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What can explain the long lived cover-up fable and the Confuseum after 50 years?
A question for many decades I have held is this,
What the hell is it about the Dallas Coup that has the National Security State unleashed on so many and for so long?

What are "they" so damned afraid of becoming common knowledge globally and same for WeThePeople? Coups happen - fact of History for all time, assassinations empowered from on top too.

What hidden history could turn all the power elite, press, law enforcement and all instantly deploy cover-up in 48 72 hours the fable and lies were established as "official facts" to get the good-housekeeping seal of approval the following September.

I think simple complicity of a few rogue assets cannot explain the depth of the fable, nor the 5 decade long cover-up, suppression and such. The obscene profits of the SE Asia games and dope were secrets in 1963 but not now. Why such an effort to lie and destroy the "consent of the governed"?
That is a huge cost given away for what? Even today?

What could have the House of Morgan and Murdock and allies so frightened even 50 years later?
Bugliosi and Posner and Paul McAdams Nolan are being financed even now. The Confuseum at Elm and Houston is financed in depth by someone.

In the Lincoln assassination murder investigation the press did the same thing just at the speed of the telegraph and team of horses.

The old LBJohnson fable of 40 million dead if the ties to Cuba/Russia led to ww3, cannot play in this century. But the fables live on in the face of the known facts.

I can't buy the idea that the People (of the USA) would run riot or lynch some folks, they are mostly dead.

Wouldn't anyone think the cover-up of the 2008 Wall Street thefts have to be more urgent? Not one thief from the House of Morgan/Citibank/BOA jailed yet? Blind Justice - bullsh*t. I gotta throw the BS flag on that one.

Whatever the deal being hidden of 1963 is the continuing cover-up is a danger to this Republic.

Refusing to change will force the change by any means at hand eventually. History is clear on that point.

Something darker than dope in Laos/Cambodia and the Murder of John Kennedy? What is it they are so frightened of becoming known?
Ruling classes will never admit that they, or their predecessors, lied or covered up. Unless they can blame the coverup on someone outside Government (see UK's Hillsborough disaster cover up).

The reason is that it would forever undermine the credibility of the system that we have. It is not in the interests of those who run the system, or those who report on it, to cause its downfall.
It seems to me that to sacrifice credibility for the sake of the Empire is a fool's errand.

The present trend in the US is ever more lack of credibility since very shortly after the September 1964 release of the Warren Report. Lies about SE Asia games, the illegal actions taken by the "state" against the civil rights efforts, on into the Cover-up of Woodstein re:watergate lies. A steady continuing trend down in confidence by WeThePeople since that time.

The 1960s alone destroyed the Elite and the Government credibility and thereby eroded the "consent of the governed"

So called approval rating of Congress (H of Reps and Senate) hover about 10%. Today the theft of the International Bankers of NY, London, and Stuttgart in 2008 finished the question for all the folks I know.

An Empire built on BS as this one is, cannot but fail sooner or later. To worry about the deck chairs on the Titanic while the ship floods is my perception of the efforts to preserve empire. Keeping the 3rd class peons locked below decks while the servants served others.

The question of consent of the governed is an issue. The ST threw it out with the bathwater and are not even aware of the error yet. The credibility issue is sacrificed to no benefit.

Twice WeThePeople have spoken for change, but get nothing much of the voice expressed in the votes of 2008 and 2012. Only by comparison to GWBush does BHObama fair well.

Jack Kennedy he ain't.

I cannot imagine how the Government or any Governments can ever recover the consent of the governed after the last century of history.

One thing about the enemy, they are not stupid, therefore I must assume they do not think credibility and the consent of the governed matters at all.

A certain arrogance, to be sure. (I beg pardon of GMEvica).

A potentially fatal arrogance.
If I may, as a non-US citizen, I'd agree that Obama has not been the beacon of hope and clarity I was hoping for. How much of that is down to the Houses - I'm not really sure.

The current system - here and in the US - is a facade supported by the proportion of the population who idea of mental stimulation is American Idol/X Factor and journalistic vigour is Fox News. Those who are too lazy to think for themselves or seek true enlightenment elsewhere. Sheep, in other words.

Here, as in the US, credibility matters not a jot as long as you keep repeating the same lies, even after they have been proven lies. Blair and Cameron are exemplars of this trait.

I'd argue that any US President who leads to an official conclusion that (e.g.) the CIA killed JFK would cause a Constitutional crisis, and they know it too. The longer term good of the country is subserviant to their own short term career goals. That and the fact that no President wants to go down in history as the person who caused the end of the system created by the Founding Fathers.
I don't think it's so much the fable of the warren Commission, as the fable of America. That myth must be maintained to control the masses. Most of the players are dead now but the "secret team" is alive and well and more entrenched than ever.They need to remain secret in order to be effective.
Jim Hackett II Wrote:A question for many decades I have held is this,
What the hell is it about the Dallas Coup that has the National Security State unleashed on so many and for so long?

What are "they" so damned afraid of becoming common knowledge globally and same for WeThePeople? Coups happen - fact of History for all time, assassinations empowered from on top too.

What hidden history could turn all the power elite, press, law enforcement and all instantly deploy cover-up in 48 72 hours the fable and lies were established as "official facts" to get the good-housekeeping seal of approval the following September.

I think simple complicity of a few rogue assets cannot explain the depth of the fable, nor the 5 decade long cover-up, suppression and such. The obscene profits of the SE Asia games and dope were secrets in 1963 but not now. Why such an effort to lie and destroy the "consent of the governed"?
That is a huge cost given away for what? Even today?

What could have the House of Morgan and Murdock and allies so frightened even 50 years later?
Bugliosi and Posner and Paul McAdams Nolan are being financed even now. The Confuseum at Elm and Houston is financed in depth by someone.

In the Lincoln assassination murder investigation the press did the same thing just at the speed of the telegraph and team of horses.

The old LBJohnson fable of 40 million dead if the ties to Cuba/Russia led to ww3, cannot play in this century. But the fables live on in the face of the known facts.

I can't buy the idea that the People (of the USA) would run riot or lynch some folks, they are mostly dead.

Wouldn't anyone think the cover-up of the 2008 Wall Street thefts have to be more urgent? Not one thief from the House of Morgan/Citibank/BOA jailed yet? Blind Justice - bullsh*t. I gotta throw the BS flag on that one.

Whatever the deal being hidden of 1963 is the continuing cover-up is a danger to this Republic.

Refusing to change will force the change by any means at hand eventually. History is clear on that point.

Something darker than dope in Laos/Cambodia and the Murder of John Kennedy? What is it they are so frightened of becoming known?

Funny thing is I see this as the easiest of ALL the questions to answer...

"THEY" are still doing it.
The answer, IMHO, is that it is not any one is a HUMONGOUS String Of Events [assassinations, covert ops, government overthrows, lies and deceptions, propaganda, spying on everyone, creating fear in the general population for control, other forms of social control, megadeath and wars, corporate crimes, bankster heists, anti-democratic actions hidden under the petty-skirts of Potemkin Village 'democracy', genocide, racism, sexism, ageism, classism and on and on and on.....from genocide of the Native Americans, through the founding of the 'Republic' when only men with land could vote, to 911, and beyond]. 11/22/63 was just a small, if highly significant, point along that disgusting line of historic horrors by the ruling elites. We either stop them or they soon will stop us! They have already succeeded in destroying what LITTLE decency, democracy, freedoms and liberties were left. They correctly realize that if the public were to really understand any one of these little horrors, they would soon start to see the totality of them and act against the Beast behind them. IMHO.
"Let me issue and control a nation's money and I care not who writes the laws. - Mayer Rothschild
"Civil disobedience is not our problem. Our problem is civil obedience! People are obedient in the face of poverty, starvation, stupidity, war, and cruelty. Our problem is that grand thieves are running the country. That's our problem!" - Howard Zinn
"If there is no struggle there is no progress. Power concedes nothing without a demand. It never did and never will" - Frederick Douglass
It didn't take 50 years for the reality and truth of Pearl Harbor deceptions to escape from the "spook houses", DOD and not.

Op Phoenix escaped but as a limited hang-out exposed as truth.

Repeatedly 'secrets' have become exposed and the empire didn't fall.

Co-Intell Pro even when exposed was parlayed off as the act of JEHoover and the programs were "halted" soon after JEHoover died. Another limited hangout.

The huge efforts the Empire has and continues to expend reveals how desperate the Empire is. And How reactive.

The issue is international, but the Brits allow an "Official Secrets Act" (?!) so silence prevails in some ways. The Americans simply classify information but citizens have a means to pry the data away from the hidden enclave of lies. OK Sort of. FOIA suits are SLOW and releases often incomplete. But the legal means are available even if the law was designed to get at corporate records more than Government records.

Luckily the US citizenry is allowed to believe and openly discuss anything, but sadly are allowed to know nothing, even when an American over-rides the Wurlitzer background hummmmmmm.

Why continue the efforts and money expended to stop truth. Doesn't anyone in the Global Empire know truth CANNOT be hidden forever? Particularly the President Kennedy Murder and attending events.

I guess the Empire refuses to study history. They choose to rewrite it to suit and the band plays on...... Why?

I couldn't live under as much fear as I see in the ST workers.

The sand beneath the Global Empire's feet shifts. Who will "fall for" the next limited hang-out standing in the place of truth?

A futile Psyop is all I see in the on-going cover-ups.
zzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzoom. Inside snap roll - - - execute.
A long chain of usurpations and abuses. No doubt.

I also fear your next to last line could be all too real. Us or Them.

And Yes our Republic has been stolen and it makes me angry.

It the old frog in the hot water thing, slowly we cook.
I wish there was a "Like" button or something similar. I've read some fantastic posts here recently.

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