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Bradley Manning and SF Gay Pride: I dont always agree with Justin Raimondo but when I do: I post
I wish my worries about some people were concerned with sex partners and drugs done.

The magicians play the issues to divert attention away from the jerks behind the curtain running the shows. The ST in play again...
Read not to contradict and confute;
nor to believe and take for granted;
nor to find talk and discourse;
but to weigh and consider.
At this hour the latest report from San Francisco:

A clearing house of information and activism:

With Clinton the buzz was Democrats knew impeachment was coming, make it about sex, not treason. Monica, not Schwartz, Armstrong, Huang, Trie, Ron Brown's doing the Dorothy Hunt Midway Bop.

Now comes the Pentagon Papers forty years on, the so-eevil Nixon long in his grave. Elsberg supports Manning.

Woodward was all about bringing down Nixon (as was Rodham) but "those are our jets now"--and the l'etat c'est moi boy is to be protected, sacrifice he who speaks truth to power.

This is where Sibel Edmond's admonition to eschew the partisan and pursue a deeper investigation comes to the fore.

Those who trumpet diversity and tolerance merely don that velvet glove to conceal a mailed fist.

In '63 the prospect of Kennedy-Goldwater a la Lincoln-Douglas would be a strengthening of the Republic--we suffered another cabal coup d'etat instead.

And who serves the regime of Stalin, Mao, Big Brother, der Fuerher, but the alleged defenders of liberalism, progressivism, hope, change and the cult of personality

Chomsky, Maddow line up behind the number one Readers Digest Most Trusted Man in America Tom Hanks who cannot be removed from Vincent Bugliosi's buttocks without the application of extreme heat.

The proper subject for discussion is the deeply troubling prosecution of yet more illegal and immoral war by each successive regime regardless of superficial label

The Ministry of Truth will always personalize the attack in the manner of Alinsky--never debate the merits of the argument

Manning's contribution to this dangerous hour is the smoking hot spotlight of truth on the conduct of perpetual war

not his sexual preference or any other red herring

SF establishment apparatchiks line up under the direction of Leni Reifenstahl

Where are the radicals in this sea of reactionaries

The honest man arrives at the critical hour and the demagogue incites the mob to crucify him

Wrong script

Make the movie, Hollywood

Take up the cause, Senator

or give up your Crown of Populism for a tiara of concertina


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Ad homs and such nothing new. Imagine that.
As hindrances to DP research? Imagine that.
An old tactic of obfuscation. Imagine that.

Eschew the partisan and pursue a deeper investigation.
Imagine that and act.
Unified effort.
Imagine that and act.

Thanks Phil
and thanks again for the laugh in the post above.
Read not to contradict and confute;
nor to believe and take for granted;
nor to find talk and discourse;
but to weigh and consider.
Wed, May 15, 2013 1:53:00 PMJoin the biggest week of actions for Bradley Manning yet!
From: Bradley Manning Support Network <>
Biggest week of actions yet!

Week of action for Bradley, June 1-8
Can't make it to Fort Meade on Sat., June 1st? Help sponsor travel for others -- each $20 will cover a bus ticket for someone who otherwise wouldn't be able to come. Please note "Bus Sponsor" in the comments field when making your tax-deductible donation.

Join us at Fort Meade. June 1, 2013

June 1st will mark the beginning of Bradley Manning's fourth year in prison and the start of his trial. The June 1st Ft. Meade protest for Bradley Manning will be the largest action of our campaign! People across the nation (and the globe) will converge on Ft. Meade to stand up for the Army whistle-blower who risked everything to give the public real facts about our government's wars in the Middle East and foreign policy worldwide.

Join Pentagon Papers whistle-blower Daniel Ellsberg, LGBT activist US Army Lt. Dan Choi, former US diplomat US Army Col. Ann Wright (ret.), and former soldier Ethan McCord--who rescued the wounded children in the van in the Collateral Murder videoand hundreds of our supporters of heroic WikiLeaks whistle-blower Bradley Manning at Ft. Meade. Together we'll make history.

Visit our new guide to transportation & lodging near Ft. Meade for help planning your trip.

Buses to the Ft. Meade rally for Bradley are now confirmed from Washington DC, Baltimore, New York City, Philadelphia, and New Brunswick (NJ). Learn more about buses to the Fort Meade demonstration.

For those unable to travel to Ft. Meade, Veterans for Peace, Iraq Veterans Against the War, and the Bradley Manning Support Network, are also calling for solidarity actions from June 1st-June 8th worldwide. So far events have been registered in the following cities:

Los Angeles 6/1/2013,
San Francisco 6/1/2013,
Portland, Maine 6/1/2013,
Tuscon, AZ 6/1/2013,
Honolulu, Hawai`i 6/1/2013,
Tampa, Florida 6/1/2013,
Boston, MA 6/1/2013,
Seattle, WA 6/1/2013,
London, UK 6/1/2013,
Heidelberg, Germany 6/1/2013,
Berlin, Germany 6/1/2013,
San Diego, CA 6/1/2013,
Seattle, WA 6/1/2013,
Tallahassee, Fl 6/2/2013,
Tampa, FL. 6/6/2013,
Montrose, CA 6/7/2013,

If you have planned an event or action, please register it on our website so we can promote it to other supporters in your area. Interested in organizing something but want some ideas, materials, or help contacting other activists in your area? Contact for assistance!

Adele - For Your Information

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