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JFK Coup-d'Etat in America; Mithias Broeckers author interview 8.21.2013
"Mathias Broeckers: In January 1967, shortly after Jim Garrison in New
Orleans had started his prosecution of the CIA backgrounds of the murder,
the CIA published a memo to all its stations, suggesting the use of the term
"conspiracy theorists" for everyone criticizing the Warren Report findings.
Until then the press and the public mostly used the term "assassination
theories" when it came to alternative views of the "lone nut" Lee Harvey
Oswald. But with this memo this changed and very soon "conspiracy theories"
became what it is until today: a term to smear, denounce and defame anyone
who dares to speak about any crime committed by the state, military or
intelligence services."

"The JFK Assassination Marked the End of the American Republic:
Interview with Martin Broeckers, author of JFK: Coup d'Etat in America" "

By Lars Schall
Global Research

August 21, 2013

On occasion of the publication of his latest book, German author Mathias
Broeckers talks about the assassination of John F. Kennedy in Dallas, Texas
on November 22, 1963, which he sees as a coup d'etat that was never rolled

Mathias Broeckers, born 1954, is a German investigative journalist and the
author of more than ten books, most of them related to the topics of drugs,
terrorism and deep politics. He works for the daily German newspaper TAZ and
the webzine Telepolis. His latest book, "JFK: Staatsstreich in Amerika"
("JFK: Coup d'Etat in America") [1], was published this August at Westend
Verlag in Frankfurt, Germany.

Lars Schall: Mr. Broeckers, a writer who authors a book about the
assassination of John F. Kennedy that does not follow the verdict of
official history faces the problem of being condemned on an instant basis as
a "conspiracy theorist" who engages in "conspiracy theories." May I ask you
at the beginning of this interview to explain to our readers that those
critics - consciously or unconsciously - are acting exactly according to the
"playbook" of the CIA?

Mathias Broeckers: In January 1967, shortly after Jim Garrison in New
Orleans had started his prosecution of the CIA backgrounds of the murder,
the CIA published a memo to all its stations, suggesting the use of the term
"conspiracy theorists" for everyone criticizing the Warren Report findings.
Until then the press and the public mostly used the term "assassination
theories" when it came to alternative views of the "lone nut" Lee Harvey
Oswald. But with this memo this changed and very soon "conspiracy theories"
became what it is until today: a term to smear, denounce and defame anyone
who dares to speak about any crime committed by the state, military or
intelligence services. Before Edward Snowden anyone claiming a kind of total
surveillance of internet and phone traffic would have been named a
conspiracy nut; today everyone knows better.

LS: What do you see as the prime motive(s) to get Kennedy killed?

MB: To make a long story, which I elaborate in the book, short: JFK had made
definitive steps to end the cold war. He had denied the involvement of the
army in the Bay of Pigs invasion, which he had inherited from his
predecessor, he had solved the missile crisis in Cuba through direct and
secret contact with the Soviet-leader Khrushchev, he had ensured a nuclear
test-stop with the Soviets, and he had ordered the withdrawal from Vietnam.
All this against the will of the military, the CIA, and even against many
members of his own administration.

LS: If one looks at the crime from the perspective of "motive, means,
opportunity," which groups are the most likely culprits? Some of the usual
suspects may have had a motive, but neither the means nor the opportunity,

MB: Yes. This is a crucial point with many JFK theories. A lot of people had
motives, be it the hardcore commies in Russia, China, Cuba, be it the
Israelis because of JFKs dismissal of nukes in Israel, be it the Federal
Reserve because of his idea for a new US dollar backed by silver, the mob
because of his dismissal to invade Cuba to get their casinos and brothels
back, the racist Southerners because of his engagement for civil rights. but
no one of them had the means and opportunity for the murder and above all
the means to cover it up over the years.

LS: Which party had the necessary components of "means and opportunity"

MB: Only the CIA and the military - and the FBI and the Johnson
administration for the cover-up. A moment after the shootings, a policeman
ran up to the grassy knoll, his gun pulled out, and stopped a man there,
asking for his ID. The man showed a Secret Service card and the cop let him
go. Several other men on Dealey Plaza also showed genuine looking Secret
Service IDs when asked by cops - but there were no real Secret Service men
placed on the knoll and the plaza this day.

These IDs were fakes but the FBI and the Warren Commission didn't
investigate this at all. Only in the 80s it came out who was responsible for
the printing of Secret Service IDs and passes at that time: it was the CIAs
Technical Division, headed by Sydney Gottlieb of "MK Ultra" fame. This fact
alone rules out that the mob or the Russians, Cubans, Chinese or some other
autonomous killers did this on their own bill. And even if these groups
would have been able to fake genuine looking Secret Service IDs - the fact
that this deception was not investigated, immediately brings Hoover's FBI
into a top-position of suspects.

LS: One crucial point regarding the cover up of the crime is the false
autopsy report - also in connection to "means and opportunity". Please

MB: The ARRB (Assassination Records Review Board) established beyond any
doubt that the autopsy and x-rays, which are in the National Archives, were
doctored. No mobster, bankster or Cuban would have been able to do this.
These fakes were done at the Bethseda military hospital, where JFKs autopsy
was supervised by Curtis LeMay, the Joint Air Force Chíef and one of JFKs
keenest enemies. He was at a fishing vacation when the Dallas shooting
happened and flew to Washington immediately - not for any military emergency
but to sit in the autopsy room - and smoking a cigar! The faked pictures and
x-rays, which were presented to every investigator since then, are a main
reason why the crazy magic bullet theory could hold for so long. Only the
military, where these pics and x-rays were taken, was able to arrange these
fakes and place them in the archives.

LS: Another important point is the tampering with the so called "Zapruder
film". Why so?

MB: Also thanks to the ARRB there is a lot of evidence that the film was
tampered with on the day after the assassination. However, even the existing
"original" seems to show clearly a shot from the front, the grassy knoll -
so the fake wasn't perfect. That the Warren Commission was shown only a bad
black/white copy indicates that the perpetrators were aware of that. That
the Zapruder film was bought by the Time/Life publishers - and kept secret
to the public for years; as the Nix-film bought by UPI and disappeared -
indicates the guiltiness of the media in the cover-up.

LS: Coming back to the CIA, do you think that the CIA had separated itself
from governmental oversight during the 1950s and 1960s, or would it be more
correct to suggest that the Agency actually was a ploy of financial
interests from the outset? Or more bluntly spoken: was democratic oversight
ever intended?

MB: In general, democracy and intelligence services are antagonists;
democracy depends on transparency and intelligence services on the opposite.
So the democratic / congressional / governmental oversight is always a quite
rotten compromise. The CIA's camouflage from the beginning was that it is a
service to gather intelligence - and centralize the intelligence gathering
of the different other services - to keep the president informed. The main
job of the CIA were and are covert operations, and because such operations
depend on "plausible deniability," it was usual from the beginning to inform
the president - if at all - only minimally. Since the CIA's "father" Allen
Dulles was a Wall Street lawyer and his brother John Foster ran the foreign
policy, covert operations were a family business done by the Dulles-Brothers
and their clients on Wall Street. This is what JFK tried to finish and what
marked him to death.

LS: You´re citing investigative journalist Joseph Trento, saying about
former CIA director Allen Dulles: "Dulles had decided not to leave the
future of the Agency to Congress or the President." What made Dulles
powerful enough to risk such a decision?

MB: Dulles' clients were bankers and big corporations, who were in big
business with Nazi-Germany in the 30s and even during the war. Some of them,
like Prescott Bush - George W.'s grandfather - were indicted for "dealing
with the enemy", and Allen Dulles, head of the OSS in Switzerland during the
war, arranged a lot of these dealings. He arranged the secret integration of
Nazi spy chief Reinhard Gehlen and some hundreds of his SS officers into the
US army and the building-up of the CIA apparatus. Between 1945 when the OSS
was dismantled and 1947 when the CIA was founded he did this privately -
without any official position - from his office at the "Council on Foreign

LS: Would it have been more appropriate if Dulles would have been
interrogated with regard to Kennedy's death, instead of having been the
mastermind behind the Warren Commission?

MB: It's a perfect irony, or better: huge cynism, by the puppet of
Texas-oilmen, Lyndon B. Johnson, to have Dulles masterminding the
Commission. But since it worked out so well they tried it again, this time
unsuccessful, to have "Bloody Henry" Kissinger masterminding the 9/11
Commission. In my opinion Dulles is one of the main suspects in the Kennedy
murder and should have been prosecuted immediately.

LS: How did both the CIA and the FBI mislead the Warren Commission in
various ways?

MB: The result of the Commission was clear from the beginning, the
Commission didn't do any investigations at all, and it depended on the data
given by the FBI. Hoover knew about the many fingerprints of the CIA in the
case, he knew that they had brought up fake evidence of Oswald's visits in
Mexico to blame him as a communist - and concluded only two days after the
shooting that there was only the lone shooter LHO.

Hoover hated the Kennedys, especially his boss Robert F Kennedy, and was the
main evildoer in the framing of Oswald and the cover-up of the case. The CIA
arranged the false evidence for what Peter Dale Scott ("Deep Politics and
the Death of JFK") called Phase 1 of the cover-up - the
"communist"-connection, which enabled Johnson - screaming of the dangers of
a nuclear war - to press the commission members to take part, and to make
sure Phase 2 of the cover-up and the result of their pseudo-investigation:
the deranged lone nut Oswald.

LS: One usual suspect in the "JFK conspiracy literature" is the mob. In your
book you're writing that it doesn't always make sense to distinguish between
organized crime and the CIA. How did you come to this conclusion?

MB: From the "Luciano Project" in 1943 - the help of the imprisoned mob-boss
Lucky Luciano with the invasion of Sicily - the mob became the tool of
choice for covert CIA-operations and generating black money from the drug
business. Where ever the US-military set their boots in or the CIA is doing
"regime changes," drug money is essential for financing these operations,
from South East Asia in the 60s till today in Afghanistan. And since Langley
can't sell the stuff directly over their counter, they need the mobsters to
do this - and get its share to finance warlords / freedom fighters /

LS: May I ask you to talk a bit in that regard about Permindex (Permanent
Industrial Exposition), please?

MB: Permindex was a front-company for CIA, MI-6 and Mossad and a straw for
their money-laundering and weapons-business. They worked together with Meyer
Lansky's bank in Switzerland, which was run by Tibor Rosenbaum, who did most
of the weapons-business of the Mossad.

LS: Was Jim Garrison in general heading into the right direction?

MB: He was, because Clay Shaw, the owner of the New Orleans International
Trade Mart and one of the directors of Permindex, was clearly working with
the CIA. That's why Garrison's case was sabotaged by the Washington
Establishment right from the beginning.

LS: Why is it remarkable that CIA had a 201 file on Lee Harvey Oswald?

MB: John Newman ("Oswald and the CIA") has done remarkable research on how
the CIA manipulated its files on Oswald and faked a 201 personal file to
present it to the Warren Commission, showing that they had virtually nothing
on him before 1962. This is clearly impossible after Oswald's defection to
the USSR in 1959. The most likely cause for this manipulation is that Oswald
was part of the false defector program headed by JJ Angelton, the
counterintelligence chief.

LS: You are arguing if Lee Harvey Oswald would have been indeed solely
responsible for Kennedy's death that the case would have been solved beyond
a reasonable doubt. Why so?

MB: From all crimes, murder is the one with the most cases solved by courts.
There would have been no need for all the cover-ups since 50 years, if LHO
indeed was a lone nut.

LS: Moreover, you're arguing that Oswald would have been acquitted of the
charge of having killed Kennedy, if he would have survived. Why so?

MB: Even Gerald Posener, the author of "Case Closed" - the apology of the
Warren Commission's findings -, meanwhile is saying that. There is no hard
evidence that Oswald was on the 5th floor when the shooting took place;
there is no evidence that the "Mannlicher"-gun, that he had mail-ordered,
was fired that day; there is no hard evidence that he killed Officer Tippit,
because witnesses saw two men shooting at him. and so on. Oswald would have
left the court room as a free man.

LS: Why was it necessary that Jack Ruby killed Oswald? And furthermore, did
they know each other?

MB: They knew each other well, and since Oswald was an asset of FBI and CIA,
he had to be silenced before he could talk.

LS: There was not just one plot to kill Kennedy in Dallas, but there was at
least one more planned for a visit of Kennedy to Chicago, right?

MB: Yes, there was a plot planned in Chicago with clear parallels to what
happened in Dallas - with an ex-Marine as the prepared patsy, who got a job
on a high rise building on the route that the motorcade was planned to take
some weeks before, and who had trained with exile-Cubans like Oswald. By
chance the sharp-shooters were detected by an hotelier and the Chicago visit
was cancelled.

LS: Why did JFK die on November 22, 1963?

MB: JFK had made a radical change while president, from a classic cold
warrior to a policy of reconciliation and peace. He had made angry enemies
in the military and the CIA and when he announced to end the cold war in his
speech on June 10th 1963 [2] he finally was marked to death.

LS: Can you tell us something about the role of the Secret Service and the
U.S. military in the assassination?

MB: The Secret Service men were mostly Southerners, who deeply dismissed
JFKs civil rights politics. They did a very lax security in Dallas and there
is a probability that some of these men were sweetened to do so. The
memories of Abraham Bolden, the first Afro-American brought to the Secret
Service by JFK in 1961, tells that when he tried to contact the Warren
Commission to talk about the supremacist, racist attitude of his colleagues,
he was indicted by corrupted false witnesses and brought to prison.

The military played a crucial role in the false autopsy & x-ray-pictures
made at the Bethseda hospital in Washington DC and the testimony of the
doctors. General Curtis LeMay, Joint Chief of the Air Force and one of the
harshest opponents of JFKs peace politics, was present in the autopsy room
in Bethseda, smoking a cigar! I think his presence was not by chance.

The military intelligence also played a crucial role in Dallas - the first
interviews of Marina Oswald was not by Dallas Police but by officers of the
military intelligence, which also arranged a dubious translator for her
testimonies, which helped to frame Oswald in the first place.

LS: Where did the funding for the coup come from?

MB: The Texas oilmen and billionaires H.L. Hunt and Clint Murchison are the
most probable financiers, even if there is no hard evidence for it. They
paid for the ad in the Dallas paper the day before the visit, naming Kennedy
a communist and a traitor. They hated JFK to the bones and they had LBJ in
their pocket, their insurance that everything would be covered up properly.

LS: How many people lost their lives over the years related to the Kennedy

MB: A well-researched new book by Richard Belzer ("Hit List") lists 1.400
persons with a connection to the murder and in the first three years after
the assassination 33 of them came to death on unnatural causes. The
probability that this happened by chance is 1: 137 billion.

LS: Was it basically the right-wing / fascist and racist mindset in the U.S.
that won the coup d'etat on November 22, 1963?

MB: Yes. And in Dallas, Texas these right-wing fascists, who called
themselves "patriots," had a home game.

LS: What would the history of the "Cold War" have been if the nuclear arms
race had ended in Kennedy's second term? Would the Berlin Wall have come
down sooner?

MB: After the nuclear test stop, JFK announced to his confidants that he
would go to Moscow after the re-election to negotiate a peace treaty. In
public he had already announced to stop the arms race in order to end the
cold war. In a National Action Security Memorandum he had called for a
co-operation with the Russians in space. After the exchange of secret
letters with Khrushchev, which ended the missile crisis, he was on good
terms with the Soviet leader, who in the Kremlin also had called for
disarmament. The death of JFK encouraged the Soviet hardliners to get rid of
him. With Kennedy alive, Khrushchev would have stood in power and the cold
war could have been ended in the 60s.

LS: Why does the death of JFK still matter?

MB: It's the most important crime in the second half of the 20th century, it
is still unsolved and it marked in a way the end of the American Republic.
Since then the financial-military-industrial complex rules and no president
after JFK had the balls to challenge that. There is, in the words of Gore
Vidal, "a one-party-system with two right-wings"; there are corporate media
brainwashing the population 24/7 and propagating wars for global imperial
dominance; there are covert operations all over the world to ensure this
dominance - and this will go on and on as long the truth about the covert
operation, the coup d' état, against JFKs presidency is kept hidden.

LS: Thank you very much for taking your time, Mr. Broeckers!

Reprinted with permission from


Matthias Broeckers has staked the case with a ripstop tent.

MB: In general, democracy and intelligence services are antagonists;
democracy depends on transparency and intelligence services on the opposite.
So the democratic / congressional / governmental oversight is always a quite
rotten compromise. The CIA's camouflage from the beginning was that it is a
service to gather intelligence - and centralize the intelligence gathering
of the different other services - to keep the president informed. The main
job of the CIA were and are covert operations, and because such operations
depend on "plausible deniability," it was usual from the beginning to inform
the president - if at all - only minimally. Since the CIA's "father" Allen
Dulles was a Wall Street lawyer and his brother John Foster ran the foreign
policy, covert operations were a family business done by the Dulles-Brothers
and their clients on Wall Street. This is what JFK tried to finish and what
marked him to death.


Attached Files
.jpg   Allen Dulles Framed.jpg (Size: 61.77 KB / Downloads: 4)
Quote:MB: It's the most important crime in the second half of the 20th century, it
is still unsolved and it marked in a way the end of the American Republic.
Since then the financial-military-industrial complex rules and no president
after JFK had the balls to challenge that. There is, in the words of Gore
Vidal, "a one-party-system with two right-wings"; there are corporate media
brainwashing the population 24/7 and propagating wars for global imperial
dominance; there are covert operations all over the world to ensure this
dominance - and this will go on and on as long the truth about the covert
operation, the coup d' état, against JFKs presidency is kept hidden.
"Let me issue and control a nation's money and I care not who writes the laws. - Mayer Rothschild
"Civil disobedience is not our problem. Our problem is civil obedience! People are obedient in the face of poverty, starvation, stupidity, war, and cruelty. Our problem is that grand thieves are running the country. That's our problem!" - Howard Zinn
"If there is no struggle there is no progress. Power concedes nothing without a demand. It never did and never will" - Frederick Douglass
Broeckers wrote an incisive and witty book on the 9/11 conspiracy, published some years back by Progressive Press. It would be great if an English-language edition of his JFK volume appeared at some point.
Mathias Broeckers was working on a book on conspiracies and conspiracy theories when 9/11 hit. Suddenly his study of dusty historical specimens was deluged by an outpouring of ideal research material, live on the screen. Aspiring to found the new science of conspirology, Broeckers doesn't fear the 'conspiracy theory' label. Instead he plunges into a fascinating exploration of the subject of conspiracy itself, before tackling the problems of evidence for two competing narratives: the 'Bin Laden conspiracy' theory, and dissident suspicions of a staged 'inside job' by conspirators within the government. From the Top Ten best-seller list in Germany, his original viewpoint will be warmly welcomed in his first English language edition.

With meticulous preparation of facts on 9/11, Broeckers has written the foremost classic of political enlightenment of our times. --Tip Magazin

An uncommonly enthralling work, based on solid facts, but reads like a gripping thriller about preparations for World War III. --Meininger Tageblatt

If his book about the unexplained attacks is even partly true, it should unleash a political earthquake of unimaginable magnitude. --Badische Neuesten Nachrichten

Phil's footnote: Judging by Broecker's indictment in the JFK case, I posit his 9/11 writing is similarly unsympathetic to the needs of power.
This is a very good interview that covers most of the key points. My only criticism pertains to this section:

LS: Which party had the necessary components of "means and opportunity"

MB: Only the CIA and the military - and the FBI and the Johnson
administration for the cover-up. A moment after the shootings, a policeman
ran up to the grassy knoll, his gun pulled out, and stopped a man there,
asking for his ID. The man showed a Secret Service card and the cop let him
go. Several other men on Dealey Plaza also showed genuine looking Secret
Service IDs when asked by cops - but there were no real Secret Service men
placed on the knoll and the plaza this day.

This is an over-simplification that invites accusations of advancing false sponsors.

This, however...

Since the CIA's "father" Allen
Dulles was a Wall Street lawyer and his brother John Foster ran the foreign
policy, covert operations were a family business done by the Dulles-Brothers
and their clients on Wall Street. This is what JFK tried to finish and what
marked him to death. getting closer.

I will definitely be reading this book.
Broeckers' initial volume on 9/11 is an early but very well-researched and insightful 9/11 truth book. There's no discussion of controlled demolitions but all the other anomalies and suggestive backgrounds and motivations of the perps get a look in. Broeckers followed it with a second book on 9/11 (detailed on his website) which has never been translated into English. I'd love it if this JFK volume received a timely translation as it seems right on target.
Phil's note: In the following excerpted summary the event of 9/11 presents as a shadow of the JFK assassination.

Plus ça change, plus c'est la même chose, Leonard Cohen's rhyming steps:

Facts, Forgeries and the Suppressed Evidence of 9/11

Mathias Broeckers and Andreas Hauß

Reluctantly, the government agreed to form an investigation committee. Equipped with a shockingly low budget, it was too little, too late. The head of the committee is a Republican with surprising business partners. In a million-dollar lawsuit they are accused by lawyers of the bereaved of supporting and financing Al Queda.

The book shows how the U.S. government held up a thorough investigation of the mass murder, while suppressing, concealing and destroying tons of evidence. Why?

This meticulously researched book details the gigantic, outrageous scandal behind the unsolved mass murder of September 11. Its trail leads to the fulcrum of power, the forces that have now set out to free the world from terror: the intelligence services and military establishment of the U.S.A.


Anybody remember those very brief but very damning clips i saw in the msm shortly after the destruction of the twin towers where both Bush and Cheney came out against an investigation.

I saw Bush say it twice and Cheney say it once.
Steve Minnerly Wrote:Anybody remember those very brief but very damning clips i saw in the msm shortly after the destruction of the twin towers where both Bush and Cheney came out against an investigation.

I saw Bush say it twice and Cheney say it once.

It's very well established that Bush and Cheney fought tooth and nail not to have an investigation, and only gave in because of so much pressure (mostly from the victims' families).

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