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Kennedy’s Assassination: How LIFE Brought the Zapruder Film to Light Read more: Kennedy’s Assassina

uh huh.
All of us here need to watch and copy this video of Mr. Richard Stolley's recollection of the Zapruder film. I fear it maybe taken down shortly.

This is the man from Time/Life who purchased the print rights and then film rights(a few days later) of the film from Abraham Zapruder on Nov 23rd, 1963 between 8 am and 9 am that morning. That's less then 21 hours after the actual assassination. This man saw the real raw footage of the Zapruder film.

Please listen to how he describes what he saw on the wall in Mr Zapruder's office that morning.

He makes two comments about watching the film for the first time and what he see's that dont match the film we know as the Zapruder film.

Dont know how to embed the actual is the page link again:

I didn't hear anything that earth-shattering, A.J. He's watched the film numerous times over the decades and doesn't seem to think it's any different than the one he saw on the first day.
Hi Tracy,

Im not saying he said its saying listen to how he describes what he see's that first morning on the wall......

Richard Stolley:

"Turn it on and there was that familiar sequence, of the motorcade coming around the corner(he even uses hand gestures showing this) then turning abruptly left."

PLEASE SHOW ME WHERE IN THE ZAPRUDER FILM DO WE SEE ANYTHING LIKE THE ABOVE STATEMENT...We see a motorcade that has already turned and is 60m-65m down Elm Street.

Richard Stolley:

"and then suddenly we get to what is now know as the infamous frame 313, where the WHOLE TOP of the presidents head just explodes up into the air."

THAT DOESNT COME CLOSE TO HOW I WOULD DESCRIBE WHAT I SEE AT FRAME 313.314.315.316. Have you ever heard anyone else say that the whole top of president Kennedy's head explodes up into the air.

I don't know, it's always tricky when you get into subjective interpretations of a person's words. The motorcycles are seen coming around the corner, and they are part of the motorcade. Same thing with "top" and "upper right side" of the head. A lot of people are not very careful in their choice of words.

In all the interviews I've read with Stolley over the years, he has never questioned the authenticity of the extant film. I wouldn't expect him to say so publicly, even if it was altered.
For many years now we have had several people come forward saying they have seen versions of the Zapruder film that shows the motorcade making the turn onto Elm Street which does not appear in the extant film we all know.

Here now is the man who purchased the film from Zapurder displaying with his hand gestures and saying in his own words on film:

""Turn it on and there was that familiar sequence, of the motorcade coming around the corner then turning abruptly left."

Nothing subjective about that comment at all in my opinion...

A.J. Blocker Wrote:For many years now we have had several people come forward saying they have seen versions of the Zapruder film that shows the motorcade making the turn onto Elm Street which does not appear in the extant film we all know.

Here now is the man who purchased the film from Zapurder displaying with his hand gestures and saying in his own words on film:

""Turn it on and there was that familiar sequence, of the motorcade coming around the corner then turning abruptly left."

Nothing subjective about that comment at all in my opinion...


Abraham Zapruder, WFAA-TV, circa 1400hrs CST, 22 November 1963:
"And I was [filming?] as the President was coming down from Houston Street making his turn…," Richard Trask, Pictures of the Pain (Danvers, Mass.: Yeoman Press, 1994), p.77

Dan Rather, CBS radio, 25 November 1963:
"Well let me tell you then, give you a word picture of the motion picture that we have just seen. The President's automobile which was proceeded by only one other car containing Secret Service Agents…the President's open black Lincoln limousine…made a turn, a left turn off of Houston Street in Dallas onto Elm Street…This left turn was made right below the window from which the shot was fired…as the car made the turn completed the turn…," Richard Trask, Pictures of the Pain (Danvers, Mass.: Yeoman Press, 1994), pp.86-87

Dan Rather, CBS Evening News (TV), 25 November 1963:
"The films we saw were taken by an amateur photographer…The films show President Kennedy's open, black limousine, making a left turn, off of Houston Street on to Elm Street…a left turn made just below the window in which the assassin was waiting," Richard Trask, Pictures of the Pain (Danvers, Mass.: Yeoman Press, 1994), p.87

Arthur J. Snider (of the Chicago Daily News, in syndicated piece), Fort Worth Star-Telegram, 27 November 1963, also described several scenes from the film:
"As the fateful car rounded the turn and moved into the curving parkway, the President rolled his head to the right, smiling and waving. At that instant. . .the sniper. . .fired his cheap rifle. . .the President clutched his throat for a bewildered instant, then began to sag. A second blast from the high-powered rifle ripped into the right rear of his head at about a 4 o 'clock position," Arthur J. Snider (Chicago Daily News syndicated piece), "Movies Reconstruct Tragedy," Fort Worth Star-Telegram, (Evening edition), November 27, 1963, section 2, p.1

Warren Report, September 1964:
"The position of President Kennedy's car when he was struck in the neck was determined with substantial precision from the films and onsite tests. The pictures or frames in the Zapruder film were marked by the agents, with the number 1' given to the first frame where the motorcycles leading the motorcade came into view on Houston Street. The numbers continue in sequence as Zapruder filmed the Presidential limousine as it came around the corner and proceeded down Elm," The Warren Report: The Report of the President's Commission on the Assassination of President John F. Kennedy (Associated Press, 1964), p.41.

Mark Lane. Rush to Judgment: A Critique of the Warren Commission's Inquiry into the Murders of President John F. Kennedy, Officer J. D. Tippit and Lee Harvey Oswald (London: The Bodley Head Ltd., 1966), p.66, footnote 2:
The Commission explained the method it used to designate the individual frames of the film for purposes of reference: "The pictures or frames in the Zapruder film were marked by the agents, with the number 1' given to the first frame where the motorcycles leading the motorcade came into view on Houston Street. The numbers continue in sequence as Zapruder filmed the Presidential limousine as it came around the corner and proceeded down Elm," (223).

Note 223 to chapter 3 is to be found on p.423 it cites WCR at 98. On p.418, Lane explains that the version of the WCR he used was the one published by the "U.S. Government Printing Office (1964)."
"There are three sorts of conspiracy: by the people who complain, by the people who write, by the people who take action. There is nothing to fear from the first group, the two others are more dangerous; but the police have to be part of all three,"

Joseph Fouche

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