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Peter Dale Scott - US Government Protection of Al-Qaeda Terrorists and the US-Saudi Black Hole
A major new essay by Peter Dale Scott on the US Govt's (highly suggestive) continual 'protection' of Al-Qaeda assets. Kudos to Peter, he mentioned on Facebook he spent two months putting this essay together. A lot to digest in this one.
Anthony Thorne Wrote:A major new essay by Peter Dale Scott on the US Govt's (highly suggestive) continual 'protection' of Al-Qaeda assets. Kudos to Peter, he mentioned on Facebook he spent two months putting this essay together. A lot to digest in this one.

Wow, That's approx. 42 pages!.....guess I'll be up late tonight....never wanna miss something by PDS!

Just read the first few paragraphs!!!!......

US Government Protection of Al-Qaeda Terrorists and the US-Saudi Black Hole

Peter Dale Scott

For almost two centuries American government, though always imperfect,was also a model for the world of limited government, having evolved a system of restraints on executive power through its constitutional arrangement of checks and balances.
Since 9/11 however, constitutional practices have been overshadowed by a series of emergency measures to fight terrorism. The latter have mushroomed in size, reach and budget, while traditional government has shrunk. As a result we have today what the journalist Dana Priest has called two governments: the one its citizens were familiar with,operated more or less in the open: the other a parallel top secret government whose parts had mushroomed in less than a decade into a gigantic, sprawling universe of its own, visible to only a carefully vetted cadre and its entirety…visible only to God.[SUP]1[/SUP]
More and more, it is becoming common to say that America, like Turkey before it, now has what Marc Ambinder and John Tirman have called a deep state behind the public one.[SUP]2[/SUP] And this parallel government is guided in surveillance matters by its ownForeign Intelligence Surveillance Court, known as the FISA court,which according to the NewYork Times, "has quietly become almost a parallel Supreme Court."[SUP]3[/SUP] Thanks largely to Edward Snowden, it is now clear that the FISA Court has permitted this deep state to expand surveillance beyond the tiny number of known and suspected Islamic terrorists, to any incipientprotest movement that might challenge the policies of the Americanwar machine.
Americans have by and large not questioned this parallel government, accepting that sacrifices of traditional rights and traditional transparency are necessary to keep us safe from al-Qaeda attacks. However secret power is unchecked power, and experience of the last century has only reinforced the truth of Lord Acton's famous dictum that uncheckedpower always corrupts. It is time to consider the extent to which American secret agencies have developed a symbiotic relationship with the forces they are supposed to be fighting and have even on occasion intervened to let al-Qaeda terrorists proceed with their plots.
"Intervened to let al-Qaeda terrorists proceed with their plots"? These words as I write them make me wonder yet again, as I so often do, if I am not losing my marbles, and proving myself to be no more than a zany"conspiracy theorist." Yet I have to remind myself that my claim is not one coming from theory, but rests on certain undisputed facts about incidents that are true even though they have been systematically suppressed or under-reported in the American mainstream media.
More telling, I am describing a phenomenon that occurred not just once,but consistently, almost predictably. We shall see that, among the al-Qaeda terrorists who were first protected and then continued their activities were
1)Ali Mohamed, identified in the 9/11 Commission Report (p. 68) as theleader of the 1998 Nairobi Embassy bombing;
2)Mohammed Jamal Khalifa, Osama bin Laden's close friend andfinancier, while in the Philippines, of Ramzi Yousef (principalarchitect of the first WTC attack) and his uncle Khalid SheikhMohammed;
3)Khalid Sheikh Mohammed, identified in the 9/11 Commission Report (p.145) as "the principal architect of the 9/11 attacks."
4)Khalid al-Mihdhar and Nawaf al-Hazmi. two of the alleged 9/11hijackers, whose presence in the United States was concealed from theFBI by CIA officers for months before 9/11.[SUP]4[/SUP]
Itmight sound from these three citations as if the 9/11 Commissionmarked a new stage in the U.S. treatment of these terrorists, andthat the Report now exposed those terrorists who in the past had beenprotected. On the contrary, a principal purpose of my essay is toshow that
1)one purpose of protecting these individuals had been to protect avalued intelligence connection (the "Al-Qaeda connection" if youwill);
2)one major intention of the 9/11 Commission Report was to continueprotecting this connection;
3)those on the 9/11 Commission staff who were charged with thisprotection included at least one commission member (Jamie Gorelick),one staff member (Dietrich Snell) and one important witness (PatrickFitzgerald) who earlier had figured among the terrorists'protectors.
In the course of writing this essay, I came to another disturbing conclusion I had not anticipated. This is that a central feature of the protection has been to defend the 9/11 Commission's false picture of al-Qaeda as an example of non-state terrorism, at odds with not just the CIA but also the royal families of Saudi Arabia and Qatar. In reality, as I shall show, royal family protection from Qatar and Saudi Arabia (concealed by the 9/11 Commission) was repeatedly given to key figures like Khalid Sheikh Mohammed, the alleged "principal architect of the 9/11 attacks."
This finding totally undermines the claim that the wars fought by America in Asia since 9/11 have been part of a global "war on terror." On the contrary, the result of the wars has been to establish a permanent U.S. military presence in the oil- and gas-rich regions of Central Asia, in alliance with Saudi Arabia, Qatar, and Pakistan the principal backers of the jihadi terrorist networks the U.S. been supposedly fighting. Meanwhile the most authentic opponents in the region of these Sunni jihadi terrorists the governments of Iraq,Libya, Syria, and Iran have been overthrown by U.S. invasion or military support (in the case of Iraq and Libya) subverted with (in the case of Syria), or sanctioned and threatened as part of an "axis of evil" (in the case of Iran).
The protection to terrorists described in this essay, in other words, has been sustained partly in order to support the false premises that have underlain U.S. Asian wars for more than a decade...............
[and about 41 more pages....!]
"Let me issue and control a nation's money and I care not who writes the laws. - Mayer Rothschild
"Civil disobedience is not our problem. Our problem is civil obedience! People are obedient in the face of poverty, starvation, stupidity, war, and cruelty. Our problem is that grand thieves are running the country. That's our problem!" - Howard Zinn
"If there is no struggle there is no progress. Power concedes nothing without a demand. It never did and never will" - Frederick Douglass
Yeah, I started to copy/paste and format the essay to post the entire thing here, then decided that PDS and Japan Focus might appreciate it being left where it was for the time being. (I have prepared a Word doc of it to print out and read myself). Peter remains an inspiration and still manages to bring his 'A' game each time out.
I am suggesting that there is a high-level fusion of interests between the U.S. and Saudi governments, oil companies and banks (not to mention facilitating alliances like the Carlyle Group) which the CIA tends to represent continuously, and not just ad hoc for the sake of any one particular goal.

Robert Baer was on the trail of the mastermind of the 1983 Beirut Embassy bombing when he was arrested by FBI for attempting to assassinate Saddam Hussein, a ridiculous frame concocted by Tony Lake of the Clinton regime.

FBI had sabotaged John O'Neill their counterterrorism chief when he warned of a 9/11-type attack.

FBI agent Colleen Rowley complained to Mueller her warnings of Middle Eastern men taking flying lessons sans takeoff and landing were ignored by superiors.

I find a parallel to informant Carol Howe's urgent request of her ATF handler Angela Finney that FBI raid Elohim City and nab the German intel John Doe Number Two Andreas Carl Strassmeier--no way.

FBI/CIA collusion in coverup of TWA Flight 800. A shoulder-fired missile from a small boat, but arrest the pair who had the evidence.

Obama bowed to the Saudi keeper and GWB walked hand in hand, but Nixon was in there, and Loftus has a strange tale of Kim Philby Sr.

We know Saudis and bin Ladens flew when all others were forbidden. The treachery is all by way of collusion.

This Arab Spring a joint act of Saudi, Qatar and USG, ultimately the arms/oil isometrics must be maintained.

Kissinger who had warned it wasn't the time to destabilize Iran has, in March, projected Iran as an ally.

No doubt musical chairs with the last to sit having no oil.

The suppression of domestic production is by way of the DeBeers stabilization of diamond prices, see also, gold, smack, iPhones.

Kennedy was dangerous as a purveyor of plenty; the barons of scarcity felt a draft.

Barry and Hillary make historic visits to Burma; the Burmese envoy makes an historic visit to Washington.

In '47 Luciano and Lansky went to Havana; their partner Traficante could keep a secret.

"[B]etween 1998 and 2002, up to US $73,000 in cashier cheques was funneled by [Saudi Ambassador Prince] Bandar's wife Haifa - who once described the elder Bushes as like "my mother and father" - to two Californian families known to have bankrolled al-Midhar and al-Hazmi. … Princess Haifa sent regular monthly payments of between $2,000 and $3,500 to Majeda Dweikat, wife of Osama Basnan, believed by various investigators to be a spy for the Saudi government. Many of the cheques were signed over to Manal Bajadr, wife of Omar al-Bayoumi, himself suspected of covertly working for the kingdom. The Basnans, the al-Bayoumis and the two 9/11 hijackers once shared the same apartment block in San Diego. It was al-Bayoumi who greeted the killers when they first arrived in America, and provided them, among other assistance, with an apartment and social security cards. He even helped the men enroll at flight schools in Florida."

Weiner acts with impunity as his wife is intimately connected to the Muslim Brotherhood operation jointly run by Saudi, Qatar and CIA.

A cabal operating above the level of national, partisan, religious interests, in furtherance of a power relationship.

Not the purview of an LBJ villain or a Bush dynasty without a nod to the revelation of Terry Reed, Compromised.

Decisions made in bunkers are costumed for the Kabuki of USA Today.

Phil Dragoo Wrote:I am suggesting that there is a high-level fusion of interests between the U.S. and Saudi governments, oil companies and banks (not to mention facilitating alliances like the Carlyle Group) which the CIA tends to represent continuously, and not just ad hoc for the sake of any one particular goal.

[COLOR=#000000]Robert Baer was on the trail of the mastermind of the 1983 Beirut Embassy bombing when he was arrested by FBI for attempting to assassinate Saddam Hussein, a ridiculous frame concocted by Tony Lake of the Clinton regime.

FBI had sabotaged John O'Neill their counterterrorism chief when he warned of a 9/11-type attack.

FBI agent Colleen Rowley complained to Mueller her warnings of Middle Eastern men taking flying lessons sans takeoff and landing were ignored by superiors.

I find a parallel to informant Carol Howe's urgent request of her ATF handler Angela Finney that FBI raid Elohim City and nab the German intel John Doe Number Two Andreas Carl Strassmeier--no way.

Phil - another fine post, not just the part I've excerpted.

Small self-elected groups who view themselves as chosen, superior, and who act solely in their own interests.

With loyalty to nothing other than the perpetuation of their own Power.

Flags, oil, diamonds, obscene profits - these are mere props.

The theatre is for their own amusement.

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"It means this War was never political at all, the politics was all theatre, all just to keep the people distracted...."
"Proverbs for Paranoids 4: You hide, They seek."
"They are in Love. Fuck the War."

Gravity's Rainbow, Thomas Pynchon

"Ccollanan Pachacamac ricuy auccacunac yahuarniy hichascancuta."
The last words of the last Inka, Tupac Amaru, led to the gallows by men of god & dogs of war
In Grey Wolf the table is set with the serial and systematic looting of art, gold, possessions

then its shuttling via boxcar and convoy of plane, ship and truck from cache to cash

Buying asylum for Hitler from dictators and Dulles, oh, but I repeat myself

In the extant case the embassies are closed but vacation must go on

This one bowed to that king; that one held his hand

They are working for DeBeers diamonds

They are sucking oil from the sand

Do you feel the tense

Was it then

Is it now



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Every single document relating to Khalid Sheikh Muhammad was blocked from being declassified by the Bush admin.

Muhammad Atta has been on a US terrorism watch list since the 80's yet was allowed to come in and out of the US frequently and take flying lessons prior to 9/11 without being stopped once.
Playing devil's advocate here for a sec...

suppose you wanted to catch some criminal element.. let's say a gang of suspected bank robbers who were pulling of heists all over the world... wouldn't you monitor them and track their movements... trying to figure out who their associates were and where they would hit next?

So some inside might be working WITH the robbers and getting a piece of the take and so protect them and let them move freely even though they could be arrested for some bank robbery. An others might be legitimately tracking them to catch THEM in the act along with the whole gang.'

Assuming that there are some in the NSS who were "clean" and honest (naive?) this might explain the behavior... maybe. And some such as Rowley did have their hair on fire... to no avail possibly because it was blocked by the nasties inside.

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