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Whole TV department critical of Chilean government dies in plane crash.
I'm putting it here till there is more information.

A plane carrying most of the journalists from Chilean TV networks TVN and members of Desafio Levantemos Chile have disappeared presumed dead in a plane crash. There are 21 people on the plane. It was going to Isla Juan Fernández to investigate the lack of government support for the tsunami (pre and post earthquake) there. The tv programme had also been big supporters of the students and workers who have been protesting for several months now. A door had been spotted on the water but a siglnal still active from the craft would not be able to operate under water and would indicate that the part of the aircraft is on land. Maybe explosion?
Quote:Airplane carrying Popular Chilean TV Host Felipe Camiroaga Crashes
September 2, 2011 | Filed under: Breaking News,HEADLINES | Posted by: Kayla Young
Santiago, Chile - A FACh CASA C-212 airplane carrying popular Chilean TV Host Felipe Camiroaga, 44, along with TVN (Chile's national television network) crew disappeared in Chile's Juan Fernández Island today after losing contact

Felipe Camiroaga, TVN Presenter, confirmed on the Juan Fernández flight, Photo credit: Gardner Hamilton
with ground crew around 5:48 p.m. The team was headed to the island with Chilean businessman Felipe Cubillos, Executive Director of Desafio Levantemos Chile (Twitter @felipenavegante) and his staff to report on a story on the progress of the reconstruction of the island after the February 2010 8.8 earthquake.

Confirmed on the flight were TVN presenter Felipe Camiroaga, host of Buenos Dias Todos' (Good Morning Everyone) and his fellow TVN staff members - Roberto Bruce, a popular Chilean journalist, Sylvia Slier, Carolina Gatica and Rodrigo Cabezón.

Also on board were key staff of del Desafío Levantemos Chile, which is a Chilean program that was established to help Chile rise after the earthquake and assist earthquake victims. Staff members on board included businessman Felipe Cubillos, Sebastian Correa, Joel Lizama, Catalina Vela Montero, Jorge Palma y Joaquín Arnold.

Two members of the Chilean Ministry of Culture include Galia Díaz y Romina Irarrázabal.

FACh (Chilean Air Force): Journalists José Cifuentes and Rodrigo Fernández.

Crew: Lt. Carolina Fernandez (pilot), Corporal Flavio Olivo, Juan Pablo Mallea Lieutenant, Sergeant Jones, Corporal Eduardo Estrada, Erwin Cape Nunez.

Marcelo Rossi, president of the fishers union in Juan Fernández told the press, "We have no expectations of waiting for someone alive. The port of the island is closed to small boats for harsh weather conditions. The crash was due to strong wind in the area. "

Navy authorities confirmed the crash and reported that debris, a cooler and torn clothing had been found floating in the ocean.

According to, the flight attempted to land two times before crashing.

Following the plane disappearance, President Sebastián Piñera announced that, given the accident, he would no longer be able to attend his meeting planned for the morning of Saturday, Sept. 3 with leaders of student organization Confech. Instead, the president will travel to Juan Fernández. Minister of Education Felipe Bulnes, however, said that he would still be in attendance of the Confech meeting. (UPDATE: As of 10:24 pm SCT, September 2, 2011, it has been stated that President Sebastián Piñera has retracted on his earlier statement and plans to attend the September 3, 2011 meeting with the student leaders from the protests to be hosted at La Moneda at 10:00 am on Saturday, September 3, 2011).

The official list of passengers on flight is:

1.- Silvia Slayer - TVN
2. Rodrigo Cabezón TVN
3.- Carolina Gatica TVN
4.- Felipe Camiroaga - TVN
5.- Roberto Bruce TVN
6.- Carolina - Desafío Levantemos Chile
7.- Sebastian Correa - Desafío Levantemos Chile
8.- Felipe Cubillo - Desafío Levantemos Chile
9.- Joel Lizama - Desafío Levantemos Chile
10.- Jorge Palma - Desafío Levantemos Chile
11.- Joaquin Arnold - Desafío Levantemos Chile

12.- Galia Díaz - Consejo Cultura y Artes
13.- Romina Irarrazaval - Consejo Cultura y Artes

15.- Rodrigo Fernández - FACh
16.- José Cifuentes - FACh

17.- Carolina Fernandez - Pilot
18.- Juan Mallea - Pilot
19.- Eduardo Jonhs
20.- Hermes Nuñez
21.- Flavio Olivia

The search has been called off and will resume 4:00 am on September 3, 2011.
"The philosophers have only interpreted the world, in various ways. The point, however, is to change it." Karl Marx

"He would, wouldn't he?" Mandy Rice-Davies. When asked in court whether she knew that Lord Astor had denied having sex with her.

“I think it would be a good idea” Ghandi, when asked about Western Civilisation.
Surely, just another [yet another!] one of those 'strange' 'coincidences'......:flypig:
"Let me issue and control a nation's money and I care not who writes the laws. - Mayer Rothschild
"Civil disobedience is not our problem. Our problem is civil obedience! People are obedient in the face of poverty, starvation, stupidity, war, and cruelty. Our problem is that grand thieves are running the country. That's our problem!" - Howard Zinn
"If there is no struggle there is no progress. Power concedes nothing without a demand. It never did and never will" - Frederick Douglass
Spanglish googlish translation. Original here

FACh: Officer accused of bullying track and report irregularities and mother of a journalist

Jorge Molina Sanhueza February 18, 2013 Tags: complaint , fach , Irregularities

Maria Teresa Vergara Krebs says the harassment began when she reported anomalies in official courses and worsened because her son, a journalist for the newspaper La Tercera revealed that the institution had hidden information in the process that leads to the crash house in Juan Fernandez. Also asserts that being in Region VI, a car with an agent of the Intelligence Directorate of the Air Force (DIFA) therein, to frighten pursued. She was with a friend, who confirmed the facts. Parallel to this, the Comptroller also makes an inquiry about the anomalies in the education section of the men in blue.

[Image: FACH.jpg]

Monitoring staff of the Directorate of Intelligence of the FACH (DIFA), intimidation of officers on the streets on foot and by car, tear sheet to register your vehicle, theft of a USB flash drive at home, wiretapping, among other harassment situations, is what is in the application for protection submitted an official of the institution to enable the Court of Appeals of Santiago, on Friday.
According to the document obtained by The Online Clinic, Maria Teresa Kliebs Vergara, former professor in the department of teaching and the current official Fach another division of the company, reported anomalies in the training courses that officers must pass to teach at the air force academies. The irregularities occurred between 2005 and 2006. One involved the officer who appeared Alfredo Larenas Dintrans fulfilling the dictates content, although not complete the course. Who approved it, said the complainant, is Professor Natalia Achurra Merino, who had no authority to do so.
Vergara Kliebs anomaly reported to his superiors, which began when the "workplace harassment, including physical and psychological review and removal of my belongings in the workplace, abuse, anonymous phone threats, insults an officer within the ladies room, ironic allusion to the use of a corbo ", among other things.
Vergara Kliebs the anomaly represented his superiors, at the beginning of the "workplace harassment, including physical and psychological review and removal of my belongings in the workplace, abuse, anonymous phone threats, insults an officer within the ladies room, ironic allusion to the use of a corbo ".

She reports that General Hugo Pena air Leiva rebuked in the office so that downgraded the requirement and hours of courses to officers. "You do not obey, what I want is to reduce the hours of the training course and expose officers to a power point and you put a note," said the complainant told the officer said.
Explains the complainant in the appeal, after receiving no response to their objections, reported the situation to flock captain Nicolas Rojas Valencia and reiterated his questioning in the case of Larenas Dintrans.

Faced with no reaction to their proposals, decided to change the professional work within the institution and participated in the second half of 2009 in an internal competition, being hired as faculty advisor to the general staff of the air force. There, he says, had budgeted to implement the knowledge acquired in a Masters of social psychology who was studying at the University of Santiago and in the process forget the bad times happened in your previous post. The latter did not happen.
Vergara had contacted his son, currently a journalist for the newspaper La Tercera, who told him that the location would store a pendrive, where he had personal and academic information, as well as the presentations made to his superiors, "for the event that I something happened, but did not give details or involve him not to worry him, as my duty as a mother is to protect it. "
"In the month of August of 2011, while I was in my office, Campus-of Cerrillos, I realized I was missing the key ring with the keys to my home, from my parents and son, which also happened in the context that, at least, an official who works for DIFA exercised, whose name would be Patrick Hinojosa, was watching and following me inside my workplace, so I claimed for that loss and 20 days, approximately responsible for institutional building told me he had found my keychain, regresándomelo "reads the filing.
Four months later, on December 1 of that year, Vergara had contacted his son of La Tercera newspaper reporter, who told him that the location would store a pendrive, where he had personal and academic information, as well as presentations made to his superiors, "for the event that something happens to me, but did not give details or involve him not to worry him, as my duty as a mother to protect him."
As context it should be noted that the September 2, 2011 there was the plane crash in Juan Fernandez House. As a teacher, Kliebs Vergara had no access to any information on this subject, which was managed with total reserves in the Fach. However, as was the son of the complainant officer who conducted the case in the middle of Copesa, grew bullying against women, as inferred from what she says in the document. This especially since the reporter revealed the concealment of information by the Minister FACh Court of Santiago, Juan Cristobal Mera, resulting in a series of resignations and internal summaries in 2012.
The mysterious car
Vergara relates that following the earthquake of 27F, the air force will perform corresponded to those affected, including in the town of Lolol Region VI, where the command was ordered collaborate. Well, on December 1, 2011 was held at the same place a ceremony at the municipal stadium, attended by neighbors and local authorities. Vergara, in his private car moved into the area in the company of Professor Maria Rebeca Miranda.
The professional parked his car, left it closed and entered the sports arena, "noting in an instant that the squadron commander Rodrigo Lagos and Patricio Hinojosa (who identifies as a member of the DIFA) and two civilians were around my car."
"Then, after midnight, along with Professor Mary Rebecca, went back to my car to Santiago, at which time obviously and aggressively pursued us in a white car, the intelligence officer Patrick Hinojosa".
"After a few moments, under the guise of looking for a vest with Mary Rebecca Miranda, asked a city official to accompany us, to get to appreciate the three mobile that was opened, with one of his windows down and was entering Clearly the record in its interior compartments, "says Vergara.
She immediately realized this fact flock captain at the scene. Nothing happened and, what is worse, after this incident happened, he says, something even more serious.
"Then, after midnight, along with Professor Mary Rebecca, went back to my car to Santiago, at which time obviously and aggressively pursued us in a white car, the intelligence officer Patrick Hinojosa, which generated fear us , extraviándonos per minute, which facilitated it could not catch us, "he says.
The usual suspects
[Image: Casa-212.jpg]
Traces not finish. Given the fear that the situation occurred Lolol lived, decided to submit a medical license. When I was leaving the house of a colleague AFB Forest again "was followed by two cars from the Grand Avenue, making constant changes of headlights behind me."
The December 10, 2011, and tired of the situation and using medical leave, the woman decided to go to the beach. Sfe passed her mother's house, where she kept the stick with which location information was made known to his son. At that time he realized that strangers had entered the residence and the only thing missing was the digital storage device.

Vergara immediately reported the incident to police, which led to the initiation of an investigation in the North Central, "calling attention to having attended several times as a whistleblower to the PDI headquarters of Quinta Normal, ever the detective in charge I took statements ".
Again the woman realized the superiority, which ordered a preliminary investigation. This was done by the same prosecutor who was in charge of the investigation in the air force of the fall of the House in Juan Fernandez, said the complainant.
The harassment increased and has become more aggressive since April 2012, following a series of publications relating to Casa 212 plane crash in the Juan Fernández Archipelago. I should also note that some of the people who have openly harass me mention the fact that my son, who is a journalist of the judiciary and has reported on the accident, could have an interest in history of the case. "
Coincidentally, in his presentation was not allowed to tell which was the object tracking, says in the appeal.
"I must emphasize that without reciprocate determine each of the factors and elements that encourage the illegal and arbitrary act of civilian and military aspects of the air force officials against me, the harassment increased and has become more aggressive since April 2012, following a series of publications related to the plane crash of Casa 212 in the Juan Fernández Archipelago. I should also note that some of the people who have openly harass me mention the fact that my son, who is a journalist of the judiciary and has reported on the accident, could have an interest in history of the case, "he explains.
Looks joke
As a black comedy, the woman reported the incident again who belonged in the chain of command and a response was not given, then turned to the defense minister and now-presidential candidate Andres Allamand-late 2012. Ensures that had no satisfactory answer.
Boring already decided then, in October last year to make a presentation to the Comptroller, agency currently performs an inquiry to determine the facts surrounding the alleged anomalies with courses that some officers have approved without having the notes for this.
She ensures that traces still do not stop. On February 9 noticed a man in civilian guarding his house, who then followed her in a car a short distance accompanied by two short-haired man in plain clothes.
The action was brought by the attorney is Cristian Cruz, who asked a series of measures, including the request for trades and information to the air force, as well as the Comptroller.
"The philosophers have only interpreted the world, in various ways. The point, however, is to change it." Karl Marx

"He would, wouldn't he?" Mandy Rice-Davies. When asked in court whether she knew that Lord Astor had denied having sex with her.

“I think it would be a good idea” Ghandi, when asked about Western Civilisation.
...and I thought Pinochet was dead!.....:joystick:
"Let me issue and control a nation's money and I care not who writes the laws. - Mayer Rothschild
"Civil disobedience is not our problem. Our problem is civil obedience! People are obedient in the face of poverty, starvation, stupidity, war, and cruelty. Our problem is that grand thieves are running the country. That's our problem!" - Howard Zinn
"If there is no struggle there is no progress. Power concedes nothing without a demand. It never did and never will" - Frederick Douglass

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