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Pro Vietnam war advocates or globalization advocates ( aka 1% ) as the real sponsor.
Phil wrote - To this day exploitation and perpetual war (and drug trafficking and oil machination) are the waltz, the ballroom, the event, the landlord, caterer and booking agent.

Yeah this is where the value of studying the assassination comes in. It shows you how the world really operates. Thanks Phil. If you don't know this stuff youre just stumbling around in the dark.

You can be born, live a life and die without having any idea whats going on. Dying stupid is a tragedy.
Tracy Riddle Wrote:Nixon also advocated a national minimum income and a lot of other things that would be called communism today by the Republicans.
Many of Nixon's domestic policies were very progressive in a limited right wing sort of way.
"The philosophers have only interpreted the world, in various ways. The point, however, is to change it." Karl Marx

"He would, wouldn't he?" Mandy Rice-Davies. When asked in court whether she knew that Lord Astor had denied having sex with her.

“I think it would be a good idea” Ghandi, when asked about Western Civilisation.
Interesting thread, Steve. JFK was a threat to tptb for a variety of reasons. He was outside the phony left-right paradigm. Free Trade is one of those significant issues that most politicians in both "competing" parties agree on. They have to, if they want to maintain their own lucrative positions. Anyone who doesn't understand at this point that NAFTA and all the other trade agreements passed by our illustrious representatives were disastrous for America is probably not capable of comprehending anything. The giant sucking sound Ross Perot described has been nonstop background noise in this country for twenty years.

If you recall, there was a nice coalition of "left" and "right" renegades who opposed NAFTA. Pat Buchanan, Ralph Nader, Dennis Kucinich, Liberty Lobby. Meanwhile, mainstream "liberals" and "conservatives" toed the line, and supported it. We are seeing the same thing now with the Immigration "reform" bill, that will put the final coffin in what's left of the American working class. Except that now there really isn't any opposition from the left anywhere to this, and not much on the right, either. Obviously, our elected representatives knew that these trade agreements were not in America's best interest, and they know that permitting some 30 million illegal aliens to become citizens, and flood a workforce that has a real unemployment rate of 25% or more, will hasten the collapse of our economy.

JFK rejected the military industrial complex's overtures towards war multiple times during his tenure in office. No other president has resisted their orders in such a bold way, so often. He spoke out against secrecy in government, condemned big corporations, knew about the Federal Reserve's dastardly role in our society, and was the only president to wage war on organized crime. He was our last great leader.

If you want to hear a story of somebody screwed over by illegal immigration and the outsourcers you should sit down and talk to me and my formerly employed software developers and construction workers.

See before i got my now totally worthless computer science degree (magna cum laude grad ) at the age of 46 I was one of the top drywall finishers ( hand as opposed to Ames machine ) in the burbs of NYC for about 25 years. There are lots of finishers out there but there aren't a whole lot that do top quality work FAST. Finishing is skilled HARD LABOR. It's also intellectual on a certain level. The best are always using their head.

It's not unusual for a finishers body to break down by the age of 40 from the strain. Never the less I come from a family that has amazing Dutch genes that give them the ability to do said hard labor into old age.

After the dot com meltdown when my tech degree became approximately worth the paper it is written on I was disappointed but not too worried. I could return to my former trade and still make a decent middle-class living. Little did i know.

The illegals had always been around in small numbers and they were known for working cheap and doing real third rate work.The corner bead and the tape would just about be popping off the walls about a week after they completed the job.

Right about the time that Bush came into office the numbers of illegals exploded in the NYC area and its burbs. A construction boom started by late 2002 when the banks began handing out money to anybody with a pulse. However this construction boom was unlike any other i had seen. Houses were popping up all over my neck of the woods BUT THERE WERE ALMOST NO WANT ADS FOR CONSTRUCTION WORKERS .

I managed to get hired on after a long job search. I immediately noticed that about 75% of the people on these jobs were illegals most of which i couldn't communicate with. The boss men were continually trying to throw a scare into the american workers by saying they had a connection to a large supply of illegals that worked cheap. The line would go something like "you know i'm getting sick of some of these guys working for me and i might just get rid of them and replace them with Mexicans".

They made good on that threat and during the construction boom i was able to get almost zero work and i saw this replicated with many of my formerly employed co workers in all trades. Those were middle-class job that disappeared too.

I hope nobody is wondering why this economy can't recover.

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