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Neo-nazis fight on croatian side
"The philosophers have only interpreted the world, in various ways. The point, however, is to change it." Karl Marx

"He would, wouldn't he?" Mandy Rice-Davies. When asked in court whether she knew that Lord Astor had denied having sex with her.

“I think it would be a good idea” Ghandi, when asked about Western Civilisation.


Plus brag about it!

NEW BOOK: "FUEHRER EX"Memoirs of a Former Neo-NaziINGO HASSELBACHWITH TOM REISSChatto & Windus, LondonCopyright @) 1996 by Ingo HasselbachIngo Hasselbach has asserted his right under the Copyright,Designs and Patents Act, 1988 to be identified as the authorof this work.First published in Great Britain in 1996 byChatto & Windus LimitedRandom House, 20 Vauxhall Bridge Road,London SW1V 2SARandom House Australia (Pty) Limited20 Alfred Street, Milsons Point, SydneyNew South Wales 2061, AustraliaRandom House New Zealand Limited18 Poland Road, GlenfieldAuckland 10, New ZealandRandom House South Africa (Pty) LimitedPO Box 337, Bergvlei, South AfricaRandom House UK Limited Reg No. 954009"Fuhrer Ex" grew fromBig Grinie Abrechnung: Ein Neonazi steigt ausby Ingo Hasselbach and Winfried Bonengelpublished in Germany in 1993 by Aufbau Verlag GmbHA CIP catalogue record for this bookis available from the British LibraryISBN 0 7011 6536 7Printed and bound in Great Britain byMackays of Chatham PLC, Chatham, KentExcerptsTongueages 207-9:
(QuoteSmileIN THE SPRING of 1991, the civil war in Croatia began. The Movement saw itas the perfect chance to give those who wanted it real experience killingpeople. Moreover, there was a historical tie: during World War II NaziGermany had played an active role in Yugoslav ethnic politics; the Nazishad supported a puppet dictatorship in Croatia, the Ustashe, that had builtconcentration camps in which mostly Serbs but also Jews were killed.The current government in Croatia was reviving the tradition of the Ustasheand in many other ways honoring the former Fascists. Units of the CroatianArmy were flying swastika flags, and many more were flying the old CroatianFascist symbol. Croatia had become the first European government sinceWorld War II to openly embrace these symbols. ... It was a neo-Nazi dreamcome true. All of the West German neo-Nazis saw it as a wonderful opportunity, butNero Reisz, the barking anti-Semite from Hesse, was particularly pleased.The problem for him was that there weren't enough Jews being killed. ButSerbs would do.A system was set up whereby potential recruits for Croatia were firsttrained in paramilitary camps in Germany, then passed on to middlemen whowere responsible for arranging their transport, clothing, and food on theway to the front.The way it worked was first through a word-of-mouth network. We had to becareful about doing any advertising because hiring mercenaries was strictlyillegal in the Federal Republic. It was simply known in the scene that youcould go to Croatia, if fighting was your trip, and that in Berlin I wasone of the contacts. The other main contact people in Berlin were ArnulfPriem and Oliver Schweigert. Once we'd checked out recruits to make surethey weren't spies, we took them to a paramilitary camp to get tested andtrained. We were mainly interested in whether they were physically fit togo down there. Mental fitness didn't interest us much.I knew one guy from the GDR who'd been loosely involved in the Movement forabout a year and then went down to Croatia because it was a chance to killCommunists, i.e., the Serbs. He wasn't even much of a neo-Nazi, really. Hesimply hated the Stasi, who'd tortured him in jail, and was half crazy toget some revenge on anyone for his suffering. He had shoulder-length hair,like a hippie, and hardly any sense of purpose at all. He just wanted achance to kill "Communists", and he got it in Croatia. In a documentary sometelevision team made at the front, he was interviewed and he talked abouthow many Serbs he'd killed and how much he'd learned about weapons. Lessthan a year later, he was killed himself.But the more sane and careful ones came back after a few months or a yearwith valuable training in weapons and explosives. They'd of course alsolearned what it was like to kill people. (Many stayed down there, living inthe hills, constantly involved in skirmishes no one ever heard about, andare only now coming back into Germany and Austria and forming the basis ofthe most militant and dangerous neo-Nazi cells.)The effort to organize young German neo-Nazis and send them to Croatia tofight and kill for the Ustashe - as the SS had once done - was organizedlargely by the Movement representatives in Hesse, Bavaria, and-forlogistical reasons, as it was directly on the border withYugoslavia-Austria. The main man in charge in Germany was Nero Reisz. Heorganized transport and took care that everyone got uniforms and weapons.Then Michel Faci and his right-hand man, Nikolas, organized most of theCroatian neo-Nazi units, training both young Croatians and Germans who'dcome down for the ride. Faci trained Croatians as young as ten years old tokill "Communists" while teaching them the basics of Nazism. With hischildish antics, he is good at making murder seem like a game.The neo-Nazis mostly fought independently from other units, asa legionnaire corps. But they received arms and ammunition, even tanks, fromthe Croatians. From what I heard from men who came back, they fought against Serbsbut also against Bosnian Muslims, even though the Muslims hadbeen in the SS during World War II. They simply fought against whomeverthey could get an excuse to kill. They kept track of how many Serbs theykilled and tried to collect per-body pay from the Croatians, but theyactually got hardly anything, apart from invaluable experience.I NEVER WENT down there. Personally, I wouldn't have gone to Croatia foranything in the world. I saw no reason to risk my neck for another nation.I was only interested in the potential of getting battle-hardened recruitsback from the front. The actual fight in Yugoslavia didn't interest me.So I organized paramilitary camps and helped provide training, tested therecruits with the help of a few sympathetic people from the Bundeswehr.There was a lot of physical training-jogging, crawling, scaling. Recruitslearned how to use firearms and how to dismantle, clean, and reassemblethem. There was explosives training and practice in throwing grenades andusing bazookas. We modeled our course on Bundeswehr training exercises andwhat we could piece together about the old Waffen SS training with the helpof training manuals and the memories of our retired SS supporters. But thebasic source for our training was the West German Federal Army.(end quote)
My note: The Western media was busy with its own Nazi activity: Foryears it was stirring a lynch mob against Serbian nation claiming that Serbsand not Croats or Bosnian Muslims are new European Nazi. Of course, havingthat in mind, the shocking story of who is the REAL Nazi in ex-Yugoslaviadid not have much chance to see the light. Still, a handful exceptions doesexist. Here is one:

SAN FRANCISCO CHRONICLE, Tuesday, April 5, 1994, PAGE 1,Germans, Austrians recruited NEO-NAZIS HELP CROATIANS IN BOSNIAby Eric Geiger, Chronicle Foreign ServiceHallein, AustriaExcerpts from the above articleSadQuoteSmile When wars approach their end - as the one in Bosnia sporadically appearsto be doing - ugly matters that have been submerged from public view tend tofloat to the surface. One such matter in Bosnia is the role that HUNDREDS OF AUSTRIAN AND GERMANNEO-NAZIS MERCENARIES have played in the 23-month-old conflict, Europe's bloodiessince WWII. The neo-Nazis, recruited for Croatian extreme-rightist irregular militiasand paramilitary forces, may finally be out of work if the current Croat-Muslimtruce holds. But the foreigners' legacy of BRUTALITY will not soon be forgottenby their battle-field foes and civilian victims... ... ... Underground neo-Nazi publications in both Germany and Austria publishedfervent appeals for volunteers "to help out Croatian comrades in defense ofthe white race". (Sic! Serbs are also - white). A similar appeal was run bythe German periodical Der Freiwillige (The Volunteer), the official organ ofHIAS, the legally incorporated mutual aid ASSOCIATION OF VETERANS OF THEWAFFEN SS.(!) HUNDREDS of skinheads and neo-Nazis in both countries - including manysought by the police for variety of offenses - reportedly responded to theappeal, designed chiefly to woo volunteers for the rightist Croat militia HOS,led by Dobroslav Paraga... Volunteers sent back glowing reports about theirENTHUSIASTIC RECEPTION in Bosnia by their comrades-in-arms of the HOS,A WELCOME COMPLETE WITH "HEIL HITLER" SALUTESand the waving of swastika flags. Some alsofound their way to regular paramilitary units of the Bosnian Croat armyand were accorded an equally warm welcome. ...Most of German speakingvolunteers in Bosnia, however, are not remorseful. A young Austrian neo-Nazirecently on brief "home leave from the Bosnian front" was quoted by newspapersas saying that German speaking mercenaries - paid $60 a month - have oftenbeen involved in "ethnic cleansing operations"... ... "Our job actuallyis quite simple," the youth said. "After regular Croat militiamen capturea village, they earmark houses of Serbs... for us so we can loot and destroythem." He said the swaggering German-speaking mercenaries generally havean image among the Bosnian Croats as exceptionally tough and MERCILESS- "A SORT OF NEW GERMAN SS" - and for that reason are often given dirty,dangerous assignments. (End quote)
And here is how Nazis OPENLY BRAG about their participation on Croatian-Naziside. (I guess they would be offended if you downgraded them and calledthem "neo". They ARE REAL NAZI. Real as can be). The term used for theSerbs in the article is "Serbo-Communist". This is Ustashi (Croatian Nazi)term used against indigenous population of Croatia and Bosnia during WWII.So - nothing new there either. THE NEW ORDER (AmericanNazi periodical. It has American flag to the left of the title of the magazineand SWASTIKA inside "O" of the word "ORDER"), Front page article january/February1993, (#104): (QuoteSmile National Socialist(Nazi) volunteers from France, Germany, Austria, Belgium, Hungary, England,Austria and other countries are fighting in an OPENLY NATIONAL SOCIALISTunit in Croatia... The NSDAP/AO recently received combat footagefrom this unit. It was aired on the NSDAP/AO sponsored public access televisionprogram "Race and Reason" on October 30th and November 6th. The followingis an article by the French National Socialist volunteer Michael Faci:"In France we are a team of "old" National Soicialists who were membersof "Ordre Nouveau", F.A.N.E., etc... ... As it is nearly impossible forus to engage in openly National Socialist political activity in France,we have specialized ourselves for foreign paramilitary action... Then camethe possibility to help the Croatian people against the Serbo-Communistaggressor... The head office of the HOS sent us along with some Frenchvolunteers to Vinkovci... Our assignment was to holdvillage of Komletinci, THE VERY FIRST POINT OF CROATIAN DEFENSE in frontof Vukovar... On the morning of December 19th we were attacked by nearly1200 Serbo-Communists. But they did not know that we have asked for - andRECEIVED - SIX T-55 TANKS the previous night! OUR TANKS COUNTERATTACKEDand droved off the Serbs who lost 17 dead.... ****************************************************************************** I THINK IT WAS THE FIRST NATIONAL SOCIALIST TANK ATTACK SINCE APRIL 1945!* *****************************************************************************(End quote) The front page shows Mr. Faci in clearly Nazi uniform decoratedwith Nazi symbols. Other photographs in the magazine show him and his Nazicomrades on a tank and saluting Nazi style. And what can one add? NaziCroatian government gave their international Nazi comrades tanks and putthem on the key position on the battlefield. nazis knew where to come andwhom to support. They were not fooled by (equally Nazi) Western "democratic"press that Serbs are Nazi. There you are: Nazis arecommitting genocide on Serbs once again in this century. They have tanksat their disposal and, this time, they have AIR COVER FROM NATO (NAZIS).The Nazi Western press did not notice their Nazi comrades in uniform. Ifonly Nazi mercenaries could keep ugly mouth shut. But no. They had to brag!Photocopies of the articles available. (One Western newspaper shows Mr.Faci showing his "Zahvalnica" - Croatian government gratitude for Mr. Faci'sbrave fight for resurrection of Croatian WWII Nazi state. The gratitudepaper shows Ustashi - WWII Croatian Nazi symbols).
PS: Prof. Dr. Howard L. Adelson (QuoteSmile "Ifthe Serbs are prepared to stand in the breach to DEFEND CIVILIZATION FROMA REVIVAL OF FASCISM, they should be congratulated and not attacked." (Endquote) From: The Jewish Press, Friday,June 24, 1994, Page 11, Behind theheadlines, Analysis and Commentary: "THE NAZI REVIVAL"
Copyright © 1996,1997 Srpska Mreza. All Rights Reserved.
"The philosophers have only interpreted the world, in various ways. The point, however, is to change it." Karl Marx

"He would, wouldn't he?" Mandy Rice-Davies. When asked in court whether she knew that Lord Astor had denied having sex with her.

“I think it would be a good idea” Ghandi, when asked about Western Civilisation.
"The philosophers have only interpreted the world, in various ways. The point, however, is to change it." Karl Marx

"He would, wouldn't he?" Mandy Rice-Davies. When asked in court whether she knew that Lord Astor had denied having sex with her.

“I think it would be a good idea” Ghandi, when asked about Western Civilisation.
A truly charming bunch, eh.
The shadow is a moral problem that challenges the whole ego-personality, for no one can become conscious of the shadow without considerable moral effort. To become conscious of it involves recognizing the dark aspects of the personality as present and real. This act is the essential condition for any kind of self-knowledge.
Carl Jung - Aion (1951). CW 9, Part II: P.14

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