other U.S. states.

In Miami, Florida another "training exercise" ( below ):

In Torrance, California another "training exercise" ( below ):

Some clandestine meetings are actually 'urban planing exercises" kept secret yet 'hidden in plain sight' at the local level where U.S. federal agents, military and police discuss 'operational tactics' as was disguised in Torrance, California with a 'seemingly private-sector company' property used for another "training exercise" 'other than what it publicly advertises on its website' - an 'actual urban operational planning purpose' being 'kept quiet' so-as not to alarm neighbors as-to 'why' so many well-seasoned 'federal agents' were meeting inside its building, here:

NGB is 'now hiding in plain sight' under the 'new "Joint Services Support System."

Using 'local cliche' "Community Forces" auspices so, the NGB 'pubic interposed force' is 'already deeply entrenched in your neighborhood', here:

Is America amidst 'covert Marshall Law'?

What event is going to occur in the United States that would cause so much civil unrest and disobedience against authorities requiring a U.S. President to newly appoint America's first ( 1st ) National Guard Bureau ( NGB ) now in the U.S. Joint Chiefs of Staff ( JCS )? The NGB was 'officially interposed by new U.S. Executive Orders'.

Also, a 'new U.S. Department of Homeland Security authority' over the entire American population', revealed by this '2012 official intelligence document' addressing a number of riveting details the public should be made aware of:


In addition to DHS now granted control, a January 2013 document ( below ) clarifies not only 'any U.S. citizen' but even 'any U.S. State' objecting to 'federal edicts' are 'now in for a big surprise':

"The Insurrection Act is the 'popular name' given to Sections 331 through 335 of Title 10 United States Code ( 10 USC 331 - 335 ).

These code sections 'provide the President broad and substantial power to use Militia' ( National Guard Bureau - NGB ) 'and federal military forces' to 'quell domestic disorder'.

Section 331 provides that upon request of a State legislature, or Governor if the legislature cannot be convened, 'the President may use federalized Militia and/or federal military forces to repress a rebellion in that State'.

Section 332 'provides the authority to interpose federal forces even without a State request', if the President determines that 'judicial enforceable of federal law' is 'infeasible due to civil unrest'.

Section 333 significantly expands the scope of executive power by directing the President to 'use Militia' and/or 'federal forces' or 'by any other means', shall take such measures as he considers necessary to 'suppress State insurrection that obstructs implementation' of federal or State law.

Under this section action by the President is considered justified because 'the State is
deemed to have denied the fundamental right of equal protection of the laws guaranteed to all United States citizens by the Constitution'.

The National Defense Authorization Act for FY 2007 modified Section 333 to include 'major public emergencies'. *Section 333 'was Repealed in 2008'.

A conforming 'amendment now permits' the use of Presidential Reserve Call-Up authority for major public emergencies.

Section 334 requires the President to 'issue a proclamation to disperse' to the
'insurrectionists', prior to utilizing military force, and Section 335 simply recognizes the territories of Guam and the Virgin islands as States for the purposes of the Insurrection Act.

Bottom line, 'the President has the legal authority' to quell insurrection 'with State request', 'without State request', and even 'over State opposition'."


Will the NGB be the new U.S. KGB ( FIS *)?

Alot of questions need to be asked, and there's only one ( 1 ) to pry secrets from those keeping their captives in the dark.

Thank you for entertaining the opportunity for more in-depth research.

Submitted for review and commentary by,

Paul Collin
The Unwanted Publicity Guy
E-MAIL: UnwantedPublicity@Gmail.Com
WWW: http://Pinterest.Com/CARVed/


"We wage a war with no rules, a snowstorm with no end, we share a bottle with a foe, and get a bullet from a friend." - CCCP Colonel Igor Prelin ( KGB, Retired )

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