09-01-2014, 12:34 PM
Why should I be surprised? The Plod have a long history of muddying the waters. Note the family's statement that the Plod told the IPCC that Duggan originally shot at police officers, and that the compliant IPCC duly passed this disinformation (was he supposed to have shot them with a mobile phone?) to the media for circulation.
The words"stitch up" resound.
The words"stitch up" resound.
Quote:Duggan family decline to meet with Met chief after lawful killing verdict
Sir Bernard Hogan-Howe to meet community leaders from Tottenham as Duggan family vow to continue 'struggle'
- Matthew Weaver
- theguardian.com, Thursday 9 January 2014 10.15 GMT
Mark Duggan's aunt Carole told BBC radio 'we will just keep asking questions'. Photograph: Justin Tallis/AFP/Getty Images
The head of the Metropolitan police is to meet community leaders fromTottenham on Thursday after an inquest jury's verdict into a police marksman's killing of Mark Duggan sparked an angry reaction from his family and supporters.
But Duggan's family members have said they will not be attending the meeting with Bernard Hogan-Howe and that their struggle for justice will go on. Duggan's aunt, Carole, said the family was still in shock and turmoil following the verdict .
And she confirmed that they would be seeking a review of the inquest jury's decision. "We don't know how they reached the conclusion they did," she told BBC Radio 4's Today programme on Thursday.
She said the family did not want to see any more violence or demonstrations, after Duggan's death sparked the 2011 summer riots. But she added: "We will keep coming back with questions. The struggle will go on peacefully. But we will not give peace to the authorities until we get justice. We will just keep asking questions."
She was asked whether the slogan "no justice, no peace", which the family shouted after the verdict, meant they wanted to see more trouble. Carole Duggan insisted that was not the case.
She added: "There are also questions around the IPCC investigation in the beginning, which may have brought the jury to the verdict that they came to." On the evening of the shooting the Met wrongly told the IPCC that Duggan had fired at officers. The IPCC spread this misinformation to journalists.
Hogan-Howe said he accepted that the police needed to do "much more" to build the trust of black Londoners and said he was "open to ideas and advice".
Asked if the family would be attending the meeting, Carole Duggan said: "Not just yet. The family are still in shock right now about the results of yesterday. We are in turmoil, we don't know what's going to happen right now."
Hogan-Howe has agreed to a pilot project involving firearms officers wearing video cameras to record incidents such as the one in which Duggan was killed.
"We want to see if this is an effective way to record evidence and ensure public confidence," he said in statement on Wednesday night.
The move was welcomed by former Met commissioner Lord Blair. "If everything is on film then it becomes easier to understand what's happened," he told Today.
He added that video of the death of Lee Rigby showed the public that police officers have to react in "milliseconds".
Hogan-Howe welcomed the lawful killing verdict, but recognised the lingering anger and added: " I know that we have much work to do with black Londoners to build trust and confidence in the Metropolitan police."
The commissioner stressed that his armed officers' aim was to save lives but recognised the jury's verdict would not end the debate about the Duggan shooting: "We know that the arguments will continue about what happened in this case. So we appeal for a balanced debate about the risks to the public from gun-crime."
Assistant commissioner Mark Rowley, who was shouted down with cries of "scum" and "murderer" when he made a statement outside the Royal Courts of Justice following Wednesday's verdict, said he understood the family's anger.
Speaking on Today he said: "I can understand their grief and anguish, but 10 ordinary Londoners have looked at all the evidence over three months, rather than some of the nonsense that's been put on the internet over the last two and a half years, and their conclusion was that Mark Duggan was lawfully killed.
"The important thing for us is looking forward in terms of the confidence of Londoners in the local area, and our relations, particularly with the black community, and the commissioner is doing that today.
Rowley added: "We want to reassure Londoners that they can have confidence in our firearms policing and the way they tackle gun crime inLondon, as indeed the jury demonstrated they had yesterday.
"We are not here to pretend that relations with all sectors of the community are perfect in every regard, and that's why the commissioner wants to talk to the community leaders this morning."
He confirmed that from April the Met would be testing having firearms officers wear cameras. "We are committed to it, but there are some technical complexities over how we make it happen," he said.
He said the move should help speed up inquests into deaths at the hands of police. "We can get there much quicker if we have got it on video, so why wouldn't we?" he said.
Hackney North and Stoke Newington MP Diane Abbott said it was important to understand the "history to that bitterness and anger" due to the relationship between police and urban communities.
Speaking to ITV's Daybreak, she said: "People have to understand how unhappy some people are about this verdict and why they're unhappy, and it's because of the relationship between the police and some of the community in our urban areas.
"There's still a lot of concern about stop and search, and the fact that black youth and Muslim youth get stopped and searched far more than white youth and it bears no relationship to the actual criminality.
"We just have to understand that there's a history to that bitterness and anger and there's still work to do to build the community's confidence in the police.
"You can't deal with gun crime and gang crime in London unless you have the consent of the community and that's why these sorts of issues have to be dealt with very carefully," she said.
The shadow is a moral problem that challenges the whole ego-personality, for no one can become conscious of the shadow without considerable moral effort. To become conscious of it involves recognizing the dark aspects of the personality as present and real. This act is the essential condition for any kind of self-knowledge.
Carl Jung - Aion (1951). CW 9, Part II: P.14