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The Simkin Spectacle
What is Simkin's personal theory about the assassination? I've somehow missed it despite my occasional lurking there.
Tracy Riddle Wrote:What is Simkin's personal theory about the assassination? I've somehow missed it despite my occasional lurking there.

I don't think any of us wish to speak for John Simkin. From all my years there it is clear that he believes that a powerful conspiracy was and is in force. Yet he allows known lone nutters and spreaders of purposeful disinformation to post endlssly. David Von Pain is one who is all over the place. Gary Mack gets to have his emails posted by other members. Simkin claims his forum is democratic and that is why he allows the lone nut view.
We here are viewed as "undemocratic" becasue we do not allow those who push the WC agenda to have a voice here.
I still post at Ef and have friends there but they are dropping and it is sad to see the likes of "Len Colby" and DVP rum amuck. Voices for the truth like Greg Burnham are becoming the minority.
The loss of RCD was for me the final straw. He and a few others were my prime reason for continuing to remain.
I have my personal view as to why Jim and Scully were deleted but I won't post such in public.
I also think that since the loss of his beloved wife a few years back John's interest in the forum became reduced. In that regard he has always had my sympathy. For those like myself lucky enough to have a strong and wonderful marriage, to one who is also my law partner, such a loss is terrifying.
We, the founders and owners of DPF had views on matters other than JFK that were too "strong" for the powers that be at EF. We saw conspiracy in too many other places for their taste. And those enlightened voices were silenced by the "Military Censor" at EF. Backed up by John. In those days Andy Walker- who never met a conspircy in which he DID believe- also played a big role in silencing the founders here.
Notice now the "Political Conspiracies portion at EF is all but dead. (Sorry Tracy, I went way beyond your initial question. I believe that is best left to John himself. )

Tracy Riddle Wrote:What is Simkin's personal theory about the assassination? I've somehow missed it despite my occasional lurking there.

Operation 40
"It means this War was never political at all, the politics was all theatre, all just to keep the people distracted...."
"Proverbs for Paranoids 4: You hide, They seek."
"They are in Love. Fuck the War."

Gravity's Rainbow, Thomas Pynchon

"Ccollanan Pachacamac ricuy auccacunac yahuarniy hichascancuta."
The last words of the last Inka, Tupac Amaru, led to the gallows by men of god & dogs of war
I was under the impression that he believes the Suite 8F group was responsible
Invite John Simkin here to discuss his own developing thoughts on the JFK assassination.

Ticket good for one. No military moderators or other rodeo clowns allowed.

A nice stand-and-deliver, first 15,000 words free.

Multimedia welcomed.

Eschew the subjective; the hour is late.
Vasilios Vazakas Wrote:I was under the impression that he believes the Suite 8F group was responsible

If memory serves both Jan and you are correct.
Phil Dragoo Wrote:Invite John Simkin here to discuss his own developing thoughts on the JFK assassination.

Ticket good for one. No military moderators or other rodeo clowns allowed.

A nice stand-and-deliver, first 15,000 words free.

Multimedia welcomed.

Eschew the subjective; the hour is late.

You are joking I hope. I get the feeling John does not think much of this forum and he would never post here.
Just my opinion.

I think VV is correct on that.

And also what about something called U serve?

I'll never forget when he wrote that Kennedy was the choice for the Georgetwon Crowd in 1960 over Nixon, and many of these people did not think FDR had gone far enough in the New Deal.


Yeah, John, that is why they plotted to place him under house arrest and install a military dictatorship.
Phil Dragoo Wrote:Invite John Simkin here to discuss his own developing thoughts on the JFK assassination.

Ticket good for one. No military moderators or other rodeo clowns allowed.

A nice stand-and-deliver, first 15,000 words free.

Multimedia welcomed.

Eschew the subjective; the hour is late.

I would not necessarily be against that, But I am certain JS would not entertain the idea. Ever.

We all left under a dark cloud for daring to point out that Len Colby, Evan Burton, Andy Walker etc., were given far more latitude to engage in ad homs, or lock and/or merge threads to distract away from the content, plus enduring clearly unbalanced moderation decisions.

Basically John is as stubborn as a mule and not a little hidebound too. But hey, it takes all sorts to populate the world. I have no real animosity against him, just a recognition that he is not a good forum moderator. Head teachers are used to being autocratic, I think.
The shadow is a moral problem that challenges the whole ego-personality, for no one can become conscious of the shadow without considerable moral effort. To become conscious of it involves recognizing the dark aspects of the personality as present and real. This act is the essential condition for any kind of self-knowledge.
Carl Jung - Aion (1951). CW 9, Part II: P.14

John alone would never. QED he is not the Mickey the Dope he would have us believe.

It's just that over the years, it's teeth-gnashingly apparent.

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