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Negating the "conspiracy theorist" label
Magda Hassan Wrote:Hi Evan. Well I'm pleased you enjoy hanging out so much here during your spare time.

No quite accurate, Magda.

He's on duty.
Magda Hassan Wrote:Hi Evan, Welcome back. Twice in one day, hey? Well I'm pleased you enjoy hanging out so much here during your spare time.

Did you report Evan Marshall for not having the required photo? Make him invisible? Disappear his posts? Ban him until the he produces a photo you approve of? Or is it freedom of speech there? Or double standards?

Say hi to the folks in Nowra :wavey:

Laugh Hey EvanS. I damn near got your IP memorized I see it so often. Feel free to take me up on my photoshopping offer:

After all, it is so important that you keep up appearances there.
Charles Drago Wrote:
Magda Hassan Wrote:Hi Evan. Well I'm pleased you enjoy hanging out so much here during your spare time.

No quite accurate, Magda.

He's on duty.

I don't know but I just keep getting this feeling that some one is watching me. That I am being followed. LaughLaughLaugh But that would make me a conspiracy theorist wouldn't it?
"The philosophers have only interpreted the world, in various ways. The point, however, is to change it." Karl Marx

"He would, wouldn't he?" Mandy Rice-Davies. When asked in court whether she knew that Lord Astor had denied having sex with her.

“I think it would be a good idea” Ghandi, when asked about Western Civilisation.
The Grand Unified Coincidence Theory is given below in its entirety.


"There is no such thing as a plot or conspiracy and never has been in the history of the world."


Oh yeah, that makes more sense than ANY conspiracy theory. Rolleyes
Boy do I 'get' this topic... I'm a wounded veteran. Aside from the online scorn, I've also had it personally, including the psychiatric angle. Several thoughts come to mind:

1) Give them David Ray Griffin's argument that 'the official story' of 9/11 is itself a conspiracy theory.

2) Provide for them some information about laws dealing with conspiracy, such as the RICO act.

3) Point out noted others who have examined the evidence and come to the same conclusion .. particularly useful in 9/11 when you can parade in front of them the names, pictures and statements of highly-decorated conservative Marine combat air pilots who have also served as assistant secretary of defense who say that 'that dog don't hunt'.

4) Be relentless in putting before them the evidence, the logic, the research, etc. Assemble little packets of 'goodies', like a sampling of chocolate morsels, for them to consider. Keep them updated on forthcoming new information, insights, research, books, etc.

Bullets do not take left-hand turns en route to the target. The upper third of 100-story skyscrapers do not twist and begin to fall and then suddenly turn into a cloud of dust. Show them, as Griffin has done so well on the topic of 9/11, how the cover-up has been handled.

They haven't done their homework; do it for them.

They are in denial; be gentle, and explain that lots of others have been as well, and that it is a natural reaction to disbelieve the horror of it. One thing that has helped in one personal case is that, as time has evolved, events have shown an emerging truth; when your predictions as an observer of deep politics start to come true, they start to give you a little more credibility.

Begin to unplug from the system, and show others how to stop giving 'them' the attention, energy, funds and support they need.

As Fitts would say, starve the tapeworm.
"Where is the intersection between the world's deep hunger and your deep gladness?"
Ed Jewett Wrote:Boy do I 'get' this topic... I'm a wounded veteran. Aside from the online scorn, I've also had it personally, including the psychiatric angle. Bullets do not take left-hand turns en route to the target. The upper third of 100-story skyscrapers do not twist and begin to fall and then suddenly turn into a cloud of dust. Show them, as Griffin has done so well on the topic of 9/11, how the cover-up has been handled.

They haven't done their homework; do it for them.

They are in denial; be gentle, and explain that lots of others have been as well, and that it is a natural reaction to disbelieve the horror of it. One thing that has helped in one personal case is that, as time has evolved, events have shown an emerging truth; when your predictions as an observer of deep politics start to come true, they start to give you a little more credibility.

Begin to unplug from the system, and show others how to stop giving 'them' the attention, energy, funds and support they need.

As Fitts would say, starve the tapeworm.

Welcome Ed.
I too have been at this a very long time and with the same results, in most cases. People are in denial because they want to be. One example: In 1986 I was a partner in a small law firm in W. Newton Ma. One evening I had dinner with the owner of the firm and brought him back to my home to watch a JFK assassination documentary "The Killing of JFK". H. was very intrigued, mind blown, and emotional asking "what are we going to DO about this? But the next morning at the office it was as if the evening before had not occurred. This has mostly been my experience. People will listen patiently, (eyes rolled), or read something short, or even ONE book but its rare the person becomes concerned with historical truth and justice. I have been trying with my college best friend since 1973 who still calls it "YOUR truth" Denial beyond the pale. And he adored JFK. Discussing 9-11, or CIA ownership of the press (eg) is met with derision.

It is indeed amazing, especially considering the availability of material in book format, via the Internet, via video, etc. One of my personal favorites in the JFK story is the video of the Secret Service agent throwing up his hands in open question after being asked to "stand down" from the rear bumper just before it turned the fatal corner. One of the more amusing (and anger-creating) bits was the ABC 'simulation' that purported to prove that Oswald acted alone... a precursor, no doubt, of the NIST approach. Another is the photo of the chairman of the New York Stock Exchange meeting with one of the kingpins of the Colombia cocaine trade. I did my on-site project in TV news production visiting and observing the day's production of an ABC-TV newscast during the Vietnam war (I assume you all know the roots of ABC-TV News, Capital Cities, and one Bill Casey -- Reagan's CIA director) and caught the quiet, surreptitious discussions between the producers and someone in Washington.

So I have taken (with quite uncertain results) the tactic of 'putting out there' the discussions, material, etc. that examines the CIA's infiltration of the media, the Bernaysian approach, and other ways in which the media have been 'exposed', as well as the psychology/neuroscience of the human mind, so that people can see how they have been fooled, and how they have easily accepted that which has been placed so quietly and secretly in front of them as 'fact'. The study of trauma, repetition, and re-programming of the mind also lends some clues. See the CIA's work on MK-Ultra et al. This also asks questions about the repeated showing of the Zapruder film clips (the film itself and what it purports to show a controversy in its own right), as well as the repeated viewings of the building collapses on 9/11.

But for many they do not want to see or face the challenges inherent in their seeing. Hence the discussion about "Eyes Wide Shut"?

There are none so blind as those who will not see.

Seeing becomes very upsetting to their lifestyle, their employment, their comfortable niche within the system that depends on their not seeing.
"Where is the intersection between the world's deep hunger and your deep gladness?"
Wednesday, May 27, 2009

Use Parody To Wake the Sleeping Masses

Because some people are too stubborn or too stuck in dysfunctional thinking patterns to hear the truth even when it hits them over the head, I suggest that we try a different approach: parody.

When a comic, like Stephen Colbert, does satire -- an exaggeration of what's being said -- it can wake us up, so that we can see the truth and laugh at how we've been acting. That can give us the freedom to stop doing the same dumb thing and to try something new.

So put satirical slogans on stickers, emails and freeway blogs to snap people out of their coma, like (by way of example only):
[INDENT]The Only Way to Get Money Into the Hand of the Little Guy is To Give It To the Biggest Corporations!

The Golden Rule Is To Torture Others, Right?

Don't Reign In the Financial Giants . . . They've Done A Great Job of Stabilizing the Economy!

Be Very Afraid, But Don't Ask Questions . . . The Government Will Protect You If You're Good Little Boys and Girls

Everything Is Fine With the Economy . . . and Santa Claus is Real

Detaining People Forever Without a Trial Is The Way To Protect Our System of Justice

Obama Appointed The People Who Got Us Into The Economic Crisis to the Top Economic Posts ... Because They Know What They're Doing

In Order to Protect Our American Values, We Have to Become Worse Than Our Enemies and Throw Away Our American Values

The Government is Giving Trillions of Our Taxpayer Dollars to Giant Corporations . . . But Only a Traitor Would Ask Where That Money is Going

The Government Lied About Iraq, The Government Lied To You About Torture The Government Would NEVER Lie To You

Torture Protects Us By Making the Whole World Love and Respect Us

Obama Is Bringing Change By Doing The Same Old Things

The 9/11 Commission Said the Government Lied About What Happened . . . They Must Be Conspiracy Theorists!

The Constitution is a Banned Document, Don't Read It

The Founding Fathers Were Terrorists, Don't Listen to Them
[/INDENT]Good luck waking people up . . . and have some fun doing it.

If you think of good parody statements, share it with others by posting a comment.
"Where is the intersection between the world's deep hunger and your deep gladness?"
Laugh :hahaha:
Humour is a great way to get a message across.
And a very warm welcome Ed!
"The philosophers have only interpreted the world, in various ways. The point, however, is to change it." Karl Marx

"He would, wouldn't he?" Mandy Rice-Davies. When asked in court whether she knew that Lord Astor had denied having sex with her.

“I think it would be a good idea” Ghandi, when asked about Western Civilisation.

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