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Some Misunderstandings Related to WTC Collapse Analysis
I don't see the evidence of the inside job other that a conceptual framework connecting dots. My sense is that the attacks were expected, enocuraged and facilitated even... but the response was ready to roll out well in advance. Military has all sorts of plans on the shelf... then and now.
Jeffrey Orling Wrote:I don't see the evidence of the inside job other that a conceptual framework connecting dots. My sense is that the attacks were expected, enocuraged and facilitated even... but the response was ready to roll out well in advance. Military has all sorts of plans on the shelf... then and now.

Why does this Forum tolerate this foolishness or knowing agency of disinformation? He was booted out of A&Efor911Truth, he has [to my knowledge] zero defenders/compatriots of his unzipping of the WTC theory, and he says about WTC7: "Building 7 in many ways is the key to understanding that 9/11 was not an inside job"! Sorry 'seem' like a 'nice' guy...but you are, in my book, on the side of the/our/my enemy who is attacking us daily. [i.e. dangerous if not exposed!]. After trying to engage you, I have for about a year ignored you...I can in good conscience no longer. I don't believe for a minute you are who you present yourself to be. Your zipper theory is not in compliance with the evidence nor with physics. Your claims that we mortals don't understand all you [alone, of all architects] learned and understand is nothing short of propaganda for the Enemy, IMO. If there were anything to your 'theory' or even to the general notion of fires bringing down the only three steel frame building ever to fail due to [supposed] fire, the entire building codes would have been revised - and they have not been. 9-11 was an inside job in which THREE towers were brought down with pre-planted nanothermite[ate]. All evidence if looked at honestly [except by Sunnsteinian agents] leads to that conclusion. Not even NIST [9-11 official version whores and ass-lickers] buys any of your 'theory' - you are a ''scientific' expert analysis' of ONE! [and IMO, one too many].

The three WTC towers did not 'unzip'; they were exploded [as all evidence shows], and fell at near free-fall speeds [no resistance] - additionally, the energy needed for what happened exceeds by a HUGE factor that in the building's potential energy. Give it up. Kindly find another place to ply your 9-11 snake oil...and DPF kindly look into this matter. Your sympathetic postings on other matters I find a clever ploy. I trust you not one jot for your word on 9-11 nor on any other matter. You have an agenda here, IMO, and I think it a dangerous one for the Forum to give 'voice' to, and for America [what's left of it]. This is my view alone - but I know it is shared here by others. I'll let them speak for themselves.
"Let me issue and control a nation's money and I care not who writes the laws. - Mayer Rothschild
"Civil disobedience is not our problem. Our problem is civil obedience! People are obedient in the face of poverty, starvation, stupidity, war, and cruelty. Our problem is that grand thieves are running the country. That's our problem!" - Howard Zinn
"If there is no struggle there is no progress. Power concedes nothing without a demand. It never did and never will" - Frederick Douglass
Jeffrey Orling Wrote:I don't see the evidence of the inside job other that a conceptual framework connecting dots. My sense is that the attacks were expected, enocuraged and facilitated even... but the response was ready to roll out well in advance. Military has all sorts of plans on the shelf... then and now.

I don't think you realize what you wrote proves there is no difference between MIHOP and LIHOP. It's important to note that the FBI agent who tried to investigate Moussaoui was stopped with the lame excuse that his rights would be violated if they confiscated his computer. However you can't tell me that the FBI wasn't capable of picking up the phone and calling the other 11 cockpit simulator facilities in America to see if there were arabs trying to train for controlling jet aircraft in flight. The look into Moussaoui was deliberately halted because the attack was imminent and was being controlled by the covert fascist facilitators who presently run America. Clearly a pre-meditated inside job.
Peter Lemkin Wrote:This is my view alone - but I know it is shared here by others. I'll let them speak for themselves.

Doesn't matter how many here share your view. The CD thing is without evidence although you and others can create a narrative which suits your political perspective. No the entire code would not have to change, but sadly there has no accountability. Engineers have no repeated those mistakes and no buildings are built over sub station which massive amounts of fuel on premises... and no erector set structures with massive open offices and flimsy fire proofing and inadequately protected egress.

The inside job wherein the entire 9/11 was staged seems way too complex to have been a plot... that crew can't even win a war against a third world country with no air force or army to speak of. LIHOP, what the fascists and sadists in the MIC and NSS will always find a way to move their agenda forward.

Learn the facts... don't make them up... no matter how convenient it is.
Peter Lemkin Wrote:9-11 was an inside job in which THREE towers were brought down with pre-planted nanothermite[ate].

Peter, in the spirit of objective discussion I'd like for you to explain how the sparkling fire of thermite placement could be missed by the firefighters strewn up and down the staircase of the Tower? If you watch this video there's no doubt that a thermite pack burns with great intensity and visibility. If the core were prepped with thermite placements and they were set-off there would have been serious thermite fires in the stairwell column prior to the collapse. New York City firefighters are trained in fire science. I'm of the opinion if there were such sparkling thermite fires just prior to collapse then why didn't the firefighters who witnessed them get on their radios and announce there were such fires occurring unexpectedly in the stairwells? Additionally, the type of collapse from this inner core initiated collapse would probably be recognizable. Look at a cross section of the Tower. The inner core is mixed in with the staircase stairwell.
Jeffrey Orling Wrote:The inside job wherein the entire 9/11 was staged seems way too complex to have been a plot... that crew can't even win a war against a third world country with no air force or army to speak of. LIHOP, what the fascists and sadists in the MIC and NSS will always find a way to move their agenda forward.

Jeffery, study Deep Politics and you will see it is not necessarily the objective of the Sponsors and plotters to 'win'.
Albert Doyle Wrote:Jeffery, study Deep Politics and you will see it is not necessarily the objective of the Sponsors and plotters to 'win'.

Check... endless war...
Jeffrey Orling Wrote:
Albert Doyle Wrote:Jeffery, study Deep Politics and you will see it is not necessarily the objective of the Sponsors and plotters to 'win'.

Check... endless war...

Jeffrey, it finally hit me that you actually are a 9/11 truther. The MIC let the whole thing happen on purpose so that there is endless war and lots of profits for the MIC. Right? You just come at it from a different direction.
"We'll know our disinformation campaign is complete when everything the American public believes is false." --William J. Casey, D.C.I

"We will lead every revolution against us." --Theodore Herzl
Dunno... I see the MIC and the NSS and intel all as power freaks with all sorts of hangers on who profit from what they do. Security institutions require there be a threat and an enemy and the existence and tactics of the NSS/MIC etc. creates these threats and enemies real and imagined... it hardly matters because the sadists and facists and capitalist all get what they want.

Empire breeds insurgency... and so there is need for security and oppression which breeds more blow back and so on and so on. This is a self perpetuating system where those in it are dragged along because they have no other choice... they all act as if they are programmed bots... No rational thought on the ground... just follow orders and what they said upstairs.

They rarely have to do false flags and so forth... al they have to do is act aggressively out in the open and the enemy will appear as if by magic!

You don't think.... the Gulf War would have no "consequences"... the no fly zone of constant bombing of Iraq? You don't doubt that those who ran Dessert Storm knew it was only a matter of time when the reaction would come... the insurgency... somehere, somehow, some way? Violence begets violence. Empres breed insurgencies... and they know it and love it... because then the can haui in more force and everyone's happy and the sadists get to kill for god and country and the capitalists get richer.

PNAC simply explained that this is how they game works... No 9/11 was not an inside job. It was only a matter of time and perfectly predictable. Those who think not are terribly naive.
Jeffrey Orling Wrote:Dunno... I see the MIC and the NSS and intel all as power freaks with all sorts of hangers on who profit from what they do. Security institutions require there be a threat and an enemy and the existence and tactics of the NSS/MIC etc. creates these threats and enemies real and imagined... it hardly matters because the sadists and facists and capitalist all get what they want.

Empire breeds insurgency... and so there is need for security and oppression which breeds more blow back and so on and so on. This is a self perpetuating system where those in it are dragged along because they have no other choice... they all act as if they are programmed bots... No rational thought on the ground... just follow orders and what they said upstairs.

They rarely have to do false flags and so forth... al they have to do is act aggressively out in the open and the enemy will appear as if by magic!

You don't think.... the Gulf War would have no "consequences"... the no fly zone of constant bombing of Iraq? You don't doubt that those who ran Dessert Storm knew it was only a matter of time when the reaction would come... the insurgency... somehere, somehow, some way? Violence begets violence. Empres breed insurgencies... and they know it and love it... because then the can haui in more force and everyone's happy and the sadists get to kill for god and country and the capitalists get richer.

PNAC simply explained that this is how they game works... No 9/11 was not an inside job. It was only a matter of time and perfectly predictable. Those who think not are terribly naive.

And yes, you are indeed a truther. You do not accept the USG's explanation. In fact it is lying. It is taking advantage of this breakdown in security, even though it knew it was coming, in order to have permanent war. The USG claims that it is defending freedom against its enemies, as a last resort. You are actually quite clear. The USG is benefiting from something it did not overtly plan but knew about it in advance and wanted it to happen. That makes you a truther. I don't agree with many of your points but we are both truthers.
"We'll know our disinformation campaign is complete when everything the American public believes is false." --William J. Casey, D.C.I

"We will lead every revolution against us." --Theodore Herzl

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