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The Splintering Frame
The Adele Edisen story is beyond fascinating. As is the tale of Eugene Dinkins. As is the Oxnard call.

Perhaps Dr. Rivera was performing some occult ritual with Adele, introducing certain patterns ("realities") into consciousness, thus creating the backdrop of the assassination of President Kennedy. Were there others Rivera had in this program? Other doctors? Other clients? What the hell was he doing? For what purpose?

Human consciousness is a thing, thus it is a resource, just like anything else. Resources can be cultivated. Consciousness can be cultivated. Mined and used for a purpose.

What is thought but the modified use of the past to confront the approaching now. It is limited in what it can do. And, it is forever linked to what has been. Loops. Finite loops without end. We are traveling in circles.

No matter how sharp thought is, no matter how expansive, it is anchored to what has been. Suffering anchors the frame into reality.

It is possible, I think, that Blavatsky came upon an opening in this loop and touched the total mind of man. Nazi Germany became aware of this discovery and moved to use it for their purposes. The framework of Germany was absorbed in the American corporate structure after the war, and the battle is on to control being.

Quote:It is my feeling (?) the infinite is calling mankind, at this crucial juncture in the history of the world. That calling comes at a huge price: the death of personal psychology. As we frightfully cling to the frame. Seeking a security that does not exist, traveling through time with our heads voluntarily bowed to the earth while the heavens are speaking in the language of silence we cannot acknowledge.

This leads to all kinds of questions. What is suffering? We carry this with us throughout our lives. From the cradle to the grave, and it is never questioned. Is it possible to live a life without suffering?

I believe President Kennedy's murder was used to anchor the frame. That was one the primary reasons it took place.

People, people, can you hear the sound
From every village and every town?
Let the bells ring out, hear the bells ring in
Let the bells ring out, keep them ringing

Can't predict the future, can't forget the past
Feels like any moment could be the last
All you believers, standing inside this room
Can't you see it coming, shooting across the moon?

In the valley of tears, by the river of time
In the Book Of David in the Holy Night
It will be written by the children of Eden
And the Holy Ghost

Showdown at Big Sky
Save this place

Phil Dragoo Wrote:in 1946, I Saw Hitler tells the story of Thane's bold activities in the anti-Nazi underground during 1937-1938. After his impressive demonstration of thought transmission in Nuremberg, Thane was invited to perform for Hitler, who was always on the look out for effective persuasive mental techniques. Thane and Hitler became friends, and lunched together at der Fuhrer's Eagle's Nest retreat in the Bavarian Alps. Thane relates how the property was a magical laboratory, with rooms set aside for astrology and other occult experiments, especially visualisation, all designed to assure the Third Reich's success. The latter technique involved detailed photomontages projected on the wall, showing what was desired to occur, such as the German occupation of Czechoslovakia, complete with Nazi flags and symbols and Hitler parading through the main streets of Prague. Another showed Hitler in a superior body posture stance, his dominant arm outstretched above British Prime Minister Chamberlain. Teams of highly-trained visualisationist and projectionist magicians sat for long periods concentrating on these image spells of sympathetic magic, regarding the dream as fact, to make it fact.

The Triumph of the magickal Will.

The screening of Leni Riefenstahl's films becomes an elemental part of the Nazi spell casting.

A Mass audience.

Dreams Made Flesh.
"It means this War was never political at all, the politics was all theatre, all just to keep the people distracted...."
"Proverbs for Paranoids 4: You hide, They seek."
"They are in Love. Fuck the War."

Gravity's Rainbow, Thomas Pynchon

"Ccollanan Pachacamac ricuy auccacunac yahuarniy hichascancuta."
The last words of the last Inka, Tupac Amaru, led to the gallows by men of god & dogs of war
Phil Dragoo Wrote: UPDATE 23 MAY 2013

Another curious Nazi Occult artefact featuring Hitler is the 40-page stapled pamphlet, I Saw Hitler Make Black Magic (The Prosperos & Inner Space Center 1973). It was written by Thane, a pseudonym of the American, Kenneth Walker (circa 1900-1989), mentalist, actor, world adventurer, and pupil of the mystic Gurdjieff. He co-founded and, as the "Dean", led a spiritual society named The Prosperos, chartered in Florida in 1956, named after the magician in Shakespeare's The Tempest, and based on Gurdjieff's "Fourth Way School" concept. First published as a newspaper article in the Cleveland Plain Dealer

in 1946, I Saw Hitler tells the story of Thane's bold activities in the anti-Nazi underground during 1937-1938. After his impressive demonstration of thought transmission in Nuremberg, Thane was invited to perform for Hitler, who was always on the look out for effective persuasive mental techniques. Thane and Hitler became friends, and lunched together at der Fuhrer's Eagle's Nest retreat in the Bavarian Alps. Thane relates how the property was a magical laboratory, with rooms set aside for astrology and other occult experiments, especially visualisation, all designed to assure the Third Reich's success. The latter technique involved detailed photomontages projected on the wall, showing what was desired to occur, such as the German occupation of Czechoslovakia, complete with Nazi flags and symbols and Hitler parading through the main streets of Prague. Another showed Hitler in a superior body posture stance, his dominant arm outstretched above British Prime Minister Chamberlain. Teams of highly-trained visualisationist and projectionist magicians sat for long periods concentrating on these image spells of sympathetic magic, regarding the dream as fact, to make it fact.

Thane was eventually imprisoned by the Nazis, had a powerful evolutionary epiphany in custody, and was released soon after.

I Saw Hitler is scarce and expensive secondhand, but it may be reprinted later by The Prosperos, that is still active:

A very interesting snippet.

Here is a newspaper article from 1944 that references Kenneth Walker:,1982312
According to Alan Bullock, Hitler once said, "Words build bridges into unexplored regions."

In Tom Bethell's work on Eric Hoffer, he quotes from Hoffer's unfinished work on intellectuals:

The intellectual knows with every fiber of his being that all men are not equal, and there are few things that he cares for less than a classless society. No matter how genuine the intellectual's altruism, he regards the common man as a means.

A free society is as much a threat to the intellectual's sense of worth as an automated economy is a threat to the worker's sense of worth. Any social order…which can function well with a minimum of leadership will be an anathema to the intellectual.

We see in Hitler a contempt for intellectuals: "ntellectuals run this way and that, like hens in a poultry yard. With them it is impossible to make history."

And, again, in Hoffer, a cynical view of intellectuals as seeing in the common man only building material for sand castles of ego.

I posit the open door leads out of the roomful of dictators either antiintellectual or intellectual, of would-be mechanics of the spirit

Buddhists would say desire is the root of suffering

They are of those who insist the ego is merely clothing and cell phone and credit cards to be left on the edge of the pool of consciousness

Why then all these Nigerian scams pushing everyone's head under water

First round up the shrieking fairies of the Ministry of Truth in all its letters ABC-PhD

Load them onto planes, trains and automobiles to be imbedded the hell out of here

Leaving the marching boots and the barking Sunstein, we take a narrowing path

On the mesa the murmuring figures 'round the fire

Voices like brookwater

Schema in the smoke

and spark


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Stan Wilbourne Wrote:What is thought but the modified use of the past to confront the approaching now. It is limited in what it can do. And, it is forever linked to what has been. Loops. Finite loops without end. We are traveling in circles.

No matter how sharp thought is, no matter how expansive, it is anchored to what has been. Suffering anchors the frame into reality.

It is possible, I think, that Blavatsky came upon an opening in this loop and touched the total mind of man. Nazi Germany became aware of this discovery and moved to use it for their purposes. The framework of Germany was absorbed in the American corporate structure after the war, and the battle is on to control being.

Stan, I'd be interested if you could further explain what you mean when you say that Blavatsky and the Nazis also found an "opening in this loop", because I'm not sure what you mean when you say this? Are you referencing what has been called the Vril-ya force - also once called the aether by alchemists - by any chance? Or is it more simple than that, say the gateway into the collective unconscious?
The shadow is a moral problem that challenges the whole ego-personality, for no one can become conscious of the shadow without considerable moral effort. To become conscious of it involves recognizing the dark aspects of the personality as present and real. This act is the essential condition for any kind of self-knowledge.
Carl Jung - Aion (1951). CW 9, Part II: P.14
R.K. Locke Wrote:
Phil Dragoo Wrote: UPDATE 23 MAY 2013

Another curious Nazi Occult artefact featuring Hitler is the 40-page stapled pamphlet, I Saw Hitler Make Black Magic (The Prosperos & Inner Space Center 1973). It was written by Thane, a pseudonym of the American, Kenneth Walker (circa 1900-1989), mentalist, actor, world adventurer, and pupil of the mystic Gurdjieff. He co-founded and, as the "Dean", led a spiritual society named The Prosperos, chartered in Florida in 1956, named after the magician in Shakespeare's The Tempest, and based on Gurdjieff's "Fourth Way School" concept. First published as a newspaper article in the Cleveland Plain Dealer

in 1946, I Saw Hitler tells the story of Thane's bold activities in the anti-Nazi underground during 1937-1938. After his impressive demonstration of thought transmission in Nuremberg, Thane was invited to perform for Hitler, who was always on the look out for effective persuasive mental techniques. Thane and Hitler became friends, and lunched together at der Fuhrer's Eagle's Nest retreat in the Bavarian Alps. Thane relates how the property was a magical laboratory, with rooms set aside for astrology and other occult experiments, especially visualisation, all designed to assure the Third Reich's success. The latter technique involved detailed photomontages projected on the wall, showing what was desired to occur, such as the German occupation of Czechoslovakia, complete with Nazi flags and symbols and Hitler parading through the main streets of Prague. Another showed Hitler in a superior body posture stance, his dominant arm outstretched above British Prime Minister Chamberlain. Teams of highly-trained visualisationist and projectionist magicians sat for long periods concentrating on these image spells of sympathetic magic, regarding the dream as fact, to make it fact.

Thane was eventually imprisoned by the Nazis, had a powerful evolutionary epiphany in custody, and was released soon after.

I Saw Hitler is scarce and expensive secondhand, but it may be reprinted later by The Prosperos, that is still active:

A very interesting snippet.

Here is a newspaper article from 1944 that references Kenneth Walker:,1982312

I am fairly certain that Hitler didn't take his own life but escaped like so many other top nazis. The book Grey Wolf provides, what is for me, fairly compelling evidence of Hitler's continued existence in the post WWII years in latin America.

On another point, I remain unsure if Thane's story is actually factual, and I suspect not - although I have read elsewhere that a French Martinist / Synarchist esoteric order, the Polaire Fraternity, used similar visualisation techniques during WWII, - what they called "Chains", meaning chains of three or more visulaizers on shifts, thus unbroken focus, to defeat the Nazi magicians. Who knows for sure?

Occult history and actual history more often than not don't collide. The reasons for this are several, not least amongst these is the facts that many occultists have been self serving and subject to creative story-telling. Also, many occult themes and writers eclipse the actual meaning through the use of fictional compositions that are designed to carry a particular message that can be read by the many but understood only by the few. This secrecy, if you will may not always be conducted for beneficial reasons, but it often is too. It is part of the human condition that a mystery is an attractive thing, psychologically speaking, and that faculty can be activated in us and set us off as a seeker on the path of self knowledge and realisation. And so long as one is not led up the garden path (which is unfortunately not uncommon), the sustaining energy of mystery can be a very good think, I think.

Readers may wish to read the following book by a serious and able historian, Alan Baker, entitled Invisible Eagle - The History of Nazi Occultism, that I have found to be very useful. It is freely available on (unfortunately) a British nazi educational website:, where those so inclined can also order such musical lovelies as "Music Favourites of the Third Reich". But the Baker book is well worth a read.
The shadow is a moral problem that challenges the whole ego-personality, for no one can become conscious of the shadow without considerable moral effort. To become conscious of it involves recognizing the dark aspects of the personality as present and real. This act is the essential condition for any kind of self-knowledge.
Carl Jung - Aion (1951). CW 9, Part II: P.14
Quote: It is part of the human condition that a mystery is an attractive thing, psychologically speaking, and that faculty can be activated in us and set us off as a seeker on the path of self knowledge and realisation. And so long as one is not led up the garden path (which is unfortunately not uncommon), the sustaining energy of mystery can be a very good think, I think.

The Master Prankster Says:

Ken Kesey : I'm for mystery, not interpretive answers. ... The answer is never the answer. What's really interesting is the mystery. If you seek the mystery instead of the answer, you'll always be seeking. I've never seen anybody really find the answer, but they think they have. So they stop thinking. But the job is to seek mystery, evoke mystery, plant a garden in which strange plants grow and mysteries bloom. The need for mystery is greater than the need for an answer.
"You never change things by fighting the existing reality. To change something, build a new model that makes the existing model obsolete.”
Buckminster Fuller
Stan observes

The framework of Germany was absorbed in the American corporate structure after the war, and the battle is on to control being.

And in fact I heard Jerome Corsi say something very close to this last night with George Noory on Coast to Coast AM

Like David I read Grey Wolf and am following up Simon Dunstan and Gerrard Williams' route from the bunker doppleganger gambit through tunnels and trimotors and U-boat to Patagonia with Peter Levenda whose Ratline leads to Indonesia

David suggests occult themes have a public layer to entrance, and a hidden meaning to communicate among initiates.

The recurring theme is of chainlinks intact or broken, the link of experience opened

Wherein we see the question is more attractive than the theorem

Keith and Ken and Neil doing a trilateral juggling act with sledgehammers

While Jung and Freud run up the double helix staircase in the watchtower

And scatter the pyncheons from the roof with reverberating bootsteppin

In New York first time 1964 a knot of buzzing bystanders surrounds two large opponents

The large white man shouts, "I exist!"

to which, each time, the just-as-large black man challenges, "How do you know! HOW DO YOU KNOW!"

In JFK and 9/11 we have a simple story for mass consumption veiling the business-not-personal Coolidgism

And it's only crass to be fascist in Nazi drag for certainly the conservative McCloy had no problem as an accessory to Barbie's South American Tour

One hand clapping would be Lifton slapping Dulles

with Neil's three-pound Estwing

Phil Dragoo Wrote:Stan observes

The framework of Germany was absorbed in the American corporate structure after the war, and the battle is on to control being.

Aye, I would agree with that Phil. Perhaps even before the end of WWII? Various major US corporations strongly favoured Hitler. Among the many shocking revelations Higham wrote about in his book, was the fact that Standard Oil provided oil to Hitler for his war machine - after the outbreak of war. As I recall I think Spain was the end-user destination and they had it shipped to the Balearic Islands to the U-Boat pens there (and I believe elsewhere too). One of the pre-war main clients of the Dulles Brothers was Fritz Thyssen, who the nazis used as their secret investor in US corporations, including Standard Oil. He owned as many shares as Rockerfeller.

Quote:Like David I read Grey Wolf and am following up Simon Dunstan and Gerrard Williams' route from the bunker doppleganger gambit through tunnels and trimotors and U-boat to Patagonia with Peter Levenda whose Ratline leads to Indonesia

I recall Stevenson telling the story in his Bormann Brotherhood, of how he interviewed Hjalmar Schacht in Jakarta in the 1950's and being told that Hitler's mistake was going to war; he should simply have dominated through money - and that was the way the Bormann group were now going (and did, in fact, go as they dropped Hitler and left him to rot in Argentina). But do tell Phil, the Levenda Ratline that led to Indonesia? I must've missed that one...
The shadow is a moral problem that challenges the whole ego-personality, for no one can become conscious of the shadow without considerable moral effort. To become conscious of it involves recognizing the dark aspects of the personality as present and real. This act is the essential condition for any kind of self-knowledge.
Carl Jung - Aion (1951). CW 9, Part II: P.14

Peter Levenda presents Hitler dying in Indonesia January 16, 1970, while Simon Dunstan and Gerrard Williams place his death February 13, 1962 in Argentina.

I haven't finished with Levenda, but his travels to South America in the early 'eighties put him in jeopardy from unreconstructed Nazi zealots.

Ian Punnett on Coast to Coast AM last year had Peter Levenda on his guest for this hour:

Additional information and links are provided at the program's show page:

Taking into consideration the corporate and Muslim support for Hitler, the current so-called New World Order is evolution rather than revolution.

Ironic that the Muslim country providing the retirement home for one world leader was the Moses' reed basket for another.

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