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Ralph Yates
Jan Klimkowski Wrote:
Keith Millea Wrote:Albert,

Seeing as you're having a one-way debate here which involves another forum and their members.I suggest you get in touch with John Simpkin and see if you can join his forum.You know,like having a real honest discussion/debate.

So mods,are cross forum debates the new normal now? :noblesteed:

Keith - thank you.

Cross forum debates are not the new normal here at DPF, and we would only allow a link to the Swamp in the most exceptional and putrid of circumstances.

Albert - if you want to debate comments made by the tool Von Pein at the Education Forum, kindly take a dive into the Black Lagoon....

One man - oneway discussions endless "debate", same ol' #^$&.
Why am I not surprised DVP's crap shows up here carried here by "Albert".
What's next? Nolan/McAdams junk too?
Save it all for the unknowing ---
not found here!
Read not to contradict and confute;
nor to believe and take for granted;
nor to find talk and discourse;
but to weigh and consider.
Sorry. Of course you're right but there was a fool named Farley who was attacking one of the worst victims of the assassination and I couldn't stand watching him do it with no serious resistance. Dragging Von Pein's name over here was a mistake since he's obviously a credibility-less Warren Commission shill who isn't arguing honestly. I just can't stand to see misguided cross-eyed researchers attacking terribly victimized assassination victims while ignoring the obvious facts. They can't see they've built a sound Bridge Over The River Kwai that Mr Von Pein just drove his choo choo train over with gratitute. Fools...
Jim Hackett II Wrote:One man - oneway discussions endless "debate", same ol' #^$&.
Why am I not surprised DVP's crap shows up here carried here by "Albert".
What's next? Nolan/McAdams junk too?
Save it all for the unknowing ---
not found here!

I thought I made some pretty good arguments for Yates' innocence ;-).
Albert Doyle Wrote:
Jim Hackett II Wrote:One man - oneway discussions endless "debate", same ol' #^$&.
Why am I not surprised DVP's crap shows up here carried here by "Albert".
What's next? Nolan/McAdams junk too?
Save it all for the unknowing ---
not found here!

I thought I made some pretty good arguments for Yates' innocence ;-).

Simple thought: Live by mod policies... Easy to do for most.
Not "albert" inapplicable in his case....
Don't look to me to be willing to discuss with you DVP junk. I've weighed considered and threw all his junk out with his nasty bathwater more than a decade ago. Imagine that!

Live by the policies laid out in clear english by the mods. I do (mostly), why can't you? We both know the answer.
Argue with the walls.
This is not my first rodeo and I know useless when I encounter it.
I'm done and over and out "albert".
Comlink destroyed to "albert" for all the reasons elucidated by GB, CD, PD and all the rest.
No point in communication, the next output of junk can be predicted as equally useless.

The last enjoyment you get from me "albert" in all your contrived personnas, well this be it "al".
Bye albert enjoy your discussion alone...
I don't use the software to ignore anyone, I use common sense not software "al".
Read not to contradict and confute;
nor to believe and take for granted;
nor to find talk and discourse;
but to weigh and consider.
Albert Doyle Wrote:Sorry. Of course you're right but there was a fool named Farley who was attacking one of the worst victims of the assassination and I couldn't stand watching him do it with no serious resistance. Dragging Von Pein's name over here was a mistake since he's obviously a credibility-less Warren Commission shill who isn't arguing honestly. I just can't stand to see misguided cross-eyed researchers attacking terribly victimized assassination victims while ignoring the obvious facts. They can't see they've built a sound Bridge Over The River Kwai that Mr Von Pein just drove his choo choo train over with gratitute. Fools...

Bravo, Albert Doyle!

Yates is a much misunderstood, much maligned and often overlooked witness,... a key witness.

Thanks for explaining him and his report to the membership and to passing guests.
So does the author note at the end of his Yates section, pp 351-6 with significant endnotes 765 on page 475, 767 on 475, 788 on 477.

A demonstration of foreknowledge, conspiracy, doppleganger gambit, planting the image of the curtain-rod bearer announcing his intent to murder the president from a tall building.

A tale so dangerous Hoover dispatched his agents to interrogate Yates four times and polygraph him twice, then institutionalize him unto death, there to suffer forty-two electroshock "treatments."

We see in the nation's top Redhunter that aspect of Stalin which imprinted his brand of unspeakable terror.

Yates the Enemy of the Security State.

In times of universal deceit telling the truth becomes a revolutionary act.
Jim Hackett II Wrote:Simple thought: Live by mod policies... Easy to do for most.
Not "albert" inapplicable in his case....

Live by the policies laid out in clear english by the mods. I do (mostly), why can't you? We both know the answer.
Argue with the walls.

The last enjoyment you get from me "albert" in all your contrived personnas, well this be it "al".
Bye albert enjoy your discussion alone...
I don't use the software to ignore anyone, I use common sense not software "al".

The multiple personas stuff is crap. Do get back to me when you locate that dangling participle. The irony of this is I can't see how its perpetrators miss that it is similar to what was done to Ralph Yates.
>>Question for Albert Doyle:
>>Do you have a citation or link for your statement:
>>"...What they forget however is Jones and Yates had a
>>curious conversation days previous where they pondered JFK
>>getting shot from an office building with a high-powered
and it was because of that conversation that
>>Yates went in to tell Jones of the freakish coincidence..."
>>Thanks for help!
> Can't remember where I read that. It was either from the
>Yates or Jones FBI interviews or the Dorothy Yates'
> The reason Yates went to Jones upon arriving back at
>work was because he wanted to tell Jones this hitch-hiker had
>brought-up the exact same subject they had discussed
>previously. Otherwise, two days before the assassination, this
>would have just been a weird hitch-hiker and a weird
>conversation but not much more. The reason Yates felt
>compelled to tell Jones about it was because it was a strange
>coincidence with the conversation they had previously.

Thank you.

I have been searching without success, unfortunately. I will continue looking.

If it's possible, would you go back and try to find the source for your statement, please.

Many thanks !
Despite Jim Hackett's bullying there's proof Ralph Yates saw a CIA Oswald double. In the link below you'll see Dempsey Jones said Yates told him the Oswald double with the brown paper package shaped like a rifle said it contained window shades. Remember, Yates passed his FBI lie detector test which is why they committed him to a mental institution. The window shade/curtain rod story is the same story Frazier used to explain the alleged package Oswald brought to the Depository. I'm afraid Farley is all wet. FBI murdered Ralph Yates because his witnessing was a danger to them:
It's obvious that Ralph Yates was not mentally disturbed. He was normally employed at his refrigeration company without any citations or problems. Those trying to avoid the real evidence by saying he was mentally ill are just exploiting Yates' mental collapse that was directly due to the destruction of his sane understanding of the system in America by FBI criminals who abused their power and violated Yates and his rights. To exploit Yates' FBI-caused mental collapse and take the side of the FBI predators who murdered Yates in a pretend show of objective analysis is basically to rip your jacket off and show Lone Nutter colors worn in the form of a LN body suit.

There's a weird movement in the CT-er community of going too far and challenging the veracity of some of the worst victims of the conspiracy. Commander Pitzer is another one. So is Peter Janney. Persons who challenge Ralph Yates are just in plain denial of the fact he passed his FBI lie detector test and when he did he became a direct threat to those who were conducting the cover-up. To accuse Ralph Yates of mental illness is to jump right along side the Dulles and Gerald Ford crew along with their lower level government thugs who did the actual murdering. It is to take the evil methods used by FBI itself to cover-up its crimes and endorse them against their victims. Accusing Ralph Yates of mental illness is exactly the modus operandi of FBI in its murder of Mr Yates. You see when Yates passed his FBI lie detector test it proved that he did indeed say those things to Dempsey Jones prior to the assassination. Silly, out of context attempts to call Yates mentally ill don't trump that fact and therefore don't overturn the credible evidence that has yet to be disproven.

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