Prior to the 50th anniversary there was discussion on these and other forums about getting our message out... which in turn got muddied by a true lack of agreed upon and defined objectives.
We all, it seems, have our own idea of an agenda that would further our cause... while my question remained - to what end?
What is our "message"... ? that the world is full of corruption and greed that runs rampant, that infests every society of humans on the planet whether there is awareness of not?
Smart people get that and the others prefer to keep their heads down, grazing. They don't want to take the blue pill and learn the TRUTHS of existence as a human.
Even for those that choose to learn the truths, this can lead to a whole host of results from mental illness to vocal activist...
Throughout history we see that certain evils can be changed... in one form - like the slavery of the south - yet exists and florishes in different forms... the trafficking of humans for prostitution is one example.
I am sure we do not fool ourselves into believing that the abolishment of one changes the mindset of a class of humans who feel it their divine right to subjugate others for their profit.
In the midst of our nation condeming Mr Putin for doing on his borders what we as a country has done to nations all around the world - the hypocrisy drips...
Last night on Pierce Morgan he asked that question specifically... the man answering said not a word on the subject and Pierce simply moved on...
I can image that voice in his earplug saying, "Pierce, move on... you can't bash the US like that"
Colin Powell stood before the world and lied about the situation in Iraq to justify the invasion of a sovereign nation cause they MIGHT do something to us, 8000 miles away, at some later point in time.
Or at least that's what was said and sold to the US/UK/NATO alliances... until one reads the Iraqi Oil Act/Law of 2007, the Patriot Act and the Homeland Security Act... just for starters.
WHAT is our message?
We now know many of the mechanics involved...
will widespread knowledge of these players change anything... does knowing who the plumbers were change anything about why Watergate break-in was really planned and what it really accomplished and by whom?
Does knowing, and even making a movie about the lies of the Bush administration related to the Iraq invasion, change the way we've dealt with that region?
We now know many of the Facilitators and the diverse reasons behind their actions
The names roll off our tongues... Angleton, Goodpasture, Hunt, Helms, Phillips, Scott, Morales... and on and on... and yet we still are not sure who was KGB, or Nazis, or power-corrupt Americans doing the job of "protecting" their nation at any cost.
"Members of the US government's intelligence services were instrumental in the assassination of JFK" - there is virtually no denying this now...
Thanks, says the masses - but excuse me, Family Feud is on.....
Thanks, says the media - but we have stockholders to account to, and owners who can tell the 4th estate what to say and not say - while we make sure the truth is buried within 10 billion web pages and among so much fantasy that it appears too paranoid for consumption.
Thanks, says honest, hardworking government employees in all branches of government, military and security... - but I just work here.
We've done patheticaly little to further discussion on the Sponsor...
And for very good reason - dedicating one's life to the exposure of these plans and entities enabled the killing of the most powerful, most protected, most important free man on the planet...
Talking about it amongst ourselves is not the same as exposing it... These forums are filled with some of the most vile acts of human depravity we can ever know, while that double edged sword - HOPE - keeps us in the fight.
Kill a virus, another takes it place - usually stronger and more resilient... it LEARNS how to survive more effectively... just as humans at the top of the food chain have developed their strengths and defenses over 5000+ years of evolution.
An entire democracy was fooled into believing that the Bush virus was replaced by a non-virus... yet we come to find that not to be the case, at all.
So who owns all this debt?
The $1,316,700,000,000 in U.S. Treasury securities that entities in mainland China owned as of the end of November set a record for China, but it was still $846,966,000,000 less than the $
2,163,666,000,000 in U.S. Treasury securities the Federal Reserve owned as of Nov. 27, according the Fed's weekly balance sheets. breaks down this enormous debt owned by FOREIGN countries and is only 1/3 of the total.
Now why does all this matter?
Because sadly, in the scheme of things, the JFK assassiantion is but a blip of history that took the Sponsor from the shadows to the forefront.
While at the same time his presence during these terrible years kept the world from total destruction...
IQ: If Nixon was president and the decision was to go after Cuba and Russia with First Strikes... what do you suppose the position of these SPONSORS would have been?
Do you honestly believe that those on the NSA and CFR wanted thermo-nuclear war? and if they ARE indeed as powerful as we suspect, would they not do all in their power to avert such a war by keeping things "conventional"
In my mind, the answer to that will always be YES... The SPONSOR model/plan falls apart with complete destruction... their TRILLIONS do not get paid back in perpetuity.
So why kill the one man who helped insure the continuance of their SPONSOR model ??
Th answer to me is as I dig deeper into the philosphies of humankind is... they didn't.
SPONSORS are focused on POWER via their WEALTH/OWNERSHIP of the debt currencies of nations... allowing in turn the profitization of the hearts and minds of the masses.
Virtually every action in history, regardless of governmental structure, can be traced to this singlular goal... and the understanding that the altruistic attempt to unify the world under a ONE WORLD GOVERNMENT for the benefit and safety of nations and people, is a charade. This RESULT is the LAST thing the Sponsor level would desire... it is the process of conflict and resistence to this ORDER which continues to put the gold in their pockets.
As intellectuals and scholars we form our own entitiy and congregate here to put forth our views on actions the SPONSORS simply capitalized upon... If indeed a "Star Chamber" type entity banged a gavel on JFK's life... I doubt we can ever know that as we know that Humes reverse engineered the wounds to hide the grisly realities of what was done... and there seems to me, very little we can do to change that...
So what CAN we do? (and thank you for bearing with me)
Can we create a better informed masses? is THAT the goal here?
Can we bring people to justice - as if justice in the JFK case, given its magnitude, is even possible?
The first step in any Business plan or organizational direction is a MISSION STATEMENT...
What are we here to do?
I spent years as a consultant, business owner and employee in/to small, mid-size and large organziations. I must tell you that the greatest problem facing each of these entities was the misalignment of Business Objectives to the day to day activities/decisions of the Management and staff of each entity.
The old joke is: Airline captain gets on the intercom... "Ladies and Gentlemen I have good news and bad news... Good news, we are making amazing time - the circumstances are allowing us to move at speeds we never thought possible. the Bad? We're lost, I have no idea where we are or where we're going."
Before we spend any more time on TACTICS... we must first agree on a MISSION Statement which in turn helps the organization to define: 1) the Objective, 2)Strategies which can achieve that Objective, 3)Tactics which align with the Strategies, & 4)Activites that only support the Tactics... the most important and most neglected piece of this equation
KNOWING that Activites which are not in line with the Tactics, and in turn the Strategies, will NOT accomplish the Objective - and are purely a waste of time... if indeed the Objective is sound and agreed upon by whatever entity undertaking its accomplishment... moving effectively and efficiently in the wrong direction is an oxymoron.
Objectives are based on the MISSION STATEMENT of the entity... the enjoyment of the discourse here, the friends made, the collaboration, the end products are all wonderful by-products of our individual activies which are defined by our personal objectives... yet I fail to see a true unifying force... a true MISSION STATMENT of the JFK-Truth community... Jesse Ventura lumps JFK in with the Lochness Monster... Fetzer with the most far-out ideas (some of which are more true than we like to accept) Marrs who has written spectacular books on the debt, the 4th reich and other underbelly topics.... and that only scratches the surface...
Googling Mission Statement will flood you with links...
Mission Statement (What You Do): A one-sentence statement describing the reason an organization or program exists and used to help guide decisions about priorities, actions, and responsibilities.
The Mission statement should be about three sentences long and touches upon these key points.
- Who we are
- What we do
- What we stand for
- Why we do it
It is concise and most importantly, quantifiable. IOW, how do we know that our day-to-day actions are directly related to the accomplishment of the Mission?
The DPF may have one of its own... "To be the premier location on the web for the ongoing exchange of information related to the political and socio-economic issues of our day"... for example
As you can see, that does not accomplish the Objective of informing the masses about the truths of the JFK assassination... if indeed THAT is what Nathaniel so passionately eludes to, and we inturn all agree to do.
CTKA has its own Mission... and on and on to each and every person or entity that exists... we may not verbalize it or put it on a plaque in the lobby... but it guides the majority of our activities.
A common misconception of the role of a consultant in this area is that they are brought in to write the Mission statement FOR the entity... nothing could be farther from the truth.
I am a COACH. I ask the right questions and try to steer my clients to THEIR truths.
In this case I can act as both consultant and Client... whether it can be done via its own thread, right here, or in some other manner... IDK.
But we can sure give it a try... for as bleak as the world situation may be... HOPE for improvement and a desire to - as the new commercial says "Write our own chapter" gets me up in the morning and smiles at the sunshine.
If you've read this far, thanks for hearing me out and bearing with me...
Now it becomes OUR task, OUR responsibility to either band together and create an entity dedicated to a common Objective... or not.
Analysis of our "market" and how it can best be approached comes afterward... but it cannot even begin until we are all flying in the same and mutually agreed upon "correct" direction...