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UCLA’s Dr. W. Ross Adey & Remote Brain Telemetry
[size=12]I have no doubt that excitation potentials exist, and that that they're commonly used to discredit people thru' 'weird' behaviour; in Britain, UKIP is having a hard time with errant Tweets; maybe Tom Cruise was subject to an excitation potential of buffoonery. Every other day in the UK someones making a pratt of themselves in the press thru' Tweetfails - maybe they're given a 'suggestion' and the humour-bones tickled and another case of foot-in-mouth, sexist/racist/idiotic religious-politico blurb ensues. Suspicious - with regard to my own experiences; as I've already said, I'm allergic to conspiracy fever, but they are a fact - who'd've thought GCHQ et al. would tap into ppl's webcams to catch them with their pants down. There's plenty of folk get a kick out of feeling special or annointed, superior indeed, & what I might be suggesting here is a logical extrapolation of the mic.-ELF/electromagnetic capability (I'd suggest not holding your mobile 'phone to your head, and alot of good it'll do you).
A list greater than the usual three, 4.5/6.66/11.3Hz excitation potentials would make for a casual interest, but it's obvious that whatever emotional state of mind humans experience, there's an excitation potential to match it, portable & targetable; I gather everyone's biometrics are unique, in terms of their EM signal, and there's millimeter waves to see thru' your home and into your body. Dodgy buggers.
I started getting headaches; I don't like taking pills but had Lemsip (paracetamol) so took that & headache gone, establishing the fact of pain+pills=no pain. Soon, they became fearsome indeed, very suddenly; I assumed from the 1st that they were caused by EM radiation so banged on what I assumed to be the source - my ceiling (block of flats); headache gone. This went-on for a week, each night, then there was a weeks gap, and then it started again, in the early hours; banging on the cieling in concrete flats @ 3-5am is fairly antisocial, so I had no option but to stop, and thus they set-in with a vengeance, over the next week it became a nightly thing - as soon as I laid my head to my pillow, the pain began, tho' it wasn't a prone/positional thing, more 'lulz' & sleep dep, and a grinding-down of 'will'. They went on for about 6months, for 6-12hrs, often accompanied by a strange, whistling sound - what I was 'told' were Lorenz/Lorentz waves; I was 'told' this was like insects burrowing into the head, doubtless to 'jog' my imagination, but it sounded to me more like stringed instruments in strong wind. Curious sound, don't know where it came from, sounded 'all around', but not internal as per a V2K effect.
The pain level of the 'Trigeminal Neuralgia'/migrainous neuralgia was rarely less than excruciating. To touch or rub the affected area is to increase the level of pain & discomfort; it's very incapacitating, no painkiller has any effect on it; all I could do was to shuffle 'round, a few inches per step as a distraction, of sorts, holding my hand to the area, an inch off, in an instinctive 'jesture' or response. Of course, it soon becomes a realization that bedtime will be the time of onset, that someone will start-up the EM, watch & listen to the effects, but as I'd say aloud "Ok then, but it hurts you more than it hurts me". Hmm, not entirely sure about that, but it's a 2 fingers, of sorts. The next day, I'd often get 'messages' about how much 'they' enjoy doing it, how much pleasure it gave 'them'.
I'd 'phoned Northumbria police about it & a couple of cops came 'round, but what are they to do? "Try codiene phosphate"; "I'd prefer fentonil", and that night I go to sleep with the sound of escaping gas, & I'm out like a light, LIDA machine, I presume - it's update (I get alot of 'green & blue' motif, from the LIDA machine I guess). Not sure if it was that night, that I woke to a stable clothes-horse fallen across the foot of my bed; "You've got ghosts" says the tv, or it could've been the acrobatic Bulgarian dwarf who hides behind an invisibility cloak, honest injun, that's what I was told. Most of these ploys are reinforced with tv reports, often weeks earlier.
The- as 'diagnosed', TN, feels as tho' the side of the head is being slowly destroyed with a 4" wide slow drill bit, truely, quite painful, 6-12hrs, a long, slow grinding pain, where the NHS says TN is 'up to 2minutes of shooting or stabbing, electrical shock-like pain'. One night it came-on as per-, but a bit more, and alot more briefly, 10-15mins. So, I know it's artificial and that it's 'a bit of a laugh' - 'shits'n'kicks', so for no particular reason I utter "Yeah yeah - vive la France, m-f's". And again it's off, more still, and the same, "Viva Espana". And again, really something now, "Viva Italia". I mean to say - whaddya do? Really? I don't deserve it, I've done nothing; crazy, man. So, on it comes again, more & more to the point where it's the white heat of molten metal in the core of my brain; roll-off the bed to stand & don't make it, collapsing with an involuntary " god!"; 'agony' is a signpost in the rearview-, as it were. It stops, & after a few moments to compose myself, manage "You should really save some of that for yourselves".
A few weeks after 'phoning the cops about it, the radio apparently "redline"s the TN jolly, tho' it took a few months to stop.
Then there's the tachycardia, atrial fibrillation, 'shark-knife' in the abdomen, eye stabs & elsewhere - some 'point effect' as I called it for a while - maser?, neuralgic pain pulses, headaches & mic. auditory - whistles and clicks, and the caustic blood-in-urine poisoning or other. It's quite something, maybe I'll write a book one day.

[size=12]I had a cyber-buddy, Lockmat/Ben Everhat, who had a close friend, Shok Teenik - Sippo Kähmi. Ben said he was from New ersey, b.'87, his YT channel had vids of he & ST & a Silencer T. Perdedor taken in Finland ( ); he said he'd fallen-out with Silencer, supposedly Belgian tho' I stumbled on Silencer refering to hisself as a Vancouverite. The statement of having fallen-out sounded convincing, even in retrospect. Ben & Sippo tapped my landline for a long time, truncated 'beeps' and the like, tho' I didn't think anything of it at the time - you wouldn't, would you. 'Phoned the UKgov jobsite one day, gave my NINO, follow-on call and I get "HAH!" from Ben - 'dox'ed'; his voice unmistakeable. He had another Stean account/personality I know now, 'frog'; I assume this was taken from my UK2011 census form, 'Religion' section, where the fad was for 'Jedi'. Later, "It's a conspiracy" he said, after 'the program' had kicked-in & just before my gmail account went suspended, for no apparent reason. I emailed him his IP, "Well played - I've got a gun"., Hx, NS. Had access to Googles database since 2008 or earlier - so he said, in '08. Born c.'87, New Joisey.
The day my pc was finally hacked and taken-over, he & Sippo had come in-game (TF2), en clair - Lockmat & Shok Teenik, to taunt and self advertise in equal measure, Aug '11. I immediately started getting alot of what I now know to be 'apophenia' and a host of other 'weaponised coincidences' - 'ideas of reference' as psychiatrists call them, classic symptoms of schizophrenia, but these were totally artificial; the 'program' eases-in, to trip and shove a persons sensibility into insanity (Monarch programming/trauma based mind control/brainwashing). It's quite the pisstake; 'phone ringing/beeping, door/gate slams, police sirens, car horns, various natural phenomona simulated thru' MP3's, bumps in the night, fridge switching-on and various (what I took to be) heat expansion/contraction 'clicks' & 'cracks', kettle, windows/frames, & a host of 'bumps in the night'. I'm a slow learner & surprisingly mentally stable - I say this after almost 3yrs of this, as per May 2014, & see alot of it in retrospect. This is why, whilst shopping in N-u-T one day, someone shouted in my head via microwaves "You're/I'm being followed", because I wasn't feeling at all paranoid or unbalanced, I assume. This 'program' was to turn me paranoid schizo &/or to push me to suicide. The 'phone might ring up to 5 times/day, PPI, for up to 30mins. Also, the heating & boiler system started doing it's own thing, and the many functions of the intercom system failed; smoke alarm would activate; lifts would go the wrong way, as the Queen's lift did, so said BBC Radio4 with a 'phone interview from a palace spokesman whose landline beeped in the same way mine did, & the building ground-floor doors failed, to the extent that they actually needed replacing. The tv & radio joined-in, calling my name and suggesting suicide. Ho-hum.
I ended-up 'phoning & texting the police (Northumbria) many times. During the 2nd visit I had, he seemed to speak almost ahead of the last few words, preempting my replies, and I soon assumed that he knew what was afoot. Depressing really, 'cos I'd really warmed to him as a person, regardless of the makers label on his pristine jacket. And I've had alot of 'moles'.
I went to the police one day, Market St., telling them what was happening, gave the address of some of the harassment, he, PC Hayes, popped-off for a few minutes, returned and suggested that I go to the local station, West Road instead; end of interview.
Another cop I saw at Mkt St. was PC King 2392 which was weird 'cos I'd had a shed-load of 'king' references, masses of them. I ended-up sending him 3 packets of my observations and info about the trigeminal neuralgia etc etc. I've also taken one in to Chief Supt Graham Hall of my now local force, and will be dropping another in shortly.
Knowing the trigeminal neuralgia was artificial, it took me a while to see my doctor, Dr. Esednu at Westmorland Street Surgery, N-u-T. She gave me absolutley masses of ibu & co-prox, and no follow-up planned, no tests. When I later went to Dr. Piper House NHS drop-in centre about it, the first person I spoke to was one of 2 paramedics; I told her it all & she was so shocked at Esednu's actions that she called over her collegue and reiterated what I'd said, they were both plainly shocked. I next saw another doctor who actually gave me a textbook diagnosis, telling me what I was experiencing, despite my 'trigeminal neuralgia' being about as atypical as it's possible to be, as un-textbook; the classic symptoms are "up to 2 minutes of shooting, electrical pain", I had up to 12hrs of a long slow grinding pain; and then he completed the rush he was in, by rushing-off.
Since the 'Monarch' program started in Aug 2011, I was feeling a bit shakey, so I went to my GP for some sort of calmative, asking him for an appointment be made to have a chat about 'stuff' with a trained individual, preferably a shrink; this was really nothing more than a chat that I wanted. Had an interview & it was hunky-dory, but then the follow-on 'phone call came about bringing-in family an' 'my symptoms' and "fuck that" being the internal dialogue response - there'll be a record of that somewhere, & "well, cheers anyway". Next, I found a letter from a while ago from my doctors, about a bog-standard health check, which I decided to go for; 'phoned, appointment made for to see a nurse, Haley I think, but it was preempted by a call from the doctors moving it forward & to see a Dr. Bains. Trotted along, and there's a woman sat-in, and he's asking me about 'voices in my head', and playing with his pen alot, and feeling uncomfortable - you just suss these things when you're a human. "It's ok doc, it's not gods, it's just shitheads taking the piss - (I don't understand it, but -) it's science, not seance". Each time I glance across at the woman, she shoots a glance away. The charade of checking my ears & throat, each from 3feet away, "I'm fine, Doc.", and that's that. So, then I get a call from the shrink cadre, from a woman, 'S' (CPN - Community Psychiatric Nurse - I think), at West Park Hospital, about coming-in for a chat; she sounds very nice and we have a decent chat on the 'phone, so "Yeah, if it makes you happy". She was very nice, indeed. Ended-up seeing her 3 times I think, but there was no point to it, just lead-swinging, much as I enjoyed it, so I drew a close to it.
During one convo with 'S' (I like her, she seems bona fide, so, no name) I'd mentioned that I'd previously had a letter from the 'office' telling me I'd been "discharged" from their list, which had pissed me off a bit 'cos I'd only gone along for a chat, & that I'd written to a fella called Ian Scriven asking how & why it was that a person, simply wanting a chat, is enroled/enlisted into the mental health system, because a) there's a stigma that attaches, & b) without being informed of such. She, 'S', thought it was strange and said she'd look into it, but that was informally, & I'd decided to stop wasting her time with appointments, so it went no further. He 'phoned back a couple of times - I was out, but I wanted it on paper so I followed-up with the same enquiry stating Freedom of Information Act. He did 'phone back again, once, but that's not the point, I'd not given him my 'phone number, he'd got it from my 'record', after I'd apparently been "discharged", and I was quite pissed-off about this. I've a letter to the Information Commissioner pending. So, after 3years of trauma-based mind control program and damned pissed-off about it too, apparently I now have a record of having 'issues', which is a nice bit o' bullshit. Samaritans would've been a far better option. The general health check I'd opted for - upon invitation, still hasn't happened, and the last time I saw my own GP, Dr. 'G' (-same as before, I like the guy), he had a dancing knee - these nervous doctors are a weirdness to behold.
I've never been bad & never wanted to be, in any way - I don't even drop litter. Occaisionally I've been known to be a polemical lippy gobshite, but...'hey'. I wouldn't know the 'dark web' if I tripped over it & I'm not interested; I haven't 'networked' or hidden, or played the silly bugger. I'm not dishonest - naturally, not 'with effort'. I can't concieve of what's happening, it's Draconian indeed - torture-murder, trauma-based brainwashing mind destruction to suicide, in some daft game of bullshit bingo, muscle flexing, oppurtunity, intoxicated cover-up.

"They were completely beaten, the day was mine, but they did not know it and would not run"

Michael would you be so kind as to enlarge the font size of your postings?It's too small for me read without serious eye strain.You can change the font size by the icon above the text box.

"You never change things by fighting the existing reality. To change something, build a new model that makes the existing model obsolete.”
Buckminster Fuller
[size=12]Sorry Keith, but it's a bit 'windy' as is, without taking-up more room; perhaps copy & paste into a new doc and mod it as you please.

An omission; during one of the meetings with 'S', she'd said she'd been referenced about me by the Home Office on the basis of a doc I'd written. I've written 3 (amongst many others) which I'd given to the local MP's office - I later asked them if they'd forwarded one to the Home Office, which was emphatically denied, so I don't know where it originated. I asked 'S' what she'd thought of what I'd written, but apparently my handwriting was too poor for her to bother deciphering, so she'd not read it; the kinda stuff I write is enough to make a shrink drool, without the apparent ref from the Home Office. Seems improbable.
The leader on last nights Channel4 news was the Gameover Zeus cyber malware thingy; got a 'whole bunch' of references during the report, all 'lost on me'. Same with the NSA nicking ppls 'photos for face recognition. Strange. I'm told Shok Teenik's a card carrying commie, maybe some connection there..

Looks like Lauren fixed things.Thanks much!
"You never change things by fighting the existing reality. To change something, build a new model that makes the existing model obsolete.”
Buckminster Fuller
Keith Millea Wrote:Looks like Lauren fixed things.Thanks much!

Okilidokily, good-good; just didn't want to take-up too much room is all.
Cabbage: A familiar kitchen-garden vegetable about as large and wise as a man's head. Ambrose Bierce, The Devil's Dictionary
One night, drifting-off to sleep, I was thinking about how light tanks used to drive thru' town alot, Scorpions, - close to Catterick; many moons ago, I envied them. I mused in the minds eye about driving around, full-pelt as I sunk deeper into sleep. At the point that I - as the fella 'up top' with his head sticking-out, passed a car waiting at a junction, the car's horn went-off in my ear/head - from the pillow. I mean, REALLY loud. I almost shat. Thats happened 3 times. And that's not just microwave auditory effect...

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