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What can we do now to make a difference?
I know I'm new here but I am not new to assassination research. I find the threads on DPF fascinating - and within the research community whether it be here or Lancer, etc.. there is an incredible amount of info and insight. The problem IMHO is that we/you are preaching to the choir. Obviously the deep discussions about every detail should continue but what are we going to do about getting new blood interested?

We are 50 years out from that day and though everyone I meet who asks me about my interests wants to discuss the JFK assassination - they know basically nothing about it. They are interested for the length of the discussion but with rare exception do not pursue more knowledge after we are finished talking. To most young people, and I have talked to many people from early teens through 30 somethings - it is interesting but past history even though unsolved.

The research community is aging - so many of us were alive in 1963 and old enough to remember and so many of us are already gone that I am worried that in addition to the obfuscation, lies, planted material, pro WC people and the government and mainstream media who will support the WC until the end of time that when we go most of the interest will go.

Please tell me I am wrong.
Interesting question Marlene. The witnesses to the event will and are leaving us. Many already gone. What is important is to get their stories on film and in writing so that others in the future can access and learn from them. Also to show how things have flowed from that event. Every one is affected. All the presidents since have been captive to the same forces which removed him. And not just what has flowed since but what led to it. The same forces which tried to remove FDR in the 30's with their friendly acceptance of fascism. If we don't learn from the past we are destined to repeat it.
"The philosophers have only interpreted the world, in various ways. The point, however, is to change it." Karl Marx

"He would, wouldn't he?" Mandy Rice-Davies. When asked in court whether she knew that Lord Astor had denied having sex with her.

“I think it would be a good idea” Ghandi, when asked about Western Civilisation.
Marlene Zenker Wrote:The research community is aging - so many of us were alive in 1963 and old enough to remember and so many of us are already gone that I am worried that in addition to the obfuscation, lies, planted material, pro WC people and the government and mainstream media who will support the WC until the end of time that when we go most of the interest will go.

Please tell me I am wrong.

Unfortunately, you may be right. I am one of the later wave of researchers born after the assassination who became interested in the subject because of Oliver Stone's film. But that was more than 20 years ago. The farther we get from the event, the more it seems like ancient history to younger people.

I'm frequently accused of being a pessimist, and, well...I am. A pessimist with a sense of humor. I've tried to keep my hopes up over the years, but this country has been moving steadily towards a National Security State, and most Americans just can't be bothered to care.

On the other hand, look at how many books come out on the JFK assassination every year. It seems to be increasing. Back in the 1960s there were maybe 4 or 5 a year. Between 1969 and 1973 there were barely any. Same dry spell in the 1980s. In the last 20 years, though, there have been a flood. In the last decade, I can't even keep up anymore. There must be a market for them; there must be millions who still care.
Magda Hassan Wrote:Interesting question Marlene. The witnesses to the event will and are leaving us. Many already gone. What is important is to get their stories on film and in writing so that others in the future can access and learn from them. Also to show how things have flowed from that event. Every one is affected. All the presidents since have been captive to the same forces which removed him. And not just what has flowed since but what led to it. The same forces which tried to remove FDR in the 30's with their friendly acceptance of fascism. If we don't learn from the past we are destined to repeat it.

Actually, Magda, I think it goes back farther than FDR - I think it goes back to the Civil War and maybe even back to the time of the Founders.
Tracy Riddle Wrote:
Marlene Zenker Wrote:The research community is aging - so many of us were alive in 1963 and old enough to remember and so many of us are already gone that I am worried that in addition to the obfuscation, lies, planted material, pro WC people and the government and mainstream media who will support the WC until the end of time that when we go most of the interest will go.

Please tell me I am wrong.

Unfortunately, you may be right. I am one of the later wave of researchers born after the assassination who became interested in the subject because of Oliver Stone's film. But that was more than 20 years ago. The farther we get from the event, the more it seems like ancient history to younger people.

I'm frequently accused of being a pessimist, and, well...I am. A pessimist with a sense of humor. I've tried to keep my hopes up over the years, but this country has been moving steadily towards a National Security State, and most Americans just can't be bothered to care.

On the other hand, look at how many books come out on the JFK assassination every year. It seems to be increasing. Back in the 1960s there were maybe 4 or 5 a year. Between 1969 and 1973 there were barely any. Same dry spell in the 1980s. In the last 20 years, though, there have been a flood. In the last decade, I can't even keep up anymore. There must be a market for them; there must be millions who still care.

Tracy, I am encouraged by the market for books - and even my app - though it has sold less than 200 copies. But I'm afraid that once the people who witnessed the events and the researchers who have spent so many years seeking and telling the truth are gone - so is any real hope.

I have an idea though, remember when Steven Speilberg created the Shoa Project? For those who haven't heard of it - I think basically it was a way for the Holocaust survivors who (I think it was back in the 90's) were still alive to share their stories before they were no longer here to bear witness. What if we figure out a way to create the same kind of thing regarding the assassination(s)?

More comprehensive then the Mary Ferrell site and all of the sites, a compilation of at the very least the witnesses statements, videos, etc. all in one place - focusing on the witnesses because I think that people connect better to real people's recollections - rather than books, apps, sites, of facts.

Anyone interested? If we can get some support from say Richard Belzer, Oliver Stone, Martin Sheen, Jesse Ventura et al - maybe we can popularize it enough that it would get traction and make the public aware. I would work my butt off to help this to become a reality ---
Tracy above states the greatest fear

The farther we get from the event, the more it seems like ancient history to younger people.

I was in our small class listening to the English teacher's witty remark when the former coach/current principal announced from the aluminum intercom can the president has been shot. . .the president has died. . .the buses will be at the entrance

On Sunday morning I watched in black and white as the horn honked, the dark suit lunged and shot, the demonized patsy collapsed in bedlam

This is our world. Now we to Syria must because of some men out in the brush burning it to chase the tiger.

Specifically, RFK Jr dared praise Douglass' Unspeakable before the putrid zombie Rose--and now, damnest thing, you can't find that video tape anywhere

The president who as senator decried the slam-dunk rush to war over WMDs is in a slam-dunk rush to war over WMDs

The man who had a dream was slain by military intelligence and his baton was passed to the race pimp with the bloody shirt

The world is tortured by a few men with cattle prods

All it will take is for every individual to be that individual Thoreau insisted upon

Every direction we look is infinite; quantum physics dictates that our looking becomes the being

Pass on the best of this generation, Douglass' Unspeakable, DiEugenio's Destiny II, H & L, A Certain Arrogance, season with your choice

Let us not to the marriage of true minds admit impediment

And smash the celebrity-fueled Satyricon of Babelian controlled demolition

The cabal thrives in chaos

Here is a portal on perception of power

Tell them

We'll leave the light on for ya


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That's a shame about your app not selling 200 copies yet.

I have tried to push it, but I guess I should do a bit more.

THere is so much good stuff on it. And its so cheap. Where do you get a book for that price?

Maybe Len should have you on again.
I think she should go on Black Op and read what she just wrote.

Moreover, Amen!
Marlene Zenker Wrote:I have an idea though, remember when Steven Speilberg created the Shoa Project? For those who haven't heard of it - I think basically it was a way for the Holocaust survivors who (I think it was back in the 90's) were still alive to share their stories before they were no longer here to bear witness. What if we figure out a way to create the same kind of thing regarding the assassination(s)?

More comprehensive then the Mary Ferrell site and all of the sites, a compilation of at the very least the witnesses statements, videos, etc. all in one place - focusing on the witnesses because I think that people connect better to real people's recollections - rather than books, apps, sites, of facts.

Anyone interested?
In a recent thread Tracy suggested a JFK Wiki. Which I am looking to when I get better. I know Speilberg's Shoah project and had a friend working on it here as a camera man. I think it is a great idea Marlene. I've thought of doing some thing similar with the survivors of the coups and tortures in various countries. Given I don't have Speilberg's millions it will have to be a Vimeo channel or such. Some here will pooh pooh the production values but I think it is better to get the stories collected and out there. Same for JFK stories.
"The philosophers have only interpreted the world, in various ways. The point, however, is to change it." Karl Marx

"He would, wouldn't he?" Mandy Rice-Davies. When asked in court whether she knew that Lord Astor had denied having sex with her.

“I think it would be a good idea” Ghandi, when asked about Western Civilisation.
Thank you Jim & Nate re: the app - I created it because there are over 300,000,000 (maybe it's 600,000,000, I forgot and don't feel like looking it up.) iOS devices out there and so many of them are owned by young people. Al Rossi has so incredibly kindly offered to do an Android version of the app - I think there's even more Android devices than Apple devices. I had hoped that if we could get a good percentage of the young to be interested that maybe it would really help. As brain dead as America is there is an undercurrent of major discontent out there and maybe just maybe we can tap into that. And, hey, I wouldn't mind making a few bucks on it either - but that's really not the point. As you all know anyone of the correct side of the assassination isn't in it for the money!

Here is what I ask people who think it's interesting that I'm researching the JFK thing - I ask them "what were you taught in school about the Lincoln assassination" - the answer, as in my own case, is always "John Wilkes Booth, Ford's Theatre" period, end of sentence. Were any of us taught that there was a conspiracy, that other attempted assassinations happened that night? Not that I know of. I have asked people in ages ranging from young kids to the elderly - no one has a different answer and if it wasn't for the recent movie "The Conspirators" almost no one would know there were others involved.

The Kennedy assassination is different and similar - I've hardly met anyone who doesn't think that the government did it - but they know absolutely nothing about it whatsoever and aren't likely to find out. I really think when we die for the most part so does any chance at the truth. So while we discuss what is outside the sprockets on the Zapruder film or how many grains of bullet fragments are not missing from CE-399 - the world goes on in complete ignorance of what has happened and continues to happen based on the times surrounding November 1963. I think it is time we do something big.

Magda, you said that you would be relegated to Vimeo and I understand what you mean. But there are many people in this community who know famous and wealthy people who believe in the importance of the research and I think that if they can be convinced to help, even if it is just by mentioning the project to give it notoriety we would have a real chance of getting real awareness.

I just want you all to know that nothing that I say in any way denigrates the incredible research, work, discussions, blood, sweat and tears that all of you and so many others have put into this - I just think time is running out and all of your good work deserves to be in the hands of the masses.

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