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The Head Wounds Revisited

"There was no brain. There were pieces. . .maybe a half a handful. . .monstrous hole in his head. . .the brain was gone for all practical purposes. . ."

Hyperboliosi takes over at 5:34, has a cow because three surgeons signed the report stating the brain was removed and formalin fixation begun.

Then he has twin cows because O'Connor didn't tell the HSCA there was no brain.

He finds O'Connor's mention of the secrecy order to be not worth a comment.

Frankly, Blakey said all witnesses agreed with the photos of the clean, intact rear of the head.

Thus, for Hyperoliosi, the signature of three surgeons is equivalent to Moses' tablets, and Blakey is a pathological liar.

We may wonder where the 1500 gram brain is. Perhaps Blakey and Hyperboliosi have the answer.
Thanks Phil

To blame the witness for questions unasked by inquisitors is typical of Bugliosi.
Cast the floodlights in the witness sworn to silence by DOD orders,
Serving the Empire as best he can.

Hanks and Bugliosi will give us another apologia, not the truth.
Reclaiming Parkland will have the easier part because truth will be on only one side.
Truth will out.
Read not to contradict and confute;
nor to believe and take for granted;
nor to find talk and discourse;
but to weigh and consider.
Daniel Gallup Wrote:
David Josephs Wrote:I have revisited Horne and Lifton's work on the subject...

When the body was first unwrapped in the morgue at 6:40 Humes, Boswell, KENNEY, and Ebersole where present if I am remembering correctly...
(Ebersole is key to some of the xray alteration work)

If what they are saying is true, this "team" has until about 7:45 when Robinson is told they are moving the autopsy to another room yet they never showed up.
(When they were moving the body to the large casket in the back of "A" navy ambulance.... not necessarily THE ambulance that arrived with Jackie.)

So "they" have about an hour to leave the brain in a condition described as "falling out of the skull into Humes' hands - no cutting was required"
"They" removed most of the right frontal lobe to conceal bullet traces and completely descroyed the skull and underlying structure.

Dr George Bakeman remains a mystery
Humes and Boswell were described as not doing surgical procedures in the 12-18 months prior to 11/22 and NEVER being in the morgue.
Kenney ??

The Israel story does not name who the doctor was, nor if he comes back and is seen throughout the rest of the procedures....

Who had the chops to perform that surgery... or was the result so bad that Humes remains the likely candidate?

Another piece of the puzzle would be Paul O'Connor. He is a witness to the body bag, the shipping casket, and an empty cranial vault. His estimation of the size of the head wound was 4" by 8" and the bones of the skull were broken up, clearly not the wound seen at Parkland, where the head was wrapped precisely to prevent any further movement of bone through transport. Although he put the time at 8:00 p.m. it had to be earlier. Let us assume the Dallas casket was introduced into the morgue with the FBI around 7:17. The body had to be back in the casket no later than 7:45 because by 7:50, or thereabouts, the Navy ambulance is reunited with the casket team. My question: when did O'Connor really see the casket opening? Were the brutal alterations of the head done at Bethesda itself, say, between 6:40 and 7:15? By the time the shipping casket is opened, the alterations have already occurred. I'll have to go back and read relevant portions of Best Evidence and Horne. I'm forgetful of some of the testimony.

According to the chronology, Daniel, O'Connor with Jenkins, Stringer, & Riebe are DISMISSED FROM THE MORGUE before the head is unwrapped.... the wounds Paul describes are from over an hour later... and the rest of the proceedings he describes are from AFTER 8pm. He simply corroborates the arrival of the casket and that JFK is supposedly removed from said shipping casket.

Since there are witnesses to the simply skull injuries (the original ones that allowed Parkland doctors to think a tracheostomy MIGHT help - if the skull was as it is described at Bethesda, the thought of an emergency tracheostomy would be absurd) Dr. Ebersole, Canada and Tom Robinson see this small rear headwound in addition to Humes beginning the craniotomy processes including sawing thru the forehead.

Robinson is the only one who describes Humes' work... (Horne's thought being since Kellerman had not yet arrived to "orchestrate" the Bethesda personnel had overlooked Robinson in the Gallery) he does NOT witness the arrival at 7:17 of the SS/FBI entry of the empty casket to the anteroom... he was then told the "autopsy was being moved" -Horne p1007 but the body never arrived. Robinson was effectively removed from the morgue while work continued and the body was returned to the bronze casket.

So I guess I ansered my own question. If we believe Robinson (and what Sibert/O'Neill recorded), Humes did indeed perform the "surgery to the top of the head" yet the gash in the throat had already been probed... on the plane?

The senior officer witnessing the original wounds according to the research was Navy Surgeon General Ed Kenney... Adm Galloway was in charge of Bethesda. If I'm correct, Kenney was at the Rear Admiral Rank which is still under Admiral Galloway (and the same as Burkely)... yet his title: The Surgeon General of the United States Navy is the most senior commissioned officer of the Medical Corps of the United States Navy.

So would that mean Kenney had any authority over senior officer Galloway and/or peer Burkely? I haven't read much about Kenney's involvement

Any help?

Once in a while you get shown the light
in the strangest of places if you look at it right.....
R. Hunter
David Josephs Wrote:
Daniel Gallup Wrote:
David Josephs Wrote:I have revisited Horne and Lifton's work on the subject...

When the body was first unwrapped in the morgue at 6:40 Humes, Boswell, KENNEY, and Ebersole where present if I am remembering correctly...
(Ebersole is key to some of the xray alteration work)

If what they are saying is true, this "team" has until about 7:45 when Robinson is told they are moving the autopsy to another room yet they never showed up.
(When they were moving the body to the large casket in the back of "A" navy ambulance.... not necessarily THE ambulance that arrived with Jackie.)

So "they" have about an hour to leave the brain in a condition described as "falling out of the skull into Humes' hands - no cutting was required"
"They" removed most of the right frontal lobe to conceal bullet traces and completely descroyed the skull and underlying structure.

Dr George Bakeman remains a mystery
Humes and Boswell were described as not doing surgical procedures in the 12-18 months prior to 11/22 and NEVER being in the morgue.
Kenney ??

The Israel story does not name who the doctor was, nor if he comes back and is seen throughout the rest of the procedures....

Who had the chops to perform that surgery... or was the result so bad that Humes remains the likely candidate?

Another piece of the puzzle would be Paul O'Connor. He is a witness to the body bag, the shipping casket, and an empty cranial vault. His estimation of the size of the head wound was 4" by 8" and the bones of the skull were broken up, clearly not the wound seen at Parkland, where the head was wrapped precisely to prevent any further movement of bone through transport. Although he put the time at 8:00 p.m. it had to be earlier. Let us assume the Dallas casket was introduced into the morgue with the FBI around 7:17. The body had to be back in the casket no later than 7:45 because by 7:50, or thereabouts, the Navy ambulance is reunited with the casket team. My question: when did O'Connor really see the casket opening? Were the brutal alterations of the head done at Bethesda itself, say, between 6:40 and 7:15? By the time the shipping casket is opened, the alterations have already occurred. I'll have to go back and read relevant portions of Best Evidence and Horne. I'm forgetful of some of the testimony.

According to the chronology, Daniel, O'Connor with Jenkins, Stringer, & Riebe are DISMISSED FROM THE MORGUE before the head is unwrapped.... the wounds Paul describes are from over an hour later... and the rest of the proceedings he describes are from AFTER 8pm. He simply corroborates the arrival of the casket and that JFK is supposedly removed from said shipping casket.

Since there are witnesses to the simply skull injuries (the original ones that allowed Parkland doctors to think a tracheostomy MIGHT help - if the skull was as it is described at Bethesda, the thought of an emergency tracheostomy would be absurd) Dr. Ebersole, Canada and Tom Robinson see this small rear headwound in addition to Humes beginning the craniotomy processes including sawing thru the forehead.

Robinson is the only one who describes Humes' work... (Horne's thought being since Kellerman had not yet arrived to "orchestrate" the Bethesda personnel had overlooked Robinson in the Gallery) he does NOT witness the arrival at 7:17 of the SS/FBI entry of the empty casket to the anteroom... he was then told the "autopsy was being moved" -Horne p1007 but the body never arrived. Robinson was effectively removed from the morgue while work continued and the body was returned to the bronze casket.

So I guess I ansered my own question. If we believe Robinson (and what Sibert/O'Neill recorded), Humes did indeed perform the "surgery to the top of the head" yet the gash in the throat had already been probed... on the plane?

The senior officer witnessing the original wounds according to the research was Navy Surgeon General Ed Kenney... Adm Galloway was in charge of Bethesda. If I'm correct, Kenney was at the Rear Admiral Rank which is still under Admiral Galloway (and the same as Burkely)... yet his title: The Surgeon General of the United States Navy is the most senior commissioned officer of the Medical Corps of the United States Navy.

So would that mean Kenney had any authority over senior officer Galloway and/or peer Burkely? I haven't read much about Kenney's involvement

Any help?

I think David Lifton should weigh in on this. Another key piece of the puzzle: no photograph clearly shows the brain inside the head. If the brain were there and if the wounds at Bethesda were no different from Parkland, why would Stringer et al. have photographed it? I would surmise the first thing the plotters did was to remove the brain from the head and search for bullets. Later it was reintroduced, because Metzler tells Lifton that at the 8:00 opening of the casket at least part of the brain was evident in the cranial vault. So at what time did O'Connor witness the opening of the shipping casket, the body bag, and the empty cranial vault? Before Kellerman's arrival at 7:30? If you say an hour later, that would be hard to figure because an hour after the body arrived in the shipping casket is about the time it had to be reinserted into the Dallas casket to be brought in by the honor guard. Trying to make sense of this is difficult. Could the shipping casket have come in early, the body brutally altered, the brain removed, and then reinserted into the body bag for O'Connor , Humes, Boswell and others to see. O'Connor(p. 603)in Best Evidence indicates that Humes and Boswell were surprised by the extent of the wounding. O'Connor: "everybody was really aghast." Perhaps a third unknown party did the mutilation before the O'Connor opening. That would accord with the account of an unknown doctor firing into the skull.
Quote:I think David Lifton should weigh in on this. Another key piece of the puzzle: no photograph clearly shows the brain inside the head. If the brain were there and if the wounds at Bethesda were no different from Parkland, why would Stringer et al. have photographed it? I would surmise the first thing the plotters did was to remove the brain from the head and search for bullets. Later it was reintroduced, because Metzler tells Lifton that at the 8:00 opening of the casket at least part of the brain was evident in the cranial vault. So at what time did O'Connor witness the opening of the shipping casket, the body bag, and the empty cranial vault? Before Kellerman's arrival at 7:30? If you say an hour later, that would be hard to figure because an hour after the body arrived in the shipping casket is about the time it had to be reinserted into the Dallas casket to be brought in by the honor guard. Trying to make sense of this is difficult. Could the shipping casket have come in early, the body brutally altered, the brain removed, and then reinserted into the body bag for O'Connor , Humes, Boswell and others to see. O'Connor(p. 603)in Best Evidence indicates that Humes and Boswell were surprised by the extent of the wounding. O'Connor: "everybody was really aghast." Perhaps a third unknown party did the mutilation before the O'Connor opening. That would accord with the account of an unknown doctor firing into the skull.
As I understand it...

O'Connor does not see the unwrapped head at 6:40 when the shipping casket is opened and JFK is placed on the table...

He and the other three are asked to leave and are not reintroduced into the pciture until after 8pm.

O'Connor sees the PRE AUTOPSY SURGERY on the Skull RESULTS as does everyone else who is amazed by the desctruction seen.

Kellerman leaves the navy ambulance and Greer out front when they arrive at 6:55-7pm...
When Sibert and O'Neill and Greer get to the morgue at 7:15 they are met by Kellerman at the morgue entrance - he has been in the morgue, knows JFK is in there and the casket is empty.
When these four men (and possibly a corpsman named Annan) brought the casket into the anteroom... the FBI was dismissed.

Humes, Kenney, Boswell and Ebersole are involved in the alteration from 6:45 until about 7:45 when Robinson is moved to a different location to "wait for the body" but the "body never came"
We theorize that this is when the body is reintroduced into the large casket and put back into "A" Navy ambulance... whether this is the one Galloway gets into and drives off to begin the keystone cops chase is unknown.

Now, when the MDW brings in the LARGE casket JFK is wtapped in sheets... (the testimony of Lipsey and the Admiral who sees a bullet fall out of his clothes creates yet another scenario that, IMO, was created and described as a genuine decoy operation... whether Wehle or Lipsey was aware of what was happening is also unknown... yet)
"Lipsey mentioned that he and Wehle then flew by helicopter to Bethesda and took JFK into the back of Bethesda."

I suggest reading MD180 to get a better picture of what occurs in the morgue from 6:45 until Robinson leaves....
and I will dig up the references to his being told that autopsy was being moved...

Once in a while you get shown the light
in the strangest of places if you look at it right.....
R. Hunter
David Josephs Wrote:I suggest reading MD180 to get a better picture of what occurs in the morgue from 6:45 until Robinson leaves....
and I will dig up the references to his being told that autopsy was being moved...


MD180??? Sorry, I'm getting older...
You said that later, when you read some things about the assassination or the autopsy, you heard or read some things which struck you as incorrect. What would those things be?

The time the people moved (autopsy). The body was taken and the body never came . . . . lots of little things like that.

Robinson also corroborates O'Connor in this discussion as he remembers a fragment removed from the thorax, the chest,
as O'Connor mentioned he hears from someone inside they removed a fragment from the intercostal muscles.

Once in a while you get shown the light
in the strangest of places if you look at it right.....
R. Hunter
Phil Dragoo Wrote:

Thank you Phil. I printed out that meeting summary and there is nothing there to indicate what time Robinson arrived at the morgue, except that it was before the Y-incision. When Horne's 5 volume work came out I read all of it, but without an index it is hard to find everything Horne unearthed about Robinson and his timing. Will have to look it up. Still, I recall Lifton's interview of Dr. Ebersole in 1972 wherein the latter said the "formal" autopsy actually began quite late, around 10:30. Lifton is wondering about the time of the Y-incision. The FBI report of an 8:15 Y-incision is discussed in BE in a footnote p. 667 and it makes me wonder if William Law (ITEOH) followed up on all this.
Jerrol Custer deposition to AARB Page 36/37

This was the first series of films. The only reason why this clicked is, because I remember I was told by the duty officer that the corpse was taken to Walter Reed Hospital first - compound=Walter Reed compound first, and then brought to Bethesda…….
Q: Did anyone besides the duty officer make any references to Walter Reed?
Custer: Yes, that one gentleman who was in the picture with Reed and myself, that was at the end there.
Q: On the far - the one on the far left?

Custer:Far left: right. He was the duty officer. No not there. The other picture.

Q Yeah. In addition to the duty officer, was there anyone else?

Custer: The chief on duty that night. There was two.

Q: Okay

Custer There was a duty officer and a duty chief.

Q: Okay. And they both said that the body had been to Walter Reed?

Custer: Right; Walter Reed compound. They didn't say "hospital". They said "compound"………..

Could any alterations have taken place at Walter Reed?

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