Magda Hassan Wrote:David and Dawn are still posting. Jan is taking a break.
I expect there may be some new members or returning members as well.
I have been under the weather all weekend. But I have not left DPF. However I did consider it as I too am so tired of the rancor.
I am heart broken at this turn of events.
The co-owners/founders of DPF are like family to me. All of them.
After we were hacked I had thought we reached a new plateau where
bygones were truly that. However I have come to realize that when certain lines are crossed and too much anger is expressed- on both sides- there is no going back.
So please everyone watch what you say to others. Especially loved ones. Some damage is not able to be fixed.
And that is where we are here.
I am on record as saying that this particular "infraction" of Charlie's did not cross that line so was not deserving of these consequences.
My other co-founders disagree. Please realize that a lot of joint email has been exchanged over a long period of time for these communication breakdowns to
occur. I have had my times where I believed CD truly crossed the line. That said, he and I who have spent decades in the trenches of the JFK assassination research community
have been at the mercy of REAL agents. Smooth operators who pose as true researchers. They were there from the start. To divide, plant disinformation, cause factions.
Many are highly skilled in this regard. Charlie and I have had many a conversation about this, and our ability to see through a lot of them. When others could not. This IS a war.
With the killers of truth. It is way beyond the death of JFK. That was one horrible incident. But anyone who believes it ended there is beyond naive.
So the divisions in the community served their masters well. Divide and conquer is an MO as old as life itself. As Jan once put it one must make his or her case. However even that can be dangerous and often one must
discuss these matters quietly not on a public forum where one is at risk of greater harm. Mary Ferrell is a great example. Only after she died did I begin to post the truth I knew about her. Alive she was too powerful a foe. Take heed folks,
there are many more like her. Practice discernment.
DPF celebrated its five year anniversary last week. 9/25/08 was our start.
So to see it come to this now makes me weep.
"Nobody's right, everybody's wrong".