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Israel's 'Prisoner X' was Australian Mossad agent, documentary claims
Former military intelligence chief: Israel held a 'Prisoner X' in 1970s

The affair is likely related to an incident that occurred towards the end of the first Rabin government, when a European couple suspected of terror links was arrested in Africa and released years later.

By Amir Oren | Jul.13, 2013 | 5:27 PM

[Image: 3004040219.jpg]Shlomo Gazit, former MI chief.Photo by IDF Spokesperson's Unit

Israel Defense Forces' intelligence unit held at least one anonymous prisoner during the 1970s, without the public's knowledge, according to Maj. Gen. (res.) Shlomo Gazit who headed the unit from 1974-1979.
In an article he published Saturday morning, Gazit wrote: "Roughly 36 years ago, as director of Military Intelligence, I allowed the detention of aPrisoner X in total solitary confinement. I did it with a clean conscience, and I knew full well the national and security-related ramifications of making that information public. My superiors of course knew of the secret, and authorized my decision. The subject was brought to the attention of the justice system, which dealt with the matter with complete discretion. The whole affair ended long ago - and I'm glad to say without any leaks. Moreover, even though decades have passed since then, if information on the affair came out it could still cause a great deal of damage, even today."
Gazit refused to elaborate, or hint at the identity of the prisoners but he apparently referred to an event during the end of Yitzhak Rabin's first term as prime minister. Shimon Peres was serving as defense minister at the time, Yigal Alon as foreign minister, Aharon Barak as attorney general, and Motta Gur as IDF chief of staff. This group under Rabin presumably authorized the secret detention.
The ordeal began in the 1970s when IDF intelligence discovered that a European terror group, one of several to operate against Israel was working together with a one of the Palestinian terror organizations. They also found out that the two groups met, among other places, in an African country that was friendly to Israel. In order to obtain information about the extent of those ties, and on planned terrorist attacks, it was proposed that two members of the European group be brought in for interrogation. The two were a couple, from a European nation, the friendship of which Israel considered important. Secrecy was necessary in order to avoid harming diplomatic ties with two nations, one in Europe and one in Africa.
After obtaining authorization from Rabin, his senior ministers and the attorney general, the couple was arrested in Africa by the local intelligence services and turned over to Israel. Here in Israel they were placed in a joint cell in the old police station in Gedera, which was used for Military Intelligence's investigations. Once all relevant intelligence was extracted in the investigation, and with the approval of the intelligence services in their European country of origin, the couple was released to go back home. Afterwards they apparently decided to keep mum on the affair of their own volition.
Although Gazit brought the case of the European couple to light in response to the anonymous prisoners in the news the past week, there are significant differences between now and then. The 1970s couple was suspected of terrorism even if they weren't brought to trial, but only held in administrative detention. They were held in conditions similar to captivity more like Guantanamo Bay, and less likewings 13 and 15 of Ayalon Prison.

"The philosophers have only interpreted the world, in various ways. The point, however, is to change it." Karl Marx

"He would, wouldn't he?" Mandy Rice-Davies. When asked in court whether she knew that Lord Astor had denied having sex with her.

“I think it would be a good idea” Ghandi, when asked about Western Civilisation.

Israeli Attorney Exposes New Prisoner X, Shin Bet's Poisoning of Legal System

by Richard Silverstein on August 16, 2013 · 0 comments
in Mideast Peace

An interesting drama is unfolding in Israel as I write this. On July 11th, Amir Oren published a profile of the wife of a new Prisoner X. One the Israeli public hadn't previously known about. You'll recall the original Prisoner X was Ben Zygier, a failed Mossad agent accused of sabotaging a covert spy operation and imprisoned for his actions. He committed suicide a few years ago.
But Prisoner X2, as reported by Oren is an entirely different case. This man has already been imprisoned for many years on charges no one knows. Not only do we not know his name or what he did, we don't know precisely where he is except in a prison somewhere in Israel. From Oren's article, which the censor immediately forced Haaretz to take down (but not before I got a screenshot and translated it!), it's not clear how he found out about this new mystery man.

Feldman in court with another security detainee subject to the parallel judicial system, Anat Kamm (Ofer Amram)

That's where the next piece of the puzzle fits in: on July 7th (two days before Oren's story was published) Israeli radio host, Nissim Mish'al, aired an interview (Hebrew) with noted criminal defense attorney, Avigdor Feldman. You'll recall that the latter was the last person to see Ben Zygier alive other than his wife. He visited him in order to determine whether he could help with his legal defense.
In this interview, Feldman revealed for the first time the existence of Prisoner X2. Not only that, but he said there were more than one or even two Prisoner Xs. In other words, that Israel has had a number of grave security breaches by Israeli security agents who were tried and imprisoned in secret. This will explain an important part of the post that will follow.
Oren had implied without stating it clearly, that Prisoner X2 was a former Mossad agent. In the radio interview, Feldman revealed that his "crime" was far more grave than anything Zygier did. While the latter's crime was basically that of a well-intentioned individual who messed up badly, the new case was far more serious. It involved a grave breach of national security which, when Feldman first heard of it, caused him to be struck dumb. Coming from a criminal defense attorney who's represented some of the gravest security cases in Israel's history including Marcus Klingberg and Mordechai Vanunu, you know it's BIG.
In fact, while he was speaking to Mish'al, Feldman told him (it wasn't entirely clear that he was joking) that he was looking in his rear view mirror as two men were following him. In other words, the lawyer knew that he was breaching security protocol in exposing this secret. Given the entirely opaque manner in which the Israeli justice system deals with security cases, it takes balls to do what he did. This is a man who makes his living from representing those charged with criminal or security offenses. To go up against the very system that allows you to earn a living is a very big deal. Especially in a national security state like Israel.
The third piece of the puzzle is an article just published in Haaretz (Hebrew) by Uri Misgav. He recounts a strange tale of an Israeli lawyer (unnamed) who one day finds in his office an individual bearing a secret letter from the state prosecutor. The letter accuses him of "violating customary norms" involving security cases. Though in most democracies even security officials have to refer to case law and criminal codes, in Israel the secret police can get you for breaching what they call "customary norms."
The article never makes clear what this attorney did to violate these norms. But if we assume the subject was Avigdor Feldman (and an independent Israeli source confirms that it is) , then we know what he did: he exposed the existence of not just Prisoner X2 but of others as well. What's truly astonishing about the letter is that it threatens him with criminal prosecution for what he did. However, it notes that the state prosecutor decided not to prosecute for unspecified reasons. But the clear implication of the letter is that if you continue playing for the wrong side that there are things the State can do that will make your professional life a living hell.
What can it do? Security cases all involve classified documents and information. All judges, prosecutors and defense attorneys must undergo a security screening process by the Shabak. Not only are they investigated by the agency, but they are given a course on the subject of these documents, how they are to be handled, and how the security services will conduct business with them. Once the lawyer receives his security clearance he or she is permitted to represent any security detainee. Theoretically.
But here's how the system works in practice. When you are suspected of a security offense, whether you are Jew or Palestinian, you are brought in for interrogation. You may not consult your attorney, usually for days or even weeks. During that period, you are entirely at the mercy of the Shabak. Often, you can't consult with or contact anyone, including your family. There comes a point in this process when the investigators will begin to discuss legal representation. They may ask who the detainee has in mind to represent him.
This is where the security services work the process to the hilt. There are multiple interests at work here: the detainee, possibly shamed by the charge against him, may not want his case to be known publicly. If the case is embarrassing enough to the Mossad or Shabak, they don't want a trial either since it will place them in greater danger of the public and media finding out.
So when the suspect tells his interrogator he wants an Avigdor Feldman, the Shabak responds that while Feldman may be a good lawyer, they not only don't trust him to keep secrets, they can't work as well or closely as they might, and couldn't offer him nearly as good a deal as they could if he hired a different lawyer with whom they have far better relations. The prisoner clearly understands that if he wants to cut a deal favorable to himself that a pesky attorney like Feldman isn't the one he wants.
That's the way the security services work the system without being seen to do so. Feldman supports his claim by noting that the circle of attorneys who do high level security cases is very small. Of those few who do them, a number of the lawyers have extremely close connections to the security apparatus. One of Feldman's most famous clients was Marcus Klingberg, who was a high level Soviet spy in Israel. The latter was approached in prison by an attorney who suggested that if Klingberg chose him to represent him and agreed to a three-way deal that involved the missing Israeli airman Ron Arad, and another Soviet spy, Shabtai Kalmanovich, that the lawyer could cut an extremely good deal for him.
Another amazing element in Misgav's post was the suggestion that there is a "parallel" system of justice in Israel for security cases that are extremely sensitive. These are cases like the ones I mentioned above, in which an Israeli Jewish suspect has betrayed the tribe and gravely damaged the system. He is arrested, interrogated, tried and imprisoned in secret. To conduct such a "discreet" judicial process, it requires a cadre of willing defense attorneys. Ones who will play ball with the Shabak. Who will advise their clients to accept a deal offered that might not really be in their best interest, but that will spare everyone, but most of all the State and its security minions, a lot of headaches.
Misgav/Feldman doesn't just blame the lawyers. He includes the judges too as willing collaborators in the system. They allow the prosecutors extraordinary leeway in presenting their case. They review and approve plea bargains without even knowing the charges or evidence. They make rulings without seeing evidence or without allowing the defense to see it. They consult or collude with the prosecution in ways that would never be permissible in a truly democratic country.
In order to clean up messes made by security operatives who've gone bad, it requires this parallel judicial system. But being that it is a secret system with even less guarantees for the rights of the defendant than the normal judicial process, it's prone to serious breaches. It's also prone to grave errors like the ones that led to Ben Zygier's suicide (he was one of these detainees sucked into the parallel judicial universe).
In some senses, what Feldman and Misgav are describing is a legal Wonderland in which the suspects are sucked, like Alice, down a rabbit hole. The world they see once they land at the bottom looks like the normal judicial system. There are judges, lawyers, courtrooms, etc. But everything is distorted and nothing is quite as it seems. That's how Marcus Klingberg could be kidnapped, tried and imprisoned in secret for years without even his family knowing. It's how something very similar happened to Ben Zygier. It's how Prisoner X2 was spirited away.
Feldman is the canary in the coal mine. He's warning Israelis that there are many more Prisoner Xs and that if they don't do something, the system will only get worse. For that, the entire wrath of the State comes down upon his head. Thank God there are Avigdor Feldmans, Brian Mannings and Edward Snowdens. Where would we be without them? And what if the State systematically destroys them? What then?
Thanks to Dena Shunra for research assistance with this post.
"The philosophers have only interpreted the world, in various ways. The point, however, is to change it." Karl Marx

"He would, wouldn't he?" Mandy Rice-Davies. When asked in court whether she knew that Lord Astor had denied having sex with her.

“I think it would be a good idea” Ghandi, when asked about Western Civilisation.

Prisoner X' doomed by university spy leak

  • Blanche Clark Books editor
  • Herald Sun
  • February 21, 2014 9:31PM

[Image: 1226834209330?format=jpg&group=iphone&size=medium]
Ben Zygier in an undated picture sourced from Twitter. Source: News Limited

BEN Zygier, the Melbourne-born spy who died in an Israeli jail as "Prisoner X", was arrested after talking about Mossad operations to fellow students at Monash University, a new book says.

One of the students was a businessman with links to Iran, author Rafael Epstein writes in Prisoner X, out next week.
Epstein's research convinced him the Iranian businessman relayed the data back to Iran, and that the Mossad picked up on the leak.
Prisoner X also says ASIO had begun to monitor an unwitting Zygier as he lived in Caulfield with his pregnant wife and child.
Zygier, a dual Australian and Israeli citizen, was recalled to Israel by Mossad, arrested on January 31, 2010, and sent to Ayalon Prison, where he hanged himself on December 15 that year, aged 34.
Last year Israel paid Zygier's family $1.2 million in exchange for agreeing not to pursue a compensation claim.

Epstein says the portrayal of Zygier as a zealot or traitor is wrong, and covers up the lack of transparency and care of the Australian and Israeli governments.
Epstein says the portrayal of Zygier as a zealot or traitor is wrong, and hides a lack of transparency by the Australian and Israeli governments.
Educated at The King David School then Bialik College, and a member of different Zionist youth movements in Melbourne, Zygier first went to Israel in 1993.
He returned to Melbourne to study law at Monash University, deferred after a year, and served in the Israeli Army in 1996 and 1997.
He moved to Israel in 2003 as a lawyer.
Epstein writes that Mossad recruited Zygier, and he gathered intelligence for it while working for various companies in Europe and Israel over five years. He took a break in 2009, and returned to Melbourne with his wife and daughter to study at Monash University.
Epstein says during this time, friends found Zygier's behaviour increasingly erratic.
He says the month before his death, Zygier told the prison psychiatrist that he'd twice tried to kill himself several years previously.
Epstein concludes that the Mossad either hadn't uncovered Zygier's mental fragility or had decided it could be successfully managed.
Epstein says on the day he died, Zygier was distressed because his wife had demanded a divorce. Zygier called his mother in Melbourne, who alerted his lawyer she feared suicide but there was no jail record of the concerns.
Prisoner X, by Rafael Epstein, Melbourne University Press, rrp $30
"The philosophers have only interpreted the world, in various ways. The point, however, is to change it." Karl Marx

"He would, wouldn't he?" Mandy Rice-Davies. When asked in court whether she knew that Lord Astor had denied having sex with her.

“I think it would be a good idea” Ghandi, when asked about Western Civilisation.
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[TD="class: text18w"]Exclusive Interview[/TD]
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[TD]Ben Zygier. 'A person in great distress' Photo: AFP[/TD]
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[TD] Ben Zygier did not betray his country, says Prisoner X's lawyer

Attorney Moshe Mazor was one of only people in Israel allowed into Ayalon Prison's isolated wing to meet with his client, alleged Mossad agent Ben Zygier. In exclusive interview, he speaks about his relationship with 'Prisoner X', phone call he received from him hours before he committed suicide, and why he believes Zygier's death was a huge failure.
Tsach Shpitsen
[TD="class: text12g"] Published:[/TD]
[TD="class: text12g"]04.27.14, 00:13 / Israel News[/TD]
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A charged silence filled the courtroom of Judge Hila Gerstl, president of the Central District Court. Only several people were allowed to stay for the discussion about the detainee who would be led into the room very soon, a detainee with no name and no address outside the courthouse walls, who only few people know what he had been doing in the past few years. Even fewer people are familiar with the suspicions against him.

Attorney Moshe Mazor stood in the corner, alert. In order to be here, he had to undergo strict security clearance by the Shin Bet security service. A special room was built in his law firm for his work on the case, a room which one could only enter by punching in a secret code. An intimidating safe placed inside the room was to be the only place where the material of the mysterious case attorney Mazor was about to become part of would be kept. He had yet to meet his client.
And then the door opened.
Ben Zygier, who would later be known as Prisoner X and become the focus of a security-related affair which rattled Israel in early 2013, walked into the courtroom. "And that's when I saw him for the very first time," attorney Mazor recounts. "I expected to see a laurelled hero, as portrayed in thrillers and espionage stories. I expected a Rambo. And I saw a child. A pleasant-looking child, with big blue eyes.
"I remember the first time those eyes stared at me, because he didn't understand who I was and what I was doing there. When I left that discussion, I realized that those must be the people who eventually do the job. At the end of the day it was this figure of a regular-looking person, like anyone else, which added further mystery to the affair. I said to myself: If this is the person, he must be very special."

That was the beginning of the acquaintance between Mazor and Zygier. What started off as a relationship between a client and his lawyer developed into a deep, personal friendship. Long hours of heart-to-heard conversations, frequent visits to prison, and also getting to know his wife in Israel and his relatives in Australia, turned attorney Mazor into one of the closest people to Zygier during the last months of his life. Zygier's last phone call, at 5 pm on the day he took his own life, was to Mazor.
Attorney Moshe Mazor. 'I still find myself thinking about Ben occasionally' (Photo: Photo: Rami Zerenger)

Mazor, 34, exactly the age Zygier was when he died, refused to discuss the affair until now. He was afraid to offend Zygier's family members, and also found it difficult to deal with the difficult memories left by the affair. Several weeks ago, he finally agreed to talk about Ben Zygier for the very first time. He said he felt a strong need to repair the public image created by many reports about Zygier and present him as he had known him.
Attorney Mazor, some people will say that you became a traitor's lawyer.
"The first question I asked when I joined the representation was: What were his motives? And when I realized that the motives were not financial or, God forbid, ideological, I let go of this issue and understood that it would be easier for me, both in terms of my conscience and perhaps professionally too, to handle the case."
Do you define Ben as a friend?
"Look, this is a difficult question which I struggled with quite a lot in the period after his death. I lost a client, that's for sure. A client which filled many of my hours in the last year of his life. I reflected on whether I had lost a friend, and the more I delved into that thought, then the answer is yes, he was a friend. Ben needed a friend before he needed a lawyer. He wouldn't have survived the months he managed to survive in jail in the difficult conditions he was placed in, without a sympathetic ear for his personal problems."
1. The cell: Playing tennis against the wall

On December 15, 2010, Ben Zygier (Alon) was found dead in his isolated cell at the Ayalon Prison. The wardens who entered his cell found him hanging in the shower with a sheet tied to the bathroom window wrapped around his neck. Attempts to resuscitate him were unsuccessful.

Zygier, who was 34 when he died, was born in Australia. He was arrested for what Israeli authorities referred to as a "security affair." A joint investigation by German news magazine Der Spiegel and Yedioth Ahronoth reporter Ronen Bergman revealed that Zygier had handed sensitive information to Hezbollah, which led to the arrest of two Lebanese agents who had worked for the Mossad, the Israeli secret service. According to the report, Zygier had contacted a Hezbollah collaborator and tried to recruit him of his own accord. But the collaborator had deceived him and managed to get sensitive information out of him.
There were also additional reports which ascribed other deeds to Zygier, but all of them portrayed him as a "babbler" rather than as a person who committed treason for financial or ideological motives. Attorney Mazor stressed throughout the interview that he would not address the circumstances of Zygier's arrest and the offenses attributed to him.
Zygier was imprisoned in strict secrecy and isolation, under a false name, in a separated wing called Wing 15, the place where Yigal Amir, Prime Minister Yitzhak Rabin's murderer, was once held. Because of these unusual confinement conditions, the Israeli media also referred to Zygier as Prisoner X.
After his death, the State launched a special legal procedure called "investigation into the cause of death." Judge Daphna Blatman-Kedrai, president of the Rishon Lezion Magistrate's Court, ruled that there was alleged evidence for prosecuting some people in the Israel Prison Service (IPS) for causing death by negligence. The State Prosecutor's Office, however, decided not to file criminal charges.
In September 2013, the State of Israel struck a deal with Zygier's family members, granting them about NIS 4 million ($1.15 million) in compensation in exchange for not filing a civil lawsuit against the state.
In 2013, an investigation by Australia's national public broadcaster, ABC, published details about Zygier's arrest and suicide and the Prisoner X affair broke in Israel too, despite the gag order placed on it. It was then also revealed that the late Zygier had been represented by attorneys Roy Blecher, Boaz Ben Zur and Moshe Mazor.
Attorney Mazor, do you remember the day this sensitive case landed on your doorstep?
"I remember that one day a rumor began circulating in the corridors of Boaz Ben Zur's law firm, where I had worked at the time. According to the rumor, there was a highly classified security case which attorney Roy Blecher had offered Attorney Ben Zur to work with him on. I was lucky enough to have Boaz telephone me and ask me to join the representation and undergo the proper security clearance.
"Among my colleagues in the office there was a sort of positive envy, although I was chosen to handle the case. The truth is that I was very happy, because I am interested in security-related issues. I realized that this was a professional opportunity to enter a world I was unfamiliar with, or to be more exact a world I only knew from books and films."
Did you receive any special instructions from the security organizations about the investigation?
"A very limited number of people were in on the secret. We were not even allowed to tell people in the office what it was about. When the material arrived, I had already moved to Roy Blecher's office at the Seligman & Co. law firm and a room in our office was dedicated to it. We installed PIR detectors in the room, as well as a door which only opens with a secret code and an extremely massive safe.
"We received clear procedures: We could perform our legal work only on laptop computers with different types of coding, and print the material related to the case on a unique printer. We were given very clear instructions and procedures about how to handle the material, both inside the office and when we take it outside. Extremely strict security measures."
The day he met Zygier for the first time, in Judge Gerstl's courtroom, Mazor also met Prisoner X's wife. "She appeared distressed and spoke about the uncertainty she was facing. You could actually see it on their faces, both his and hers. The Shin Bet officials kindly let Ben be with his wife inside the courtroom after the discussion. It's hard to describe Ben and his wife's difficultly to create some kind of intimacy between a couple in this difficult situation."
From that moment on, Zygier and Mazor began holding long telephone conversations and frequent meetings at Wing 15. "It was an odd situation," Mazor says, "because we would arrive at the prison gates, and at the entrance we already realized that there was something quite weird going on: We wouldn't say the name of the inmate we had come to visit and our entrance would not be registered."
What does Wing 15 look like?
"Ben's cell was at the end of the prison. I would arrive at a door leading to a large yard, and from there we were led to a separate wing, Wing 15. At the entrance to the wing there was a three-door barrier, and each time one door opened the others would close. In order to open the first door, the warden accompanying you presses an intercom button and asks the guards at the command center, 'Open door number one.' The door opens, you pass through it, it closes, and only then the warden presses the intercom button and asks them to open door number two, and so on.
"After the three doors there was a small yard with a locked door. That's the yard Ben would walk around in. A yard covered with concrete with a net on top, which had very little light. It's a yard which was extremely hot in the summer and cold in the winter, so he didn't make much use of it. In the yard there was another door, which was the entrance to the cell itself. It was also opened through remote control by the wardens who oversaw Ben."
The Ayalon Prison. Three doors led to Zygier's isolated cell (Photo: AFP)

And what did the cell look like on the inside?
"The room wasn't particularly big, rigged with cameras, painted in grey-white shades. There was a bathroom with a shower and an old toilet. He also had a large safe in his room, which contained the investigation material about him, and no one apart from Ben had access to the safe. There were IPS orders forbidding the wardens to enter the cell when the safe was open. Ben told me that it was always an issue with the wardens, the content of that safe. They weren't used to having an inmate with a safe in his cell which only he was allowed to open."
Did he try to make the room a bit homier?
"Yes, it was part of his way of coping. His bed, for example, was always very tidy. I think it was an attempt to maintain order within the whole mess he was in. Over time, the room got an increasingly human and pleasant form.
"Ben would scribble and draw all the time. One day I arrived at the cell, and on one of the bare walls he had hung all kinds of scribbles and drawings related to his family members. He wrote their names in English on the drawing, and we spoke about the fact that the drawing was a sort of symbol. I told him that every time he experienced a tough day or received unpleasant news, he should look up at the wall and understand that this is the essence, that this is what he is living and fighting for. I told him he should hope that the names' letters would become part of his daily reality."
What was his daily routine in the cell?
"Ben was a very organized person. He would limit his hours in order to create a normal daily routine, as much as he could in the difficult isolation conditions he was in. He had a fixed daily routine of hours dedicates to reading, hours dedicated to listening to the radio and hours dedicated to watching television. There were shows he would never miss."
Like what?
"'Survivor.' He would wait enthusiastically for 'Survivor' once or twice a week."
Was he allowed to talk to the wardens?
"He had very limited contact with the wardens. They didn't know who he was, and he couldn't tell them of course. At some stage he received a television in his cell, and that was the time the World Cup matches were being aired. One day, one of the wardens walked into the cell and saw him watching one of Australia's games. The warden asked Ben which team was he in favor of, and Ben, who didn't know much about football, replied instinctively: 'Australia.'
"The warden began teasing him a bit: 'Of all teams and matches, you've chosen to watch Australia? What do you have to do with Australia?' Ben, who couldn't tell him where he was born, smiled and said: 'There's nothing to watch, so I'm watching this game, and Australia looks like a nice team, an underdog.'
"But despite the restrictions, he still became attached to some of the wardens. One day, after the Carmel fire disaster, I arrived and saw Ben very sad, in a really gloomy mood. I asked him, 'What happened? Why are you sad?' He replied, 'Listen, you're not going to believe this. One of the wardens here, one of the nicest ones, was killed in the Carmel disaster."
I imagine he also experienced long periods of boredom.
"Absolutely. Many times when I entered the cell he would be facing the wall and playing with a small tennis ball. You would hear the tennis ball hitting the wall and bouncing back even before entering the cell. Dozens of times. Sitting in front of the wall, in his boredom, and that's his way of killing a bit more time. I would enter the cell and ask him, 'Ben, what's this about?' And he would reply, 'Sometimes you have to calm your nerves.'"
2. The family: 'Ben, you have a new daughter'

The more they met and spoke on the phone, the relationship between Mazor and Zygier grew tighter and deeper. In the presence of the wardens, Mazor would use the false name given to Zygier in the prison, Yossi. When they left, he would call him by his real name again.

"I remember a very difficult conversation during one of the moments of crisis, about the fact that he misses people who call him by his name and doesn't have even that. I said to him, 'Why do you care about them? They're wardens. Let them call you what they like. Why do you care?' Then he said, 'You don't understand how important it is. Imagine if one day people would tell you that your name isn't Moshe and that you're actually someone else. You can't explain that it's not even your name, that your name is Moshe Mazor. And you are in distress, because you feel your identity is not your identity at all. You're sitting here and playing a part in a show.'
"Our meetings were very frequent. The professional conversations slowly began touching on more personal and intimate matters as well, because at the end of the day, how much can you talk about the case? I felt that he wanted and needed a social relationship, a sympathetic ear."
How much did he miss communicating with other people?
"Very much. He was a very smart man, with extremely high emotional intelligence. He once told me, 'I can't open my heart to my wife like I do with you, because I want her to stay strong. I understand the distress she is in of course and I have to show her that I am strong, because if I won't be strong she'll be destroyed."
You were the one who informed Zygier that his wife had given birth.
"One day, at around 5 am, I got a phone call about his daughter's birth. In an exceptional manner, I telephoned the wardens supervising him at the command and control room. Basically it was against procedures, but I felt it was a special occasion and something had to be done.
"I told the guys at the control room: Listen, this is an unusual situation, but 'Yossi' has a new daughter, and I would like to give him the news. The warden replied, 'Okay, I have to get some permits.' About 25 minutes later, Ben was on the line. I said to him, 'I have very good news for you.' He said to him, 'What? Am I being released?!' I said, 'No, much better news.' And he asked, 'What is it?' There was a moment in which he didn't really understand what was going on, he was still sleepy, and then I said: 'Ben, your daughter has been born.' And then there was another pause, and he said: 'Look at the situation they've brought me to, that the happiest thing that could happen to me in my life is getting out.' His daughter's birth was something which made him very happy and gave him mental strength during that period."
How was his first meeting with his baby daughter?
"His first meeting with the daughter wasn't simple at all. He told me it hurt him so much that he had to meet his girl for the first time in prison. We actually tried to create a situation in which he would be able to come out of prison to an isolated place, so that the first meeting would at least take place there, but unfortunately the security authorities wouldn't allow it."
Did you discuss his future plans, after it would all be over?
"He spoke as if he would end this saga and move on with his life. He once told me, 'Regardless of when this finishes, I will invite you to Australia to introduce you to a different country, to show you some kangaroos. I will take you to Byron Bay, and you'll see how different it is from anything you know here.'
"On the other hand, there were also many moments of stress and crisis, in which I realized that he was a person in great distress, who was under a huge amount of pressure both in terms of the criminal case filed against him and in terms of the isolation, the secret surrounding him and his desire to be strong for his family too."
When were his toughest moments?
"Weekends. After the weekends I would always receive a phone call from him in low spirits. I already knew to expect a call on Sunday. A very unpleasant call, with outbursts. After the conversations I would usually report it. He would tell me that he feels the biggest loneliness on weekends, because on weekdays he hears the doors slam and the announcements on the loudspeakers, and on Saturdays there isn't any of that. Complete silence."
Ben Zygier. 'A person in great distress' (Photo: The Australian website)

During that period, only few people were aware of his arrest. "One day he disappeared both in Australia and in Israel," says Mazor, "and all his relatives apart from his wife, his parents and a very limited number of people who were in on the secret didn't know why."
In the meantime, Mazor's relationship with Ben's parents grew stronger, especially through telephone calls and emails, but also in meetings with the parents when they visited Israel while their son was in prison.
"When I visited Australia and saw how pastoral it is, the green, the swimming pools, the communal life which is very tight, I couldn't understand what Ben had been looking for in Israel," says Mazor. "You must understand that his father is one of the community's notable people, someone who one really looks up to. As far as I know, he still participates in all kinds of conferences and congresses and defends Israel passionately. He did the same even when his son was imprisoned."
Did you ask the father about it?
"Yes, he told me he was living in insane duality: On the one hand, he is angry with the state for failing to protect his son's life; on the other hand, he still feels Jewish and Zionist and wants to show the entire world that Israel's image is wrong.
"By the way, it's important for people to know that Ben even during the toughest times, when he felt that the entire State of Israel was plotting against him was a Zionist, even an ardent Zionist. This is the huge gap between who Ben was and how he was perceived after his death, and it really hurts. He is the exact opposite of an enemy of Israel. He was a man who had love of Israel flowing in his bloodstream. And that's not a metaphor."
3. The signs: 'We won't seek the death penalty'

Apart from Ben Zygier's case, attorney Mazor has handled many other high-profile legal cases in recent years, including an investigation against Breslov Rabbi Eliezer Berland for alleged sexual offenses. Today, Mazor works at the Goldfarb Seligman law firm, which is led by attorneys Eli Zohar and Yudi Levy. These days, for example, he is representing Rabbi Yoshiyahu Pinto in an alleged bribery case involving an Israel Police official.

What does it feel like being at the center of so much legal excitement?
"I like what I do. Working alongside attorneys like Eli Zohar and Roy Blecher is an amazing and educating experience. It's a sort of school for representation and managing legal procedures. I have learned a lot from both of them, as well as from attorneys Boaz Ben Zur and Hagai Halevy, who I worked with in the past."
I understand that you recently found yourself in Zimbabwe with Rabbi Eliezer Berland, who fled Israel after being faced with alleged sexual harassment allegations.
"Working in this field provides meetings with very interesting people and many journeys around the world. It's true that I traveled with attorney Blecher to Zimbabwe to meet Rabbi Berland, and without addressing the suspicions raised against the rabbi and his detailed version of the events, I hope that in the very near future the conditions for his return to Israel will be created."
You can't elaborate about the charges attributed to Ben Zygier either. But what was his attitude towards these charges?
"He spoke about it as a process one must undergo. I felt he was aware of the severity of the allegations, but that in some way he also wanted to confront them."
Did he realize that he would probably go to jail for many years?
"Of course. He understood that he was in for a difficult legal battle. On the other hand, there were many expectations on the way that this battle might be prevented, and there was also another very significant hope."
Are you referring to the reports that there were negotiations for a plea bargain?
"I don't want to get into the details of the plea bargain which was taking shape and was almost signed. What I can say is that there was a very significant gap between the way this case started and the way it was supposed to end.
"In the beginning there was a completely imaginary situation: Attorneys Roy Blecher and Boaz Ben Zur were present during the reading of the indictment. The prosecutor stood up and said that in this case, the state would not seek the death penalty. Roy and Boaz told me that at that same moment they looked at Ben's wife and tried to indicate to her that it was just a formal statement, which the law binds the prosecutor to say, but that they were also shocked by this statement made by the state."
The Zygier affair made headlines in Australia and worldwide (Photo: AFP)

One of the main disagreements between the State Prosecutor's Office and the Zygier family's lawyers had to do with the "red lights" before he committed suicide. The court ruled that Zygier had been defined as a "prisoner under supervision," and that accordingly the wardens should have anticipated that he would try to hurt himself even without warning signs.
"I'm not a professional," says Mazor. "I can't distinguish between momentary depression and ongoing clinical depression, and when it reaches the place in which a person wants to take his own life. What I can say is that all along, the conditions and extreme circumstances Ben was in should have turned on all the red lights on.
"Occasionally he would realize that he is not inside a dream, that this is reality. And when he went head-to-head against reality, those were moments of crisis, low points. It would take him a few days to go back to being the Ben I knew. It would come and go."
But did you hear specific suicide threats from him?
"There was a certain attempt, an immature one: He tried to cut his veins, which resulted in a superficial wound. When he did it, some of his benefits were revoked and his phone calls were slightly shortened. He realized that making threats would hurt him. I think that's the reason why after this case, Ben refrained from saying it clearly and expressing his distress. But the distress was built into the situation."
In its summary of the investigation into the cause of death, the State Prosecutor's Office said that he had undergone psychiatric tests and had met with a social worker 57 times.
"Ben met with some woman who didn't know who he was, what he was, where he was from, what was his job, why he was in prison, what kind of distress he suffered from. Ben would laugh about it with me. He defined it as a 'social talk,' as a conversation out of boredom, because he had no one else to talk to. But he didn't really expect her to help him."
4. The last day: 'I refused to believe it'

Mazor still finds it difficult to talk about Ben Zygier's last day. The IPS report described his final hours as follows: "At 11:10 am, the wife and small daughter of the deceased entered his cell, accompanied by an intelligence non-commissioned officer. At 12:05 pm, the intelligence NCO entered the cell in order to escort the family members out. The NCO said in his testimony that he had noticed that the deceased was crying, nervous and agitated… The deceased's wife went back into the cell in an unusual manner, and when she came out he noticed that she was crying."

"I remember that it began like any other day," Mazor recalls. "I was at a meeting and I received quite an unusual phone call from Ben, who was crying, shouting, not speaking very clearly. I asked him what had happened, and he said that he was in a difficult situation. He told me he had met with his wife and told me about the meeting. I don't want to delve into the details because of the right to privacy."
The State Prosecutor's Office said that his wife had told him during that meeting that she was leaving him.
"That claim is just incorrect. Again, because of the right to privacy I can't discuss exactly what happened in the conversation between them, but I am one of the only people who know what they spoke about that day, and I am telling you that the reports about this issue are just incorrect and are causing great injustice to Ben's widow.
"Anyway, I received the phone call and asked what I could do to help him, and he said he had to make an urgent and exceptional phone call to Australia. I explained to the officials in charge of the issue that it was a difficult situation, and asked for the phone call. I spoke to him and to his wife a few more times, and from the conversation I sensed that things were slowly calming down a bit.
"In the afternoon hours I arrived at the office, opened the computer and saw an email from Ben's mother, which shocked me, made my heart beat faster and left me in cold sweat. Just like that. It said, 'Moshe, I have spoken to Ben. He sounds like he's under the influence of pills. I'm afraid he may have taken an overdose of pills. I fear for his life. Try to help.'
"It's a very unusual email. Immediately, acting against procedures, I picked up the phone and called the commanding post. I said to the warden, 'I know that I'm not allowed to call, but this is a highly unusual situation. I demand that you tell me what Ben is doing.' He told me, 'He's asleep.' That troubled me, because if there indeed is an attempt to commit suicide by taking pills, this is the exact situation we should be concerned about. I said to him, 'Wake him up, no matter what. Wake him up now.' And he said to me, 'Wait a second, I need permission.' I said to him firmly, 'Do what I'm telling you, and have him call me.'
"Ten minutes later, Ben was on the line. He sounded very confused and I tried to get him to speak in order to try to understand if he had actually taken pills. It was a very long conversation. At first Ben was in a bad mood, confused and unfocused, but as time passed I felt he was himself again.
"I said to him, 'Ben, you've had a very tough day. I understand your distress, but you must look at the future.' We spoke about the future, we spoke about what would happen from now on. He told me it had been another tough day, but that it was okay and that he had to move on, and that he would talk to me the next day, immediately after he got up in the morning."
The State Prosecutor's Office says that "even according to attorney Mazor, the conversation was held in a calm and conventional manner, including intentions and references to the future."
"It's true that at the end of the conversation Ben let me understand that he was himself again and spoke about the future a bit, but it wasn't 'calm and conventional.' I believe that I turned all the red lights on and rang all the possible limited bells that I could. But I am a lawyer, not a psychiatrist. I think that the court's report about the state's negligence speaks for itself, and points to the system's helplessness in terms of Ben's unnecessary and outrageous death."
What did you do after the phone call?
"I emailed his mother, saying that he was indeed shaken up but that he was doing better now, and that I planned on talking to his wife and updating her on the conversation. I came home, and at around 1 am they informed me that Ben had died.
"I couldn't believe it. I simply refused to believe it. I remember that I stood in the living room for a long time, completely shocked, reenacting the last conversation, confused. Then I called the lawyers I had been working with on the case, Roy and Boaz, and we had a lengthy conference call. It wasn't a conversation of talking, but a conversation of silence.
"The next call was to Ben's wife. It was a difficult, painful conversation. The amazing thing is that in this conversation she spoke less about herself and was more interested in knowing how I was dealing with the pain. A noble woman like no other."
You couldn't even tell your spouse that your client had died.
"I couldn't tell her anything. She was familiar with these conversations, when I would go into a room and talk, and she understood that it had to do with the secret case I was handling. But she didn't understand exactly what it was about and she knew she was not allowed to ask.
"It was a very difficult night. I didn't fall asleep. In the morning, all I wanted to do was to go and see Ben's wife. I opened the door to her house, went in and we just embraced one another for a long time. She gave me a brave hug without speaking. Those were very difficult days for me, perhaps the most difficult days I have ever experienced in my life."
Did you feel more relieved when the story was published and you could talk about it a bit?
"My wife is the only person who I allowed myself to tell about my distress and the scars I have been carrying since the incident. She has always been my support, and most definitely in this case. I still find myself thinking about Ben occasionally. When the affair broke in the media, I felt bad. It took me back to those bitter and dreadful days. Seeing that face again with the blue eyes, experiencing those emotions."
Is that why you postponed the interview several times?
"Possibly. It's difficult for me."
5. The funeral: 'The IPS failed big time'

Mazor took a flight to Australia for Zygier's funeral. Ben's coffin was in the same plane's cargo hold.

"I traveled with two people from the organization Ben belonged to," Mazor recounts. "One of them knew him very well. It's a 24-hours flight with a 12-hour layover in Bangkok. I don't think I fell asleep during this flight. I kept thinking about Ben and about the entire past year. Flashbacks jumped back and forth. I thought about his wife. By the way, his wife took an earlier flight and sent me a text message that her last request is for me to take care of him during the long journey he is about to take.
"We landed in Australia and traveled to the parents' home. It's an unbearable situation when a mother foresees her son's death, and you are there to explain that there were horrible failures in guarding him. This is the son she raised to contribute to the Jewish state, her pride and joy. I stood at the entrance to the parents' home with trembling knees. I felt like I couldn't go in and see the parents in their unbearable situation.

Zygier's grave. 'The day he died was one of the most difficult days of my life' (Photo: Reuters)

"I went in, and the mother and father gave me a very warm hug. The first question she asked me was if I had managed to get some rest on the flight, if I would like anything to drink or eat and if I could even talk. She, in her grief and before anything else, made sure to ask how I was and how I felt instead of talking about how she felt. It's the nobility which characterizes these special people.

"The funeral itself was a very difficult experience too. One of the eulogizers was a man from the organization. He got off the stage with a gloomy face. I indicated to him that it was a respectable speech, and he approached me and whispered in my ear, "I have been in quite a few difficult situation in my life, and this is probably the most difficult situation I have ever experienced.' I understood exactly what he meant."
And what about you? Do you have bad feelings towards the state following this affair?
"My bad feeling has to do with the IPS' conduct. I believe there was a shocking failure here. It's a situation which speaks for itself: A man whose freedom is taken away from him and who is placed in a closed and isolated cell is a man in danger of committing suicide. The IPS failed big time, and the investigating judge wrote that in her decision in clear language."
And when you summarize those turbulent months, would you say Ben was an innocent man who got in trouble? A Zionist who made a foolish mistake? Or a man who betrayed his country?
"Some of the reports which came out after the affair broke are inaccurate, to say the least. As a person who is very familiar with the details, I am telling you that Ben did not betray his country. The situation he got caught in is far from being categorized under 'traitor.'"
Do you understand the decision made by the State Prosecutor's Office not to file any charges following Ben's death?
"No, I really don't understand that decision. We're not looking to destroy people, but it's important for a country to create deterrence so that such cases don't repeat themselves.
"I can tell you that at the end of the procedure I met with the parents and delivered the decision made by the investigating judge. They read every word with utmost interest and asked many questions. At the end, mainly with the mother, I saw a certain of sigh of relief. They wanted to believe that Israel was a law-abiding state, and when they read the investigation report they realized that is the way things are. It made them feel good.
"I remember the feeling of satisfaction that the tragic affair which turned their serene life into an ongoing nightmare was not swept under the rug, and that the Israeli court's criticism against the IPS was scathing and significant."

The State Prosecutor's Office offered the following response to this interview: "The decision made by the State Prosecutor's Office not to prosecute any of the people involved in the affair was made public on April 25, 2013, seeing that in light of the strength of the evidence and the enforcement policy in regards to the offense of causing death by negligence, it could not be determined on the required criminal level that IPS officials and others involved in supervising the deceased should have foreseen his suicide.

"Moreover, it was impossible to point to a casual connection between the flaws in the supervision and the fatal outcome. The full decision is 12 pages long and elaborates on the different considerations and misgivings, which will not be presented here due to their length, and the public is invited to review it."
The IPS said in response: "The Israel Prison Service has completed its review of the discussed affair and we do not see it fit to address any comment made on the matter."[/TD]
"The philosophers have only interpreted the world, in various ways. The point, however, is to change it." Karl Marx

"He would, wouldn't he?" Mandy Rice-Davies. When asked in court whether she knew that Lord Astor had denied having sex with her.

“I think it would be a good idea” Ghandi, when asked about Western Civilisation.

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