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What would they have done if it had rained?
Charles Drago Wrote:
Jan Klimkowski Wrote:I also strongly suspect that LHO was the most perfect patsy available as space and time intersected in Dallas on November 22, 1963.

Your choice of language here, Jan, is poetic and challenging. It begs consideration of, shall we say, larger issues -- or to use the contemporary term of art, high strangeness.

Perhaps the questions I'm about to pose truly qualify as imponderables.

Perhaps, however, not.

Could the event have happened any other way? At any other time? In any other place? With any other cast of characters?

Could the event not have happened?

These are questions to meditate on; questions that get to the heart of the larger issues we are attempting to understand.

My instinctive answer to all of them is: "no".
Charles Drago Wrote:
Jan Klimkowski Wrote:I also strongly suspect that LHO was the most perfect patsy available as space and time intersected in Dallas on November 22, 1963.

Could the event have happened any other way? At any other time? In any other place? With any other cast of characters?

Could the event not have happened?

I'd say yes they easily could have done it elsewhere, with other persons [some the same], in somewhat different ways [likely similarly] and were likely well into planning at known places JFK would 'show' both before or after Dallas. [I do not know and can't prove, but suspect that Dallas was the preferred place, but not the ONLY place.]

The only no would be could the event [in any form/place] not have happened.
They wanted him DEAD and out of THEIR way, in order to CONTROL America alone, from behind the 'curtain'....without JFK's or the People's wishes in their way. JFK was increasingly getting out of their control, and in their minds 'had to go'...and be made an example of! [which most of the Public might have missed - but none of the politicos would have, and still do not miss to this day!]

If any public execution failed and it got too close to the next election or some other decisive deadline they worried about [there were many, but we don't know their priority for those who 'gave the nod'], there were SS agents with secret but direct line of sight into the living quarters areas of the White House, and could have used this to pull off an assassination.
"Let me issue and control a nation's money and I care not who writes the laws. - Mayer Rothschild
"Civil disobedience is not our problem. Our problem is civil obedience! People are obedient in the face of poverty, starvation, stupidity, war, and cruelty. Our problem is that grand thieves are running the country. That's our problem!" - Howard Zinn
"If there is no struggle there is no progress. Power concedes nothing without a demand. It never did and never will" - Frederick Douglass
R.K. Locke Wrote:
Charles Drago Wrote:
Jan Klimkowski Wrote:I also strongly suspect that LHO was the most perfect patsy available as space and time intersected in Dallas on November 22, 1963.

Your choice of language here, Jan, is poetic and challenging. It begs consideration of, shall we say, larger issues -- or to use the contemporary term of art, high strangeness.

Perhaps the questions I'm about to pose truly qualify as imponderables.

Perhaps, however, not.

Could the event have happened any other way? At any other time? In any other place? With any other cast of characters?

Could the event not have happened?

These are questions to meditate on; questions that get to the heart of the larger issues we are attempting to understand.

My instinctive answer to all of them is: "no".

As is mine.
Charles Drago Wrote:
R.K. Locke Wrote:
Charles Drago Wrote:
Jan Klimkowski Wrote:I also strongly suspect that LHO was the most perfect patsy available as space and time intersected in Dallas on November 22, 1963.

Your choice of language here, Jan, is poetic and challenging. It begs consideration of, shall we say, larger issues -- or to use the contemporary term of art, high strangeness.

Perhaps the questions I'm about to pose truly qualify as imponderables.

Perhaps, however, not.

Could the event have happened any other way? At any other time? In any other place? With any other cast of characters?

Could the event not have happened?

These are questions to meditate on; questions that get to the heart of the larger issues we are attempting to understand.

My instinctive answer to all of them is: "no".

As is mine.

Why CANCEL the rain, of course?

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