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Check this out--J.F.K. Tribute--November 22,1963---It's Effect On Our Country, The World
Jim Hackett II Wrote:"Here's hoping than your "belief in" conspiracy can metamorphose into the understanding that conspiracy in the case of JFK's murder is fact."

A sincere move of one apostrophe, from "killer's" to "killers' " and I could agree - to a point.

The cover-up of realities that began even before the murder would be untouched by that small change, but it could be a touchstone to cast the Warren Commission and HSCA so called conclusions in the junk pile and open the door to ... doin' our own thinkin'.

An end of childhood. The revelation of Government complicity in both murder and obstruction of justice. Enough to end a childhood I would think. Crimes of State.

Hi. Jim,

I have no doubt that Oswald didn't act alone. In the lyric to my song/video production "Childhood's End", in which I have the line "We all were in the killer's sights", I never wanted to convey the idea that there was a lone gunman. No matter how many gunmen there were, it was one bullet the blew half of JFK's head completely off. It's my belief that whoever fired that round was "the killer". Hey, this is a goddam song I wrote, not a thesis on JFK's assassination...probably the hardest song I've ever written in my life...and I've written hundreds. Hey, everybody...pick it apart all you want. The important thing is I know where it came from inside of me...and that wasn't from some psuedo-intellectual bullshit level.
This isn't directed to you, Jim, but I find that all too pervasive in this forum...
Rick Ryan

I have to remind everyone that "Childhood's End" is a goddam song...not a thesis on JFK's assasination.
I've never once believed that Oswald acted alone. But it was indeed the bullet from one killer's rifle that blew off half of Kennedy's head. Jesus, I'm no Dylan by any stretch of the imagination, but I have no doubt that he'd never post comments explaining the words he'd written. This will be my final post. Take my lyric to mean anything you want it to mean. The fact of the matter is that writing it affected me more that the lyrics to hundreds of songs I've co-written over the years. Or don't an artist's emotions have anything to do with this forum??? Please enlighten me...
Rick Ryan
Rick Ryan Wrote:Hey,

I have to remind everyone that "Childhood's End" is a goddam song...not a thesis on JFK's assasination.

Apparently you need to be reminded that Childhood's End is the title of a novel by Arthur C. Clarke written in 1953.

Titles cannot be copyrighted, so if you were inspired by Clarke's great book and your song is, in part, an homage to the author and/or a re-examination of the novel's central theme, you might want to so note in future commentary.

Rick Ryan Wrote:But it was indeed the bullet from one killer's rifle that blew off half of Kennedy's head.

The HELL it was! Your lyric is fatally undernourished by fact.

Indeed, you haven't a clue regarding shot sequence and wounds. This is not a valid art criticism, but rather an evaluation of your character and intellect necessitated by your arrogance.

Rick Ryan Wrote:The fact of the matter is that writing it affected me more that the lyrics to hundreds of songs I've co-written over the years.

Rather an onanistic approach to the process.

To put it another way: Who cares?

Rick Ryan Wrote:Or don't an artist's emotions have anything to do with this forum???

Not the most artful of sentences.

As a literary artist I understand and regularly experience first-hand the role emotion plays in the creative process. As for your defensiveness, I find it to be so much pseudo-intellectual bullshit, if I may borrow a term.

Rick Ryan Wrote:Please enlighten me...

Not possible.
Mr. Ryan I do NOT direct this at you personally,

Anyone alive in 1963 knows the great change on our lives that came about as a direct result of the Murder of our Chief Executive. Part of those resultant changes came because all of us 'survivors' accepted half truths to stand in for truth.

Creative processes will always involve the authors views and opinions of any real events even if the influence is subconscious. Looking back now my view of the events 1960 - 1970 that I lived clearly demonstrate a night and day contrast, before and after the Murder by state of John Kennedy.

The empowerment of the Big Lie - that any number of lone-nuts killed the President - was made possible by the blind acceptance of anything the Government said of that time. It was a time when Cops were respected, teachers were treated as very valuable members of a community and both workers for the society were known personally by the people. The US Government was trusted before the SE Asia Games ('Nam) and Watergate. No kidding.

There were two results of the loss of faith in the governance. One was a generation that made me proud to be part of the 'mickey mouse club' generation - we took it to the street at personal cost. Putting your as* on the line for your beliefs is a courageous thing. Redress of Grievance is a right on paper only. Speaking truth to power is not rewarding in money but pays well in self respect and other intangibles.

The second result of confrontation with the powers-that-be was a new view to investigate the Murders of the Kennedy's and Martin King even if the individual citizens had to do so for themselves to refute the LIES of the Warren Commission. So WeThePeople did so in the face of media ridicule and even "resistance from behind".

For many decades all of us that KNOW by studying the evidence that the Murders were acts of a hidden LYING segment of Government Power have been insulted by name-calling and MSM slanders. That would make anyone angry and sensitive, moreover when you KNOW the reality by conclusions reached by examining evidence not hyperbole.

A longer and harsher reaction comes about when one encounters anything that glosses over the reality of 1963 even 50 years on, or maybe because history is 50 years on now.

1. LHO is NOT the whole tale of the Murder.
2. Conspiracy to Obstruct Justice in the Big Lie Cover Up is fact.

If all this is "intellectual bullshit" then all that think so can kiss my as*.

The Big Lie MUST BE EXPOSED as bullshit if there is to be much chance to change the future.

Hanks and Bugliosi and Pose-ner and the fools that came before them have had their time at bat. It is most assuredly time to change the batter and jeer the liars out of the batters' box.

They are provable in being guilty of trying to mislead the people AGAIN. Their area of operations are against WeThePeople and against Truth. The truth is not found in them.

Not on my watch will BS be allowed to stand in for truth.

I must recommend Jim Douglass' JFK and the Unspeakable for exposing the truth to the still uninformed.

As Kurt Vonnegut said "And So It Goes"
Read not to contradict and confute;
nor to believe and take for granted;
nor to find talk and discourse;
but to weigh and consider.
"The philosophers have only interpreted the world, in various ways. The point, however, is to change it." Karl Marx

"He would, wouldn't he?" Mandy Rice-Davies. When asked in court whether she knew that Lord Astor had denied having sex with her.

“I think it would be a good idea” Ghandi, when asked about Western Civilisation.
Maybe the message got out anyway. Ouch, damn ... ouch, damn ...
Read not to contradict and confute;
nor to believe and take for granted;
nor to find talk and discourse;
but to weigh and consider.

Look at the name of this forum. Deep Politics Forum.

The assassination of the 35th president is not a tragedy here. It is an act of the national security state, perhaps in response to a global cabal above nationalism, ideology, ethnicity, concerned solely with power.

When you say I never believed Oswald acted alone--do you know something about Oswald. Did he fire a weapon that day. Was he in the window. Was he an operative of ONI, FBI, CIA, handled by David Atlee Phillips head of CIA Western Hemisphere operations.

Was he run by Guy Banister a sheepdipped spook lighting up FPCC using assets of DRE under the wing of George Joannides who was the CIA gatekeeper during the tenure of the HSCA emasculated and muzzled by CIA lapdog Blakey.

Did you know Jefferson Morley has a long-standing FOIA suit against CIA for the Joannides file.

That Oswald was framed by a series of CIA-connected individuals.

That not only did Oswald not "act alone" but he was what he said vis-a-vis the assassination, a patsy, the designated fall guy, scapegoat, left holding the bag.

Pseudo-intellectual bullshit makes everyone's ass tired.

Read James Douglass, JFK and the Unspeakable: Why He Died and Why It Matters. Gerald McKnight, Breach of Trust: How the Warren Commission Failed the Nation and Why. Jim DiEugenio, Destiny Betrayed: JFK, Cuba and the Garrison Case. George Michael Evica: A Certain Arrogance.

JFK isn't a hundred songs. I asked for and got three hours credit from the head of my English Department for a wonderful immersion in a hundred Dylan songs, with no attempt to shovel the glimpse into the ditch of what each one means.

When Steven Stills took a moment to tell the audience the government was lying about the Kennedy assassination it was no longer a "goddam song"--it was a bold, fresh action toward truth, toward justice.

When you are awakened to the truth, the outrage, then you can turn your gifts to the settling of accounts.


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From Phil Dragoo: (thanks Phil)

"Read James Douglass, JFK and the Unspeakable: Why He Died and Why It Matters. Gerald McKnight, Breach of Trust: How the Warren Commission Failed the Nation and Why. Jim DiEugenio, Destiny Betrayed: JFK, Cuba and the Garrison Case. George Michael Evica: A Certain Arrogance."
--------------END QUOTE]

The 4 titles above are a fantastic reading list. For the long view JFK and the Unspeakable,
for the tight focus of the WC: Breach of Trust tied with Sylvia Meagher's Accessories After the Fact.
Jim DiEugenio's 2nd Edition of Destiny Betrayed demonstrates the cover up still alive in 1969 - 6 year after the fact.
Evica's A Certain Arrogance ties the ribbon around the Dulles Brothers and their empire and from there to the November Treasons.

All great starting points for anyone curious enough to decide to do their own thinkin'.
Then the rage comes of realization that "We wuz had!" in 1963 and to date.

WeThePeople should not have to do this job!

It is the job of the US Justice Department to investigate these events. The Government should have closed the case NOT covered up the events.

"We wuz had" in part because WeThePeople let the lies stand in for truth, we believed them in 1964.
Read not to contradict and confute;
nor to believe and take for granted;
nor to find talk and discourse;
but to weigh and consider.

Slight correction....

That was David Crosby at Monterey Pop Festival 1967 who made that quote.

"You never change things by fighting the existing reality. To change something, build a new model that makes the existing model obsolete.”
Buckminster Fuller
Read not to contradict and confute;
nor to believe and take for granted;
nor to find talk and discourse;
but to weigh and consider.

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