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The Secret History of the CIA - L. Fletcher Prouty
Fri, May 17, 2013 11:16:08 AM
The secret history of the CIA
From: Brasscheck TV <>

The secret history of the CIA
revealed by insider L. Fletcher

Essential for understanding
how we got to where we are

Video: 2:38:18

- Brasscheck

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A 1965 documentary, The Science of Spying, narrated by John Chancellor

6:50 CIA pilots admit they don't know what kind of jobs they're actually doing, or who they do it for most of the time. Compartmentalization.

11:10 Allen Dulles lies and says the CIA doesn't engage in assassinations as far as he knows.
Bits and pieces I've collected about the CIA during the Kennedy years:

"An intelligence service is the ideal vehicle for a conspiracy. Its members can travel about at home and abroad under secret orders, and no questions are asked. Every scrap of paper in the files, its membership, its expenditure of funds, its contacts, even enemy contacts, are state secrets." Allen Dulles, talking about the German Abwehr.

"It would be naïve to think that a powerful secret organization implanted at the center of a society will confine itself to operations abroad. It would be difficult to single out a major intelligence agency that does not wield enormous influence within its borders." (The Espionage Establishment, David Wise, Thomas Ross, 1967)

Sen. George Smathers recalled that JFK had told him that he wanted to reform the CIA: "I remember him saying that the CIA frequently did things he didn't know about...He complained that the CIA was almost autonomous. He told me he believed the CIA had arranged to have Diem and Trujillo bumped off." (Jack Anderson column 1/19/1971 and "Cuba on our Mind", Tad Szulc, Esquire 2/1974.)

Pierre Salinger recalled that JFK decided to wait a "decent interval" before replacing the heads of the CIA: "If I'm going to knock some heads together, now isn't the time to do it with everybody looking down the barrel at us." (With Kennedy 148,154) "He vowed to shake the intelligence community from top to bottom. He was determined that the Bay of Pigs would not happen again. 'One more,' he stated ruefully, 'will sink me.'" (The Invisible Government p185)

"Kennedy...came to realize that the CIA could be a definite liability...Kennedy moved quickly to tighten White House control of the agency...the President's anger was evidently more the result of the agency's failure to overthrow Castro than a reaction to its methods or techniques. While neither agency funding nor operations were cut back in the aftermath, the Bay of Pigs marked the end of what was probably the CIA's Golden Age." (Marchetti, The Cult of Intelligence 27)

From the time of the Truman administration until 1973 the CIA had a massive organization to open the mail of Americans with leftist political affiliations. Victor Marchetti: "The fact is that in this country, secrecy and deception in intelligence operations are as much to keep the Congress and the public from learning what their government is doing as to shield these activities from the opposition." (The Cult of Intelligence 6)

In 1967 Ramparts magazine published an expose on the CIA's clandestine connections with the National Student Association. In the '70s it was revealed that the CIA had the names of millions of Americans in their computer files; the agency kept files on 50,000 members of the California Peace and Freedom Party during 1969 and 1970. (Church Committee report; The Lawless State; Los Angeles Herald Examiner 3/9/1979)

In the mid-to-late '60s, "it was revealed that CIA agents had been traveling about the country like commission salesmen, buying intellectuals, co-opting universities, leasing labor unions for cover, and subsidizing students as spies" with draft deferments as rewards. (Deadly Secrets 4; Ramparts 3/1967)

4/18/1961 Art Schlesinger recorded in his journal that Kennedy complained, "I made a mistake in putting Bobby in the Justice Department. He is wasted there...Bobby should be in CIA...I have learned one thing from this business - that is, that we will have to deal with CIA." (RFK and His Times 486)

From Breach of Trust by Gerald McKnight, Professor of history at Hood College, Maryland:
"This controlling CIA impulse for withholding when it came to Oswald's activities raised suspicions in Hoover's mind that Oswald must have had some kind of relationship with the CIA. As to whether or not the CIA had debriefed the redefecting Oswald, Hoover never believed for a moment the CIA's steadfast denials that it had had no interest in interviewing Oswald.

Hoover's suspicions were not unfounded. An internal CIA document dated February 20, 1964, revealed that the CIA was deceiving the Commission. Eight days before, Rankin had asked Director McCone to turn over the agency's entire preassassination file on Oswald. The informal February 20 document acknowledged that some thirty-seven documents from Oswald's 201 file were withheld. The missing documents included some CIA dispatches, seven FBI memoranda, one CIA counterintelligence document, several State Department documents, and twenty-five agency cables. There was nothing in the internal note that explained the discrepancy between the file Deputy Director Richard Helms forwarded to the Commission as the agency's 'Oswald dossier' and the withheld thirty-seven documents. What did these missing documents contain that was so sensitive? One thing is certain: The 201 file that Helms represented to the Commission as the 'complete' agency pre-assassination file on Oswald was sanitized. A key to this deception might be the fact that the CIA, as Hoover expected, actually had debriefed Oswald either before he left the Netherlands or after he arrived back in the United States. Several CIA documents unearthed by the House Select Committee on Assassinations during its investigation into Kennedy's murder indicated that this was almost certainly the case."

The CIA reported on May 19, 1961: "Some extreme rightists believe that the only way that President DeGaulle can now be stopped from surrendering Algeria is to assassinate him...This attitude has reached fanatical proportions and those close to it believe that an assassination attempt against DeGaulle is certain to come in the near future...In May 1961 an attempt was made by two Secret Army Organization members to enlist United States Government (deleted) support in their operations against DeGaulle." [CIA F82-0184/1; Allen v. DOD #09787]

6/28/1961 NSAM 55 Signed by President Kennedy and sent to the Chairman of the Joint Chiefs. Its subject was "Relations of the Joint Chiefs of Staff to the President in Cold War Operations." "I wish to inform the Joint Chiefs of Staff as follows with regard to my views of their relations to me in Cold War Operations: a. I regard the Joint Chiefs of Staff as my principal military adviser responsible both for initiating advice to me and for responding to requests for advice. I expect their advice to come to me direct and unfiltered. b. The Joint Chiefs of Staff have a responsibility for the defense of the nation in the Cold War similar to that which they have in conventional hostilities. They should know the military and paramilitary forces and resources available to the Department of Defense, verify their readiness, report on their adequacy, and make appropriate recommendations for their expansion and improvement. I look to the Chiefs to contribute dynamic and imaginative leadership in contributing to the success of the military and paramilitary aspects of Cold War programs. c. I expect the Joint Chiefs of Staff to present the military viewpoint in governmental councils in such a way as to assure that the military factors are clearly understood before decisions are reached. When only the Chairman or a single Chief is present, that officer must represent the Chiefs as a body, taking such preliminary and subsequent actions as may be necessary to assure that he does in fact represent the corporate judgment of the Joint Chiefs of Staff. d. While I look to the Chiefs to present the military factor without reserve or hesitation, I regard them to be more than military men and expect their help in fitting military requirements into the overall context of any situation, recognizing that the most difficult problem in Government is to combine all assets in a unified, effective pattern. cc. Secretary of Defense General Taylor" Fletcher Prouty would later say that this NSAM infuriated the CIA because it basically stripped away its war-making capability. (Plausible Denial p100)

JFK also "moved quietly," as Schlesinger put it, "to cut the CIA budget in 1962 and again in 1963, aiming at a 20 per cent reduction by 1966." (Schlesinger, Thousand Days, p . 428)

12/11/1962 CIA Memo from Donald Jameson, Chief SR/CA, dated December 11, 1962: "Priscilla Johnson was selected as a likely candidate to write an article on Yevtushenko in a major U. S. magazine for our campaign...I think that Miss Johnson can be encouraged to write pretty much the articles we want." Johnson had interviewed Oswald in the USSR and would later write a book with Marina Oswald.

Feb 1963 US Rep. Paul Rodgers (D-Florida) called for congressional oversight of the CIA: "What proof have we that this Agency, which in many respects has the power to preempt foreign policy, is not actually exercising this power through practices which are contradictory to the established policy objectives of this government?" (The Last Investigation p49-51)

1/25/1963 The CIA's William Harvey meets with Dr. Sidney Gottlieb. Harvey says "I've been asked to form this group to assassinate people and I need to know what you can do for me." The two men specifically discuss Castro, Lumumba and Trujillo as potential targets. Harvey's notes of the meeting show that he and Gottlieb talk of assassination as a "last resort" and as "a confession of weakness."

10/3/1963 In a New York Times editorial, Arthur Krock quoted a "very high US official" stationed in Vietnam as saying that the CIA's growth was like "a malignancy" that even the White House might not be able to control anymore, and that "if the United States ever experiences [a coup] it will come from the CIA and not the Pentagon....[The CIA] represents a tremendous power and total unaccountability to anyone."

Allen Dulles's own closely guarded feelings toward John Kennedy were revealed years later in a remark to a prospective ghostwriter. Harper's young assistant editor Willie Morris had gone to Dulles's Georgetown mansion in Washington to collaborate with him on a piece in defense of the CIA's role in the Bay of Pigs-a never-to-be-published article whose most revealing, handwritten notes would one day be cited in "The ' Confessions' of Allen Dulles." In one discussion they had about President Kennedy, Dulles stunned Morris with an abrupt comment. "That little Kennedy," Dulles said, ". . . he thought he was a god." "Even now," Morris wrote over a quarter of a century later, "those words leap out at me, the only strident ones I would hear from my unlikely collaborator." Willie Morris, New York Days (Boston: Little, Brown, 1993), p. 36

12/16/1963 Warren Commission meeting
MR. DULLES: I've got a few extra copies of a book that I passed out to our Counsel. Did I give it to you, Mr. Chief Justice?
CHAIRMAN: I don't think so.
MR. DULLES: It's a book written about ten years ago giving the background of seven attempts on the lives of the President.
CHAIRMAN: I have not seen it.
MR. DULLES: It's a fascinating book, but you'll find a pattern running through here that I think we'll find in this present case. I hate to give you a paperback, but that's all there is.
REP. FORD: When was the book written?
MR. DULLES: 1952. The last one is the attack on Truman. There you have a plot, but these other cases are all habitual, going back to the attack on Jackson in 1835. I found it very interesting.
MR. MC CLOY: The Lincoln assassination was a plot.
MR. DULLES: Yes, but one man was so dominant that it almost wasn't a plot.

12/22/1963 The Washington Post editorial by Harry Truman: Limit CIA Role To Intelligence - INDEPENDENCE, MO., Dec. 21 "I think it has become necessary to take another look at the purpose and operations of our Central Intelligence AgencyCIA. At least, I would like to submit here the original reason why I thought it necessary to organize this Agency during my Administration, what I expected it to do and how it was to operate as an arm of the President…. There is something about the way the CIA has been functioning that is casting a shadow over our historic position and I feel that we need to correct it."

12/11/1965 Press reported that a full-scale review of the CIA's covert operations had been planned by Kennedy before he was assassinated. ("Containing Central Intelligence," Harry Rowe Ransom, New Republic)

4/26/1966 The New York Times reported that after the Bay of Pigs JFK "said to one of the highest officials of his administration that he wanted 'to splinter the Agency in a thousand pieces and scatter it to the winds.'"

A security representative from the CIA, Regis Blahut, was detained and polygraphed for opening an HSCA safe and for handling at least one autopsy photograph without permission. Only after failing three polygraph tests did Blahut finally admit he had handled the autopsy photo. Though Blahut's illegal action was attributed to "curiosity," Blahut later blurted to a reporter "There are other things involved that are detrimental to other things." The CIA fired Blahut as a result of the incident, but the matter was not investigated further.

David Atlee Phillips had conversations with Kevin Walsh, a former HSCA staffer who went on to work as a private detective in Washington, DC. In a conversation not long before his death, Phillips remarked: "My private opinion is that JFK was done in by a conspiracy, likely including American intelligence officers."

In an email exchange between researcher Gary Buell and David Phillips' nephew, Shawn Phillips, Shawn said that his father, James Phillips, became aware that his brother, David, had in some way been "seriously involved" in the JFK assassination. James and David argued about this vigorously and it resulted in a silent hiatus between them that lasted for almost six years. As David was dying of lung cancer, he called his brother. Even at this point there was apparently no reconciliation between the two men. James asked David pointedly, "Were you in Dallas that day?" David answered, "Yes," and James hung up the phone on him.
A review by Edmond Taylor of Dulles's book The Craft of Intelligence (from The Reporter, dated 11/21/1963).

Dulles convinces the reviewer that the Soviets are actively plotting to assassinate foreign leaders, and that the Kennedy administration's policy of accommodation with the USSR is wrong-headed because they will always be actively plotting to destroy our way of life.

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