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The Head Wounds Revisited

There was a time when my beliefs about the medical evidence were the same as most other conspiracy believers i.e. a massive blow out low down in the back of the skull and doctored X-rays and photos to cover it up. At that time I was open to the idea that something dodgy went down at Bethesda.When I first read Doug Horne's interview with Dick Russell I thought "Wow. This guy's book is gonna be a game changer." I can't tell you how disappointed I was when I actually read it. It didn't take me long to realise that, as well as being based on highly selective quotations from statements based on memories that were anything from 15 to 30+ years old, Horne's theory is completely illogical.

Think about it. When David Lifton first introduced the idea of body alteration, he did so to supposedly explain the apparent discrepancy between the descriptions of the wounds at Parkland and Bethesda. As Lifton told it, the whole point of the clandestine pre-surgery was to fool the autopsy doctors into thinking all shots came from behind. Of course, thanks to the work of people like Roger Feinman, David Wrone, and Cyril Wecht we now know that Lifton's theory has more holes than a hunk of Swiss cheese. I personally realised Lifton's book was fraudulent nonsense when I noticed that nowhere in several hundred pages did he tell his readers that, even though he says all shots came from the front, Connally's wounds were unquestionably delivered by a shot from the rear. Thus Lifton's dishonesty is revealed and his theory is dead in the water.

Along comes Horne (an admitted Liftonite) who by his own admission believed something untoward happened at Bethesda long before he found any evidence of such, to revitalize the whole sorry story by saying it was actually the autopsy doctors who altered the head wound. Ok. Fine. To fool whom? Themselves? Because that's the only inference to be drawn. And it makes absolutely no sense at all. There was no logical reason for the autopsy surgeons to perform a "pre-autopsy" when they were the ones who would be responsible for establishing the cause of death anyway! They could, and did, write anything they wanted to in their autopsy report whether it was correct or not. For example, the autopsy report claims that the track of missile dust begins at the EOP. That's a lie. And it pretends that the throat wound was an exit for the back wound when no such thing was ever established. So why would they need to secretly enlarge the head wound when they could essentially put whatever they wanted in their report? Answer: they would not and they did not. They OPENLY enlarged the head wound, in front of witnesses, to reach the brain (a proper medical procedure) and TESTIFIED to doing so.

There was no"pre-autopsy" and there was no need for one anyway. We don't need to resort to theories, we can look at what actually happened to see how the medical cover-up was achieved:

* The autopsy doctors wrote a report claiming that all shots came from behind. Witnesses were sworn to secrecy.
* The Warren Commission accepted their report and chose not to make use of the actual autopsy materials that would have contradicted it. Public access to the materials was restricted.
* In response to criticism of the alleged trajectory, and in an attempt to deal with the axis of metallic debris on the X-ray, a Justice Department panel pretended that the EOP entrance hole didn't exist and moved the entrance wound 10 cm up the head.
* Someone removed the brain and critical photographs and X-rays from the archive. The Kennedy family was blamed without evidence.
* A House Select Committee essentially rubber stamped the work of the Justice Dept. panel.

And there we have it: a cover-up that became institutional. Now no one in establishment circles will touch this stuff with a very long pole. The cover-up is maintained because to question the official story brings ridicule and rebuke or simply finding that one's words are ignored. For example,when Dr. Randy Robertson studied the autopsy materials and concluded that there were two shots to the head, he wrote a paper and submitted it to medical journals for publication. It was rejected. The Journal of Forensic Sciences wrote Dr. Robertson, "...there appears to be nothing materially wrong with this work from a technical standpoint. However, the central issue for us, for some time, has been whether to open this controversial matter in this publication." In other words, "you may be right but we sure as hell ain't gonna say it". As we can see, there never was any need for body alteration or any of that garbage, the cover-up was enacted and maintained perfectly well without it.

So, as far as I'm concerned, the confused recollections of witnesses speaking decades after the event about what time this and that took place at Bethesda amount to nothing and merely serve as an example of how unreliable human memory can be. And the two casket/ambulance thing was explained years ago as a security measure (see chapter 6 of Feinman's manuscript, Between the Signal and the Noise).

The great mystery that remains for many is the discrepancy between what was seen at Parkland and what was recorded at Bethesda. To me is this no longer a mystery. Firstly, as your graphic shows, the Parkland doctors described a wound that was in pretty much the area in which the fragment trail onthe X-ray shows the bullet did exit. Some of them thought it was lower down, some of them not. I don't find it surprising or troubling that some thought the wound was further back than it was. I don't agree with everything Pat Speer says but he does some fine work on this on his website.

Secondly, the autopsy report admits that the skull damage extended into the occipital region which actually confirms part of the Parkland doctors' recollections rather than contradicts it. But the autopsy report says that the wound was 17 cm, encompassing most of the right side of the head, which is obviously bigger than what was seen at Parkland. What to make of this? Well, I believe that Dr. Gary Aguilar provided the most reasonable explanation years ago in Murder in Dealey Plaza:

"...that the wound was described as larger at autopsy than noted by emergency personnel is not proof it was surgically enlarged. Wounds picked apart during an autopsy examination are often found to be larger than they first appeared to emergency personnel. In Kennedy's case, moreover, Jackie Kennedy testified that she tried to hold the top of JFK's head down while they raced from Dealey Plaza to Parkland Hospital. It is not hard to imagine the possibility that during the time it took the Presidential limousine to get to Parkland Hospital, clot had formed gluing a portion of disrupted scalp down making JFK's skull defect appear smaller to treating surgeons than it later would to autopsy surgeons." (p. 187)

In other words, the Parkland staff only saw the rear most part of the wound which fooled them into thinking it was located only in the rear of the head. This is perfectly reasonable and I have no problem accepting it as a probable explanation.
It is INFINITELY more reasonable than claims that the autopsy doctors performed illicit pre-autopsy surgery which, as I said above, was completely unnecessary anyway.
So after debating with myself, I've decided to chime in on this thread. I guess these days everyone has some sort of take on this question. My reasons for speaking up are purely personal: because my entry into this case was via a reading of Six Seconds In Dallas when I was 12 (in 1967), and the ballistics and medical evidence has been of great interest to me ever since. I have read most of the medical testimony and the analysis done by a good number of researchers. But let me state at the outset that I pretend absolutely no special knowledge or authority concerning this topic, and I make no claims except that what I will express here are opinions which are still in progress, and which are not intended to be contentious.

First, let me state that I (as I am sure, many others) mused upon Lifton's book and kept coming back to it for nearly two decades. I won't belabor here how much of the original hypothesis I think may continue to merit serious attention; I'll just say that for me there are still anomalies in the various descriptions of damage to scalp, skull and brain (or the size of the tracheostomy), and in the witness testimony, which have not been clarified to my satisfaction (yes, I've read Horne's five volumes; I've also read Law). My training is not as a physicist (though I work with them) nor as a radiologist, but as a computer scientist. I certainly don't believe in appeals to authority as method of proof (that's what gets us into trouble in the first place), but I do take it seriously when the likes of David Mantik and Cyril Wecht write (see "Paradoxes of the JFK Assassination: The Brain Enigma", in DiEugenio/Pease, The Assassinations) that the empty area at the front of the cranium in the lateral X-ray might suggest that the brain has collapsed backwards, and that it is further improbable that it would become detached from its supporting structures this way simply as a consequence of gunshot wounding (this problem was further debated in an interesting exchange between Pat Speer -- on his site -- and Manitk, in his review of Speer's work:

But I do agree with Gordon Gray that it is hard to get firm corroboration for anything in this area. JimD is also right: it's an evidentiary nightmare. I think Jim actually wrote somewhere (in his review of Horne?) that the fact that you can argue for at least five different interpretations of the evidence in itself indicates something is terribly wrong. And we've had at the autopsy doctors repeatedly, yet we've never really asked all the pertinent, pointed, technical questions we should have. This seems to have continued beyond Gary Aguilar's and Kathleen Cunningham's "five" investigations which got it wrong.

But I think the question about why surgical intervention would be necessary at all, raised above, also needs to be thought about. I would here presume that such a procedure would be in order to extract identifiable bullet fragments ahead of time, so that they would not be ingested into the stream of evidence, especially by neutral witnesses like Sibert and O'Neill, because, to me, at least, the idea of "trajectory reversal" or that wounds could be faked in such a way as to baffle a trained forensic pathologist has always seemed both problematic and rather simplistic, and even Lifton has to posit "reconstruction" before photographing the head and concede "pressure" being put on the prosectors in order for this all to come out right. But why indeed do this? If it was really planned, it would imply the plotters were willing to take a whole series of risks which could be solved much more simply if they had the situation in hand.. Lifton (using a very narrow kind of logic) dismissed the idea that such an intervention could have been done as a form of damage control. But is this really entirely to be excluded? Could the plot have taken a wrong turn during that afternoon which in some way caused a panic and led to this kind of "unofficial" intervention? Let me ask this question, too: it is not likely the plotters were unaware that murder was the jurisdiction of the state, not federal government, so did what happen (a military controlled autopsy) really reflect the original plan? On the other hand, by now we all know that this hypothesis' most sticky point is when and where this happened, and how JFK's corpse was abducted (if it was). If the latter happened, it must have happened very fast, so you almost have to believe that there were contingency plans of some sort in that case. For me, these are certainly not rhetorical questions. I just think that there is presently no sure resolution to them; but I don't think asking them is entirely fatuous, either.

What I have (belatedly, I confess) come to realize, however, about this illicit surgery issue is that whether or not something like that occurred, it does not ultimately change the configuration of the event for me in terms of who the plotters probably were. And this, to my mind, is the crucial point. Belief that such a scheme was an essential element of the plot is only really compelling if you also believe that the plotters could not rely on help in burying the autopsy via other means (which is in fact largely what happened). Horne talks about Lifton's book as effecting a Kuhnian "paradigm shift". I'm not certain what exactly he means by this, but I'd bet he was thinking about the shock value of the theory; yet if you can contemplate phony ballistic evidence, or doctored photographic evidence, which many early researchers did, it's not really that far, gruesome as it might be, to the idea that the literal corpus delicti could also have been manipulated in some way. If there is a paradigm shift in Best Evidence, in my view it is not this fact so much as its implications for who was fooling whom: according to the most extreme form of Lifton's hypothesis, the official investigation didn't have to lie, because it was hoodwinked! I always found this to be at best an hyperbole, knowing what we know about the disconnect between the Warren Report and the Exhibits and Hearings, let alone the FBI's behavior, etc., etc. It conveniently isolates the plot from the authorities where what we should really be focusing on are the likely clandestine links between them.
Jim DiEugenio Wrote:Martin:

Interesting article.

What about the fact though that Humes' report talks about particles in the brain beginning at the EOP and extending upward. Then when Gunn showed this the x rays and asked him to point out where they were, he could not do so. Because they are not there today.

If they were there, then the lines Ebersole put on the x rays could indicate where they needed to be. Especially since Ebersole was a radiologist.

Very interesting observations you put in there about the Z film. I had not noted that everyone moved forward just a bit at that one instant.

Is it not amazing that we are still arguing about this stuff 50 years later. With Humes dead.

What the HSCA did with Humes was a joke.
Humes clearly lied about the path of missile dust in order to support his conclusion of only one shot to the head. You are right about the HSCA. The whole thing was awful.

It's amazing how the movements of the other limo riders went unnoticed for so long. Although I guess it's not surprising since we were all looking to see what Kennedy and Connally were doing.
It's pretty clear JFK went into Bethesda in an aluminum shipping casket after 6:30. I believe someone wrote somewhere that there were negro (in terms of the day) hospital workers in the autopsy room when the pre-autopsy was done who witnessed it. They did not have the full secrecy pressure applied on them because they were not considered serious credible threats. The pre-autopsy could have been done on military national security orders. There's no reason to overthink this event and suggest it wasn't necessary because the event was under full covert control anyway. The pre-autopsy was done simply because they needed to present an allegedly fresh body that showed wounds similar to shots from the Depository. Perfectly in line with the honestly-explained greater covert picture surrounding the event.

The pre-autopsy is where Pitzer got his right front entry wound frames that Dennis David witnessed first hand. Or is Dennis David lying too? CIA murdered Pitzer for it.
What better way to hide in plain sight than to CREATE a version of the best evidence and insure that everyone in the room viewing such a version be bound to a military oath of silence.

Surely there were those in that autopsy room who shook their collective heads and said "No way it happened like that"... More sinister is the implication that those trusted with producing such a document upon which the entire case would rely, were instrumental in creating this version of the evidence for history to re-examine and with the same head shaking results.. "No Way".

Everything that was done during Warren was done to cover up ANY of the contradictory evidence to the pre-ordained conclusion. I wonder if Mr Rossi is aware of the following from the 1/27 Exec Committee:

A conclusion written about in the newspapers - the fragment causing the throat wound... does not appear in any medical documentation of the autopsy... there is no "explanation there in the autopsy" at all... the Autopsy describes the SBT conclusions in the face of mountains of contradictory evidence.

One finds numerous examples of "what they first said" not being acceptable... this has to be one of the worst...

Mr. Rankin:
Then theres a great range of material in
regards to the wound and the autopsy and this point of exit
or entrance of the bullet in the front of the neck, and that all
has to be developed much more than we have at the present time.
We have an explanation there in the autopsy that probably
a fragment came out the front of the neck, but with the elevation
the shot must have come from, and the angle, it seems quite apparent,
since we have the picture of where the bullet entered in
the back, that the bullet entered below the shoulder blade to the
right of the backbone, which is below the place where the
picture shows the bullet came out
in the neckband of the shirt
in front, and the bullet, according to the autopsy didn't strike
any bone at all, that particular bullet, and go through.
So that how it could turn, and --

Rep. Boggs. I thought I read that bullet just a
finger's length.

Mr. Rankin. That is what they first said

There are only a few men in this story who carry the weight to order Humes/Boswell to do what they did if in fact they did it. If Humes' superior provides a national security reason for ordering the alteration of evidence... I don't think we can fault Humes for anything other than misguided obediance and self-preservation...

The real question is: Does the buck stop at that Admiral - Sponsor or Facilitator? Since once the Best Evidence is gone... that egg cannot be uncracked... who would the top brass of the military be answering to, working for... and were THEY TOO manuevered into a position to do only what they gave thought to previously...

If all the evidence is considered inauthentic... all we have left is the coroborrated word of those who were there... and THEY tell us that JFK was worked upon prior to his official arrival... in fact, while he was supposedly lying in a coffin at the front of the hospital... how that is not an unimpeachable cornerstone to understanding the conspiracy... how the vast difference between Parkland and Bethesda is not plainly and painfully obvious to all...

I simply do not know what is.

Once in a while you get shown the light
in the strangest of places if you look at it right.....
R. Hunter
Martin Hay Wrote:"...that the wound was described as larger at autopsy than noted by emergency personnel is not proof it was surgically enlarged. Wounds picked apart during an autopsy examination are often found to be larger than they first appeared to emergency personnel. In Kennedy's case, moreover, Jackie Kennedy testified that she tried to hold the top of JFK's head down while they raced from Dealey Plaza to Parkland Hospital. It is not hard to imagine the possibility that during the time it took the Presidential limousine to get to Parkland Hospital, clot had formed gluing a portion of disrupted scalp down making JFK's skull defect appear smaller to treating surgeons than it later would to autopsy surgeons." (p. 187).


First, let me thank you for the very interesting post, and for the reviews of yours I have read at CTKA. I think your reconstruction of how the lines got on the X-ray is quite reasonable. I'm still not sure that the EOP wound was really there (but I don't buy that stuff about it being faked, either), but the lines certainly look likee they were put there for the benefit of the medical artist. The lower one seems to lead to where there was a metal fragment (below the orbit, if I recall correctly). I have also thought that the rear wound might have been created after the front shot, and that the forward motion of the head may have had nothing to do with a separate impulse from behind. Never thought to look at the movement of the others in the car, though. I think Richard Feynman would be smiling here.

As for Gary Aguilar's explanation, it certainly is reasonable, except that I wonder why no one, not even the nurses who prepared JFK's body, had any sense of this. But I'm not an emergency room medic, so I couldn't really say.

However, I don't think it's just the size of the wound in question, but the pattern of the wounding, that still is unclear. We have large scalp flaps with symmetrical tears. Boswell even drew a long laceration from the right eye straight over the top of the skull clear to the top back. What was that? But under that, all kinds of minute fracturing is described. The problem is, it was really poorly described. As Mantik says, if only we had CAT scans of JFK's cranium ... But this has always been perplexing to me. I have yet to see a satisfying explanation for how this kind of pattern of damage can occur, whether using soft-nosed bullets or not. Does it have to do with the relative elasticity of various tissues? And if the skull fragmentation was from pressure built up in the cranium, what did the doctors (it was Humes, I think) mean about fragments falling to the table as they pushed the scalp around? That would imply (at least to me, a lay person) that somehow these fragments were already detached from the scalp which would have been covering them. How did that happen? And then there's the fact that the doctors and several other witnesses testified that very little needed to be done to remove the brain. No peeling of the dura, the falx was completely torn, no cutting of the nerves ... Again, the statements are imprecise and require explanation. And what we need is some evidence that this kind of damage can indeed be caused by bullets. Personally, I find the totality of this damage rather incongruous, but I have yet to see someone who is qualified take on all of these issues and clear them up by offering a comprehensive explanation. Everybody seems to focus on one thing, offer an explanation for it, and leave it at that. But that's just my view.

I think Lifton played fast and loose with all of this too. It's too easy to say, "I won't look for cases where this kind of damage is caused by bullets because if I don't find it, it still would not mean it couldn't happen" (he writes this at one point). Of course, absence of evidence is not evidence of absence. But what if he looked harder and did find a case like this? Even if he accumulated dozens of cases which did not show this kind of damage under similar wounding circumstances, he could have at least made a stronger probabilistic argument in favor of his thesis. Renouncing this kind of research was rather convenient.

I think Roger Feinman raises some very good questions against Lifton, though I also think he is a little bit too vehement when he calls the book a hoax (in the sense that Lifton had no thesis until the very end). If I remember correctly, there is a paper trail of Lifton's inquiries to the FBI, the Liebeler memo, and his interview with Humes. But Feinman's point that Lifton extrapolates too easily from skimpy evidence and ignores other possible explanations is well taken.

As for the security measure, that's what the escort was told. I don't think this explanation very convincing. Q: did the Kennedys know about this? And security from what? I think we have heard defenses of activities in the interest of security enough for our antennas to go up. But maybe I'm just too suspicious here.

P.S. When I was in graduate school (in 1981) and had just finished Best Evidence, I actually wrote Lifton a letter with my reactions (like "what happened to Connally's wounds?"), but sent it through the publisher because in those days locating an address was much more difficult. I did not get a reply, not sure it ever reached him. Stupidly I did not even retain a copy of the letter.
In Sherry Fiester, Enemy of the Truth, Chapter Seven, is a discussion of radial and concentric fracturing occuring from the point of entry in a headwound, an observed phenomenon in forensics.

Jerroll Custor to Jeremy Gunn of the ARRB mentions a "missing x-ray of the T-3/4" region showing metal fragments.

Relying upon the Zapruder film is a view through a glass darkly.

Was the theft of the body by the Secret Service not always in the cards.

There are a number of accounts of Bethesda personnel witnessing the arrival of the gray Navy ambulance as x-rays were being developed.

The phrase "black Cadillac" appears on the Clifton clip of the AF1 tapes--of course, the chain of evidence of the case is purposely tortured.

Is there a forward movement of two inches; if so, might it be due to kinetic transfer, the virtual impalement on a lead rod at a speed of perhaps 2,000 feet per second or more.

We can abide the teeming, competing accounts of those passengers on the Orient Express.

The train is still headed for perpetual war, and we insist there remains no statute of limitations.

A pleasure to observe such a high-level exchange.
As attested to by the FBI agents and other witnesses as well, the primary focus of the autopsists appeared to be locating bullets. They seemed genuinely befuddled when they couldn't find any. If they had been the ones to remove the bullets, they were acting was as good as their lying and they have proven to be pretty poor liars. The main reason for the military autopsy IMO, was the fact that Oswald was in custody and awaiting trial. This meant evidence needed to stand up in court and the prosectors could be liable to perjury This was not a part of the original plan. Had Oswald been spirited away and eliminated as planned, it really wouldn't have mattered how many shooters there were, or from what direction they were shooting. As long as Oswald, agent of Castro was identified as one of them, and could supply no rebuttal, the plan was intact. Once Oswald was murdered on Sun. morning they could pretty much say whatever they liked, and they did. They didn't need to alter the body it's not like it was going to be hauled into court. Just their testimony, XRays and photos. Much easier to fake than an actual body. I wish some one could show me creditable evidence that Kennedy's body was in a body bag in a shipping casket at 6:35. Sibert and O'Neil said they assisted in removing the presiden'ts body from the ceremonial casket immediately after they helped carry it into the morgue, and before they were sent out, while X Rays were to be taken.
Phil Dragoo Wrote:In Sherry Fiester, Enemy of the Truth, Chapter Seven, is a discussion of radial and concentric fracturing occuring from the point of entry in a headwound, an observed phenomenon in forensics.

I love reading your contributions, Phil. It's like reading Whitman!

I've read Fiester's book. On this point, my reaction was: why on earth did she choose to illustrate this with another medical drawing instead of the lateral X-ray? Personally, I have difficulty reading those X-rays and some clarification of where the radial fractures are would have been helpful (the concentric ones are more evident).
Phil Dragoo Wrote:There are a number of accounts of Bethesda personnel witnessing the arrival of the gray Navy ambulance as x-rays were being developed.

Which would evidence a pre-autopsy wouldn't it?

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