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Obama and "The Grand Bargain"
Why is fake liberal/progressive Barack Obama always wanting to put Social Security & Medicare cuts into a so-called "Grand Bargain" with the GOP in regard to deficit reductioon when these two programs do NOT contribute to the deficit or the debt and have been the greatest poverty fighters this country has ever enacted into law, especially when you consider that programs, such as these, made the Democratic Party the majority party, in these country, for years. Read Carroll Quigleys' "Tragedy & Hope", and you will find out the reasons for Obama "weird" economic agenda. Professer Quigley puts the "Bank of International Settlement", at the center of the economic octopus that is taking over the world. In 1946 Congressman Jerry Voohies(Dem-California) was defeated by Richard Nixon, Voorhies was an outspoken critic of BIS and America's Federal Reserve Banking system. Supporters of Mr. Nixon in that first race were Prescott Bush, Meyer Lansky, Moe Dalitz, and the Chicago mob, among other notables. Bush, of ccourse was a Nazi Bank & a member of Skull & Bones, as was this business partner W.Averill Harriman in the Brown Brothers-Harriman firm.
Just now on the MSNBC cable program "All In with Chris Hayes", faux liberal Jonathan Alter, son of the late Chicago politico JoeAnn Alter, is talking, as he had many times elsewhere and in print, in favor of of cuts to both SS & Medicare. Senator Jeff Merkley is also on the show and pushing "means testing" be applied to these programs. IMO to do that will also end these programs and will turn them into welfare programs which will hasten their demise. Host Chris Hayes, who btw is also from Chicago, is one voice of sanity on this program.
If all have not yet read the two versions [with different titles] of the books by Tarpley on Obama, I strongly suggest them - they are easily available on the internet with a little looking around. His first was called The Unauthorized Biography of Barrack Obama. The second, a sort of updated and expanded version, is called The Postmodern Coup - Making of a Manchurian Candidate. Both give insights into who Obama is run by and who he might be / what he really believes and believes in. Amazingly, the first was written BEFORE Obama's first election - Tarpley really got it right when many of the rest of the liberals and progressives were still being fooled. All too many still are and likely always will be. I too applaud that a non-white became President and he is charming and well-spoken...but that's as far as it goes, sadly, he says one thing and does something utterly different. He often speaks as a man of the People and always acts as a puppet of the Oligarchy. The only debate left, IMHO, is how much he is forced to and how much he chooses [was chosen] to. Sadly, I have to conclude he is not that much under duress and acting against his 'better nature'...perhaps a tad...but, sadly, only a tad. IMHO. In the end I think he was/is a Trojan Horse.
"Let me issue and control a nation's money and I care not who writes the laws. - Mayer Rothschild
"Civil disobedience is not our problem. Our problem is civil obedience! People are obedient in the face of poverty, starvation, stupidity, war, and cruelty. Our problem is that grand thieves are running the country. That's our problem!" - Howard Zinn
"If there is no struggle there is no progress. Power concedes nothing without a demand. It never did and never will" - Frederick Douglass
Peter Lemkin Wrote:I too applaud that a non-white became President and he is charming and well-spoken...but that's as far as it goes, sadly, he says one thing and does something utterly different. He often speaks as a man of the People and always acts as a puppet of the Oligarchy.

A man with the common touch. Smoothly told lies. A smiling, believable face. Says one thing, does another.

That was why he was groomed for high office.
The shadow is a moral problem that challenges the whole ego-personality, for no one can become conscious of the shadow without considerable moral effort. To become conscious of it involves recognizing the dark aspects of the personality as present and real. This act is the essential condition for any kind of self-knowledge.
Carl Jung - Aion (1951). CW 9, Part II: P.14
Inspired by the observation of Peter above--act now and we'll include a second term free; simply add additional shipping & handling. . . .


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Tarpley is the very wise man and has a great insight into the hidden forces shaping world politics. His "9/11 Synthetic Terror-Made in the USA", is IMO the best analysis of really happened on the fate filled day. "Obama:The Post-Modern Coup", is really, to me, just a a call for Hillarys' nomination, without a look at the similiar forces backing her candidacy, over the last few years Tarpley, in writings & broadcasts, has revised his asssment of Hillary and has been brutal, but spot in tapping here a warmonger. Remeber the Clintons', as well as Gore, were founders of the Democratic Leadership Council, an organization whose goa; was to rid the Democratic Party of economic liberalism, and all that was decent about that party, the Demos had a long line of Warmongers at the top for years.I can hardly wait for Tarpleys book concering FDR & Pearl Harbor, I've been waiting over a year for its publication.
Webster Tarpley also has long-standing ties with the LaRouchies.

I've had my own dealings with the LaRouchies, and I have a pretty good sense of what they are.

The LaRouchies often get genuine insider intelligence, and then filter it through Lyndon's lens.

So, their material always needs a health warning and facts should be checked and corroborated independently wherever possible.

Just as reading an MSM "security correspondent" report should be undertaken with a critical eye.

Cut outs deserve serious attention.

There are nuggets glinting in the shit.

Ultimately, Tarpley at his best is far superior to LaRouche at his best.
"It means this War was never political at all, the politics was all theatre, all just to keep the people distracted...."
"Proverbs for Paranoids 4: You hide, They seek."
"They are in Love. Fuck the War."

Gravity's Rainbow, Thomas Pynchon

"Ccollanan Pachacamac ricuy auccacunac yahuarniy hichascancuta."
The last words of the last Inka, Tupac Amaru, led to the gallows by men of god & dogs of war
Tarpley cut his ties with the LaRouche organization a few years back after a nearly 30 year stint with that oufit, if late Tarpley has been very critical of Lyndon on this radio broadcasts. The Larouche cult must be tied into many other intelligence services, but they do come up with important information from time to time. Anything that they provide in regard to the CFR, et al is more than you could ever get from frauds like Chris Matthews, "The Wolf Man", and Tom Friedman who is at about the bottom of the barrel. Of course reading anyone needs to be done with a jaunduced eye.
IMO Tarpley is a superb historian and I deeply admire his ability to synthesize social theory and philosophy. Had I been around in the early Larouche days, I know I would have been drawn to their camp given the anti intellectualism of much of left at that time. I think in the beginning I think they had alot of good ideas. A refreshing change from the "more Mao than thou" crowd which still infects the left today. Even though I admire his work greatly, I find myself scratching my head at conclusions he draws, like when he suggest programs to colonize Mars (1st Obama book) Im like "huh??". My favorite is the book on Romney "Just too weird..." He's also a great rhetorician. I love listening to him speak. It seems no matter how long he is away from La Rouche, he still can't seem to drop the culty inflection "ITS GENOCIDE...." He drops the words genocide and fascism a little too freely. I love watching the Old Tarpley and other LaRouches speeches from the 1970s and 1980s on youtube. I find them very entertaining.... I agree, you need to corroborate claims he makes before buying into them....
David Guyatt Wrote:
Peter Lemkin Wrote:I too applaud that a non-white became President and he is charming and well-spoken...but that's as far as it goes, sadly, he says one thing and does something utterly different. He often speaks as a man of the People and always acts as a puppet of the Oligarchy.

A man with the common touch. Smoothly told lies. A smiling, believable face. Says one thing, does another.

That was why he was groomed for high office.
And to sweeten the pot for we the people (sheeple) he was also skilled in hypnosis and Neuro Linguistic Programming.
I can't bear the sight of tha guy.
Wonder if Caroline still thinks he reminds her of her dad?

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