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Extraordinary Rendition and the "Jackal"
Yes, I know. No one thinks that "Extraordinary Rendition" was operating before Bush 2, but you're wrong. Read on...

Quote:CARLOS "The Jackal" has written from his French jail to the US president, Barack Hussein Obama, asking him for help in locating his "former comrade-in-arms" Bruno Breguet.

"As your grandfather would have said, Mr. President, Allahu akbar – God is great!'

France: Carlos the Jackal asks Obama for help in tracking down 'disappeared’ terrorist

HUNGARY: Jailed criminal appeals for news of comrade who vanished in 1995

From Gabriel Ronay in Budapest


Background: Carlos "The Jackal" - very similar to Barak Husein Obama's close friend and instructor, the terrorist William (Bill) Charles Ayers.

THE LIFE OF THE JACKAL: Ilich Ramírez Sánchez was born October 12, 1949 and is a Venezuelan-born leftist revolutionary. After several bombings, Ilich Ramírez Sánchez achieved notoriety for a 1975 raid on the OPEC headquarters in Vienna, resulting in the death of three people.

He is charged with the 1975 murders of two French Counter-Terrorist operatives, who were killed while investigating attacks on Israeli El Al planes at Paris' Orly Airport.

"Carlos" is one of the best known "revolutionary terrorists" known in the history of modern insurgent movements. He reportedly has worked for Mohamar Qaddaffi of Libya, Saddam Hussien of Iraq, President Assad of Syria, Fidel Castro of Cuba, George Habash and the Popular Front for the Liberation of Palestine (PFLP), the Italian Red Brigade, Columbia's M-19 Movement, the Baader-Meinholf Gang, and any number of other "Communist and Socialist" employers. His resume' is almost unparalleled in the exploits of terrorists of the last three decades. According to anti-terrorist analysts, the only international terrorist of greater repute is probably Abu Nidal(Sabri Banna).


CARLOS "The Jackal" has written from his French jail to the US president, Barack Obama, asking him for help in locating his "former comrade-in-arms" Bruno Breguet.

The notorious criminal mastermind of a series of leftist terrorist attacks across Europe wants Obama to provide firm news of his whereabouts or, if dead, return his remains to his family.

Breguet, a convicted Swiss terrorist, was allegedly snatched by CIA agents backed by Nato naval commandos from a ferry between Italy and Greece in 1995. He has not been heard of since. There have been persistent rumours that Breguet died during interrogation at a secret CIA facility in Hungary at the end of 1995. Hungary has strenuously denied having had any secret CIA jails on its territory or later links to America's extraordinary rendition flights of terrorist suspects.

advertisementThe Jackal - Venezuelan-born Ilich Ramirez Sanchez - kidnapped, murdered, robbed and bombed his way across the Continent in the 1970s and 1980s, and Breguet was his right hand man. He enjoyed the secret support of the Soviet KGB and used Eastern Europe, with the help of the communist secret services, as his armoury, supply base and R&R facility. Captured in 1994, he is now serving life for the murder of two French agents and an informer, and for a series of deadly bomb attacks in Paris and on French trains.

In the 1980s, Breguet was helping Carlos run a multinational group of ideological gun-slingers who enjoyed the secret backing of the KGB and the violent Palestinian resistance group the Popular Front for the Liberation of Palestine (PFLP) At the beginning of 1982, Breguet was caught with explosives in Paris and jailed by the French authorities. In March that year, Carlos wrote a menacing letter to the French government threatening terrorist attacks unless his lieutenant was immediately released. As there was no reply, the Jackal launched eight deadly attacks on French targets killing a total of 20 people and injuring many more.

After his early release from his French jail in 1985, Breguet lived untroubled in Austria, Germany and Switzerland, but mainly at his partner's house in Greece. In November 1995 he sailed to Italy for a family visit in Switzerland.

His mysterious disappearance greatly exercised Carlos and, 14 years later, the release of America's terrorist suspect prisoners from Guantanamo Bay on Obama's orders appears to have prompted Carlos to write to the new president of the United States. Though a seasoned terrorist gunman and serial killer, the Jackal appears to show a touching faith in Barack Obama representing a new beginning for America and a closure for old cold-war events.

Unsurprisingly, the French authorities have refused to comment on the letter, but Breguet's brother, Ernesto, confirmed it in an interview in Ticino, the Breguet brothers' Swiss home canton.

The Ticino regional daily La Regione quoted Ernesto Breguet as saying: "When Carlos believes that he must write a letter to Obama then clearly he must do so."

Details of the letter are telling: "Mr President, Heartfelt congratulations on your decision to close America's CIA jails. Our comrade-in-arms Bruno Breguet, a Swiss citizen, was kidnapped from a ferry plying between Italy and Greece. It was a special operation supported by Nato naval forces on November 11, 1995. Since that date Bruno Breguet has disappeared without a trace."

In his letter Carlos gives further details about the puzzling events of that day. On reaching Italy on the Greek ferry, Breguet was refused entry by the Italian authorities and he boarded the ferry once again to sail back to Greece. However, he never arrived and Carlos in his letter points an accusing finger at "CIA agents backed by Nato naval commandos".

After appealing again for the release of Breguet, or at least information about his fate, Carlos ended his letter with the loaded phrase: "As your grandfather would have said it, Mr President, Allahu akhbar - God is great!"

The only firm official statement about Breguet's disappearance was made by the Greek interior minister in January 2006 - three months after the event - in response to Swiss inquiries. According to the venerable Swiss daily Neue Zurcher Zeitung, the Greek minister told the Swiss ambassador to Athens that "Greece has no information about Breguet's whereabouts" adding that, contrary to earlier reports, the man had not been arrested by the Greek authorities.

But, in a further twist to this extraordinary cloak and dagger tale, the newspaper noted that right after Bregeut's disappearance there were strong but unconfirmed reports that Carlos's former top henchman wanted to retire from the terrorist scene altogether and was murdered by his own comrades-in-arms for "his treachery".
The shadow is a moral problem that challenges the whole ego-personality, for no one can become conscious of the shadow without considerable moral effort. To become conscious of it involves recognizing the dark aspects of the personality as present and real. This act is the essential condition for any kind of self-knowledge.
Carl Jung - Aion (1951). CW 9, Part II: P.14
(though under the Bush Cabal)

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And we now know that Chavez never resigned when that coup happened and he was kidnapped at gun point. Is this a pattern emerging?

Love that poster on that site Peter :top:
"The philosophers have only interpreted the world, in various ways. The point, however, is to change it." Karl Marx

"He would, wouldn't he?" Mandy Rice-Davies. When asked in court whether she knew that Lord Astor had denied having sex with her.

“I think it would be a good idea” Ghandi, when asked about Western Civilisation.
I love that poster site too. Makes my morning sipping my cuppa as a sudden grin washes over me (that "grin" not "gin" btw).
The shadow is a moral problem that challenges the whole ego-personality, for no one can become conscious of the shadow without considerable moral effort. To become conscious of it involves recognizing the dark aspects of the personality as present and real. This act is the essential condition for any kind of self-knowledge.
Carl Jung - Aion (1951). CW 9, Part II: P.14
Maybe we could get copies of those here, and give the url back. The general url is There are several galleries.

I know I'd LOVE to have them as paper posters framed on MY wall!!! - all 200!
There are just so many great ones to choose from:

[Image: onward_contractors.jpg]
The shadow is a moral problem that challenges the whole ego-personality, for no one can become conscious of the shadow without considerable moral effort. To become conscious of it involves recognizing the dark aspects of the personality as present and real. This act is the essential condition for any kind of self-knowledge.
Carl Jung - Aion (1951). CW 9, Part II: P.14
David Guyatt Wrote:There are just so many great ones to choose from:

[Image: onward_contractors.jpg]

[Image: good_business.jpg]

[Image: curtain_1.jpg]

[Image: business_partners.jpg]

David Guyatt Wrote:Yes, I know. No one thinks that "Extraordinary Rendition" was operating before Bush 2, but you're wrong. Read on...

Quote:CARLOS "The Jackal" has written from his French jail to the US president, Barack Hussein Obama, asking him for help in locating his "former comrade-in-arms" Bruno Breguet.

"As your grandfather would have said, Mr. President, Allahu akbar � God is great!'

France: Carlos the Jackal asks Obama for help in tracking down 'disappeared� terrorist


We can also add Abdullah Öcalan to the list:


Smashing the Kurds; CIA Role in Kidnapping Abdullah Ocalan by Kani Xulam, 10/9/2002

Smashing the Kurds; CIA Role in Kidnapping Abdullah Ocalan
By Kani Xulam
CovertAction Quarterly, Number 74
Fall 2002
On February 16, 1999, the Turkish Prime Minister Bulent Ecevit startled his country with the news that the Kurdish rebel leader Abdullah Ocalan was in Turkey, "since 3 a.m. this morning."1 "The operation," he went on to say, "has been accomplished thanks to a close and harmonious cooperation between the Turkish Intelligence Organization and the Turkish General Staff."2
If true, the Turks had reason to celebrate the exploits of their agencies the way they did in Ankara, Istanbul, Izmir and other Turkish cities by dancing in the streets to the tunes of jingoistic Turkish songs. When a reporter asked the Prime Minister, "In which country was he [Mr. Ocalan] last?" Mr. Ecevit said, "We are not going to go into any detail on this subject." As a former journalist himself, it was odd for him to add, "I ask you not to be inquisitive about it."3
The Turks, the Kurds, the reporters and many others were inquisitive about it because a number of Greek and Kenyan missions had come under heavy attack by angry Kurdish militants especially in Europe. Ms. Semsi Kilic, an associate of Mr. Ocalan in Nairobi, Kenya, had already tipped some Kurdish reporters in Europe to the news of the abduction of the Kurdish leader adding that the Greeks and the Kenyans had conspired against him.
But if the latter account was correct, and the angry Kurds thought it was, the Turkish Prime Minister was duping the reporters in Ankara for thanking the wrong parties for the "good" news. But as the real parties to the abduction spoke, gradually, it became obvious that Ms. Kilic herself had not exactly known what had really happened in Nairobi, Kenya.
The day after the abduction, the Kurds, reacting to the news in some of the European dailies that perhaps Israeli agents were also involved in the kidnapping of their leader, attacked the Israeli Consulate in Berlin, Germany.4 The armed Israeli guards fired live ammunition on the flag- and picture-waving Kurdish crowd. Ahmet Acar, Sema Alp, and Mustafa Kurt were killed.5
On February 17, the United States government felt compelled to issue a travel advisory reminding Americans "residing or travelling abroad…to review their personal security."6
The State Department was wary. Mr. Ecevit was circumspect. The Kurds, it became obvious to many, had learned nothing from their history and had allowed themselves to become the laughingstock of the world again, this time, live and free, courtesy of CNN, regrettably.
On February 18, the New York Times reported some progress on the Turkish front of what had happened to Mr. Ocalan and noted the following musings of the Turkish leader Ecevit at another press conference: "I will use a local expression and say, let us eat the grape and not ask where it came from.'"7
A day later, when asked specifically about Washington's role again, he said, "I can't reveal that.…But you can make your own guess."8
In fact, there was no need to guess. The next day, the New York Times reported on its front page, "U.S. helped Turkey find and capture Kurd Rebel."9 A senior American official who "demanded" anonymity went on to describe how Ocalan was "discovered" in Nairobi, Kenya, and how Ankara was then alerted about its archenemy.10
Nothing was said about the Greek connection. The Kenyan missions in Europe remained closed, and Nairobi declared the Greek Ambassador to Kenya, George Kostoulas, persona non grata.11 The Israelis, like the Kenyans, denied culpability and noted, "…we certainly had no part in the capture of Ocalan."12 The Greek Embassy in Washington felt compelled to issue a press release blaming Ocalan for the misfortune that befell him.13
On February 20, the Kurdish daily Ozgur Politika published an interview with Semsi Kilic, the eyewitness to Mr. Ocalan's abduction, under the byline of Cemal Ucar. Ms. Kilic blamed the Greek government, especially its foreign minister, Mr. Theodoros Pangalos, for the cause celebre in Turkey. His office, she told Mr. Ucar, gave us assurances that, "…with the prepared plane [at the airport], you [Ocalan] will be able to fly anywhere in Europe."14
Ms. Kilic was not allowed to accompany Mr. Ocalan. The Kenyan police who had come to escort the Kurdish leader insisted that he alone was getting the "ride." Ambassador George Kostoulas who wanted to see his guest off at the airport was equally rebuffed. To the waiting arms of the Turkish commandos the Kurdish leader was delivered in one piece.
Six days later, the Greek Ambassador wrote for his government an account of what had happened in his residence, the last stop of Mr. Ocalan's odyssey back to Turkey. That account was later leaked to the press.15 The emerging picture showed his government desperate to disassociate itself from Ocalan, the Kurds baffled and impervious to the intrigue that surrounded them, and the Ambassadorhimself often clueless about Athens' ultimate intention to cooperate with all but the Kurds.
No independent body has appointed a commission to undertake a study of what happened in Nairobi, Kenya.
Nevertheless, after the debacle, there was fallout in Athens. Three ministers of the Simitis administration were sacked, including the acerbic foreign minister Theodoros Pangalos. A Greek parliamentary committee that investigated the Greek side of the events blamed private Greek citizens for breaches of law in welcoming and harboring the Kurdish rebel in Greece. If the Kurds were awaiting an apology, it did not come.
For the time being, a report that hit the wires on February 28, 1999 came as close to full disclosure as any fact-finding investigation that the Kurds could hope for. "Disrupting Terrorists," by Associated Press writer John Diamond, began, "Frustrated by restrictions on using military force against terrorists, the United States is turning to a lower-profile tactic. The CIA calls it disruption'working with foreign law-enforcement services to harass and hamper terrorists around the world.…
"…Disruption has the advantage of utmost secrecy, hiding the hand of the United States and avoiding the cumbersome congressional reporting requirements that go with CIA-directed covert operations.…The recent arrest by Turkish forces in Kenya of Kurdish rebel leader Abdullah Ocalan is one of the rare examples where the disruption tactic gained public notice."16
Perhaps the most telling part of the whole Ocalan episode was the name he was given in the fake passport that the Greeks had issued him. When the Turks seized him, they confiscated the document and shared it with the world. He had the name of Lazaros. His cover was the diseased pauper in the biblical parable of the rich man and the beggar. The Greek leaders, lacking honor, treated Mr. Ocalan like a vagabond. They were glad to be rid of him.
And the irony doesn't end with the Greeks. It actually started with the Turks. In the 1920s, the founder of the Turkish Republic, Mustafa Kemal, with an unbecoming modesty had assumed the last name of Ataturk, the father of Turks, for himself. He and his officials trotted the country and gave Turks and Kurds alike new Turkish last names. The name Ocalan, which means avenger, was given to Mr. Ocalan's family.
In 1998, the Turkish President Suleyman Demirel accused the Kurdish leader and his fighters of killing 5,555 Turkish personnel.17 The Kurdish losses are often dismissed, and estimates vary, but the Turkish human rights activists often cite figures of over 30,000 dead, close to four thousand Kurdish villages destroyed and some four million Kurds rendered homeless seeking refuge in large Kurdish or Turkish cities or abroad. This writer has heard more than one Kurd quip that the avenger, Mr. Ocalan, only tried to live up to his name.
Kani Xulam is Director of American Kurdish Information Network (AKIN) in Washington, DC, and has been active for many years in defense of Kurdish rights. He is currently consulting for a forthcoming feature film about the Kurdish people.
1. Greece and PKK Terrorism II, Ministry of Foreign Affairs, Ankara, April 1999, p. 66
2. Greece and PKK Terrorism II, p. 67
3. Greece and PKK Terrorism II, p. 67
4. Editorial, Farce and Tragedy for Apo, Il Faglio, Italy, February 17, 1999
5. Special to Ozgur Politika, Here is a Murderer [the photograph of an Israeli Agent], Ozgur Politika, February 21, 1999, p. 1
6. U.S. Issues Travel Warning, Philip Shenon, New York Times, February 18, 1999
7. Roger Cohen, 3 Kurds Killed by Israeli Guards in Berlin, New York Times, February 18, 1999, p. 1
8. Vernon Loeb, U.S. Tip to Turkey Led To Capture of Ocalan, The Washington Post, February 21, 1999, p. A27
9. Tim Weiner, U.S. Helped Turkey Find and Capture Kurd Rebel, The New York Times, February 20, 1999, p. 1
10. Tim Weiner, U.S. Helped Turkey Find and Capture Kurd Rebel, The New York Times, February 20, 1999, p. 1
11. Kieran Murray, Kenya says had no role in Ocalan's capture, Reuters, February 16, 1999
12. Joel Greenberg, Israel Denies Role but Fears Reprisals for Ties to Turkey, The New York Times, February 18, 1999
13. Embassy of Greece Press Release, February 16, 1999
14. Cemal Ucar, Ozgur Politika, February 23, 1999, p. 8
15. The report was leaked to the press. The Greek daily Ta Nea published it on March 6, 1999. The American Kurdish Information Network got a copy of it as well.
16. John Diamond, Disrupting Terrorists, Associated Press, February 28, 1999
17. Nadire Mater, Mehmedin Kitabi, Metis Yayinlari, Ucuncu Basim, Istanbul, Turkey, 1999, p. 257
"The philosophers have only interpreted the world, in various ways. The point, however, is to change it." Karl Marx

"He would, wouldn't he?" Mandy Rice-Davies. When asked in court whether she knew that Lord Astor had denied having sex with her.

“I think it would be a good idea” Ghandi, when asked about Western Civilisation.
But but the tool splutters.....

British Foreign Secretary Jack Straw said rendition is a "conspiracy theory":

Quote: The CIA's use of UK airports was first reported by the Guardian in September 2005. Jack Straw, the then foreign secretary, dismissed the evidence, telling MPs in December that year that "unless we all start to believe in conspiracy theories and that the officials are lying, that I am lying, that behind this there is some kind of secret state which is in league with some dark forces in the United States … there simply is no truth in the claims that the United Kingdom has been involved in rendition."
"It means this War was never political at all, the politics was all theatre, all just to keep the people distracted...."
"Proverbs for Paranoids 4: You hide, They seek."
"They are in Love. Fuck the War."

Gravity's Rainbow, Thomas Pynchon

"Ccollanan Pachacamac ricuy auccacunac yahuarniy hichascancuta."
The last words of the last Inka, Tupac Amaru, led to the gallows by men of god & dogs of war

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