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Reported Airspeed of Plane Into WTC Impossible - Must Have Been Drone or Lie!
This, below, is a little technical, but important to show that what we were told about the events of 9-11 were in every respect false.......

Equivalent Airspeed - EAS (this should drive the point home for anyone who hasn't yet grasped the significance of the data presented in the OP)
EAS is sea level airspeed. As a factoral expression of the equivalent dynamic pressures on an airframe at low vs. high altitude, because the air is so much thicker at sea level (2/3rds thicker than at 30,000 ft), there is an airspeed appropriately titled "Equivalent Airspeed" or EAS.
At higher altitudes, the air is thinner so the aircraft will need to go faster to match the amount of air hitting the airframe at low altitudes, in thick air, which is what allows the aircraft to achieve much higher speeds at higher altitude, and is taken advantage of to achieve a max cruising speed at 35,000 feet of almost 500 knots TAS.
Max cruising speed - Parameters: Screenshot
EAS is defined as:
EAS is the airspeed at sea level which produces the same dynamic pressure acting on the airframe as a True Airspeed at higher altitudes. It is used for determining aircraft performance, structural integrity.. .etc.
In other words, to be more specific, 510 knots at sea level (EAS) would produce the same dynamic pressure as 722 knots True Airspeed (TAS), at 22,000 feet.
For example, the Vmo/Mmo or max operating limit for a standard 767 is 360/0.86M, where the split (/) defines the difference between low vs. high altitude, measured in knots for the Vmo below 17,854 feet, and as a mach # at and above 23,000 ft or 360knots/.86m.
See this screenshot for Vmo/Mmo to understand with perfect clarify how EAS fits into this picture
To clarify still further let's take a look at EAS in relation to the Max cruising speed of .86M at 35,000 feet, whereby the EAS (near sea level equivalent airspeed) is 275 knots and KCAS (knots calibrated airspeed) is 294 knots. Closer to sea level, EAS, CAS and TAS become increasingly closer together, but at higher elevations, beyond 23,000 ft, the TAS as an expression of the same TAS at the lower altitude, now EAS, will be much higher allowing the plane to travel as high as 500knots as a max cruising speed at a cruising altitude of 35,000 feet (499 to be precise)
See- Parameters
Here is the caculator
Thus an EAS of 510 knots = 722 knots or Mach 1.19, at 22,000 feet, and at still higher altitude, 915 knots or 1.38 Mach, at 35,000 feet, and reaching Mach 1.39 at about 38,000 ft.
An unmodified 767-222 cannot do it, it's an utterly impossible airspeed unless the aircraft were seriously modified, and impossible to control and maneuver at such airspeed, particularly for an untrained pilot with limited training, and skill level, and zero airtime in the the genuine article. It's just not possible and it cannot be believed, not in light of the facts in evidence before us.
Again, 510 knots is the groundspeed claimed for "UA175", by radar.. (as an airspeed, with the groundspeed and windspeed vectors added together, because the wind was light heading N/W, it would be about 515 knots).
So, dearest reader, consider that those who believe a standard 767 can fly at 510 knots near sea level and remain stable/controllable, MUST also accept that the same airplane could fly in a controlled fashion, even in a dive,
  • at 722 knots at 22,000 feet... or Mach 1.19, and 915 knots at 35,000 feet...or Mach 1.38 heading for 1.39 at 38,000 ft.
It's absurd.
510 knots is NINETY knots over Vd of 420 (measured as KCAS), and 85 knots OVER 425, which is itself an equivalent airspeed at 22,000 feet of .99 Mach and 85 knots past the equivalent EAS for Mach 1.0. at an altitude of 23,000 feet and above. 425 EAS is the same speed, and altitude, at which a diving EgyptAir990's FDR stopped recording, while revealing the occurrence of structural damage taking place throughout it's entire ordeal, before losing finally losing an engine and plunging into the sea while flying apart. And that's 85-90 knots LESS than the airspeed of alleged "flight 175".
This is all totally fact checked, I'm not making this shit up, just trying to explain it so that it's clear to people what the true significance is of the data under analysis.
There is no precedent in the history of aviation, either before or after September 11th, 2001, for controlled flight without loss of structural integrity for this aircraft type (commercial airliner) occurring at such an airspeed, including those aircraft that entered into uncontrolled dives while suffering structural failure, whether they barely managed to land or not isn't the point, but instead that "flight 175" exceeded those dive speeds in perfect control and without suffering any structural failure at an airspeed of 85-100+ knots FASTER than those out-of-control diving, plummeting planes.
Therefore, the 'plane' was and must have been highly modified, including a hardened structure, along with more powerful engines, because, as per the Radar_Data_Impact_Speed_Study, the plane accelerated post-dive, in level flight, to retain an airspeed of just over 510 knots through to impact, as seen in the video, which itself would require engine performance more powerful by orders of magnitude (3-6 times greater) than that which could be achieved by standard engines, in near sea level air density.
Again the plane can fly just within it's flight envelop or Vmo/Mmo of .86m at 23,000 feet but that's 360 EAS as well as CAS (calibrated airspeed - which has replaced "indicated airspeed" or IAS in Jet Aircraft where TAS is CAS corrected for non-standard temp, and pressure). The Vd/Md limit, or outer flight envelope, is a very hard limit to within 5 knots, because again, at 425 knots (EAS) we're looking at .99M at 22,000 ft alt. So it makes sense as an airspeed limitation once this is clearly understood.
"Let me issue and control a nation's money and I care not who writes the laws. - Mayer Rothschild
"Civil disobedience is not our problem. Our problem is civil obedience! People are obedient in the face of poverty, starvation, stupidity, war, and cruelty. Our problem is that grand thieves are running the country. That's our problem!" - Howard Zinn
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