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Why Was JFK MurdERED? by Donna Coe
SW:And, why the slaughter? This elegant man, gunned down like a rabid dog in the street. They were so many other ways of being rid of him.

This case is not as simple as some of the most revered investigators have made it out to be, even at it's most perceived levels of complexity. Johnson. The mafia. Anti-Castro Cubans. CIA. Oswald. World-wide corporatocracy. My latest pasty, The Rockefellers. Even John Kennedy himself. Real people that exist in the world, but all pieces on a grand story board.

The ultimate goal: Control of human consciousness.

Stan, your post is very interesting and thought provoking but i refuse to believe that there is a Grand Puppeteer who controls every single aspect of our lives. That everything is futile and predetermined. That would be a loss of hope, indeed. What do you mean when you say My latest pasty (patsy), The Rockefellers? you need to be more specific, why the Rockefellers were patsies and who designated them to be? on what evidence? And who are these puppeteers? If you don't name them, then everything becomes too mystical, too metaphysical, too paranormal. And then we are in danger to blame everything on the Reptilians, the Illuminati, the Grey, the Masons mixed with the Messianic legacy and the Holy Grail.
Hello Vasilios,

First, I don't see it as everything being "futile and predetermined." But, the conditioned mind is NEVER aware of its own conditioning. I do believe humans beings are purposely conditioned to be "good little soldiers," and accept their marching orders. That conditioning, I think, happens on a grand scale and is easier when the mind is shocked.

At one time organized religion played the key role of instilling fear into the human psyche . Now, the global media makes it easier than ever; the "story" is so much easier to tell than it has ever been. That doesn't mean every thought of an individual mind is dictated. But, the human mind is responding to a program that it has inherited in the stream of time; the parameters of possibility limited, moving only in a small corner of a self-imposed cage. And, time has been purposely conditioned, programed, probably by a powerful corporate structure. But, that structure has been in place for a long time.

I see great hope in the Internet. If it stays the way it is. But, that's a topic for another day.

As for my Rockefeller "patsy" thing: I knew instinctively before I ever began looking into this case, once it was entered, it would be difficult to get out. I know by now that this case has a multitude of layers to it. Speaking very personally here, I now feel that my own psychology and other great mysteries are wrapped up in this case. It's become the Rosetta Stone of my own being in a way. That is my personal journey. It doesn't mean it has to be for everyone.

On one level I want the names and all the specifics, just as you probably do. I've given a great deal of my life to discovering them. I grew up hearing my father talk of Johnson as the source that was behind this case. And, sure. It fit to my mind at the time. Then it was Allen Dulles. Then a military operation. And, then eventually I arrived to the point where I could see David and Nelson Rockefeller sitting across from each other in a New York highrise, and one says to the other, "He's gotta go. Call Allen, and let's get the ball rolling."

It wasn't one of them. It was all of them. Whatever power was behind the assassination utilized every tool I listed above to get the job done. But, who is the carpenter that carries the tool box? We watch from afar and see the carnage happen and say, "It was the hammer that did this." "No, it was the saw." "It was the shovel." It was all of them, used by the carpenter.

I have recently become interested in Nazi Germany and what they were doing with the occult, specifically the Theosophical Society and Madame Blavatsky. Then the Nazi influx into the CIA after the war. The Oxnard Call made just before President Kennedy was lead to his death, interests me a great deal. There appears to have been some kind of ritual to this. I know that is not for some sensibilities, but I tend to believe it is significant.

Back to "Was President Kennedy Elected to be Murdered" - I don't think it is a question that has an immediate answer. But, it should be a possibility to be considered. That consideration could take a long time to come to resolution, if at all.

President Kennedy was an outsider in his own office from day one. They knew who he was. But, if the 60s were an operation, and the slaughter of a American president was key part of that operation, could a better "patsy" president have been picked?

The premise may be absurd to some, I understand. But, it a possibility that should be open for consideration.
As I ease my way back into a modified posting regimen here -- more on this as we move forward -- I wish to thank all DPF members who took the time to write positively about my work here and to bemoan my absence. I shall endeavor to name them all over the next few weeks; their words, along with those of my DPF co-owners -- especially over the past few days -- amount to powerful inducements to give this method another try.

For now, I tip my hat directly to Stan Wilbourne.

Stan Wilbourne Wrote:Whatever power was behind the assassination utilized every tool I listed above to get the job done. But, who is the carpenter that carries the tool box? We watch from afar and see the carnage happen and say, "It was the hammer that did this." "No, it was the saw." "It was the shovel." It was all of them, used by the carpenter.

Stan, on multiple posts I've utilized the carpenter-tools-contractor/architect/property owner metaphor to compliment the Evica-Drago Mechanic/Facilitator/Sponsor (in the inverse order of that which I commonly present) model. Nicely done.

Stan Wilbourne Wrote:I have recently become interested in Nazi Germany and what they were doing with the occult, specifically the Theosophical Society and Madame Blavatsky. Then the Nazi influx into the CIA after the war. The Oxnard Call made just before President Kennedy was lead to his death, interests me a great deal. There appears to have been some kind of ritual to this. I know that is not for some sensibilities, but I tend to believe it is significant.

What does one give to the Sponsor who has everything?

Every non-material thing.

Stan Wilbourne Wrote:Back to "Was President Kennedy Elected to be Murdered" - I don't think it is a question that has an immediate answer. But, it should be a possibility to be considered. That consideration could take a long time to come to resolution, if at all.

Yes. But let us have at it nonetheless.

Stan Wilbourne Wrote:President Kennedy was an outsider in his own office from day one. They knew who he was. But, if the 60s were an operation, and the slaughter of a American president was key part of that operation, could a better "patsy" president have been picked?

Not sure that I'm with your use of "patsy" in this instance. I'd think more along the lines of "human sacrifice." But let us by all means continue this exploration.

Stan Wilbourne Wrote:The premise may be absurd to some, I understand. But, it a possibility that should be open for consideration.

And consider it we shall.
The American Liberty League, active from 1933-34 until 1940, was formed for the single reason to oppose and defeat President Franklin D. Roosevelt, something like the Republicans' vow to make Obama a single-term president. There are some very interesting names on the membership list of the American Liberty League. The Dupont family was a main contributor, especially Irenee Dupont; the Rockefellers; Prescott Bush; and many wealthy families from Wall Street with interests in banking and industries. And speaking of Wall Street families, we should be aware that they contributed their offspring to the Office of Strategic Serices, OSS ("Oh So Social"), and later to the Central Intelligence Agency, CIA, which developed from the OSS and used the OSS Buildings in Washington after WWII before moving to Langley, Virginia. Allen Dulles and John McCloy were Wall Street lawyers; John McCloy was David Rockefeller's lawyer, and both controlled the Warren Commission after JFK's assassination..

We should not be surprised to see family names from Wall Street popping up in the history of American supporters of Hitler and his Nazi Party and other fascists in the 1920s through the 1930s, during the World War II years, and even many years after, when former Nazis had been brought to the United States by the CIA and the US Army.

For interested historians, there are lots of dots to conntect.

Stan at 16:

President Kennedy, it seems to me, is the archetype of the fallen King. The one who could have saved the world, if he had lived. So close. So faraway. And, with his death and promotion of his image as the fallen King, comes the arrival of despair and a deep sense of the hopeless.

~ ~ ~

We are told a story. We process the story as "reality." But, I have begun to wonder if the reality of the story has any truth.

Phil's note: Mirriam F. upon retiring from a life in the Foreign Service responded to my question regarding her favorite post thusly:

"Nepal. We had lunch there with the King and his brother. They tell you a beautiful story. A beautiful story, but it isn't the truth."

Charles wrote:

It was Evica who first understood the assassination as a dramatic construct. We worked closely on this hypothesis, which I have come to accept without reservation.


Charles's thread The JFK Plot: A Structural Model:

Peter at 17:

The UBERmessage is, and always throughout history has been: 'Look, little man/woman, you can't make it on your own, so we'll just have to protect you; and for that protection we rule and own you - you do as we say. The different systems have built different stage sets, used different make-up and disguises, but have always basically been about the same thing.

Phil's footnote:

What is the attraction of Raiders of the Lost Ark. That archetypal evil may gain possession of magic talismans enabling immortality and invincibility.

It is not fiction that McCloy enabled Klaus Barbie's escape. That Gehlen and Von Braun and Mengele escaped.

So it was with some interest that I noted author Gerrard Williams (Grey Wolf: The Escape of Adolf Hitler, with Simon Dunstan, 2012) in an interview stating, "Allen Welsh Dulles and his brother John Foster approved the deal."

Hitler lived until February 13, 1962, leaving two daughters with Eva.

In Guido Giancomo Preparata, Conjuring Hitler, 2005, we see the work of the director of the Bank of England 1922-1944 Montagu Norman in manipulating the rise in Germany of the nationalist party and its charismatic leader. The grand design was the preservation of the primacy of the Sea Powers by instigating a Nazi-Soviet cage match.

Comes "that little Kennedy. . . he thought he was a god" to thwart the regime-changers, war-makers, resource-takers. He is surrounded by a miasma of hate created from the provocation of the intentionally defective Bay of Pigs operation.

The Commission arises not from Johnson and Hoover but from Acheson and Rostowand William Bundy dummies up to Donald Gibson.

Acheson's daughter was married to William; McGeorge wrote NSAM 273 and performed other acts to warrant a Joannidesian plaque.

The little people are fed a story, a beautiful story; but, it isn't the truth.

If the Unspeakable is ever spoken, it would clear its throat here I think.

Oh, and in Grey Wolf: The Escape of Hitler, in queue behind The Girl on the Stairs, I thought there might be a Dulles index reference.

There are fifty-two (52).
Stan, I respect your opinion and i wish that you find out what your are looking for in your personal journey.
You said that "At one time organized religion played the key role of instilling fear into the human psyche." You also talked about the occult and Nazi Germany. If you read "Thy will be done" you'll see that they used religion groups to manipulate the native Indians and conquer the Amazon. I believe that people are more sophisticated nowdays to be manipulated by religion, so they use the occult to spread fear and control.
Platon said that "philosophy begins in wonder," and Aristotelis said "It was their wonder, astonishment, that first led men to philosophize and still leads them." And they try to manipulate our sense of wonder by using the occult. If there is something evil to happen and they make you believe that it was the result of something magical and supernatural that was unavoidable and you will accept it much easier. The collective unconscious will see it as of divine origin, God-sent or Devil-sent, something futile.
And they hide behind the occult to justify their actions for more money and power. And the naive people see reptilians and magical beings instead of the sharks that close around them. The truth is obfuscated under a veile of mystery and reality is merged with myth. Magic indeed.
My objection is that if we are looking for ghosts instead of concentrating to the guilty parties will loose sight of them. If i understood well you say that they used a kind of ritual to kill him. This will only prove what i said above.

Regarding Rockefellers as patsies, it was Dr. Evica first who named David Rockefeller "the upper echelon patsy" in his essay Pefect Cover. I don't know why he said it and there was never an explanation.
Stan Wilbourne Wrote:The 60s. What an interesting decade. A re-definition of the conscious fabric of the country began. The assassinations, of course, playing a key part. The Vietnam War. Such shocking events as the Manson family killings and the introduction of the Zodiac Killer. And, many other things swinging into active movement.

I've no idea how our consciousness works, but at this stage of my life I am inclined to believe we are connected in ways we do not yet fully understand. We do not own our thinking and its patterns. It is shared upon arrival on this earth. It is one thing. Undivided. A stream where we are dipped and experience life here. To call it "mine" or "me" is not accurate. Are we in search of facts? Or, are we in search of truth?

What we see in the media, on a grand scale, is controlled, I think. It is done with great intent. And, the underlining message is this: You are weak. There is nothing you can do. You need authority. You are incapable. The world is an overpowering and scary place. You need help. Be frigthened.

Pounded over and over and over again. Movies. The "news." Books. TV. Magazines. In all these stories.

President Kennedy, it seems to me, is the archetype of the fallen King. The one who could have saved the world, if he had lived. So close. So faraway. And, with his death and promotion of his image as the fallen King, comes the arrival of despair and a deep sense of the hopeless.

We are fed shocking events to be absorbed into the fabric of our shared consciousness. When the field of consciousness is shocked, it becomes malleable. There for the taking. That consciousness is a never-ending stream, shared in the here and now, and passed on to the unborn. One thing. Indivisible.

We are told a story. We process the story as "reality." But, I have begun to wonder if the reality of the story has any truth.

So, I arrive back at the initial premise: Was President Kennedy elected to be murdered and play the role of the fallen King? A single step in an operation to control the parameters of consciousness?

And, what would happen if this consciousness awoke to the story it has been told? To see it as a story and nothing more? And if there was such an awareness: that the responsibility of that awakening belonged to each of us. Here. Now.

Change doesn't come from the outside, moving in. It is the other way around. We are responsible. All of us, for this. The story we are told tells us the opposite. It tells us we are not responsible at all. That there is nothing that can be done. That is one it's main purposes.

But, is it true?

This is one of the most insightful posts I've seen about JFK (although I have to caveat that it is not a field that I have any particularly deep knowledge about). But I completely understand and share your insights.

Indeed, thoughts originating elsewhere in the collective unconscious do move through us in the same way that radio waves do. Unseen and unidentified. It is most common for us to "take possession" of these thoughts and ascribe our ownership to them, thereafter often fighting to the death to protect this assumed ownership which was not ours in the first place. Puppets on a string.

The awaking consciousness you speak of reminds me somewhat of the film Matrix and the rousing and later unplugging of Neo.

The collective responsibility for our human condition is bang on.

Someone, I think, has had the scales knocked off their eyes.
The shadow is a moral problem that challenges the whole ego-personality, for no one can become conscious of the shadow without considerable moral effort. To become conscious of it involves recognizing the dark aspects of the personality as present and real. This act is the essential condition for any kind of self-knowledge.
Carl Jung - Aion (1951). CW 9, Part II: P.14
I was once told by an investigator who knew a lot about the JFK assassination that the original plot to commit such an assassination was created by a Polish military intelligence officer before WWII.
I don't know who the target was supposed to be. Hitler? A Polish leader? I haven't thought about this in ages, but it occurred to me as I was writing a post for this topic.

Maybe some OSS officer met this Pole and learned of his idea and passed it on to a CIA agent? There is a lot of interaction between intelligece agents of various nationalities, it seems.

Has anyone ever heard of such a story?

Bill Kelly has written about the JFK assassination and Op Valkyrie?
"The philosophers have only interpreted the world, in various ways. The point, however, is to change it." Karl Marx

"He would, wouldn't he?" Mandy Rice-Davies. When asked in court whether she knew that Lord Astor had denied having sex with her.

“I think it would be a good idea” Ghandi, when asked about Western Civilisation.
The only operation that i know of was "Operation Anthropoid"

An excerpt : Seven months earlier, Dulles was likely paying close attention to Operation Anthropoid: the assassination of Prague SS chief Reinhard Heydrich. That conspiracy had multiple similarities to the JFK assassination. They include: 1) a motorcade attack at a hairpin turn; 2) signals; 3) an open, virtually stopped vehicle; 4) two attacks, five seconds apart, the first inconclusive; and 5) "passers-by" directing the crowd in its confusion. And, as in Dallas, there were unanticipated mistakes in Prague.

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