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Speaking through the Internet lens about full-spectrum Assassinations.
Increasingly I am finding it difficult to explain the very different political environment of the JFK assassinations and the other 3 that lead to our current 2 Republican Parties.

Today, people younger than 40 cannot really remember what full spectrum media was like.

They cannot remember what a less niche marketed communications environment was like.

No, I do not mean that the old 3 TV network model was not controlled. But it was also very different, and JFK's use of television-- seen for example in his conversion of OSTENSIBLY marketed "conservatives" in his September 1963 Western "Conservation Tour" showed the crowners of the coagulation of Machine pols, who wheeled and dealt via folks like Joe Alsop in Los Angeles, 1960-- that one of those old half-machine half something new pols was off their reservation, and talking sideways past their newspapered demarkations. That made him dangerous. Full spectrum.

That danger may have brought us the internet.

These differences in mediums must be brought to the fore in explaining why the elites perceived JFK as such a threat. The prison of today's inter netted spectrum will then be discernible.
I find this very interesting albeit a bit difficult to decipher Nathan....

I hope you were looking for a discussion.

War, Drugs, Oil, Food & Water - ownership of the toll gates to these items has been and will always be the most profitable of enterprises.

JFK was intent on removing these toll gates in favor of a more peaceful and more productive world.
He was killed because he favored PEACE over a constant state of fear.

I disagree that we have 2 Rep parties at this point. The supreme lack of care for humanity and progress shown by the republicans is simply not matched by the democrats.
While Dems what bigger government for many reasons, Repubs seem to want government to line their pockets and act as a conduit to assist their multinationals gain footholds whereever it wants.

At the end of the day... whichever party control Congress ultimately controls the levers of progress - and we see vast differences in the results of these two different parties.

Regarding the medium

The Assassination Conspiracy message is too hard to comprehend by design... imho.

I hope I am on the same page... seems to me that as a group, we make it more complicated than it need be.

A picture is worth a thousand words... can be sent all over the world via the internet and makes counterpoint that much more difficult to defend.

A bullet cannot go in where it did traveling downward and emerge higher than when it entered... end of story.


The FBI cannot create a scale model with every detail and specific sources... and come to this conclusion without an explanation of the source for the placement of that last shot.
THIS model explains what the witnesses saw down to Altgens and Hudson's placement of that last shot.... and destroys the SBT. (WCD298) This was not just some quick, off-hand remark that was misinterpreted...
but weeks of work to explain the situation without ever having to go to DP...

From Redlich to Rankin 3 months AFTER this model was created:
I should addthat the facts which we now have in our
possession (4/27/64),submitted to us in separate reports from the FBI and
SecretService, are totally incorrect and, if left uncorrected, will
present acompletely misleading picture.

FBI report referred to above:Onthe contrary, the data developed strongly
indicatesthat he acted on his own initiative or impulse with little
advanceplanning. Also, investigation has disclosed no evidence that
Oswald,while residing in Russia, was recruited by the Soviet intelligence
servicesor received any assignment or training from the intelligence
services.Further, investigation has developed no proof of any prior
contact or association between Oswald and hismurderer, Jack Leon Ruby.

All one need do is get it out there...


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Once in a while you get shown the light
in the strangest of places if you look at it right.....
R. Hunter
guess not
Once in a while you get shown the light
in the strangest of places if you look at it right.....
R. Hunter
David Josephs Wrote:guess not

Mr Josephs,
In the picture posted, when I look at the stills of the film taken from the Main St area(?) (I forget by whom), just behind the concrete wall, there appears to be an object that does not appear to me in the Mary Moorman photograph. Now I know that the distance and height changes the angle of the area near the unidentified background object, but I have never been able to comprehend what I see, and would appreciate another set, or sets, of eyes. In any event, I appreciate post #2 as it is well worth reading more than once.



LR Trotter Wrote:
David Josephs Wrote:guess not

Mr Josephs,
In the picture posted, when I look at the stills of the film taken from the Main St area(?) (I forget by whom), just behind the concrete wall, there appears to be an object that does not appear to me in the Mary Moorman photograph. Now I know that the distance and height changes the angle of the area near the unidentified background object, but I have never been able to comprehend what I see, and would appreciate another set, or sets, of eyes. In any event, I appreciate post #2 as it is well worth reading more than once.


That would be the NIX film... Bronson does not capture that area, Bond and Bell offer some views from closer to that angle - see below

I believe you are talking about either a train or a vehicle in the RR yard...
I also think some claim that a shooter was in the trunk of this vehicle....

Thanks for the kind words



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Once in a while you get shown the light
in the strangest of places if you look at it right.....
R. Hunter
Great illustration, exactly what I was interested in, Mr Josephs. Another subject that has long been of interest to me is the number of cameras/photographers in Dealey Plaza @ 12:30pm CST on 11/22/1963. Seems out of proportion to me. But, then again, I remember those times. Although, some 14 months earlier, I saw JFK in a motorcade that passed as close to me as it did the Newman Family in DP, and I did not see a single camera. However, like myself, most of the crowd in the area I was in was HS students. But, overhead was a small airplane pulling a banner that read "Enforce The Monroe Doctrine". I don't believe it was referring to the then late MM, but...I'm not sure.



LR Trotter Wrote:Great illustration, exactly what I was interested in, Mr Josephs. Another subject that has long been of interest to me is the number of cameras/photographers in Dealey Plaza @ 12:30pm CST on 11/22/1963. Seems out of proportion to me. But, then again, I remember those times. Although, some 14 months earlier, I saw JFK in a motorcade that passed as close to me as it did the Newman Family in DP, and I did not see a single camera. However, like myself, most of the crowd in the area I was in was HS students. But, overhead was a small airplane pulling a banner that read "Enforce The Monroe Doctrine". I don't believe it was referring to the then late MM, but...I'm not sure.


On Duncan's Forum in the Photo/Video section (,2.0.html) I believe there are a number of threads dedicated to spotting/identifying everyone with a camera.
This lists 500+ photos, who took them and what they are.... there are 78 different photographers/cameramen listed.

Wonder which of Marilyn's hemispheres it was referring to ?? ::rockon::
Once in a while you get shown the light
in the strangest of places if you look at it right.....
R. Hunter
David, when JFK used TV he was a 1) on a full spectrum medium that was capable of reaching voters directly in a new way, that had the potential to make the cake rethink the way it was sliced e.g. his Western tour of September, 1963 mentioned above.

2) saying something.

Today's Democrats are doing the 80% 20 split. 80 mute, 20% voting with the Republicans while not trying to stand out and SEEM that way.

It is that 80% mute 20 % OVERT complicity that really has amounted to 100% complicity with the corporate agenda for a very long time now.

One of the things that I have been (very badly) fighting for is the "RESPECT" for the political assassinations as, to some extent, a cause of the rightward movement of the Democratic party since 1963 and even more markedly after June 5th 1968. Now I understand that this analysis marks the rightward movement considerably earlier than most. This is because I regard the working class component of the Kenned-King 63-68 challenge as much more important than do our official typists. The Kennedy-King -Reuther coalition that was butchered by the state emphasized coalition above division of the old New Deal coalition. Rather than seeing the Civil Rights movement as its challenger it sought to some extent to add that to the coalition.

But this would make the cost of US labor too high for US industrialists, so they switched to finance capitalism by shooting any Democrat that punched in the right spot. The last real Democrat was Wellstone.

If we are to maintain a justified level of interest in the assassinations, we absolutely must maintain this long term narrative of the Democrats front and center in our analysis. The statistics back us up 100%. This analysis is the answer to the left-gatekeepers. They ALWAYS must be answered, for their poisonous lies are the only thing they say that travels across the spectrum and becomes the conventional wisdom.

JFK and RFK is the only thing in the world that Noam, Bill, and the NYT all agree on. That is screaming something. Our job is to spread it across the sky instead of in internet silos.
Nathaniel Heidenheimer Wrote:.........That is screaming something. Our job is to spread it across the sky instead of in internet silos.

Any honest person here knows that Nathaniel is correct and while there is value in shop talk on this and other forum for the cognoscenti, it reaches a rarefied audience and changes little to nothing - except in our own little close-knit world of researchers and those who follow it. The heavy lifting task is to bring this information in a understandable and credible way to the mainstream of American society and the World by cleverly thwarting/neutralizing/trumping/going around/pointing out/challenging the propaganda and propaganda machinery of the MSM and the society, at large - including the numbing/dumbing-down, the loss of care in the world, the fear, the willingness to just go along with whatever the hidden overlords say they should think, the loud voice of the Mainstream everything v the weak voice of the Truth [as most perceive it], the doubt invented and fed by the propaganda machinery, the numerous books and articles, films and videos, etc. that were produced knowing they were pushing a false story to cover the Truth, the inertia, the history books full of lies, the active suppression of the Truth - whether it be by destroying evidence, killing or threatening witnesses, destruction of/alteration of/withholding of documents, inserting false evidence/witnesses/documents/stories/theories, the endless drumbeat of lies upon lies in an attempt to be so 'loud' as to drown out anyone hearing the Truth....... Nathaniel has led a lonely battle for more warriors on the main websites and book reviews, etc. Get off your internet asses and listen to him....or we die the few with the truth - leaving the many with nothing but the propaganda and confusion as to why it doesn't seem to 'satisfy' their very real and natural doubts!:Idea:
"Let me issue and control a nation's money and I care not who writes the laws. - Mayer Rothschild
"Civil disobedience is not our problem. Our problem is civil obedience! People are obedient in the face of poverty, starvation, stupidity, war, and cruelty. Our problem is that grand thieves are running the country. That's our problem!" - Howard Zinn
"If there is no struggle there is no progress. Power concedes nothing without a demand. It never did and never will" - Frederick Douglass
Peter Lemkin Wrote:
Nathaniel Heidenheimer Wrote:.........That is screaming something. Our job is to spread it across the sky instead of in internet silos.

Any honest person here knows that Nathaniel is correct and while there is value in shop talk on this and other forum for the cognoscenti, it reaches a rarefied audience and changes little to nothing - except in our own little close-knit world of researchers and those who follow it. The heavy lifting task is to bring this information in a understandable and credible way to the mainstream of American society and the World by cleverly thwarting/neutralizing/trumping/going around/pointing out/challenging the propaganda and propaganda machinery of the MSM and the society, at large - including the numbing/dumbing-down, the loss of care in the world, the fear, the willingness to just go along with whatever the hidden overlords say they should think, the loud voice of the Mainstream everything v the weak voice of the Truth [as most perceive it], the doubt invented and fed by the propaganda machinery, the numerous books and articles, films and videos, etc. that were produced knowing they were pushing a false story to cover the Truth, the inertia, the history books full of lies, the active suppression of the Truth - whether it be by destroying evidence, killing or threatening witnesses, destruction of/alteration of/withholding of documents, inserting false evidence/witnesses/documents/stories/theories, the endless drumbeat of lies upon lies in an attempt to be so 'loud' as to drown out anyone hearing the Truth....... Nathaniel has led a lonely battle for more warriors on the main websites and book reviews, etc. Get off your internet asses and listen to him....or we die the few with the truth - leaving the many with nothing but the propaganda and confusion as to why it doesn't seem to 'satisfy' their very real and natural doubts!:Idea:

Pardon me for self promotion but there are 100's of millions of smart phone owners out there and a very large percentage of them are young people. I truly think that an app is the best way to reach these people. I have updated the JFK iPhone/iPad app 3 times since its release in July and will continue to do so regularly. Al Rossi is in the beta testing phase of the Android version. DPF is featured in the "Links" section and I would be happy to add anything to the app that you think needs to be there as well as correct anything you feel needs correcting. The app is back to 99 cents as will be the Android version (I'll post a link to that version as soon as it's live). Here once again is the link.

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